The history of science and its development process in Islam is not a mere message of religious doctrine, but it has really manifested itself in the stages of the history of science. As a historical fact, Islamic sciences have grown and developed by several factors, either it’s directly related to intellectual Muslim development, or to social factors, political and cultural situations which existed at that time. The spirit of science development has been ongoing continuously from one generation to another. Numbers of research, experiment, discovery, and the development of methodology of science are continuously conducted and developed by Muslims. In the history of Islam, scientific work has fluctuated. Starting from the exploration of the roots of science, this article tries to explain the position and the systematization of knowledge in Islamic literatures. This work also proves that the rise and development of science in Islam, cannot be separated from various educational institutional roles, such as maktabah, kuttâb, h}alaqah, observatories, hospitals and clinics, Dâr al-Hikmah, Dâr al-’Ilm, and madrasah. Therefore, the development of science in the Islamic world is not only beneficial for Muslims, but also for the entire human race. It is proved that even the renaissance in the Western world took many of its success from Islamic civilization since the 14th century AD.

Published by Universitas Darussalam Gontor
Journal Name TSAQAFAH
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Contact Name Muhammad Nugraha
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Location Kab. ponorogo, Jawa timur INDONESIA
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ISSN ISSN : 14110334, EISSN : 24600008, DOI : -,
Core Subject Economy, Education, Social,
Meta Subject Economics, Econometrics & Finance, Education, Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Social Sciences,
Meta DescTSAQAFAH (pISSN: 1411-0334 | eISSN: 2460-0008) is journal of Islamic civilization published by University of Darussalam Gontor. It is semiannual journal published in May and November for the developing the scientific ethos. Editors accept scientific articles and result of research in accordance with its nature as a journal of Islamic Civilization, such as: Islamic Philosophy, Islam and Contemporary Issues, Religious Studies, Islamic Science, Islamic Economics, Islamic education, Qur’anic Studies, Islamic Law, and Islamic Ethics
PenulisShobahussurur, Shobahussurur
Publisher ArticleUniversitas Darussalam Gontor
Subtitle Article TSAQAFAH Vol 11, No 1 (2015): Islamic Civilization
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DOI Number DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v11i1.255
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