Pada makalah ini dijelaskan tentang  model matematika untuk penyebaran flu burung pada manusia dan unggas domestik dengan faktor  imigrasi dan vaksinasi. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana penurunan model , bagaimana menentukan titik ekuilibrium dan analisis kestabilan, bagaimana simulasi model pada penyebaran flu burung pada manusia dan unggas domestik dengan faktor imigrasi dan vaksinasi menggunakan Maple 13. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis masalah adalah dengan studi pustaka. Dari model tersebut diperoleh dua titik ekuilibrium yaitu titik ekuilibrium…

This study aim stodetermine the effect ofservice quality dimensions as seen from five dimensionsofphysical evidence/tangible, durability/reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathytowards Bus Rapid Transit passengers. Inthis study, data were collectedby using question naireto 96 respondents, which aims to determine the response of the respondents toeachvariable.The analysis which is used,includevalidity test, reliability test,classic assumptions test(multicollinearity, normality, heteroscedasticity), multiple linear regression analysis, goodnessof fittest (F test, ttest, the coefficien…

Good corporate governance is one of concepts which becomes solution for the deterioration of employee performance in Indonesia. The contributions such as participation, transparency, responsbility, and fairness are essential factors which affect employee performance. The good organizational commitment could be used as the measurement for the implementation of proper good corporate governance. The objective of this study is to know the impact of good coporate governance and employee performance which is moderated by organizational commitment in State Hospital of Konawe Regency. The population w…

Human resources is a very important factor as a driver in the face of global current era. The competitiveness of an organization depends on human resources owned. Particularly associated with either organization and organizational commitment of teacher performance. This study aims to analyze the performance of the teachers SMK Negeri I Bawen Semarang District. Variables used in this study is to use a variable of transformational leadership and work ethic of Islam. Transformational leadership and the Islamic work ethic serves as the independent variable in analyzing the performance of teachers …

Management accounting information plays in helping to predict the possible consequences of various alternative actions can be performed on a variety of activities such as planning, controlling and decision making. The existence of management accounting information will also enhance the ability of managers to understand the state of the environment and work well inidentifying the relevant activity. The purpose of this study was to examine the Environmental Uncertainty and Decentralization Of Relationship Characteristics of Accounting Information and Managerial Performance. This study is an empi…

In the competitive telecomunication industry, brand loyalty has become an important issue. Strong brand and marketing activity are becoming one of the critical levers for company’s differentiation and successed. The aim of this study is to find the impact of rebranding and rational appeals on brand loyalty development while using brand image as mediator in Indosat Ooredoo. The sample consist of 100 respondent as Indosat Ooredoo consumer who live in Semarang. Through a structured questionnaire data were collected and with the help of SPSS, analysis was made. The results reveal that ratio…

Global fenomena has condition a business activities must be manage more proffesional andinvolve the stakeholders. The traditional market as a public service have many competitiveat the future, like mini market and modern market. This study was designed to investigatepossibility of traditional market management to be region company especially on market institutionin Semarang municipality. The concept based on to revitalization of traditional marketmanagement to be health market. The population on this study are the buyers, the sellers,the communities, the assosiation of seller, and market coord…

This research aims to learn the effect of the values of the quick ratio, turnover asset, return on aset, and inventory turnover toward net profit before taxes in the food and beverage indusry in Jakarta Stock Exchange (Indonesia) in 2012 - 2013. The approach used is qualitative approach with multiple regression. Based on the analysis described previously, it can be concluded that from the independent variable of turnoverasset, retunt on assets and inventory turnover partially have positive and significant impact on Ebit of Profit. this proves the previous studies that management of assets and …

The purpose of economic development is to improve public welfare. Many factors influenceeconomic growth, including sustainable development. This study is aimed to analyze the impactof capital expenditure and private investment on economic growth of the regency/municipalduring the period of 2010-2015 as well as the impact of economic growth on public welfareproxied by the human development index figures. Using WarpPLS, used purposive samplingmethode, testing is done for the 415 autonomous regional and 93 autonomous municipalsin Indonesia using time series data 2010-015. The results of this stud…

This study attempts to know whether physical surrounding , social surrounding , and salespromotion impact on impulse buying , exhibit visitors held in citraland mall .Population in thisresearch is visitors exhibition .Samples to be taken as many as 100 respondents with using atechnique explanory sample , using multiple regression technique .This research result indicatesthat physical surrounding have a positive influence to sales promotion .Social surrounding havea positive influence to sales promotion .Physical surrounding have a positive influence to impulsebuying .Social surrounding have a …

Trust, Ease, Risk Perception and Buying Interest Consumers are one of the factors that areexpected to improve Buying Service Decision Go-Jek online transportation in Semarang City.The formulation of the problem in this research is to know how the influence of trust, easeand perception of risk to purchasing decision of Go-Jek service in Semarang City, throughconsumer buying interest as intervening variable. The purpose of this study was to analyze theinfluence of trust, convenience, and risk perception of purchasing decision through consumerbuying interest as intervening variable. The populatio…


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