Situs Warisan Dunia menurut negara

Situs Warisan Dunia menurut negara sampai dengan Januari 2024

Sampai dengan Januari 2024, terdapat total 1.199 Situs Warisan Dunia yang berlokasi di 168 negara, dengan 933 di antaranya merupakan budaya, 227 merupakan alam, dan 39 merupakan jenis campuran.[1] Negara-negara tersebut telah dibagi oleh Komite Warisan Dunia menjadi lima zona geografis: Afrika, negara-negara Arab, Asia dan Pasifik, Eropa dan Amerika Utara, dan Amerika Latin dan Karibia. Dengan 59 wilayah terpilih, Italia merupakan negara dengan situs terbanyak; disusul Tiongkok dengan 57, lalu Prancis dan Jerman masing-masing 52.[2]

Dari 195 negara anggota Konvensi Warisan Dunia, 27 negara tidak memiliki properti yang terdaftar dalam Daftar Warisan Dunia: Bahama, Bhutan, Brunei, Burundi, Komoro, Kepulauan Cook, Djibouti, Guinea Khatulistiwa, Swaziland, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Kuwait, Liberia, Maladewa, Monako, Niue, Saint Vincent dan Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tome dan Principe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan Selatan, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Trinidad dan Tobago, dan Tuvalu.

Hanya dua negara anggota PBB yang bukan negara anggota pada Konvensi Warisan Dunia: Liechtenstein dan Nauru.

Daftar negara dengan Situs Warisan Dunia

Negara Situs budaya Situs alam Situs campuran Total situs Situs bersama[3] Region UNESCO[4]
Afganistan Afghanistan 2 2 Asia dan Pasifik
Albania Albania 2 1[note 1] 1[note 2] 4 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Aljazair Aljazair 6 1 7 Negara-negara Arab
Andorra Andorra 1 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Angola Angola 1 1 Afrika
Antigua dan Barbuda Antigua dan Barbuda 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Argentina Argentina 7[note 3][note 4][note 5] 5 12 3 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Armenia Armenia 3 3 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Australia Australia 4 12 4 20 Asia dan Pasifik
Austria Austria 11[note 6][note 7][note 8] 1[note 1] 12 5 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 4 1 5 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Bahrain Bahrain 3 3 Negara-negara Arab
Bangladesh Bangladesh 2 1 3 Asia dan Pasifik
Barbados Barbados 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Belarus Belarus 3[note 9] 1[note 10] 4 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Belgia Belgia 15[note 11][note 4] 1[note 1] 16 6 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Belize Belize 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Benin Benin 2 1[note 12] 3 2 Afrika
Bolivia Bolivia 6[note 5] 1 7 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Bosnia dan Herzegovina Bosnia dan Herzegovina 3[note 13] 1[note 1] 4 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Botswana Botswana 1 1 2 Afrika
Brasil Brasil 15[note 3] 7 1 23 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Bulgaria Bulgaria 7 3[note 1] 10 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 2 1[note 12] 3 1 Afrika
Kamboja Kamboja 4 4 Asia dan Pasifik
Kamerun Kamerun 2[note 14] 2 1 Afrika
Kanada Kanada 10 11[note 15] 1 22 2 Europa dan Amerika Utara
Tanjung Verde Tanjung Verde 1 1 Afrika
Afrika Tengah Republik Afrika Tengah 2[note 14] 2 1 Afrika
Chad Chad 1 1 2 Afrika
Chili Chili 7[note 5] 7 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Tiongkok Tiongkok 39[note 16] 14 4 57 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Kolombia Kolombia 6[note 5] 2 1 9 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Kosta Rika Kosta Rika 1 3[note 17] 4 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Pantai Gading Pantai Gading 2 3[note 18] 5 1 Afrika
Kroasia Kroasia 8[note 13] 2[note 1] 10 3 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Kuba Kuba 7 2 9 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Siprus Cyprus 3 3 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Ceko Republik Ceko 16[note 19] 1[note 1] 17 3 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Republik Demokratik Kongo Republik Demokratik Kongo 5 5 Afrika
Denmark Denmark 8 3 11 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Dominika Dominika 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Republik Dominika Republik Dominika 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Ekuador Ekuador 3[note 5] 2 5 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Mesir Mesir 6 1 7 Negara-negara Arab
El Salvador El Salvador 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Eritrea Eritrea 1 1 Afrika
Estonia Estonia 2[note 9] 2 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Etiopia Etiopia 9 2 11 Afrika
Fiji Fiji 1 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Finlandia Finlandia 6[note 9] 1[note 20] 7 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Prancis Prancis 44[note 11][note 4][note 7][note 21] 7[note 1][note 22][note 23][note 24] 1[note 25] 52 6 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Gabon Gabon 1 1 2 Afrika
Gambia Gambia 2[note 26] 2 1 Afrika
Georgia Georgia 3 1 4 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Jerman Jerman 49[note 27][note 28][note 29]
[note 4][note 7][note 19][note 8]
3[note 1][note 30] 52 9 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Ghana Ghana 2 2 Afrika
Yunani Yunani 17 2 19 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Guatemala Guatemala 3 1 4 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Guinea Guinea 1[note 18] 1 1 Afrika
Haiti Haiti 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Honduras Honduras 1 1 2 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Hungaria Hungaria 7[note 6] 1[note 31] 8 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Islandia Eslandia 1 2 3 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
India India 34 7 1 42 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Indonesia Indonesia 6 4 10 Asia dan Pasifik
Iran Iran 25 2 27 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Irak Irak 5 1 6 Negara-negara Arab
Republik Irlandia Irlandia 2 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Israel Israel 9 9 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Italia Italia 53[note 32][note 33][note 7] 6[note 1][note 34] 59 7 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Jamaika Jamaika 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Jepang Jepang 19[note 4] 6 25 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Yerusalem (diusulkan Yordania) 1 1 Negara-negara Arab[note 35][5][6]
Yordania Yordania 5 1 6 Negara-negara Arab
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 3[note 16] 3[note 36] 6 3 Asia dan Pasifik
Kenya Kenya 4 3 7 Afrika
Kiribati Kiribati 1 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Kirgizstan Kyrgyzstan 2[note 16] 1[note 36] 3 2 Asia dan Pasifik
Laos Laos 3 3 Asia dan Pasifik
Latvia Latvia 3[note 9] 3 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Lebanon Lebanon 6 6 Negara-negara Arab
Lesotho Lesotho 1[note 37] 1 1 Afrika
Libya Libya 5 5 Negara-negara Arab
Lituania Lithuania 5[note 9][note 38] 5 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Luksemburg Luksemburg 1 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Madagaskar Madagaskar 1 2 3 Afrika
Malawi Malawi 1 1 2 Afrika
Malaysia Malaysia 2 2 4 Asia dan Pasifik
Mali Mali 3 1 4 Afrika
Malta Malta 3 3 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Kepulauan Marshall Kepulauan Marshall 1 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Mauritania Mauritania 1 1 2 Negara-negara Arab
Mauritius Mauritius 2 2 Afrika
Meksiko Meksiko 27 6 2 35 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Moldova Moldova 1[note 9] 1 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Federasi Mikronesia Mikronesia 1 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Mongolia Mongolia 4 2[note 39] 6 2 Asia dan Pasifik
Montenegro Montenegro 3 1 4 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Maroko Maroko 9 9 Negara-negara Arab
Mozambik Mozambik 1 1 Afrika
Myanmar Myanmar 2 2 Asia dan Pasifik
Namibia Namibia 1 1 2 Afrika
Nepal Nepal 2[note 40] 2 4 Asia dan Pasifik
Belanda Belanda 12 1[note 30] 13 3 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Selandia Baru Selandia Baru 2 1 3 Asia dan Pasifik
Nikaragua Nikaragua 2 2 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Niger Niger 1 2[note 12] 3 1 Afrika
Nigeria Nigeria 2 2 Afrika
Korea Utara Korea Utara 2 2 Asia dan Pasifik
Makedonia Utara Makedonia Utara 1[note 1] 1[note 2] 2 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Norwegia Norwegia 7[note 9] 1 8 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Oman Oman 5 [note 41] 5 Negara-negara Arab
Pakistan Pakistan 6 6 Asia dan Pasifik
Palau Palau 1 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Negara Palestina Palestina 4 4 Negara-negara Arab
Panama Panama 2 3[note 17] 5 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Papua Nugini Papua Nugini 1 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Paraguay Paraguay 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Peru Peru 9[note 5] 2 2 13 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Filipina Filipina 3 3 6 Asia dan Pasifik
Polandia Polandia 15[note 42][note 28] 2[note 1][note 10] 17 4 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Portugal Portugal 16[note 43] 1 17 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Qatar Qatar 1 1 Negara-negara Arab
Republik Kongo Republik Kongo 2[note 14] 2 1 Afrika
Rumania Rumania 7 2[note 1] 9 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Rusia Rusia 20[note 9][note 38] 11[note 39] 31 4 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Rwanda Rwanda 1 1 2 Afrika
Saint Kitts dan Nevis Saint Kitts dan Nevis 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Saint Lucia Saint Lucia 1 1 Amerika Latin & Karibia
San Marino San Marino 1 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Arab Saudi Arab Saudi 6 1 7 Negara-negara Arab
Senegal Senegal 5[note 26] 2 7 1 Afrika
Serbia Serbia 5[note 13] 5 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Seychelles Seychelles 2 2 Afrika
Singapura Singapura 1 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Slowakia Slowakia 6[note 8] 2[note 1][note 31] 8 3 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Slovenia Slovenia 3[note 44][note 7] 2[note 1] 5 3 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Kepulauan Solomon Kepulauan Solomon 1 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Afrika Selatan Afrika Selatan 5 4 1[note 37] 10 1 Afrika
Korea Selatan Korea Selatan 14 2 16 Asia dan Pasifik
Spanyol Spanyol 44[note 43][note 44] 4[note 1] 2[note 25] 50 4 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 6 2 8 Asia dan Pasifik
Sudan Sudan 2 1 3 Negara-negara Arab
Suriname Suriname 2 1 3 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Swedia Swedia 13[note 9] 1[note 20] 1 15 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Swiss Swiss 9[note 33][note 4][note 7] 4[note 1][note 34] 13 5 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Suriah Suriah 6 6 Negara-negara Arab
Tajikistan Tajikistan 2 2 4 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Tanzania Tanzania 3 3 1 7 Afrika
Thailand Thailand 4 3 7 Asia dan Pasifik
Togo Togo 1 1 1 Afrika
Tunisia Tunisia 8 1 9 Negara-negara Arab
Turki Turki 19 2 21 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan 4 1 5 2 Asia dan Pasifik
Uganda Uganda 1 2 3 Afrika
Ukraina Ukraina 7[note 9][note 42] 1[note 1] 8 3 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Uni Emirat Arab Uni Emirat Arab 1 1 Negara-negara Arab
Britania Raya Britania Raya 28[note 27] 4 1 33 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat 12 12[note 15] 1 25 2 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Uruguay Uruguay 3 3 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 5 2[note 36] 7 3 Asia dan Pasifik
Vanuatu Vanuatu 1 1 Asia dan Pasifik
Vatikan Kota Vatikan 2[note 32] 2 1 Eropa dan Amerika Utara
Venezuela Venezuela 2 1 3 Amerika Latin & Karibia
Vietnam Vietnam 5 2 1 8 Asia dan Pasifik
Yaman Yemen 4 1 5 Negara-negara Arab
Zambia Zambia 1[note 45] 1 1 Afrika
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 3 2[note 45] 5 1 Afrika
Total 933 227 39 1.199 48 168 negara anggota

Negara-negara dengan konsentrasi besar Situs Warisan Dunia

Ikhtisar ini mencantumkan 34 negara dengan 10 atau lebih Situs Warisan Dunia:

Lihat pula


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r The natural site Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe is shared between Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine.
  2. ^ a b The mixed site Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region is shared between Albania and North Macedonia.
  3. ^ a b The cultural site Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis: San Ignacio Mini, Santa Ana, Nuestra Señora de Loreto and Santa Maria Mayor (Argentina), Ruins of Sao Miguel das Missoes (Brazil) is shared between Argentina and Brazil.
  4. ^ a b c d e f The cultural site The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement is shared between Argentina, Belgium, France, Germany, India, Japan, and Switzerland.
  5. ^ a b c d e f The cultural site Qhapaq Ñan, Andean Road System is shared between Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru.
  6. ^ a b The cultural site Fertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape is shared between Austria and Hungary.
  7. ^ a b c d e f The cultural site Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps is shared between Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland.
  8. ^ a b c The cultural site Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Danube Limes (Western Segment) is shared between Austria, Germany and Slovakia.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j The cultural site Struve Geodetic Arc is shared among Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Moldova, Russia, Sweden, and Ukraine.
  10. ^ a b The natural site Belovezhskaya Pushcha / Białowieża Forest is shared between Belarus and Poland.
  11. ^ a b The cultural site Belfries of Belgium and France is shared between Belgium and France.
  12. ^ a b c The natural site W-Arly-Pendjari Complex is shared between Benin, Burkina Faso, and Niger.
  13. ^ a b c The cultural site Stecci : Medivial Tombstones is shared between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia.
  14. ^ a b c The natural site Sangha Trinational is shared between Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo( The Republic of).
  15. ^ a b The natural sites Kluane / Wrangell-St Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek and Waterton Glacier International Peace Park are shared between Canada and the United States.
  16. ^ a b c The cultural site Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor is shared between China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.
  17. ^ a b The natural site Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park is shared between Costa Rica and Panama.
  18. ^ a b The natural site Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve is shared between Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea.
  19. ^ a b The cultural site Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region is shared between Germany and the Czech Republic.
  20. ^ a b The natural site High Coast / Kvarken Archipelago is shared between Finland and Sweden.
  21. ^ The cultural site Taputapuatea is located in the French Polynesia.
  22. ^ The natural site French Austral Lands and Seas is located in the Indian Ocean.
  23. ^ The natural site Lagoons of New Caledonia: Reef Diversity and Associated Ecosystems is located in New Caledonia.
  24. ^ The natural site Pitons, cirques and remparts of Reunion Island is located in the Réunion.
  25. ^ a b The mixed site Pyrénées – Mont Perdu is shared between France and Spain.
  26. ^ a b The cultural site Stone Circles of Senegambia is shared between Gambia and Senegal.
  27. ^ a b The cultural site Frontiers of the Roman Empire is shared between Germany and the United Kingdom.
  28. ^ a b The cultural site Muskauer Park / Park Mużakowski is shared between Germany and Poland.
  29. ^ In addition, the former cultural site Dresden Elbe Valley has been delisted.
  30. ^ a b The natural site The Wadden Sea is shared between Germany and the Netherlands.
  31. ^ a b The natural site Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst is shared between Hungary and Slovakia.
  32. ^ a b The cultural site Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura is shared between the Holy See and Italy.
  33. ^ a b The cultural site Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Landscapes is shared between Italy and Switzerland.
  34. ^ a b The natural site Monte San Giorgio is shared between Italy and Switzerland.
  35. ^ "Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls" is listed separately, without State Party, owing to the unresolved nature of its status. For purposes of convenience, it is listed in the "Arab States" UNESCO region, without inference as to it legal or political status therein.
  36. ^ a b c The natural site Western Tien-Shan is shared between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan.
  37. ^ a b The mixed site Maloti-Drakensberg Park is shared between Lesotho and South Africa.
  38. ^ a b The cultural site Curonian Spit is shared between Lithuania and Russia.
  39. ^ a b The natural site Uvs Nuur Basin is shared between Mongolia and Russia.
  40. ^ Kathmandu Valley has seven groups of monuments & buildings within its boundaries and are listed under one name. The seven groups are: the Durbar Squares of Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur, Buddhist Stupas of Swayambhunath and Boudhanath, and Hindu Temples of Pashupatinath and Changu Narayan, also there are places like muktinath, budanilkantha which are listed are world heritage site
  41. ^ In addition, the former natural site Arabian Oryx Sanctuary has been delisted.
  42. ^ a b The cultural site Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine is shared between Poland and Ukraine.
  43. ^ a b The cultural site Prehistoric Rock-Art Sites in the Côa Valley and Siega Verde is shared between Portugal and Spain.
  44. ^ a b The cultural site Heritage of Mercury. Almadén and Idrija is shared between Slovenia and Spain.
  45. ^ a b The natural site Mosi-oa-Tunya / Victoria Falls is shared between Zambia and Zimbabwe.


  1. ^ "World Heritage List". UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Diakses tanggal 17 September 2023. 
  2. ^ "World Heritage List Statistics". UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Diakses tanggal 17 September 2023. 
  3. ^ "UNESCO World Heritage Centre – World Heritage List (transboundary)". UNESCO. Diakses tanggal 3 July 2018. 
  4. ^ "World Heritage List (Order by: Region)". UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Diakses tanggal 26 September 2023. 
  5. ^ "CLT-82/CH/CONF.015/8 – Report of the 1st Extraordinary Session of the Committee". UNESCO. Diakses tanggal 23 October 2013. 
  6. ^ "CC-81/CONF. 008/2 Rev. - Justification for inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger, 1982: Report of the 6th Session of the Committee". UNESCO. Diakses tanggal 23 October 2013. 

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Warta Hindu DharmaKategoriAgama HinduFrekuensibulananTerbitan pertama1961 (sebagai Kala Warta Hindu Dharma);1967 (sebagai Warta Hindu Dharma)NegaraIndonesiaBahasaBahasa IndonesiaISSN0126-3625 Warta Hindu Dharma adalah sebuah majalah agama Hindu Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia Pusat. Kantor redaksi berada di Denpasar, Bali. Majalah ini memiliki semboyan Berdasarkan Satyam, Siwam, dan Sundaram yang merupakan tiga sifat Tuhan. Majalah ini memuat artikel-artikel seput…

Building in New Brunswick, CanadaGovernment HouseRésidence du governeur (French)General informationArchitectural styleAdamesque GeorgianTown or city51 Woodstock RoadFredericton, New BrunswickCountryCanadaCoordinates45°57′56″N 66°39′21″W / 45.965589°N 66.655834°W / 45.965589; -66.655834Construction started1826ClientLieutenant Governor of New BrunswickOwnerThe King in Right of New Brunswick(Charles III)Technical detailsStructural systemTimber framing and load-b…

1988 American filmIt's Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading BooksDirected byRichard LinklaterWritten byRichard LinklaterProduced byRichard LinklaterStarringRichard LinklaterCinematographyRichard LinklaterEdited byRichard LinklaterProductioncompanyDetour FilmproductionRelease date 1988 (1988) Running time86 minutesCountryUnited StatesLanguageEnglishBudget$3,000 It's Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books is a 1988 American road film written, produced, and directed by Richard Linklate…

This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources.Find sources: 1848 Virginia gubernatorial election – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (May 2023) 1848 Virginia gubernatorial election ← 1845 12 December 1848 1851 →   Nominee John B. Floyd Party Democratic Popular vote 1 Perc…

آغيي أنارغيري Άγιοι Ανάργυροι Agioi Anargyroi    خريطة الموقع تقسيم إداري البلد اليونان[1] المنطقة الإدارية أتيكا غرب أثينا خصائص جغرافية إحداثيات 38°01′39″N 23°43′06″E / 38.0275°N 23.71833333°E / 38.0275; 23.71833333   الأرض 3.2 كم² الارتفاع 70 متر  السكان التعداد السكاني 32,957 نسمة …

Category 3 Atlantic hurricane in 2021 Hurricane Larry Hurricane Larry near peak intensity in the open Atlantic Ocean, on September 5Meteorological historyFormedAugust 31, 2021ExtratropicalSeptember 11, 2021DissipatedSeptember 12, 2021Category 3 major hurricane1-minute sustained (SSHWS/NWS)Highest winds125 mph (205 km/h)Lowest pressure953 mbar (hPa); 28.14 inHgOverall effectsFatalities5 totalDamage$80 million (2021 USD)Areas affectedLesser Antilles, Bermuda, United S…