The rising tide of money politics is very dangerous implications for the strengthening of democracy and the nation state. Through money politics, sovereignty is not there at the hands of the people but the sovereignty is in the hands of "money". Therefore, the sovereign is "the owner of money", no longer a majority of the people. If there is any doubt about the political correctness of money in Meranti Islands District in the elections in 2015, should be respected because: first, post-election was not a dispute of money politics of electoral participants from both institutional and individual Political Parties (candidate); secondly, the absence of evidence of the voting public reporting documents that can be justified; Third, the findings nihilnya Election Supervisory Authority about the practice of money politics.This study uses qualitative research methods with an assessment of descriptive data. In collecting the data, researchers use interviewing techniques, observation and studikepustakaan. By using key informants and informant as a supplementary source of information.These results indicate that the lack of public trust in government is also one of the factors that lead to high politics of money in society. Factors that lead to jobs or economic society can not avoid the occurrence involved money politics. Lack of socialization prospective head region and the lack of nearby party to the public conducted by candidates and political parties bearers resulting lack of public knowledge of who and what the vision-mission to be carried out if the candidate won the election. The dominant factor affecting the high politics of money people in the District of Kepulauan Meranti is apathy, which was influenced by the apathy of political awareness and public confidence in the government. Apathy is also related to factors which the administration of the public should be able to use their voting rights by using an ID card.Keywords: Money Politics, Regional Head Election
Published by | Universitas Riau |
Journal Name | Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik |
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Location | Kota pekanbaru, Riau INDONESIA |
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ISSN | ISSN : -, EISSN : -, DOI : -, |
Core Subject | Social, |
Meta Subject | Social Sciences, |
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Penulis | ", Nuratika |
Publisher Article | Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau |
Subtitle Article | Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 4, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2017 |
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