A graph is a representation of a state that can be defined as an ordered set consisting of vertices and arcs. A graph can be formed based on the representation of the relationship of objects by declaring objects as vertices and relationships between objects as arcs. If the celestial body is connected with certain rules, then the celestial body can be formed a graph.The relationship of celestial bodies to each other in this paper is determined by the difference in the level of light (Mv) read magnitude. Difference Mv this paper i.e: , ,  dan .The purpose of this research is to form a new graph based on luminous celestial bodies (stars).This type of research is field research (field research) with descriptive qualitative approach type, the object used in the study is a star.First determine the amount of light levels of celestial bodies conducted on observations on 9 and 11 July 2019 at OIF UMSU using certain tools along with IRIS software.After the observations are obtained, a connectedness analysis is performed based on the difference in certain magnitudes so that certain graphs based on celestial bodies are obtained.Keywords : Graph, Celestial Bodies, Pseudo Magnitude

Published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Journal Name Al-MARSHAD: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan
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Location Kota medan, Sumatera utara INDONESIA
Website almarshad| http://jurnal.umsu.ac.id/index.php/almarshad|
ISSN ISSN : 24425729, EISSN : 25982559, DOI : -,
Core Subject Science, Education,
Meta Subject Astronomy, Education,
Meta DescAl-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan, published by the Observatorium Ilmu Falak, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Medan, Indonesia, which includes articles on the scientific research field of Islamic astronomy observatory and others. Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan accepts manuscripts in the field of research includes scientific fields relevant to: Islamic astronomy observatory and others. Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan published Twice a year in June and December.
PenulisAmri, Zulfi , Hadi, Rizkiyan
Publisher ArticleUniversity of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Subtitle Article Al-Marshad: Jurnal Astronomi Islam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Berkaitan Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Al-Marshad
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DOI Number DOI: 10.30596/jam.v6i1.4364
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