Laporan Daya Saing Global

Peta Laporan Daya Saing Global 2006–2007. Semakin tua warna hijaunya berarti indeksnya semakin tinggi, dan semakin tua warna merahnya berarti nilainya makin rendah.

Laporan Daya Saing Global atau Global Competitiveness Report adalah laporan tahunan dari Forum Ekonomi Dunia (World Economic Forum).[1] Laporan pada tahun 20062007 memasukkan 125 negara. Laporan ini "membahas tentang kemampuan negara-negara untuk menyediakan kemakmuran tingkat tinggi bagi warga negaranya". Hal ini tergantung dari seberapa produktif sebuah negara menggunakan sumber daya yang tersedia.[2] Indeks ini digunakan oleh banyak kalangan akademisi.[3]


1. Institusi
A. Institusi publik
1. Hak cipta
2. Etika dan korupsi
3. Undue influence
4. inefisiensi pemerintahan (birokrasi, pemborosan, dll)
5. Keamanan
B. institutsi swasta
1. Etika perusahaan
2. Akuntabilitas
2. Infrastruktur
2.01 kualitas infrastruktur keseluruhan
2.02 Pembangunan infrastruktur rel kereta api
2.03 kualitas infrastruktur pelabuhan
2.04 kualitas infrastruktur angkutan udara
2.05 kualitas pasokan listrik
2.06 Jalur Telepon (hard data)
3. Makroekonomi
3.01 Government surplus/deficit (hard data)
3.02 National savings rate (hard data)
3.03 Inflation (hard data)
3.04 Interest rate spread (hard data)
3.05 Government debt (hard data)
3.06 Real effective exchange rate (hard data)
4. Kesssehatan dan Pendidikan dasar
A. Kesehatan
4.01 Medium-term business impact of malaria
4.02 Medium-term business impact of tuberculosis
4.03 Medium-term business impact of HIV/AIDS
4.04 Infant mortality (hard data)
4.05 Life expectancy (hard data)
4.06 Tuberculosis prevalence (hard data)
4.07 Malaria prevalence (hard data)
4.08 HIV prevalence (hard data)
B. Pendidikan dasar
4.09 Primary enrolment (hard data)
5. Pendidikan Tinggi dan pelatihan
A. Kuantitas pendidikan
5.01 Secondary enrolment ratio (hard data)
5.02 Tertiary enrolment ratio (hard data)
B. Kualitas pendidikan
5.03 Quality of the educational system
5.04 Quality of math and science education
5.05 Quality of management schools
C. On-the-job training
5.06 Local availability of specialized research and training services
5.07 Extent of staff training
6. Efisiensi Pasar
A. Pasar-pasar baik: Distorsi, kompetisi, dan ukuran
1. Distorsi
6.01 Agricultural policy costs
6.02 Efficiency of legal framework
6.03 Extent and effect of taxation
6.04 Number of procedures required to start a business (hard data)
6.05 Time required to start a business (hard data)
2. Kompetisi
6.06 Intensity of local competition
6.07 Effectiveness of antitrust policy
6.08 Imports (hard data)
6.09 Prevalence of trade barriers
6.10 Foreign ownership restrictions
3. Ukuran
0.00 GDP – exports + imports (hard data)
6.11 Eksports (hard data)
B. Pasar Pekerja: Fleksibilitas dan efisiensi
1. Fleksibilitas
6.12 Hiring and firing practices
6.13 Flexibility of wage determination
6.14 Cooperation in labor-employer relations
2. Efisiensi
6.15 Reliance on professional management
6.16 Pay and productivity
6.17 Brain drain
6.18 Private sector employment of women
C. asar Finansial: Kecanggihan dan keterbukaan
6.19 Financial market sophistication
6.20 Ease of access to loans
6.21 Venture capital availability
6.22 Soundness of banks
6.23 Local equity market access
7. Kesiapan Teknologi
7.01 Technological readiness
7.02 Firm-level technology absorption
7.03 Laws relating to ICT
7.04 FDI and technology transfer
7.05 Cellular telephones (hard data)
7.06 Internet users (hard data)
7.07 Personal computers (hard data)
8. Business sophistication
A. Networks and supporting industries
8.01 Local supplier quantity
8.02 Local supplier quality
B. Sophistication of firms’ operations and strategy
8.03 Production process sophistication
8.04 Extent of marketing
8.05 Control of international distribution
8.06 Willingness to delegate authority
8.07 Nature of competitive advantage
8.08 Value-chain presence
9. Inovasi
9.01 Quality of scientific research institutions
9.02 Company spending on research and development
9.03 University/industry research collaboration
9.04 Government procurement of advanced technology products
9.05 Availability of scientists and engineers
9.06 Utility patents (hard data)
9.07 Intellectual property protection
9.08 Capacity for innovation [1] Diarsipkan 2006-10-27 di Wayback Machine.

Ranking 2006–2007

No Negara
1 Swiss
2 Finlandia
3 Swedia
4 Denmark
5 Singapura
6 Amerika Serikat
7 Jepang
8 Jerman
9 Belanda
10 Inggris
11 Hong Kong SAR
12 Norwegia
13 Republik Tiongkok (Taiwan)
14 Islandia
15 Israel
16 Kanada
17 Austria
18 Prancis
19 Australia
20 Belgia
21 Irlandia
22 Luxembourg
23 Selandia Baru
24 Republik Korea
25 Estonia
26 Malaysia
27 Chili
28 Spanyol
29 Republik Ceko
30 Tunisia
31 Barbados
32 United Arab Emirates
33 Slovenia
34 Portugal
35 Thailand
36 Latvia
37 Republik Slowakia
38 Qatar
39 Malta
40 Lithuania
41 Hungaria
42 Itali
43 India
44 Kuwait
45 Afrika Selatan
46 Cyprus
47 Yunani
48 Polandia
49 Bahrain
50 Indonesia
51 Kroasia
52 Yordania
53 Costa Rica
54 Tiongkok
55 Mauritius
56 Kazakhstan
57 Panama
58 Mexico
59 Turki
60 Jamaika
61 El Salvador
62 Federasi Rusia
63 Mesir
64 Azerbaijan
65 Kolombia
66 Brasil
67 Trinidad dan Tobago
68 Romania
69 Argentina
70 Maroko
71 Philipina
72 Bulgaria
73 Uruguay
74 Peru
75 Guatemala
76 Aljazair
77 Vietnam
78 Ukraina
79 Sri Lanka
80 Macedonia
81 Botswana
82 Armenia
83 Republik Dominika
84 Namibia
85 Georgia
86 Moldova
87 Serbia dan Montenegro
88 Venezuela
89 Bosnia dan Herzegovina
90 Ekuador
91 Pakistan
92 Mongolia
93 Honduras
94 Kenya
96 Tajikistan
97 Bolivia
98 Albania
99 Bangladesh
100 Suriname
101 Nigeria
102 Gambia
103 Kamboja
104 Tanzania
105 Benin
106 Paraguay
107 Republik Kirgistan
108 Kamerun
109 Madagaskar
110 Nepal
111 Guyana
112 Lesotho
113 Uganda
114 Mauritania
115 Zambia
116 Burkina Faso
117 Malawi
118 Mali
119 Zimbabwe
120 Ethiopia
121 Mozambik
122 Timor Leste
123 Chad
124 Burundi
125 Angola

Peringkat 2007–2008

  1. Amerika Serikat
  2. Swiss
  3. Denmark
  4. Swedia
  5. Jerman
  6. Finlandia
  7. Singapura
  8. Jepang
  9. Britania Raya
  10. Belanda
  11. Rep. Korea
  12. Hong Kong SAR
  13. Kanada
  14. Taiwan, Tiongkok
  15. Austria
  16. Norwegia
  17. Israel
  18. Prancis
  19. Australia
  20. Belgia
  21. Malaysia
  22. Irlandia
  23. Islandia
  24. Selandia Baru
  25. Luksemburg
  26. Chili
  27. Estonia
  28. Thailand
  29. Spanyol
  30. Kuwait
  31. Qatar
  32. Tunisia
  33. Republik Ceko
  34. Tiongkok
  35. Saudi Arabia
  36. Puerto Riko
  37. Uni Emirat Arab
  38. Lithuania
  39. Slovenia
  40. Portugal
  41. Slowakia
  42. Oman
  43. Bahrain
  44. Afrika Selatan
  45. Latvia
  46. Italia
  47. Hungaria
  48. India
  49. Yordania
  50. Barbados
  51. Polandia
  52. Meksiko
  53. Turki
  54. Indonesia
  55. Siprus
  56. Malta
  57. Kroatia
  58. Rusia
  59. Panama
  60. Mauritius
  61. Kazakhstan
  62. Kosta Rika
  63. Maroko
  64. Yunani
  65. Azerbaijan
  66. El Salvador
  67. Vietnam
  68. Kolombia
  69. Sri Lanka
  70. Filipina
  71. Brazil
  72. Ukraina
  73. Romania
  74. Uruguay
  75. Botswana
  76. Mesir
  77. Jamaika
  78. Bulgaria
  79. Suriah
  80. Aljazair
  81. Montenegro
  82. Honduras
  83. Trinidad dan Tobago
  84. Argentina
  85. Peru
  86. Guatemala
  87. Libya
  88. Namibia
  89. Georgia
  90. Serbia
  91. Pakistan
  92. Armenia
  93. Makedonia, FYR
  94. Nigeria
  95. Republik Dominika
  96. Moldova
  97. Venezuela
  98. Kenya
  99. Senegal
  100. Mongolia
  101. Gambia
  102. Ekuador
  103. Tanzania
  104. Bolivia
  105. Bosnia dan Herzegovina
  106. Bangladesh
  107. Benin
  108. Albania
  109. Kambodia
  110. Nikaragua
  111. Burkina Faso
  112. Suriname
  113. Nepal
  114. Mali
  115. Kamerun
  116. Tajikistan
  117. Madagaskar
  118. Kirgiztan
  119. Uganda
  120. Paraguay
  121. Zambia
  122. Ethiopia
  123. Lesotho
  124. Mauritania
  125. Guyana
  126. Timor-Leste
  127. Mozambik
  128. Zimbabwe
  129. Burundi
  130. Chad
  131. Brunei Darussalam
  132. Ghana
  133. Pantai Gading
  134. Malawi

Peringkat 2008–2009

  1. Amerika Serikat
  2. Switzerland
  3. Denmark
  4. Sweden
  5. Singapore
  6. Finland
  7. Germany
  8. Netherlands
  9. Japan
  10. Kanada
  11. Hong Kong SAR
  12. United Kingdom
  13. Korea, Rep.
  14. Austria
  15. Norway
  16. France
  17. Taiwan, China
  18. Australia
  19. Belgium
  20. Iceland
  21. Malaysia
  22. Ireland
  23. Israel
  24. New Zealand
  25. Luxembourg
  26. Qatar
  27. Arab Saudi
  28. Chili
  29. Spain
  30. China
  31. United Arab Emirates
  32. Estonia
  33. Czech Republic
  34. Thailand
  35. Kuwait
  36. Tunisia
  37. Bahrain
  38. Oman
  39. Brunei Darussalam
  40. Cyprus
  41. Puerto Rico
  42. Slovenia
  43. Portugal
  44. Lithuania
  45. Afrika Selatan
  46. Slovak Republic
  47. Barbados
  48. Jordan
  49. Italy
  50. India
  51. Russian Federation
  52. Malta
  53. Poland
  54. Latvia
  55. Indonesia
  56. Botswana
  57. Mauritius
  58. Panama
  59. Costa Rica
  60. Mexico
  61. Croatia
  62. Hungary
  63. Turkey
  64. Brasil
  65. Montenegro
  66. Kazakhstan
  67. Greece
  68. Romania
  69. Azerbaijan
  70. Vietnam
  71. Philippines
  72. Ukraine
  73. Morocco
  74. Colombia
  75. Uruguay
  76. Bulgaria
  77. Sri Lanka
  78. Syria
  79. El Salvador
  80. Namibia
  81. Egypt
  82. Honduras
  83. Peru
  84. Guatemala
  85. Serbia
  86. Jamaica
  87. Gambia, The
  88. Argentina
  89. Macedonia, FYR
  90. Georgia
  91. Libya
  92. Trinidad and Tobago
  93. Kenya
  94. Nigeria
  95. Moldova
  96. Senegal
  97. Armenia
  98. Dominican Republic
  99. Aljazair
  100. Mongolia
  101. Pakistan
  102. Ghana
  103. Suriname
  104. Ecuador
  105. Venezuela
  106. Benin
  107. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  108. Albania
  109. Cambodia
  110. Côte d'Ivoire
  111. Bangladesh
  112. Zambia
  113. Tanzania
  114. Cameroon
  115. Guyana
  116. Tajikistan
  117. Mali
  118. Bolivia
  119. Malawi
  120. Nicaragua
  121. Ethiopia
  122. Kyrgyz Republic
  123. Lesotho
  124. Paraguay
  125. Madagascar
  126. Nepal
  127. Burkina Faso
  128. Uganda
  129. Timor-Leste
  130. Mozambique
  131. Mauritania
  132. Burundi
  133. Zimbabwe
  134. Chad

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