The objective of this study was to determine the effect of nanopropolis to cure cancer induced on rat mammary tumor using 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA). After the first tumors appearance, twenty eight rats were divided into seven groups. Group 1, 2 and 3 served as recipient of nanopropolis dosages 8, 32 and 56 µg/mL treatments; Group 4 served asrecipient of propolis dosage of 233 µg/mL treatment; Group 5 served asrecipient of doxorubicin treatment; Group 6 served as recipient of DMBA treatment and Group 7 as normal group (control). The effect of nanopropolis dosage of 32 µg/mL…
Swamp  land is one of the areas of agricultural  development  that is perspective  where the agroecosystem  has the characteristics,  and very unique with specific inundation and soil properties compared to other agroecosystems.  At present, in some of these areas rice cultivation  is still using local varieties. Local  rice is one of the genetic resources which is quite diverse. The ability to adapt to extreme environments  is the reason for most farmers to continue to plant and cultivate local  rice. The study of the agronomic traits of local rice in swamp la…
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of phytase supplemented to the diet on phosphorus (P) digestibility and growth performance of the green catfish Hemibagrus nemurus. Five kinds of experimental diets were used in this experiment, namely diets A, B, C, D and E. Diet A, as a control, was supplemented with inorganic P, without phytase supplementation. Diet B, C, D and E were supplemented with 0, 20, 40 and 60 mg phytase/100 g soybean meal (SBM), respectively, without inorganic P supplementation. Fifteen fish with initial body weight of 6.9 + 0.2 g were stocked into each 60-l aqu…
Fungicides, such as Mancozeb 80% are used in nurseries to prevent the plant root against pathogenic fungi. These fungicides may have negative impacts on beneficial organisms such as ectomycorrhizal fungi. Cenococcum geophilum is an important ectomycorrhizal fungus associated with some forest trees species. An in vitro experiment was conducted in laboratory condition. Cenococcum geophilum was cultured on solid Modified Melin Nokrans’ (MMN) medium containing Mancozeb 80 % at different concentrations (0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 μM). …
Papua has been experiencing heavy logging activity in its forests for decades . However, only several studies focused on the effect of logging in the forest ecosystem. This research was aimed to analyze recovery processes of the forest ecosystem. The research was conducted in the logged tropical rainforest in South Papua using ecological approach which used tree communities as biotic and soil condition as abiotic indicators. Data were collected in the logging area of PT Tunas Timber Lestari located in the tropical rainforest of South Papua. There were five groups of forests used in this resear…
At a local scale, vegetation patterns are known to have strong relationships with edaphic factors. In the case of Mt. Merapi volcanic eruption, studies on the relationships between edaphic factors and plant community composition and distribution following the nuees ardentes-ignited wildfires will provide valuable information on post-disturbance secondary successional processes. We collected soil and vegetation data from five different ages of nuees ardentes fire-affected secondary succession forests and one un-affected forest. Our results showed significant correlation of species composition a…
Photoperiod affects fish reproduction as it regulates activities of the endocrine glands, which produce the hormones needed for geonadal growth and development, gametogenesis, and reproductive cycles. This study aimed to determine the effects of photoperiod on the hard-lipped barb’s reproductive performance by exposing the fish to three photoperiod treatments (light hour: L, darks hour: D), namely 14L:10D (control), 8L:16D (short photoperiod) and 18L:6D (long photoperiod), with four aquaria, each containing 9 fish, serving as replicates. The fish were kept under these photoperiods for 8…
This study aims to determine the effect of the variable price discounts and service quality on customer satisfaction partially, simultaneously and the variables that dominate. The method used in this research is quantitative research using multiple linear regression analysis methods. The population used in this study is people who make purchases at PT SDA Indonesia Surabaya. The samples used were 100 respondents using accidental sampling techniques. The data collection technique used is the distribution of questionnaires.              This research pr…
In tody’s era cnsomers prefer to shop online. From that the outhor wants to know the couse of consumers prefer online shopping from offline. To find out online sales of purchasing decisions. In this study is expected to be useful for the development and progress of enter preneur studies especially with regard to online. Add insight for writers and readrs. This research was aiimed to analyze the influence of trust variable, shopping orientation, and service quality, purchase decision in online fashion. This research was a causal comparative research the sample of this research …
Goals to be achieved in this study was to determine the effect of product quality to customerLoyalty cards Indosat IM3 student in Surabaya.             The research proves that F count> F table (14.108> 2,311) or in other words together performance, features, reliability, service ability can influence customer loyalty. While the test (R2) together - together amounting to 42.9% and the remaining 57.1% were influenced other variables outside the research. The study also proves that partially,…
Competition in the world of tourism business is very tight, this is known by the emergence of various new tourist attractions that provide facilities and meet the needs of visitors. Nowadays there are a lot of consumers who decide to visit tourist attractions because they follow a Lifestyle that is rife and growing. Viewed from the consumer side, communication contributes to the interest of visiting the community and as a decision maker in visiting. The marketing activity is part of the promotion of Word of mouth. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between the variable …
Many ways are done by someone in starting or running a business activity such as making your own product to be sold. These activities are more advantages compared to systems or other business activities. So we are interested to do business using their own how to create products that will be sold. One way to increase the purchasing decision is to improve the quality, competitive price and also offer unique packaging. The purpose of this study was to Knowing how much influence packaging, price and quality to the food purchasing decisions steamed cassava cheese mojokerto. Variables to be studied …
Various reasons can influence decisions in the allocation of investment funds, one of which investment decisions in stock. By knowing the optimal stock portfolio can be obtained results of the most efficient investment and achieve the expected rate of return is greater. Single index method is one way to find out caru stocks efisein, by determining the ranking (order) stocks that have ERB (excess return to beta) highest to ERB (excess return to beta) is lower, so that it can be formed an investment portfolio of stocks that are most optimal when faced with two kinds of investments that produce t…
This study aims to determine whether the effectiveness of the use of working capital on CV Purnama can increase profitability. The research method used in this study is a quantitative research method, with the aim of testing the predetermined hypothesis. The population in this study is a financial report in the form of a balance sheet and income statement of CV Purnama. The sampling in this study was to use CV Purnama's financial statements for the period 2015-2017. CV Purnama's return on assets in 2015-2017 be very volatile, in 2015 on aseet was high up to 11%. In 2016 CV Purnama's return on …
Competition between adventure product is very tight, from local brands to international brands all trying to get a place in hearts of customers. Many basic influence consumers to buy a product, including of brand image, quality product, and price. This research was quantitative methode with multiple linear regression analysis. The purpose is to determine the influence of brand image, quality product, and price of the purchase decision. While the price variable is more dominant influence on purchase decisions of the brand image and quality product. Looking at the result of the research, the wri…
A tourism must have their own strategy in running business both in terms of attractiveness, price, location, and so forth, so that consumers interested in visiting and satisfied after a visit. It is expected that these consumers can re-puchase and recommend to others to visit.This study aims to determine the effect of Atractiveness, Price, and Location of tourism to Consumer Satisfaction in Agrowisata Petik Jeruk Sumbersono. Population used in this research is all people who ever come to Agrowisata Petik Jeruk Sumbersono. The sample used by 100 respondents who ever come to Agrowisata Petik Jer…
The rapid development of the world of information and communication technology increases competition in the business world. Currently with technology digital server-based payment system offered by fintech, users can transact directly with their business partners. Only by making digital payment transactions via smartphone. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Brand Image and Sales Promotion on purchasing decisions using OVO applications at Royal Plaza Surabaya. This study uses quantitative methods and sampling techniques conducted through purposive sampling with 100 respondent…
Proyek konstruksi memiliki sejumlah resiko yang bervariatif, terutama pada proyek swakelola dengan melibatkan banyak pihak, dan memakai berbagai macam sumberdaya, serta menghadapi banyak masalah ketidakpastian dan resiko, jika terjadi dapat mengurangi kerugian waktu yang dapat menjadikan proyek tertunda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor resiko yang mempengaruhi kinerja waktu pelaksanaan konstruksi gedung secara swakelola pada proyek pembangunan RKB sekolah. Proses didalam manajemen resiko proyek adalah identifikasi faktor-faktor resiko, analis…
Koridor I Trans Padang mempunyai 73 tempat perhentian kendaraan penumpang umum (TPKPU) yaitu 45 halte dan 28 tempat pemberhentian bus (TPB) yang terdiri dari arah Imam Bonjol-Batas Kota sebanyak 35 unit (21 halte dan 14 TPB) dan arah Batas Kota–Imam Bonjol sebanyak 38 unit (24 halte dan 14 TPB). Di lapangan ditemukan bahwa informasi atau petunjuk jadwal kedatangan dan keberangkatan Trans Padang tidak dicantumkan di halte/TPB. Sehingga penumpang kesulitan memprediksi jadwal bus dan berapa lama waktu yang mereka perlukan untuk menunggu bus. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi fasilitas dan ja…
Pemerintah Kabupaten Merangin berupaya menjadikan sektor pariwisata sebagai salah satu andalan penggerak perekonomian wilayah. Peningkatan Situs Geopark menjadi target pemerintah Kabupaten Merangin, terdapat beberapa objek wisata yang dapat menunjang peningkatan status Geopark tersebut salah satunya objek wisata Danau Pauh yang terletak di Desa Danau Pauh Kec. Jangkat. Kendala yang dihadapi yaitu permasalahan kondisi sarana transportasi menuju objek wisata tersebut. Kondisi jalan dibeberapa tempat wisata yang kurang memadai seperti pada obyek wisata Danau Pauh, menjadi salah satu alasan utama …