Various learning problems occur due to the teachers’ inability in managing the learning process. Teacher’s learning skill is influenced by their understanding in the curriculum components which are including pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge. The aims of this research were to determine: 1) the condition of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of primary school teachers; and 2) the relationship between the teacher’s PCK with student’s motivation in learning. The experiment was conducted on teachers and primary school students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Teache…

The paper discusses on how process writing is improved with the use of authentic assessment in an English Language classroom. Eleven primary school children from Year 4 in a rural school in Sabah are the participants of the study. Data were collected by observing them during the English Language lessons and at the end of the series of observations, an interview session was conducted. The results of the study revealed thatusing authentic assessment to assess young learners’ writing skills is beneficial and effective in helping them to write better in the English Language classroom. The p…

Students with visual impairments face tremendous challenges in daily life while learning life skills as they do not have the benefit of visual cues. The skills that visually impaired students are expected to learn include not only everyday life skills, but also scientific process skills too. In this study, case study was used to develop an instructional design to teaching science concepts to visually impaired students. The aim of this study is to analyze the efficacy of science activities of this developed instructional design. The study consists of three basic stages. In the first stage, visu…

This study aims to analyze the appropriateness of ethno-based assessment instruments that can measure Higher Order Thinking Skills based on item response theory. Analysis of the assessment instruments that have been developed have the characteristics of local wisdom and was trialed in three Karanganyar Regency High Schools. Student data analyzed were 288 test scores, consisting of 11th-grade students who had obtained Mathematical Induction material. The method used to explain the results of the analysis uses descriptive analysis. The prerequisite test uses the Unidimensional test for the 35 it…

This study aims to develop a web-based learning application as a form of learning revolution. The form of learning revolution includes the provision of unlimited teaching materials, real time class organization, and is not limited by time or place. The implementation of this application is in the form of hybrid learning by using Google Apps for Education (GAfE), called Brilian. Steps being taken in the study are: (1) requirements analysis, (2) interface design, (3) construction performance, and (4) testing and implementation. The subjects of this study were students of class 2014 and course le…

Teaching is a highly challenging profession and occasionally a draining work. A high level of teacher absenteeism in the primary schools of Southern Papua has blown some societal alarm for conducting studies focusing on emotional exhaustion as a latent predictor for low-performance. This study attempts to describe the eventual correlation between the emotional exhaustion and organizational commitment of teachers working in the primary schools of Merauke, Indonesia. A survey approach was employed to collect data from a total of 243 primary school teachers in Merauke. Collected data were examine…

Karya sastra yang berhasil adalah suatu karya sastra yang mampumenarik minat para pembaca dan menjadikan para pembacaberpikir serta merenungkan isi dari karya sastra tersebut.Diantara karya sastra yang berhasil adalah drama yang berjudulAduh karya Putu Wijaya dan Sementara Menunggu Godot karyaSamuel Beckett. Drama ini bercerita tentang kehidupan yangabsurd yang merujuk pada ketiadaan makna hidup dan ketiadaankosistensi. Untuk menganalisis unsur-unsur absurditas dalamdrama ini digunakan kajian filsafat eksistensialisme sehingganantinya dapat diambil kesimpulan mengenai absurditas daneksistensia…

Anna karenina is Russian novel was written by Leo Tolstoy. This novel tells about Anna Karenina?s life as a main character that her marriage unsuccessfully, and she choose to leave her husband and her son for another man . An affair, jealously, and religion has told in this novel, it is both a destructive and a productive force in the novel, and is understood inside and outside the context of marriage. In addition, the method in this study is used analyctic descriptive which used reader response by Rossenblat (1938). As through this approach, Anna Karenina has a big responsibility of their fam…

The article entitled ?Sydney Carton character?s as a Subject and Object in A Tale of Two Cities novel? analyzes a character named Sydney Carton who has important role in a story who is becoming subject and object during events in a story and they occur in the same time. This research uses narratology by Mieke Bal (2009) and focused on subject and object in actors element of element of fabula. This research is purposed to analyze Carton?s role for other characters in the story. To analyze those issues, qualitative method and descriptive analysis are used. This research shows that Carton?s posit…

This article analyzes about television as medium to do hegemony which is executed by President Alma Coin, one of authorizers in ?Mockingjay? novel which is the focus of the performer of hegemony in this article. Coin is the authorizer of District 13?outcast region of a state named Panem. She wants to overthrow President Coriolanus Snow from his position as the authorizer of Panem. To do her hegemony, Coin ignites uprising movement by using Katniss Everdeen as Mockingjay?face of the uprising?and make Propos?propaganda spots?which is broadcasted to all over Panem through television. Katniss is u…

The research entitled ?Indirect Speech Acts of Questioning in Gone Girl Movie Script: A Study of Pragmatics? analyses kinds of speech acts that is used to convey question. However, this research only focuses on indirect speech acts that speaker used to convey their question. In the research, the writer uses the theory of Speech acts and speech event in Pragmatics and The Study of Language written by George Yule (1996, 2010). Yule reveals that based on the relationship between grammatical structure and the communicative function, sentence can be direct and indirect. Moreover, it also influences…

Peningkatan aktivitas dan kemampuan kognitif hasil belajar mahasiswa dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode cooperative learning tipe Jigsaw pada perkuliahan gelombang-optik. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan dua siklus, siklus II merupakan penguatan dari siklus I. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa pendidikan IPA angkatan 2015. Instrumen Penelitian yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat, peneliti menggunakan alat pengumpul data berupa tes dan nontes. Tes butir soal atau penugasan untuk memperoleh gambaran hasil belajar mahasiswa tentang kemampuan memah…

This study is to describe the process of teaching descriptive writing skill by using Think Talk and Write (TTW) at second semester of English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Madura Islamic University. The study used descriptive qualitative research. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation such as observation list for students, students’ writing result, and describing the situation of class during the observation. In analyzing the data, the researcher used simple formula such as numerical data to support the research. The result of this researc…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidak adanya pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan model pembelajaran kreatif produktif terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas VII SMP serta untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas model pembelajaran kreatif produktif terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas VII SMP dibanding dengan model pembelajaran langsung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalag quasi experiment dengan design pretes-postest control group design. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji efektivitas dan uji gain Normalisasi serta uji normalitas dan uji homog…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan model pembelajaran Team Games Tournament (TGT) dalam meningkatkan kreativitas mahasiswa. Penelitian ini memakai metode eksperimen. Subyek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Teknik Industri semester tujuh sebanyak 25. Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penerapan model pembelajaran terhadap peningkatan kreativitas mahasiswa. Data diolah dengan SPSS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada, Uji Normalitas, Homogenitas dan T Sampel Berpasangan dengan tingkat signifikan α=5%, Hasil uji normalitas sebelum penerapan model pembelajaran Team Games Tournament (TGT) dida…