Limbah plastik yang semakin meningkat menimbulkan permasalahan yang cukup serius bagi masarakat. Hal ini dapat ditanggulangi, dengan berbagai upaya, salah satunya dengan menggantikan penggunaan plastik konvensional dengan plastik biodegradable. Plastik biodegradable sudah banyak diproduksi, namun kekuatannya masih sangat kurang dibanding dengan plastik konvensional. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya inovasi dalam pembuatan plastik biodegradable yang lebih kuat. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk memanfaatkan umbi gadung sebagai bahan baku pembuatan plastik Biodegradable dan sebagai penguatnya digunakan g…
Permasalahan umum yang dihadapi oleh Bagian Perencanaan (diberbagai Kementerian/Lembaga) adalah sulitnya mengukur kinerja kegiatan dan daya serap anggaran untuk kepentingan tata kelola pemerintahan , terlebih pada dua tahun kebelakang, dimana sering terjadi pemotongan anggaran oleh Kementerian Keuangan. Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kinerja Program dan Keuangan ini membantu memudahan proses perencanaan dan monitoring pelaksanaan kegiatan sehingga meningkatkan kemudahan dalam melakukan evaluasi dan menghasilkan kualitas pelaporan data yang cepat dan akurat. Pengembangan aplikasi monitoring dan ev…
BLDC motors were operated in many industrial environments, especially flammable industry. Besides, it possessed higher efficiency than induction motors, and smaller dimensions than a conventional direct current motors. Moreover, the absence of brush allowed its treatment became easy and showed almost no noise.Fuzzy logic was used as one of the motor speed controlling methods. The design of fuzzy controllers was done by simulating the output speed based on fuzzy controlling reference in order to obtain optimal control results. Several types of defuzzification used were COA / centroid, bisector,…
Indonesia is a country that has biodiversity many benefits for human survival. One is the herbs that can be used as an herbal medicine. In the modern era of herbal medicine is still often taken as a first aid when someone is having health problems. Herbal medicine can be obtained by utilizing the natural surroundings of this .repository can usage information medicinal plants for health. In This paper discussed about the design of which will be carried out based ontology using protégé tools.generate a repository of medicinal plants that are useful to society
The future technology of the technology of wireless communication system must be able to serve a multimedia application, included voice, data, and high speed video information. CDMA is one of the communication technology which can be used and have been proved as a technique of multiple access that capable of provide this service requirement. In this system the multicell is analyzed until two tier and the system of multiclass is divided into three classes of traffic which are class 1 for voice, class 2 for data, and class 3 for video services. The analysis of capacity is done according to the e…
This paper discusses the design tool to model non-pharmacological treatment of stroke patients based on multimedia. Definition of stroke according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is a clinical sign of either focal or global form of brain dysfunction that develops quickly, with symptoms lasting 24 hours or longer and can lead to death, with no apparent cause other than vascular. Therapeutic exercises strengthening muscle strength in case of a decrease in muscle strength in this study is part of a post-stroke rehabilitation. The design model of this tool is expected to help the families o…
Damage to engine part from unit of heavy equipment that often happens will interfere the activity of production because the unit of heavy equipment automatically will experience improvement. With the anticipation of anti-friction bearing demage will reduce the repair of any units of heavy equipment caused by damage to the anti-friction bearing. The purpose of creation of this tool is to help examine and analyze the damage often occurs on anti-friction bearing in unit of heavy equipment. Method of making a tool anti-friction bearing damage analysisis, on unit of heavy equipment with operating c…
Menurut Pasal 315 Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2014, DPRD Provinsi adalah lembaga perwakilan rakyat daerah yang berkedudukan sebagai unsur penyelenggara pemerintahan daerah Provinsi. DPRD Provinsi mempunyai 3 (tiga) macam fungsi, yakni (1) legislasi, (2) anggaran dan (3) pengawasan seperti diatur Pasal 316 Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2014. Dalam rangka fungsi legislasi, DPRD Provinsi mempunyai salah satu wewenang dan tugas, yaitu membentuk peraturan daerah provinsi bersama dengan Gubernur, sebagaimana diatur Pasal 317 Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2014. DPRD Provinsi adalah organ pemerintahan …
Land is a symbol of prosperity for an agrarian country. Having land rights that have been regulated by law, for example is absentee land which is ownership of a number of land outside of the place where he is domiciled. Civil servants or military officials are given specificity to occupy official houses provided by the state to ensure the effectiveness of time in carrying out their work. Specificity for military officials (TNI) to own land because military officials often have difficulty in determining the domicile caused by their official duties. And there are exceptions to land ownership for…
Indonesia is highly regarded as a country with the biggest e-commerce market in South-East Asia. This creates an urgency for the Indonesian government to offer an efficient and effective dispute resolution mechanism to settle dispute arising from e-commerce transaction. Online arbitration as an arbitration conducted online through means of internet and technology may provide solution to the disputes arising from e-commerce transactions. Thus, this article sets out the legal aspect of online arbitration in European Union and China as countries with the most developed online arbitration and larg…
AbstractThe state began primarily from the most modest legal society and then evolved into a large and modern entity. These entities are anthropological primordial communities that have a continuity that has been carried on until the history of civilization has disappeared. When a primordial entity becomes a large entity (the State), the state (a large entity) has a morally natural obligation to recognize and respect by issuing legal institutions that do not reduce or do not even distort the primordial entity. This research aims to describe how the state implements its natural moral obligation…
Perubahan zaman yang sangat cepat mengakibatkan adanya perubahan juga pada segi-segi kehidupan manusia dan mengharuskan adanya penyesuaian terkhusus dan termasuk pada bidang Hukum Pidana yang sudah usang di Indonesia. Artikel bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan membandingkan pidana kerja sosial di Belanda, Malaysia, Indonesia, Portugal dan kaitannya dengan Keadilan Restoratif. Metode yang digunakan adalah Yuridis Normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pidana Kerja Sosial adalah wujud dari keadilan restoratif agar lebih menimbulkan jera kepada pelaku pidana. Di Indonesia, Pidana Kerja Sosial …
As a developing country participating in international economy, Indonesia has declared a clear commitment to create a stable and conducive environment for investment. Such endeavor has been met fraught with challenges, especially from within the country itself. Challenges to the constitutionality of Investment International Agreements (IIAs), including both Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) forged between Indonesia and various countries have arisen and recently led to a constitutional claim, resulting in the Decision No. 13/PUU-XVI/2018 (Decision No. 13/2018…
Pada Januari 2018, setidaknya 75 (tujuh puluh lima) orang terluka akibat robohnya lantai selasar gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia. Kejadian ini menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai pihak mana yang dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban dan apakah dalam pertanggungjawaban kegagalan bangunan dapat diterapkan persangkaan adanya kesalahan atau tanggung jawab langsung. Menurut Pasal 1369 KUHPerdata, pemilik sebuah gedung bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang disebabkan oleh robohnya gedung yang dimilikinya baik secara keseluruhan maupun sebagian jika ini terjadi karena kelalaian dalam pemeliharaannya, atau karen…
Indonesia sebagai negara yang kaya akan sumber daya alam yang dikelola oleh negara untuk kesejahteraan rakyat. Namun, ada kalanya pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dilakukan dengan tidak efisien dan hanya berorientasi pada kepentingan jangka pendek yang mengakibatkan pengurasan sumber daya alam tidak terkendali. Kerusakan dan pencemaran lingkungan menimbulkan potensi terjadinya sengketa lingkungan hidup. Salah satu cara untuk menyelesaikan sengketa di luar pengadilan yaitu melalui mediasi (musyawarah) yang sebenarnya ditransplantasi dari kearifan lokal yang telah diwariskan secara turun-menurun ole…
Abstract : This research caused by the low ability of mathematical problems solving student in junior high school 13 Pekanbaru. Purpose of this research are 1) to determine the significance of the improvement of mathematical problems solving ability (MPSA) of grade VII SMPN 13 Pekanbaru students through contextual approach (CA) and through conventional learning (CL); and (2) to determine the difference of MPSA increase of grade VII students of SMPN 13 Pekanbaru which is learned through CA and through CL. The research method was experimental study with pretest and posttest control group design.…
Abstrack : This research at performs since its low usufruct IPAS studying student brazes v SDN 011 Causeway Is Beautiful that havent reached KKM (Minimum thoroughness criterion) one that is established which is 65. This appears from peneletians startup data of 14 students which reach points according to KKM as much 6 students with averagely brazes 62,5. Its low is yielding studies it at causes since teacher be still dominate deep learning so student involvement in learning becomes less active. Base about problem research do that action brazes with learnings model implement kooperatif Think Pai…
Abstract: This research aims to improve learning outcomes IPA Elementary School fifth grade students cottage gelugur 011 Lubuk Batu Jaya subdistrict Indragiri Hulu using learning model Quantum Teaching in the academic year 2014/2015. This study is a Class Action Research (Classroom Actions Research), which consists of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Subjects in this study were students of class V SDN Pondok 011 gelugur totaling 26 students consisting of 17 boys and 9 girls. Based on the results of research and data analysis known that an increase in the percentage o…