AbstractPhysical sports and healthy Education is one of the subjects that students like especially football game. Dribbling video media on football games is one of the solutions that are expected to motivate students to learn independently, creatively, effectively and efficiently. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the learning material of football game technique. technique to attract interest and reduce the saturation of learning in the students of class X Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) which is designed interesting and specially designed in the form of CD media and dribbling techn…
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan bahan ajar PPKn Berbasis Karakter dan Literasi Siswa kelas IX yang dirancang lebih menarik, melatih mandiri, kreatif dan inovasi, sesuai kebutuhan siswa serta mengembangkan kompetensi, karakter dan literasi siswa. Model pengembangan yang digunakan Dick, Carey & Carey (2001) yang disesuaikan dengan keperluan pengembangan. Teknik analisis ini digunakan untuk mengolah data yang diperoleh melalui lembar evaluasi dalam bentuk deskriptif persentase. Hasil validasi dari ahli desain pembelajaran mencapai 92.5%. Sedangkan dari ahli materi bahan ajar yang dik…
AbstrakPengajaran menulis Narrative Text untuk siswa SMP tidak mudah karena siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menyusun kalimat dan mengekspresikan ide dalam ketrampilan menulis. Tujuan penelitian ini menemukan efektifitas pengembangan buku bahan ajar. Pengembangan bahan ajar menggunakan model Borg and Gall dan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari reviu kelayakan produk pengembangan yaitu ahli materi (isi) bahasa Inggris sebesar 90%, ahli desain pembelajaran sebesar 95%. Uji coba produk menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan buku bahan ajar ini mampu meningkatkan skor hasil belajar sebesar 45% un…
AbstrakPendidikan pada dasarnya adalah usaha sadar untuk menumbuh-kembangkan potensi sumber daya siswa dengan memfasilitasi kegiatan belajar mereka . Suatu bangsa dikatakan maju bilamana kualitas sumber daya manusianya bagus, sedangkan kualitas sumber daya manusia itu sendiri tergantung pada kualitas pendidikannya. Mengingat begitu pentingnya peran pendidikan bagi kehidupan masyarakat, maka pemerintah berupaya meningkatkan mutu kualitas pendidikan , termasuk peningkatan mutu kemampuan siswa.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Self Regulated Learning ( pengelolaan diri siswa)…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan keefektifan pembelajaran inkuiri dalam beberapa tingkatan terhadap peningkatan keterampilan proses sains dengan pengetahuan awal berbeda. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperimen dengan perlakuan prates-pascates pada kelompok kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen. Siswa kelas X MAN Sampang dan SMAN 1 Sampang tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Sampel di kelompokkan dalam tiga kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok eksperimen 1 diterapkan pembelajaran inkuiri tingkat 3 (PIT-3), kelompok eksperimen 2 diterapkan pembelajaran inkuiri tingkat 4 (PIT-4) dan kelomp…
Morphological awareness (MA) has relation to language development. Most of Informatics students class of 2017 in Politeknik Kota Malang are lack of MA especially in vocabulary and reading comprehension. Therefore, this present study is aimed at developing instructional game “Adventure of Word†to improve morphological awareness. This is Research & Development study which used Lee & Owens’ development model. From the result of expert validation, from media expert it got 96.8% and from media/design expert it got 78.7%. As those results, the product is categorized as ‘val…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas interaksi mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah Manajemen Informasi dan E-Administrasi dengan menggunakan metode flipped classroom (Kelas terbalik). Teori Moore (1989) dan Hillman et al., (1994) digunakan dalam menentukan empat model interaksi belajar mahasiswa baik di kelas maupun di luar kelas. Empat interaksi tersebut antara lain adalah interaksi antara peserta ajar (mahasiswa), interaksi antara peserta ajar dengan pengajar, interaksi antara peserta ajar dengan materi ajar dan interaksi anatara peserta ajar dengan media teknolog…
AbstrakSosial media dapat memudahkan seseorang dalam berkomunikasi secara satu arah maupun dua arah dan kemudian secara kolaboratif membangun suatu sistem yang berbasis pengetahuan dan membentuk suatu komunitas belajar virtual. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk melakukan investigasi terhadap penggunaan sosial media khususnya Instagram sebagai sumber belajar informal dengan melihat hubungan pemanfaatan fitur Instagram dengan keterlibatan belajar penggunanya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan kuesioner pada masing – masing pengikut dua akun Instagram yang akan diteliti. Berdasarkan …
Berkembangnya teknologi informasi saat ini merambah pada seluruh bidang kehidupan masyarakat, termasuk bidang pendidikan. Pada era revolusi industri 4.0 diperlukan tiga literasi yaitu literasi data, literasi manusia, dan literasi teknologi. Pembelajaran di era revolusi 4.0 dapat menerapkan hybrid/blended learning dan Case-base Learning. Bahkan pendidikan dalam era society 5.0, memungkinkan siswa atau mahasiswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran berdampingan dengan robot yang sudah dirancang untuk menggantikan peran pendidik. Lantas bagaimana dengan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia? Tulisan ini mengkaji…
Technological advancements have directed infrastructure development in light and strong materials. Styrofoam can be used as a substitute for fine aggregates in concrete bricks, and can reduce the weight of concrete bricks with strengths that still meet the current standards The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of adding styrofoam to the mechanical properties of concrete bricks. In this study, the composition of the mixture used is 1 cement : 3 sand with variations of styrofoam as a substitute for sand at 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%. The size of the test object carried out in this study …
Hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) is the most stable form of calcium phosphate, which is widely used in various medical applications, mainly in orthopedics and dentistry due to it’s similarities with inorganic mineral component of bone and teeth. However, in spite of chemical similarities, mechanical performance of synthetic hydroxyapatite was very poor compared with that of natural bone. It is possible to improve the properties of hydroxyapatite ceramics by controlling important parameters of powder precursors such as particle size, particle shape and agglomeration. In this study, synth…
Coral reefs that have been damaged so far are not utilized and only pollute the coast. Even though coral reefs are composed of calcium carbonate compounds which can be used for the synthesis of hydroxyapatite, an important mineral found in human bones. The purpose of this study was to synthesize HAp from precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) coral reef using the hydrothermal method, determine the effect of temperature on the characteristics of HAp and determine the best temperature for making HAp using the hydrothermal method. Coral PCC and (NH4)2HPO4 were reacted with an initial Ca/P ratio of …
Palm oil mill effluent (POME) has a COD content of 44,444 mg / L. The use of mixed cultures and single cultures such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae in removing Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) has the advantage of being able to adapt to mixed substrates. This research aims to study the comparison of COD removal from POME using mixed culture bacteria and single culture. This study was conducted in a batch system using Circulating bed reactor (CBR) with a working volume of 20L and 5L, the ratio of inoculum: substrate = 30%: 70%. The results showed that the efficiency of dissolved COD removal in mixed c…
Design of automatic machine measuring of mass and dimension is the initial activity of a series of product manufacturing processes. Design is an important part of producing a complete manufacturing product. The manufacturing process of this machine refers to the Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) method. DFMA method is a method that provides efficient steps in the manufacturing process. Design for Manufacture (DFM) is one of the manufacturing planning systems that will analyze designs that will be used from several planned design alternatives, until the third design alternative is chos…
Culinary is a promising venture, can be seen from the large number of restaurants, cafes, and hotels that serve many interesting culinary. Growing number of culinary bussiness makes profesional chef much in need, but the facilities for study to become a professional chef is not yet available in the city of Pekanbaru. Culinary education facilities is a culinary educational spaces that are expected to facilitate the development of culinary activities where there is a non-formal education classes such as cooking course in theory or practice, seminars, and research. Culinary Education Facilities w…
Lingga is one of the relics of the Islamic kingdom that was founded around 1828 AD until 1911 AD. There are also have many historical and cultural relics in Lingga. Nowadays, many people are ignorant of history and culture in Lingga, this causing the culture and history of land to begin to be eliminated from the community. Therefore a design of recreational areas for learning and cultural development is needed, so that people can improve their knowledge about cultural historys of Lingga. In addition, the design of this area is useful for historians and historians to study and develop the cultu…
The development of films in Indonesia greatly impact on the enthusiasm of the people in their interest in watching movies in cinemas. People's interest is increasing due to new trends in the world of Indonesian films, which is making sequel of the famous film and remaking some legendary films. This causes the film community as a forum for sharing knowledge about Indonesian films badly needed so that it can be a source of inspiration for filmmakers, as well as increasing the appreciation and pride in Indonesian films. Unfortunately, the growth of the film industry is not offset by the addition …
Excavators are heavy equipment used to move material from one place to another.Excavators are widely used in various fields, namely: construction, mining,infrastructure, etc.The University of Riau has produced a mini excavator model design in the Hydraulic and Pneumatic Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering Mechanical Engineering using a pneumatic system based on undercarriage, equipped with a remote control system, and 360˚ swing rotation.This research was modified the air supply section , in the design of the tube using a two data that the calculation and software autodesk inventor 2015,…
A Soil is usually as a base of both building construction and road construction, it becomes a problem if the soil has an inapproriate properties. Materials such as cement, lime, and rice husk ash can be used as stabilization materials to increase soil strength. This study examines the behavior of high plastically stabilized clay with cement, lime, and rice husk ash. The increases of soil performance is seen by CBR test, UCS test, and swelling potential measurements. CBR and UCS test were carried out with 4 conditions; 28 days ripening, 28 days ripening and 4 days immersion, tested directly, an…