The new student admission based on zoning system has been implemented in Indonesia since 2017 through the Ministerial Regulation of Education and Culture No. 17/2017, then renewed by the Ministerial Regulation of Education and Culture No. 18/2018. The regulation has been enacted for the Local Office of Education in all regencies/cities in Indonesia. To be implemented, every regency and city have enacted the operational regulations in accordance with each local conditions. The Local Government of Bandung City has implemented the zoning system since 2017, namely the Regulation of Mayor of Bandun…

The purpose of this study is to analyze how the servive quality is available at the Bogor-Sukabumi Pangrango train. The theory in this study is to use the theory of service quality perceived by consumers from Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry which states that service quality can be measured through 5 dimensions namely tangibles, reliability, empathy, responsiveness and assurance. Satisfaction of the community according to Fandy Tjiptono is service performance, product quality, and price. The research method uses the associative method using quantitative analysis. Data was collected through obse…

The implementation of public information disclosure in State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung has not been optimal. At the time of initial observation, the researcher found some problems such as lack of UIN community participation and the public to request information, lack of some received informations, lack of supports from UIN officers and the government. The situation is also facilitated by lack of public information disclosure socialization conducted by UIN officers to UIN community and the public. The aim of the research is to describe the implementation of public info…

The aims of the research are to describe the implementation of the program of empowering domestic violence victim women in Bogor City, to identify the supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing the program of empowering domestic violence victim women in Bogor City, and to recommend the solutions for solving the problems faced in implementing the program of empowering domestic violence victim women in Bogor City. This research uses qualitative method of research that produces descriptive data in the form of written words or oral from the people and behavior that can be observed. The resu…

The research focuses on describing the implementation of the policy of developing and empowering social communication institutions of community information groups in Kejaksan Subdistrict, Cirebon City. In relation to the policy implementation, questions of the research are: (1) how the policy of community information groups in Kejaksan Subdistrict is implemented, (2) what factors support and inhibit the policy implementation in Kejaksan Subdistrict, and (3) what efforts are conducted to develop and to empower the social communication institutions of community information groups in Kejaksan Sub…

A good governance is a government that carries out the best service in managing various types of services that exist in government institutions. The purpose of this study is finding out the relationship between the quality of yellow card service (AK1) service and community satisfaction in Manpower and Transmigration Service office of Bogor. This study used the theory of service quality from Zeithhaml, Parasuraman & Berry. The research method used descriptive method using quantitative. Data acquisition through Literature Study and Field Study. Meanwhile the data analysis technique uses Weight M…

The focus of the research is the management of TPU in the city of Bogor, the purpose of this study was to determine the strategy of the City Government in the management of TPU, to investigate the implementation of the government's strategy of Bogor manage TPU and for mengetaui impact strategy Bogor city administration to the user community TPU. The method used in this study is a qualitative method by taking the informant of the two types of informants for Administrative manager of TPU and user communities TPU using techniques snow ball, TPU city of Bogor there are eight TPU, the study focused…

The purpose of this research are : (1) to know how the coaching of cadets in STP Bogor Fishery Counseling Department, (2) to know how the influence of coaching on cadet discipline in Fishery High School Bogor, Department of Fisheries Counseling, and (3) to know what factors are influence the coaching process in improving cadet discipline. The research method used by researcher is descriptive research method. The sampling technique using in this research is the formula of Taro Yamane and Slovin with the number of pupolation as many as 76 people cadets.Result of analysis of correlation coefficie…

Traffic Jam is a major problem many cities in Indonesia, including in Bogor city. Traffic Jam in Bogor city  is almost equal to the capital city of Jakarta. There are many factors that caused traffic jam in Bogor. In addition to the number of population is increasing,  mobility of the population is also quite high. The purpose of this study was to determine employees performance of Department of Traffic and road transportation Bogor in handling of traffic jam. The method used in this research is survey method with quantitative approach. The results showed that the views of the dimensions of …

Referring to the Law No. 32 Year 2004 concerning local government, the local autonomy for both district and municipal governments should be implemented based on the decentralization principles: extensive, tangible, and accountable. The availability of budget becomes one of the preconditions in the regional autonomy implementation. This fiscal matter is issued and regulated through the Law No.33 Year 2004 regarding Fiscal Decentralization. In order to administer the local governing, local revenues should be raised in two ways: intensive and extensive. Intensification of local revenues can be ac…

This research includes three points to be analyzed: 1) the implementation of movable goods procurement , 2) the obstacles in conducting the movable goods procurement, and 3) the efforts taken to overcome the obstacles in conducting the movable goods procurement. The researcher finds out several obstacles in conducting the movable goods procurement, such as: unoptimized procurement standard for movable goods, dwindling personnels' attitude towards jobaccomplishment, and lacking delegation of authority to in decision making.The result shows that the movable goods procurement control in improving…

The dispute on Ambalat Block between Indonesia and Malaysia has encouragedgovernment institutions to pay more vigilance on the promotion of developmentprograms of border areas. There is a shift of paradigm posing border-areas as the?frontyard? instead of ?backyard?. It implies that efforts on promoting borderdevelopment along North Kalimantan region call for an an emergency policy orcatch-up strategy. This comprises endeavors for establishing specific institution,providing ample amount of funds, and designing an integrated action plan on thehastening of border development. This paper portrays …

Demand of woven bamboo handicraft in big cities, especially in Surabaya, increases from time to time. At the same time, based on the researcher?s observation over some years on woven bamboo cluster at Kemiren village, Banyuwangi regency, East Java, the cluster tends to have undergone insignificant development and innovation. The home industries are usually run by low-income families and produce the products like capil (sun hat) and ilir (traditional tool to cool the heat by wagging it). The producers have little knowledge about product innovation so that they can take part in the market compet…

The choice to institutional development for Jakarta as Indonesian capital City can be a barometer of equity and fairness as values to whole developing nations, especially for urban development in Indonesia. If megapolis concept proposed by Sutiyoso received without reverse, then we have disease to the equity and fairness values as a nation state. The problematic situation of urban development in Jakarta is emergencies, but it is not to be un-fairness and un-equity to develop the other cities in Indonesia.

Japan has a unique system of civil servant coaching and development. The National Personnel Authority, the National Institute of Public Administration, and the National Public Service Ethics Board are clearly and specifically in charge of maintaining the civil servants' performance, loyalty, and professionalism. The strong culture of giving rewards and punishments has become the key to the success of civil servant coaching and development. Asian countries should learn from this Japanese role model to be adapted to their own civil servant administrative mechanism.

Latar belakang penelitian ini didasarkan untuk mendorong meningkatkan kesejahteraan pada masyarakat dibidang perekonomian dibawah pengawasan Dinas yang ada disetiap Kabupaten atau Kota yaitu Dinas  Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Pembangunan Desa (DPMD). Setiap desa pada umumnya memiliki ragam potensi untuk dikembangkan untuk mendukung kemajuan dan kemakmuran sumber daya yang dimiliki dengan melalui pengelolaan pada Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes).Kondisi pada saat ini,BUMDes Desa Padaawas Kecamatan Pasirwangi memiliki beberapa hambatan didalam pengelolaannya seperti keterbatasan SDM dan lemahnya…

Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan kebijakan pembentukan Kecamatan Aramo di Kabupaten Nias Selatan khususnya berkaitan dengan pembangunan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan.  Sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi hasil atau capaian pelaksanaan kebijakan pembentukan Kecamatan Aramo di Kabupaten Nias Selatan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan dan menganalisis faktor-faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan pembentukan Kecamatan Aramo di Kabupaten Nias Selatan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan sar…

The political system in Indonesia has changed in line with the development of government model. Therefore, the patterns underlying the change of government closely influences the political system. Thus far, the political system of the country seems in quest of an ideal model by understanding and relating to the socio-political phenomena. The most difficult factor to find it  is the radical change of environment that may cause the incremental change of the structure. Apart of  the various development, the goal of the political system seems to be the realization of civil society. To reach the …

Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset merupakan satuan kerja perangkat daerah yang mengelolapendapatan, keuangan dan aset untuk menciptakan pemerintahan yang baik, transparan, dan akuntabel. Dalammelaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya, Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset memerlukan sarana danprasarana berupa Barang Milik Daerah yang dapat mendukung tugas dan fungsi tersebut sehingga diperlukanmanajemen aset tetap yang efektif dalam pengelolaannya. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuiproses manajemen aset tetap, mengetahui faktor penghambat dalam melaksanaka…

Untuk mengetahui kinerja sumur minyak sebelum dilakukan optimasi digunakan perhitungan Inflow Performance Relationships (IPR) dengan luaran berupa kurva . Kurva IPR menjelaskan hubungan antara laju produksi sumur terhadap tekanan alir dasar sumur . Metode perhitungan IPR didasarkan pada fasafluida yang mengalir yang umumnya terdiri lebih dari satu fasa. Utamanya pada sumur tua dengan water cut tinggi, fasa aliran dapat merupakan dua fasa (gas – cairan) atau tiga fasa (gas – air – minyak). Selain berdasarkan pada fasa yang mengalir pemilihan perhitungan juga didasarkan pada…