The evaluation of the execution of TP-OP of the irrigation system on working unit of irrigationand settlement agency of Lampung province in 2009 and 2010 is reviewed from the aspect of itsestimation and execution to give an illustration of the performance of the working unit with sourceof funds in APBN. In 2009 the budget estimation is Rp. 20.566.050.000 and in 2010 with thebudget estimation is Rp. 21.937.120.000, whicht each year has different problem and situation.This is proven by the absorb total budget estimation which is only 83,98% in 2009 and 97,75% in2010. The distinction of the probl…
The Sunda Strait is the meeting of two tectonic plates, the Eurasian plate and Indo-Australianplate. Sunda Strait has a fairly high seismic activity. This is shown by several earthquakes thathave occurred in the Sunda Strait. The high seismic activity was caused by the presence of activefaults and subduction zones in the Sunda Strait. Based on the fairly high seismic activity in theSunda Strait is necessary to do research on the strain rate that occurred in the Sunda Strait.In thisstudy CGPS observations contained in the Sunda Strait and parts of Java Barat. Based on theresults of GPS data pro…
In planning the construction and development of the Port, sedimentation or siltation problemsshould be minimized, especially in swimming harbor to secure and expedite the flow of shipping.Every time the sediment on the seabed will increase, in connection with the, to reduce siltationcaused by sedimentation is by dredging sediment pond Ports. Sediment defined as a collection ofparticle-organic and inorganic particles are irregularly shaped and accumulate extensively incoastal areas. based on Longshore Sediment Transport Table average rate of sediment obtained2176071.364 m3/yr/m. it means, withi…
Economic growth and available of infrastructures supply are requirement to fulfill demand ofpassengers and goods movement. In other hand, the restrictions of available budget could beobstacle to implement due to city’s limited budget that should financed other sectors such ashealthy, education, running water, garbage etc.City’s of Bandar Lampung try on searching secondary finance as an alternative source throughPusat Investasi Pemerintah (PIP), a special institution of Financial Ministry, reserve fundedconstruction of few project which consist of two flyovers and widening of seve…
The Sumida River (Sumida-gawa) is a river which flows through Tokyo Japan. It branches fromthe Arakawa River at Iwabuchi and flows into Tokyo Bay. Its tributaries include the Kanda andShakujii rivers. What is now known as the "Sumida River" was previously the path of theArakawa, however towards the end of the Meiji era work was carried out to divert the main flowof the Arakawa to prevent flooding. It passes through the following seven wards of Tokyo.
The goal of this research is to study the periodic and stochastic models of data series of the weeklycumulative rainfall. The study was done by using daily rainfall series with long data 25 years(1977-2001) of Purajaya station. Based on the daily rainfall series, a weekly cumulative rainfallseries was calculated. The series of rainfall is assumed to be free of trend. Periodicities ofperiodic rainfall model of the weekly rainfall data series were presented by using 509 periodiccomponents. Stochastic components of the weekly rainfall data are assumed as residues betweenthe rainfall data with the…
A case study to Sp. Pematang â Sp. Bujung Tenuk state road (002 ; The Regulation of Minister ofPublic Works No. 631/KPTS/M/2009 on December 31 st, 2001 about the status and function ofState Road/ Non-Toll Road) included to Arterial Road of Eastern (Trans Asean Highway plan).The increasing of LHR volume and traffic weight has caused severe damages in certain parts.Those damages had been repaired by rigid pavement, by using concrete K-350 with 25 centime-ters thickness, 3.50 M x 5.00 M segmentation. After 4 years, the concrete pavement broke, thedamages are cracks on the edges, strips/lengt…
Bahasa memiliki peranan yang penting dalam komunikasi. Komunikasi membutuhkan prinsip kerja sama yang baik. Namun, tidak semua kerja sama itu terjadi dengan baik dan lancar karena para pelaku komunikasi mengutarakan maksudnya dan ada pula yang tidak secara langsung mengutarakan maksud yang sebenarnya. Salah satu alat komunikasi yang senantiasa menyembunyikan maksudnya ialah perlokusi. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran tentang bahasa yang digunakan dalam meminjam uang. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk menganalisis data dan metode analisis dokumen untuk menganalisis dokume…
Terdapat permasalahan yang dialami siswa kelas XI di MA AL-Husaini Pasanggar Pegantenan dalam pembelajaran mnulis surat dinas. Pembelajaran kontekstual diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Berangkat dari permasalah tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis surat dinas melalui pendekatan kontekstual siswa kelas XI di MA AL-Husaini Pasanggar Pegantenan. Penelitian ini merupakan penilitian tindakan kelas. Lokasi penelitian adalah  MA AL-Husaini Pamekasan dengan subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MA AL-Husaini. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan …
Ustaz Abdul Somad (UAS) adalah ulama populer yang sering mengulas kajian ilmu hadist dan ilmu fiqh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan karakter retorika tindak komunikatif menyetujui, karakter retorika tindak komunikatif membantah, retorika tindak komunikatif mengkritik, dan retorika tindak komunikatif menegaskan dakwah  UAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah tuturan UAS. Prosedur pengumpulan data yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik simak dan teknik catat. Adapun hasil penelitian in…
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan jejak-jejak kolonial dalam teks cerita pendek (cerpen) Kutukan Dapur (KD, 2005) karya Eka Kurniawan. Dengan menggunakan konsep postkolonial, ditemukan bahwa gambaran penindasan dan jejak kolonial dalam teks ini terwujud dalam bentuk diaspora, superioritas, orientalisme, dan mimikri. Namun, meski menghadirkan banyak bentuk penindasan, baik secara fisik maupun nonfisik, cerpen KD memberi ruang bagi pribumi untuk melakukan resistensi dalam wujud pemberontakan oleh pihak tertindas (subaltern) dan semangat meraih kemerdekaan. Melalui konsep subaltern dan k…
Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan bentuk pemertahanan bahasa Jawa dan yang sesuai dengan masa pandemi Covid-19. Data dalam penelitian ini dijaring dengan menggunakan metode simak. Analisis data dilakukan melalui dua prosedur, yaitu (1) analisis selama proses pengumpulan data dan (2) analisis setelah pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1)bahwa bentuk pemertahanan bahasa Jawa yang telah diupayakan pemerintah melalui media massa Televisi dan media cetak; pembelajaran di kelas dan; kegiatan ilmiah maupun nonilmiah berupa lomba festival, seminar dan lokakarya perlu beradaptasi dengan k…
The purpose of this research and development is to produce Imaginative Improvisation Learning Model in the conversion short story to role play learning. Imaginative Improvisation Learning Model  is a way of learning that is planned to make students easier to modify short story texts into role play so that learning can take place actively, effectively, and creatively. The steps of the Imaginative Improvisation learning model, are (1) developing a framework, (2) improvising dialogue, (3) improvising behavior, and (4) assessment. Imaginative Improvisation learning model is a model that convert…
Social media are online features to get information and to express the positive and negative response for warganet. The case of the Election of Miss Indonesia 2020 is the form of rejection and defense responses. This study aims to describe the variatios of negative and positive sense warganet response in the Election of Miss Indonesia 2020 which mispronounced Pancasila. There are two variation of data: First, 53 forms of negative warganet responses. Second, 45 forms of positive responses. Data sources are 98 warganet responses on instagram. Â Data were collected through reading and taking no…
Language Internationalization has long been sparked and is the mission of academics who always fight for Indonesian as a national identity. A variety of ways including promoting the culture of Indonesia that are attractive to foreigners aim to want to learn languages and cultures that are referred to as foreign speakers. Surabaya as one of the biggest cities in Indonesia becomes a reference in knowing the culture such as Javanese culture, typical dialect language, history of heroism and historical attractions of the city. The explicit problem is to introduce the history of the city of Surabaya…
This dedication shows that the lack of stability of the concept and aesthetic reading process is one of the obstacles that inhibits the fostering of the appreciation of the literature of students of SMK N 1 Slawi. The purpose of this dedication is 1) Identifying the ability to read literary texts, especially reading poetry in students of SMK N 1 Slawi. 2) Describe the application of aesthetic reading in literary learning, especially reading poetry at SMK N 1 Slawi. The method used in this service is a qualitative instrumental approach. Where this dedication will produce new methods in reading …
To meet the growing need for increased capacity in higher education, the government of Bangladesh encouraged development of private universities in 1992. Currently, there are sixty private universities1, thirty-four public universities2 and three international universities in Bangladesh3. Although the increased number of universities has provided opportunities, a debate has emerged over the quality at these institutions due to significant difference among these institutions. These inconsistencies in quality may be due to the lack of regulatory oversight and inefficiencies of th…
Nowdays, Rasch model analysis is used widely in social research, moreover in educational research. In this research, Rasch model is used to determine the validation and the reliability of systemic multiple choices question in chemistry teaching and learning. There were 30 multiple choices question with systemic approach for high school student class XI. In this research, a 164 student as the subject of the research. The data was collecting during March – April 2015. The data was analysis using Winsteps application with Rasch model. The reseach shows that 29 question of 30 questions was …
Academic locus of control has an important place in explaining students’ behaviors in educational settings. The purpose of the current study is to determine the level of the pedagogical formation students’ academic locus of control and to investigate whether this level varies depending on some variables. The study employed the survey model, one of the quantitative research methods. The universe of the study is comprised of the students enrolled at the pedagogical formation program initiated in the fall term of 2015-2016 academic year in MuÄŸla Sıtkı Koçman University a…
This study investigated dimensionality of Binary Response Items through a non-parametric technique of Item Response Theory measurement framework. The study used causal comparative research type of non-experimental design. The sample consisted of 5,076 public senior secondary school examinees (SSS3) between the age of 14-16 years from 45 schools, which were drawn randomly from three senatorial districts of Osun State, Nigeria. Instrument used for this study was 2018 Osun State unified multiple-choice mathematics achievement test items with empirical reliability coefficient of 0.82. Data obtaine…