18世纪前咖啡曾被埃塞俄比亚正教会所禁止[28],直至19世纪后期叶埃塞俄比亚皇帝孟尼利克二世的统治时期才有所开放[29]虽然咖啡种植起源于埃塞俄比亚,但直到20世纪其埃塞俄比亚仅生产少量咖啡用于出口,其中大部分产自东北部的哈勒尔周边地区,而其境内的卡法王国(英语:Kingdom of Kaffa)在1880年代生产了5万-6万公斤咖啡豆。甘贝拉内陆港口建立后,埃塞俄比亚于1907年正式开始大批量生产咖啡,1908年从甘贝拉就出口了10万公斤咖啡,而在1927-28年间就有超过400万公斤咖啡通过甘贝拉港口。[30]阿尔西省(英语:Arsi Province)则通过亚的斯亚贝巴至吉布提铁路出口咖啡,虽然铁路最初只运送了245,000公斤,但到1922年升至224万公斤,1925年就超过了哈勒尔的咖啡出口量,1936年时就达到了926万公斤。[31]
1580年,威尼斯植物学家兼医生的普罗斯佩罗·阿尔皮尼(英语:Prospero Alpini)将咖啡从埃及进口到威尼斯[33],并于1591年成为首个发表咖啡植物学描述的欧洲人[34]。北非、埃及和中东之间频繁的贸易令威尼斯获得了包括咖啡在内的大量非洲商品,而威尼斯商人向威尼斯的上流阶级推销咖啡,并凭此赚取高额的咖啡费用[35]。起初意大利的宗教人士对咖啡这种穆斯林饮料持怀疑态度,并称咖啡为“撒旦的苦涩发明(bitter invention of Satan)”或是“阿拉伯酒(wine of Araby)”[6],1600年,教宗克勉八世对咖啡的争议作出裁决,在教宗品尝咖啡后认为可以饮用,并祝福了咖啡后,咖啡受到基督教的认可后在欧洲逐步普及。[7]1645年第一家欧洲咖啡馆于威尼斯开业[32][27],截止1763年仅威尼斯就有200多家咖啡馆。[8]
与锡兰一样,印度的咖啡产量从1870年代开始迅速下降,而咖啡锈病更是影响了咖啡的产量,以至于导致许多地方的咖啡种植园被新兴的茶园取代。[80]1942年,印度政府通过1942年的《咖啡VII法案》来规范咖啡出口并保护小农和边缘农民,还根据该法案成立了印度咖啡委员会(英语:Coffee Board of India)。[81]政府大幅加强了对印度咖啡出口的控制,并将其种植者的咖啡集中起来;但却导致农民缺乏生产优质咖啡的积极性,因此质量参差不齐。[81]直到1995年,印度咖啡委员会才通过联合供应销售许多种植者的咖啡,但此后由于印度的经济自由化,咖啡营销变成了私营活动。[82]1970年代印度的咖啡产量迅速增长,并从1971-72年的68948吨增加到1979-80年的12万吨,在1980年代增长了4.6%。[83]在1990年代增长了30%以上,在生产增长仅次于乌干达。[84][85]2007年,印度有机咖啡的种植面积约为2600公顷,估计产量约为1700吨。[86]截至2009年,印度咖啡仅占全球产量的4.5%。80%的印度咖啡用于出口;[81]其中70%运往德国、俄罗斯、西班牙、比利时、斯洛文尼亚、美国、英国、日本、希腊、荷兰和法国,意大利占出口的29%。大部分出口通过苏伊士运河运输。[87]根据联合国粮食及农业组织公布的2008年统计数据,印度收获的咖啡总面积为34.2万公顷,[88]产量估计为7660公两/公顷,[89],总产量估计为26.2万吨。印度大约有25万名咖啡种植者,其中98%是小型种植者。[72]其中90%以上是占地4.0公顷或以下的小型农场。根据2001-2002年的统计数据,印度咖啡种植总面积为346995公顷,其中小农户为175475公顷(占总面积71.2%)。100公顷以上大户面积为78010亩(仅总面积9.1%)仅167户。在138209个经营者中,不到2公顷的土地面积为114546公顷(占总面积33%)。[72]
^ 5.05.1Schneider, Irene. Ebussuud. Stolleis, Michael (编). Juristen: ein biographisches Lexikon; von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert 2nd. München: Beck. 2001: 193. ISBN 3-406-45957-9(德语).
^ sources even claim that one of the Dutch seedlings had originally come from Surinam: Jean Benoît Désiré Cochet, Galerie dieppoise: notices biographiques sur les hommes célèbres ou utiles, 1862, p. 178. full text at Google Books
^Derat, Marie-Laure. Before the Solomonids: Crisis, Renaissance and the Emergence of the Zagwe Dynasty (Seventh–Thirteenth Centuries). Kelly, Samantha (编). A Companion to Medieval Ethiopia and Eritrea. Leiden: Brill. 2020: 34. ISBN 978-90-04-41958-2.
^The 19th-century orientalist Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy edited the first two chapters of al-Jaziri's manuscript and included it in the second edition of his Chrestomathie Arabe (Paris, 1826, 3 vols.). Antoine Galland's De l'origine et du progrès du Café (1699) was recently reissued (Paris: Editions La Bibliothèque, 1992).
^The 19th-century orientalist Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy edited the first two chapters of al-Jaziri's manuscript and included it in the second edition of his Chrestomathie Arabe (Paris, 1826, 3 vols.). Antoine Galland's De l'origine et du progrès du Café (1699) was recently reissued (Paris: Editions La Bibliothèque, 1992).
^Al-Jaziri's manuscript work is of considerable interest with regard to the history of coffee in Europe as well. A copy reached the French royal library, where it was translated in part by Antoine Galland as De l'origine et du progrès du café.
^Precis of Papers Regarding Aden, pg. 166, 1838-1872
^R. J., Gavin. Aden Under British Rule, 1839-1967. C. Hurst & Co. Publishers. 1975: 53 (英语).
^Aregay, Merid W. The Early History of Ethiopia's Coffee Trade and the Rise of Shawa. The Journal of African History. 1988, 29 (1, Special Issue in Honour of Roland Oliver): 20. JSTOR 182236. S2CID 154548717. doi:10.1017/s0021853700035969.
^Viviane Deak, Yvonne Grimm, Christiane Köglmaier-Horn, Frank-Michael Schäfer, Wolfgang Protzner: Die ersten Kaffeehäuser in Würzburg, Nürnberg und Erlangen. In: Wolfgang Protzner, Christiane Köglmaier-Horn (Hrsg.): Culina Franconia. (= Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte. Band 109). Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-515-09001-8, S. 245–264, hier: S. 253–256 (Das erste Kaffeehaus in Würzburg).
^Bruno Hildebrand, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 16, Jena: Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Mauke: pp. 163 (德文)
^Karl Teply: Die Einführung des Kaffees in Wien. Band 6. Verein für Geschichte der Stadt Wien, Wien 1980, S. 104; zitiert in: Anna Maria Seibel: Die Bedeutung der Griechen für das wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Leben in Wien. S. 4, online abrufbar unter: othes.univie.ac.at (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (PDF).
^Lacour, p. 235f. Lacour quotes dispatches mentioning de Clieu's "soins...pour la culture du café et pour sa distribution dans la colonie", but not its introduction.
^Pendergrast, Mark. Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World. London: Texere. 2001: p. 20–24. [1999]. ISBN 1-58799-088-1. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
^Kenneth Davids, Coffee: a guide to buying, brewing, and enjoying, 2001, ISBN0-312-24665-X, p. 13.
^Adams, John. John Adams to Abigail Adams. The Adams Papers: Digital Editions: Adams Family Correspondence, Volume 1. Massachusetts Historical Society. 1774-07-06 [2014-02-25]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-04). I believe I forgot to tell you one Anecdote: When I first came to this House it was late in the Afternoon, and I had ridden 35 miles at least. “Madam” said I to Mrs. Huston, “is it lawfull for a weary Traveller to refresh himself with a Dish of Tea provided it has been honestly smuggled, or paid no Duties?” “No sir, said she, we have renounced all Tea in this Place. I cant make Tea, but I'le make you Coffee.” Accordingly I have drank Coffee every Afternoon since, and have borne it very well. Tea must be universally renounced. I must be weaned, and the sooner, the better.
^Pendergrast, Mark. Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World. London: Texere. 2001: p. 33–34. [1999]. ISBN 1-58799-088-1. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
^Pendergrast, Mark. Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World. London: Texere. 2001: p. 16. [1999]. ISBN 1-58799-088-1. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
^McCreery, David. Coffee and Indigenous Labor in Guatemala. The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 1500–1989: 192–208.
^Corntassel, Jeff; Holder, Cindy. Who's Sorry Now? Government Apologies, Truth Commissions, and Indigenous Self-Determination in Australia, Canada, Guatemala, and Peru. Human Rights Review. 2008, 9 (4): 465–489. S2CID 53969690. doi:10.1007/s12142-008-0065-3.
^ 74.074.1Wild, Anthony. The East India Company Book of Coffee. Harper Collins. 1995. ISBN 0004127390.
^Baba Budan Giri. chickmagalur.nic.in. [27 November 2010]. (原始内容存档于20 November 2010).
^ 76.076.1Playne, Somerset; Bond, J.W.; Wright, Arnold. Southern India – Its History, People, Commerce: Its History, People, Commerce, and Industrial Resources. Asian Educational Services. 2004: 219–222. ISBN 81-206-1344-9.
^Derschmidt, Eckhart. The Disappearance of the "Jazu-Kissa": Some Considerations about Japanese "Jazz-Cafés" and Jazz-Listeners. Linhart, Sepp; Frühstück, Sabine (编). The Culture of Japan as Seen Through its Leisure. Albany: State University of New York Press. 1998: 303–315. ISBN 0-585-05915-2. OCLC 42855320.p. 305-306.