The objective in this research: (1) Determine a better learning model to improve learning outcomes physics students among learning model Inquiry Training based multimedia and Inquiry Training learning model. (2) Determine the level of motivation to learn in affects physics student learning outcomes. (3) Knowing the interactions between the model of learning and motivation in influencing student learning outcomes. This research is a quasi experimental. The population in this research was all students in class XI SMA Negeri 1 T.P Sunggal Semester I 2012/2013. The sample of this research was cons…
The purpose of this research is to determine whether there is anydifference in result of learning physics which is taught with cooperative modeltype STAD model and DI model in grade 10, to determine the effect of thestudent’s academic potential level for the Physics learning outcomes and toknow whether there is an interaction between cooperative learning model typeSTAD and student’s academic potential as the Physics learning outcomes. Thisresearch is a quasi-experiment with two-way design. The population in thisresearch is all students in grade 10 with research sample Class X-1 a…
The purpose of this study was to determine the increase of students' critical thinking skills in learning by using Student Worksheets (LKS) assisted by computer simulations. The worksheet used was problem based and contained questions that explore critical thinking skills. This type of research was a quasi experimental of two groups pretest-posttest design. The population of this study was all students of class X Semester I of SMA Negeri 9 Medan, which consisted of seven classes with the number of students was 243 students. The participants of this study consisted of 2 classes which used clust…
Abstract. Physics is a subject that is related to other scientific concepts and can be applied in everyday life. So, the application of physics in learning really requires special skills, namely science process skills. Science process skills are divided into two, namely basic science process skills and integrated science process skills. This study aims to measure the ability of integrated science process skills of SMAN 10 Muaro Jambi students on the equilibrium material on the rope using observation sheets that are in accordance with the indicators of science process skills. This type of resea…
Habits of mind merupakan kemampuan siswa untuk mengontrol perilaku positif agar memiliki rasa percaya diri dan berkepribadian mantap. Dalam pembelajaran fisika habits of mind sangat penting untuk membentuk karakter belajar siswa yang positif. Penelitian ini bertujuan membentuk kemampuan habits of mind melalui penerapan pendidikan karakter pada mata pelajaran fisika di SMA Negeri I Tanah Jawa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa habits of mind siswa 1). Self Regulated Thingking adalah cukup baik, yaitu kemampuan siswa untuk “Menyadari jalan pikirannya sendiri†mencapai 100 %, “…
This study aims to analyze the critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills, analyzing whether the improvement of critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills that are taught by the problem-based learning model using mind map better than students who are taught by conventional learning. This research is a quasi-experimental research with two group pretest-posttest design. The research population is all students of class X SMA Negeri 2 Bandar (senior high school) in first semester, academic year 2017/2018. The study sample was taken randomly consisting of 64 students. Class X MIPA…
This research aims to analyzed (1) the difference between students the learning outcomes of students who were taught physics using Discovery Learning Model with multimedia and Direct Instruction Model. (2) The difference between physics students learning outcomes in the group that have low and high creativity. (3) Interaction creativity level who were taught using Discovery Learning Model with multimedia and Direct Instruction Model on learning outcomes of physics. This research was a quasi experiment. The population of this research was a student os class X MIA SMAN 5 Medan of the academic ye…
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of Discovery Learning to learning outcomes students on temperature and heat material. Research type is quasi experiment. The population in this research is all students of class X in SMA Negeri 20 Medan. The sample of the research is taken with class random sampling technique. In this study the measurements in the form of pretest to the subject and then treated with Discovery Learning models. The Instrument of this study was a learning result test and student activity observation sheet. The analysis result that there is a difference because …
The research aims to examine the effect of customer satisfaction and trust on repurchase intention. Sample used 100 respondents taken by purpossive sampling technique of online shoping customer. Path analysis employed to examine the effect customer satisfaction and trust on repurchase intention. the result shows that satisfaction and customer satisfaction have a positive effect on repurchase intention, and trust was mediating the effect of customer satisfaction on repurchase intention.
ABSTRACTThis study basically aims to analyze the influence of corporate culture and transformational leadership styles onorganizational commitment and employee performance in PPPPTK/VEDC Malang. In addition, analyze organizationalcommitment mediates the influence of corporate culture and transformational leadership styles on employeeperformance. The population of this study are Civil Servants and the sample size is 78 employees. Data collectionuses the questionnaire (set of written questions addressed to the respondent) and analyses method is Path Analysis.The results show that the corporate c…
PENGARUH BUDAYA DAN KOMITMEN ORGANISASI SERTAHUBUNGANNYA ANTARA PARTISIPASI PENGANGGARAN DANKINERJA MANAJERIAL PERUSAHAAN AMDK DI PASURUANTitik WijayantiMagister Manajemen Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangE-mail: titikwijayanti98@yahoo.comABSTRACKThis study examines the effects of 1) budgetary participation on the managerial performance and 2)organizational culture on moderating relationship between budgetary participation and managerialperformance. This study also examine organizational commitment on moderating the relationshipbetween budgetary participation and managerial performance. This stu…
This research aims to analyze the effect of cash devidend payment announcement on stock return. Compass 100 Index is a collection of 100 companies that have good financial performance as well as changes in the level and frequency of transactions is high prices. The result showed that there was a significant effect between cash devidend payment announcement and stock return changes. Some conditions showed an abnormal return, where in period t-2, t0, t1 and t3 were greater than t tables. It indicates that the payment announcement of cash devidend information increasing market trust and investor …
The purpose of this study was (1) to examine the factors that considered by consumers in deciding secondary education level in SMAN 3 Malang and (2) to examine the dominant factor that considered by consumers in deciding secondary education level in SMAN 3 Malang. This study applied quantitative with descriptive design. The population of the study was tenth class of SMAN 3 Malang. The data were analyzed by using factor analysis. The results of the study showed that (1) there were 4 factors that considered by consumers to decide secondary education level in SMAN 3, namely product, process, phys…
This research aims to examine and analyze the effects of personal selling, product display, and store atmosphere simultaneously and partially towards consumer impulse buying consumer hypermart departemen store Malang Town Square. The sample size consisted of 100 respondents taken by accidental sampling. The data was analyzed by using the multiple linear regressions. The results showed personal selling, product display, and store atmosphere has the effect of simultaneously and partially towards impulse buying department store consumer matahari departemen store Malang Town Square. Variables stor…
The purposes of this research are, first, is to describe culture organization, work environment and employee performance at Balai Peneletian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat Malang. Second know whether work environment moderating significant impact culture organization of the performance of employees at Balai Peneletian Tanaman Pemanis and Serat Malang. Sample in this research are employees of administration 40 respondents. Technique data collection using interviews, the questionnaire and documentation. Instrument the analysis used in this research using range the scale and Moderated Regression Analy…
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangE-mail: aim of this research are to know the message of integrated marketing communication arecontent, structure, format, source, time, space, ettiquete, things, friendship, agreement, and symbol tobuild customer loyalty is trust, psychological commitment, word of mouth, that integrated marketingcommunication show with the effect to customer loyalty of Halo Post-Paid users at Malang. There isthree hypothesis, first is content, structure, format, source, time, space, ettiquete, things, friendship,agreement, and symbol…
Nurhadi WijayantoPT. JAMSOSTEK (Persero) Kantor Cabang PasuruanE-mail: Nurhadi_wijayanto@yahoo.comABSTRACTThis research represent quantitative research and it aims to analyse influence of marketing mix toword of mouth with customer satisfaction as intervening variable. By using two way of that is enquettemethod and of interview. The tool of analyses used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Result ofresearch indicate that marketing mix which consist of product, price, place, promotion, people, physicalevidence and process influenced to customer satisfaction at participant of program of Jamsost…
The research aims to analyze the effect of the rust, website usability, and the risk of online shopping on intentions to buy in social media. The analytical tool used in this research was a multiple linear regression with SPSS. The result shows that trust, website usability, and the risk of online shopping have a simoultaneously and partially influence on intention to buy. The practical implication is the F irm should provide more attention to trust, website usability, and the risk of online shopping. Its could be increasing sales and the consumer F eels safe and comfortable in the process of …
Micro, small and medium business (MSME) activities are one of the business fields that can develop and are consistent in the national economy. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are a good place for the creation of jobs planned by the government, private sector and individual business actors. As for the purpose of this study is to determine the growth and correlation of micro, small and medium businesses affect the economic growth of Mamuju Regency. In this study using quantitative methods, namely analyzing and interpreting relationships between variables through accurate data and the…