The Internet can be a place for young people to do creativity and innovation. The phenomenon of widespread use of social media, especially among adolescents (10-24years) has a positive and negative impact on the development of adolescents today.Community Service Activities is a response from lecturers to the conditions orphenomena that exist in these communities. The influence of negative content on theInternet is the reason why socialization is necessary, the introduction of good and ageappropriate internet usage and knowing prevention ways and techniques so youth canovercome and counter…
Making a decision becomes a complicated process if it does not go through the correct steps and is not supported by concrete data. Moreover, it also occurs for the type of unstructured decision making. Because of this type of decision is rare and not easy to be programmed so that the decision-making process should use the fact that is supported by the valid data. One of the example in this case is the choosing of department in a university for new students. It is a complicated process and can allow them to make a mistake. Therefore, to minimize errors in ch…
The Directorate of Academic University Sahid of Surakarta as academic data processing center has a very important role in supporting all the academic activities. During this time there were frequent difficulties for officials from the Directorate of Academic Sahid University of Surakarta in the service process especially if the test data to be processed is quite numerous and complex. This system is built using PHP and MySQL as the database This system is expected to be a facility that supports the service process Sahid exams at the Univers…
Bags have become complete, both in terms of fashion and the need to store goods during the trip. Bags can also be used as a means of education, especially for mathematics subjects. In addition, the number of schools and colleges adds more and more appropriate if the business of making this smart bag established. Smart bag business is named Smart Bag PlusSmart Bag Plus is designed specifically for children that is PAUD, Kindergarten and Elementary School level as an interactive media of learning mathematics with the concept of playing while learning environmentally friendly. The packaging is as…
Biology subjects aimed at studying the identity and characteristics of living things ie humans, animals, and plants. The identities of living thing often use foreign namesthat are very hard to memorize. The use of methods taught so far explain the lesson with the book companion SW (Student Worksheet) or the package book as a supporter. The number of biology terms that exist to make some students have difficulty in understading the existing subject matter and momorize the term. The purpose of this research is to design and analysis the dictionary applications of biology terms bas…
Sugar factory waste is pretty exciting stuff for in the analysis. Waste generated solid,gas, liquid still need to utilize the waste handling. On this occasion, the researcher triedto analyze molasses added to concrete materials. In this study, we created two groups of specimens will be compared to the results which one is better. Then the object testedsectioned with a compression test machine. After investigation it turned out the result showed the difference between concrete with molasses added material would be betterthan ordinary concrete. Top Calculation results divisive 15.63 Kg/cm2 test …
 Intensiveness of Traffic density on the road Walisongo plus increasingly dense traffic of vehicles in and out of A terminal of Mangkang trigger increased of traffic delays, so need ideas to reduce the delay with the construction of  flyover as access to exit/ enter the Mangkang terminal. Construction of flyovers are planned using reinforced concrete and built at the entrance and exit of the A terminal of Mangkang. The flyover is planned to span 52 m, bordered by two abutments. Overpass with a width 8.3 m is divided into 2 lanes of traffic one direction (1 piece overpass) with each tr…
Dalam kaitannya dengan peningkatan kualitas dan kenyamanan Pelabuhan Kartini, diperlukan pengembangan dermaga karena destinasi pariwisata sudah menarik berbagai macam kalangan turis dari dalam maupun mancanegara yang mengakibatkan tingkat kunjungan meningkat dan perubahan bobot kapal yang bersandar ke dermaga kartini semakin besar.Perencanaan Pengembangan Dermaga Kartini Jepara ini memerlukan data - data meliputi : data bathimetri, oceanografi, data frekuensi kapal dan data tanah. Data - data tersebut diperlukan sebagai dasar perhitungan dan perencanaan dermaga. Dari hasil penyelidikan tanah d…
Auniversity building is planned to be built inYogyakarta. The structure of the building is designed to comply with the Indonesian Concrete Code (SNI 03-2847-2002)for Special Moment Resisting Frame System (SMRFS). Dynamic analysis of the structure is based on spectrum method regulated inIndonesian Seismic Code(SNI 03-1726-2012). The structure of this building is designed to followthe Strong Coloumn Weak Beam concept. With this concept, plastic hings are designed to form on beam ends when the structure is hit by earthquake.Thestructural analysis conducted in this project shows that the structure…
The implementatation of the construction works especially on linear construction usually have challenge to plan an effective schedule without disruptionand cost efficiency with outreducing the quality. Several methods of project scheduling includes: Bar Chart, Network Diagram (CPM, PDM), and linear scheduling method (Time Chainage Diagram).The purposes of this study are to find the general scheduling method of project, to compare and to perform simulation of each type of schedule, and to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each type of schedule. Data of project schedule was collected f…
There are limitations on the land development in TPKS lead to make reclamation land with non levee and levee method.The strength of steel pile and batter pile structure construction in each method will be analyzed using Plaxis 2D. The analysis result from Plaxis 2D are safety factor and structure force. The result from first variation uses non levee method has safety factor about 1,27 and has additional cost about Rp.3,880,854,789 from contract (second B variation); the result from second A variation uses levee method with dredging until – 9 m has safety factor about 1,4203 and save the…
Kedungombo Dam besides enabled for the fulfillment of the irrigation demands and raw water is also used for power plant. Kedungombo Hydro Electric Power Plant Kedungombo planned with the maximum discharge 61.8 m3/sec and minimum discharge 45.00 m3/sec. Power designed by 22.50 MW. However, in reality the power generated is less than the designed power. The volume of the sediment in Kedungombo Dam to 2012 amounted to 34.47 million m3 and has reached the elevation of 56.80 m. While intakes are mounted at an elevation of 55.60 m, so the elevation of the intake should be increased. In addition,…
Metode slab on pile menjadi salah satu solusi yang cukup efektif yang digunakan untuk pemecahan masalah, seperti penggunaan design slab on pile pada struktur jembatan pada Proyek Jalan Tol Balikpapan Samarinda (Km. 13 Balikpapan – Km. 38 Sombaja) segmen 1. Penggunaan desain slab on pile ini dikarenakan tanah di sekitar proyek yang mudah mengalami kelongsoran yang akan berakibat fatal terhadap konstruksi jembatan. Oleh karena itu selain mengunakan design slab on pile, desain jembatan ini juga dibagi menjadi segmen-segmen untuk menghindari kerusakan yang menyeluruh pada tubuh …
Material LEADCAP is an additive material to be added to the asphalt (by the dry/ wet process) for the purpose of reducing the temperature of the mixed asphalt. LEADCAP melts at about 100ÌŠC and completely dissolve into the asphalt at a temperature 130â°C. To determine the performance of the asphalt mixture by LEADCAP, we made 15 samples to determine the optimum bitumen content (OBC) with a bitumen content of 4.5%, 5%, 5.5%, 6%, 6.5%. Then with the OBC has been obtained, the mixture is made with 3 variations LEADCAP levels of 2%, 4%, and 6%. From the LEADCAP levels, made respectively …
Mount Merapi (2980) meters above sea level, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, located in Central Java Province. Mt. Merapi last erupted in 2012, producing a large number of volcanic materials which has highly destructive force. This flow happened on almost all of the rivers in Mt. Merapi hillside, such as Kali Putih for example. Kali Putih has a big potential of damage because of its location, near rural areas. Reffering to the above mentioned, the preventive effort of disasterous effect need to be done to decrease the damages by building Sabo Dam. The data we need to design it ar…
Perencanaan fly over di Daerah Purwosari tepatnya Jalan Slamet Riyadi ini didasarkan oleh perlintasan sebidang dengan jalan kereta api yang menyebabkan lalu lintas di persilangan tersebut berhenti total ketika ada kereta api melintas. Dengan adanya pembangunan fly over pada perlintasan tersebut, diperhitungkan bahwa arus lalu lintas di Jalan Slamet Riyadi akan menjadi semakin lancar, hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai derajat kejenuhan ruas jalan tersebut yang dihitung berdasarkan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997, yang berkurang dari 1,26 menjadi 0,62 setelah direncanakannya fly over…
EDUCARE journal will provide a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of thought-leadership articles, briefings, discussion, applied research, case and comparative studies, expert comment and analysis on the key issues surrounding the educational studies in general and its various aspects. Analysis will be practical and rigorous in nature. The EDUCARE journal, with Print ISSN 1979-7877, was firstly published on 17 August 2008, in the context to commemorate the Independence Day in Indonesia. Since issues of February 2009 to February 2016, the EDUCARE journal was organized by the Lecturers of F…
ABSTRACT: Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillsfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. Most formal definitions of critical thinking characterize critical thinking as the intentional application of rational, higher order thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, problem recognition and problem solving, inference, and evaluation. Critical thinking and problem solving have…
ABSTRACT: Nowadays, characters reinforcement matter has been taken into account for the sake of the nation. We can learn from other countries that succeed in managing education; so that the integration of character education in our country, Indonesia, must be conducted. For that objective, the writer assumes that supplementary books are facility usable for teacher of Indonesian language and literature subject to be exploited. Meanwhile, the effort of Indonesian language study teachers in strengthening student character and upholding ethics is one of effort in improving human resource quality. …
ABSTRACT: Previous to 1960, the literatures recognized teachers as highly respected figures. Upon seeing a teacher from far away, a student would hurriedly run to reach him/her and would lead his/her bike. It was considered an honor to help teachers in one way or another. Time and time in the past literature, teachers are labeled in such ways that the students would kiss their teachersâ hands to show them respect. The students would not hesitate to give their selves away to help cut their teachersâ grass. However, it is no longer the case in todayâ literatures. The literatures r…