This research was conducted with the purpose to develop students? reading comprehension of descriptive text through question and answer technique. This study is classified as quantitative through pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test design. The population of this research is the students of SMP Negeri 3 Ratahan. It was limited only to the second year studens. There were 30 students. The data were collected through test. The first test is pre-test, the teacher intends to know the students? reading comprehension without using question and answer technique. The second t…
The purpose of this research is to know the effect of the use of computer assisted learning media on the learning outcomes of event themes in the lives of Class V elementary school students. This study uses an experimental method with bound variables (Y) is the result of learning the theme of events in the lives of students of class V SD, and the independent variable (X) is the use of computer-assisted learning media. The research was conducted at SD Negeri 2 Tataaran in October 2018. Learning outcomes data were analyzed using the t test, but previously tested normality and homogeneity as a…
This research in intended to find out the effectiveness of small group discussion technique in improving the students?s speaking ability. It was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Ratahan in which one class of the first-year students of the school was the sample. The data of the research were obtained by using test in the form of pre-test and post-test. The result showed that the scores of the post-test were higher than that of the pre-test. The mean of the post-test is 8.2 and the mean of the pre-test is 6.7. Teaching speaking skill by using small group discussion technique can improve the students? a…
This article discusses about the struggles in cultural construction by some ethnic groups. These groups are attributed to their race and class as well. Through blending and negotiation experiences, the ethnic groups struggle to invent their identity and power in facing the dominant culture, the white people. They have to face both the external and the internal factors of their coexistence in the society. The groups discussed are the Mexican-American or the brown people, the African-American or the black, and the Asian-American or the yellow one.Keywords: cultural construction, Mexican-American…
The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of family education in preserving Rurup's culture in building togetherness in the Saroinsong Raya community in the era of globalization. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, with the technique of collecting data and empirical facts directly in the field in order to obtain primary data, by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. Rurub culture research results can be used as a unifying tool to build community together in this globalization era, the family plays an important role in preserving the Rurup t…
Facebook social media is one of the most popular social media in various circles, ranging from teenagers to adults using this application. Facebook is one place to share expressions or information that is in great demand. One of the facilities available on Facebook is emoticons. Currently Facebook users use emoticons to express their feelings as a sign of response to an upload made by someone else as a message sender. There are various kinds of emoticons in the Facebook application such as love, smile, lauge, flower and many more. Each emoticon is a sign that has an object and raises an interp…
Problem-based learning math is forming children critical thinking in solving problems. Therefore, it can make children whose character so as to answer the question of educational quality improvement is expected in particular on education in elementary schools. The purpose of this research is to develop a problem-based learning math in elementary school. This study uses classroom action research approach. The results obtained in this study showed an increase in math skills of elementary school students Keywords: mathematical ability; students; Problem-Based Learning.
Early childhood education is very important for the child's future.[1] early childhood is the age of gold where the development of children into a period of development is very decisive. The mix of primary colors (Red, yellow, blue), will become secondary color, and this is generally not understood by kindergarten children. To introduce the secondary color requires a method of learning that shows directly how to obtain it, such as the method of demonstration learning. The purpose of this study is to improve the ability to recognize the secondary color in children with the method of demonstrati…
Rooftop solar copra dryer tool is an instrument used for drying copra with capacity ± 40 kg, for one drying. The purpose of this research is to see how to efficiency drying in a series connectivity on copra process of drying. Using the dryer solar can exsiccate drain agricultural products. Where the work plase, sunlight absorbed or strored through solar collectors, heat will come from the collector come into a system of air flow to the piping system and forward to the drying. Design tool dryer aims to exsiccate copra of the water is decreased from 52.68 % until 5-6 %. Medium dryer is the he…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi fly ash terhadap daya serap air pada pembuatan paving block. Fly ash yang digunakan berasal dari sisa pembakaran batubara pada pembangkit listrik tenaga uap dari Sijantang Sawahlunto. Pertambahan jumlah produksi fly ash menyebabkan dampak negatif pada lingkungan, sehingga salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi dampak tersebut adalah dengan cara memanfaatkan fly ash untuk campuran paving block. Komposisi fly ash pada pembuatan paving block yaitu sebesar : 0 %, 5 %, 10 %, 15% berat fly ash + material paving block (semen dan pasir). Bentuk s…
Mower is one of many types of machines is used to cut the grass by the Farmers and Workers' City Park. By using this machine, the work will be lighter and faster. However, the eye piece of this machine is very harmful to user and other people around it if it is used to cut grass in rocky or gravel areas. By modyficating the eye piece of this machine by using the other materials is experfed the cutting process will be easier and not harm. In this study has been used the Nylon cable T string as alternatives eye piese. To testing the feasibility of T and cables Nylon Strings, testhing is conducte…
West sumatera is farmland so there are many rice miling industries.It produces hull of rice everyday and becomes disadvantages waste.Hull of rice contains silica has the shape of amorf terhidrat (Houston, 1972). Silica use as a material for producing ceremics. For producing dust from hull of rice which contains silica will be done by camouflage process and for testing silica composition in hull of rice dust is used XRF method. From the result of testing by using XRF method so be gotten the highest data from the hull of the rice silica in example with long drying variation as long as 2 hours wi…
Penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan suatu sistem pengkondisian udara yang hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan, karena menggunakan tenaga matahari sebagai sumber energi termal dan tidak menggunakan refrigerant sebagai fluida kerjanya. Sistem ini dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ruang pendinginan di bagunan, di mana sistem ini menghasilkan penghematan energi mencapai 80% dibandingkan sistem pengkondisian udara pemampatan gas. Kelebihan sistem ini adalah dapat mengontrol kelembabapan dan suhu secara terpisah. Analisis ekperimental dan simulasi untuk masing-masing komponen dikhususkan pada variasi …
Requirements of fuel oil increases along with the increasing their consumption in many sectors such as transportation, industrial and others. This issue has attracted great reseacher’s attention to find the alternative solution as a substitute for fossil fuel energy. Oxygen Hydrogen Hydrogen gas (HHO) can be used as one of this solution. HHO gas can be produced using wet cell HHO generator type. The objective of this research was to construct a simple wet cell HHO generator system and determine the performance of this generator. We use galvanized steel pelate as electrode with thickness…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi fly ash terhadap kuat tekan pada pembuatan paving block. Fly ash yang digunakan berasal dari sisa pembakaran batubara pada pembangkit listrik tenaga uap dari Sijantang Sawahlunto. Pertambahan jumlah produksi fly ash menyebabkan dampak negatif pada lingkungan, sehingga salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi dampak tersebut adalah dengan cara memanfaatkan fly ash untuk campuran paving block. Komposisi fly ash pada pembuatan paving block yaitu sebesar : 0 %, 5 %, 10 %, 15% berat fly ash + material paving block (semen dan pasir). Bentuk spesi…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu pengeringan dengan penambahan 5% berat fly ash melalui uji daya serap air dan densitas pada pembuatan paving block serta menentukan kwalitas/mutu berdasarkan SNI 03-0691-1996. Fly ash yang digunakan berasal dari sisa pembakaran batubara pada pembangkit listrik tenaga uap dari Sijantang Sawahlunto. Pertambahan jumlah produksi fly ash menyebabkan dampak negatif pada lingkungan, sehingga salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi dampak tersebut adalah dengan cara memanfaatkan fly ash untuk campuran paving block. Paving block merupakan produk bahan …
Karena sifatnya yang lunak, liat dan mudah dibuat, baja banyak digunakan sebagai bahan dalam pembuatan suatu produk. Untuk mendapatkan sifat yang keras pada permukaan dan tetap lunak pada intinya maka dilakukan proses pengerasan permukaan (face hardening), sehingga produk tersebut dapat difungsikan sesuai dengan tujuan desainnya. Salah satu cara untuk melakukan pengerasan permukaan ini adalah dengan media carbon padat atau pack carburizing. Untuk melakukan proses carburizing ini diperlukan sebuah tungku pembakar yang dirancang tahan panas serta mudah dioperasikan. aman dengan bahan bakar batu …
The process of heat treatment is a combination of the operation of heating and cooling with certain speed and was conducted on metal or alloyed in the solid state as an attempt to acquire the nature of certain properties. The temperature of the warming is done for 7850 C and 8200 C. As for the purpose of this research is to find out how the mechanical properties of steel heat treatment at different temperatures and then to find out the value of the strength and hardness of steel with optimal cooling water and oil media. research methods used are experimental methods, experimental group consist…
The purposes of the research are: to determine differences in the physics skills of students with learning model Cooperative Group Investigation using concept maps and Direct Instruction teaching model, to determine differences in the physical skills of students who have high Kinesthetic Learning Styles and Learning Styles low, to determine the interaction between Models of Learning and Kinesthetic Learning Styles toward physical process skills of students. The sample in this study conducted in a cluster random sampling of two classes, where the first class as a class experiment applied learni…
This study aimed to determine the effect of cooperative learning model type Numbered Heads Together (NHT) by using visual media of conceptual knowledge students in topic dynamic electricity in class X SMA Swasta Mulia Pratama. Method of this research is by using quasi experiments with one group post test pretest design. Population in this research were all students in class X SMA Swasta Mulia Pratama. Sampling technique was total sampling that is class X-1 as experiment class using NHT and class X-2 as control class using direct insrtuctin model. The instrument used in this study there are…