Indonesia is a tropical country that has two seasons, rainy and summer. when the rainy season arrives, the majority of people feel anxious when drying their clothes. The anxiety will increase when drying clothes but is outside the house, and at home, there are no people. From this incident, people were reluctant to hang clothes in the open, because they were afraid that their clothes would get wet when they were left by their owners while doing activities outside the house. FLC (Fuzzy Logic Controller) method is a method that only knows 0 and 1 in operation. The vague operation, there is no gr…

Media storage based on cloud computing is now widely used as a solution for exchanging data and information in an institution to support work. At STMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati, cloud-based storage is very necessary because many data and information exchange activities are carried out digitally, both data exchange between lecturers, academic community, education staff and students. Utilization of ownCloud as an open source software to solve the problem of cloud computing-based data exchange is very appropriate because the website-based, desktop and mobile-based applications make it easier fo…

In the current era of globalization, technology management has touched every part of human life. The combination of these two factors will become a new innovation in the management of education. At Raharja College, the entire academic community has a facility in the form of an official e-mail, Rinfo, which functions as a communication medium. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the use of RinfoApps which is used as a discussion medium for online learning. Mailing Groups is one of the Google System features that can be used as a formal media for the online learning discussion management proc…

In this research, automatic translation of the Lampung dialect into Indonesian was carried out using the statistical machine translation (SMT) approach. Translation of the Lampung language to Indonesian can be done by using a dictionary. Another alternative is to use the Lampung parallel body corpus and its translation in Indonesian with the SMT approach. The SMT approach is carried out in several phases. Starting from the pre-processing phase which is the initial stage to prepare a parallel corpus. Then proceed with the training phase, namely the parallel corpus processing phase to obtain a l…

User interface is very important in a game cause it manages how the player interacts with the game itself. Managing a lot of menu in the user interface is quite challenging for the developer of the game. The menu can have a lot of different function in each part of the sub-menu. So in this article, we will see how to use the Finite State Machine concept for solving the management problems

Health research is research approved in the medical field. Health research in Indonesia is increasingly being approved by researchers in Indonesia, therefore research is stored in repositories. Many health research journal repositories are available, but there is minimal research for analysis and modeling in the health research network in Indonesia. This research proposes a knowledge modeling with Neo4j graphic database to implement it. In this study, data obtained from the SINTA Journal with web scraping techniques. The purpose of this research is to produce network knowledge using CQL (Chype…

Sentiment analysis aims to find opinions, identify sentiments expressed, and then classify their polarity values. One method of sentiment analysis is Lexicon-based. This study implements the Lexicon based sentiment analysis to analyze the polarity of public responses to the topic of the development of "the Indonesian economy". The dataset is collected from social media from 2017 to 2019. Preprocessing used is folding cases, deleting newline characters, changing non-standard words, deleting mentions, deleting hashtags, removing URL strings, changing word negation, and translating text into Engl…

Online travel agent is one of the products of the advancing era that is currently booming. With the advent of online travel agents, the use of online travel in Indonesia is now beginning to be demand. The many conviences and advantages offered bya online travel, then customers are required to be keen to choose an online travel agency. This research was conductes to measure the effectivieness of online travel chosen by customers. By using the criteria in ISO 9001:2008 factors that influence customers satisifaction include Service Quality, Product Quality, Price, Situasional Quality and Personal…

Applicability of limited liability in corporate groups with pyramid construction creates a legal loophole in the form of a limited liability within a limited liability. To prevent moral hazard, it is necessary to stipulate new law that limits the number of levels in a corporate group. Berlakunya limited liability pada perusahaan kelompok dengan konstruksi piramida menciptakan celah hukum berupa limited liability dalam limited liability. Untuk mencegah munculnya moral hazard dari pemegang akhir atau induk perbuatan, perlu dilakukan terobosan hukum pembatasan jumlah lapisan anak perusahaan dalam…

This article aims at exploring the dynamics of women’s property right in southern US culture, which is interwoven with and embroided by loss and victories, as well as accomodation and resistance. This study demonstrates that women’s property right is greatly influenced by the masculinity and patriarchial power of southernmen. Tulisan ini bertujuan menelaah dinamika perkembangan hak wanita atas properti di AS bagian selatan yang dihiasi sulaman kemenangan dan kekalahan serta akomodasi dan resistensi. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa hak wanita atas properti sangat dipengaruhi oleh maskul…

Creating an Asian model of alternative dispute resolution which considers Asian cultures is important. A mere adoption of western standard will less likely accommodate Asian’s unique way of handling disputes. Culture-related problems can be avoided if international commercial mediation or arbitration is tuned in to cultural needs and expectations. Penyusunan model alternatif penyelesaian sengketa gaya Asia yang mengakomodasi budaya setempat penting untuk dilakukan. Penerapan standar barat tidak selamanya cocok dengan cara unik orang Asia dalam memandang suatu sengketa. Konflik kultural d…

This article overviews the values that underlie land control and ownership regulations. There are three value systems: communal, individual and Islam. Indonesia develops communal system by still accommodating individual system perspective. However, Indonesia is trapped into liberalism/capitalism idea in which land is seen as commodity. Tulisan ini mengkaji tata nilai yang melandasi sistem pengaturan penguasaan dan pemilikan tanah. Secara universal, terdapat tiga sistem tata nilai yaitu komunalistik, individualistik dan Islam. Indonesia mengembangkan tata nilai berbasis komunalistik namun membe…

Law-making in Indonesia is generally based on formal-legal aspects and legislator’s political will, thus resulting in legislations that do not conform to society’s aspirations nor answer their needs. This paper discusses a responsive model legislation hence it could meet community needs, provide legal certainty, and ensure justice and welfare. Pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia yang biasanya ditentukan oleh aturan hukum formil dan kemauan politik pembentuk undang-undang membuat produk perundang-undangan tidak sesuai dengan aspirasi masyarakat dan tidak menjawab ke…

This article attempts to analyse Indonesia’s legal system. We will discuss how the dynamics of constitutional arrangement affect regional authorities. The correlation between regional autonomy and legal pluralism, for instance the unique implementation of sharia law in Aceh province, will also be discussed. Tulisan ini membahas sistem hukum Indonesia. Dalam tulisan ini akan dianalisis bagaimana dinamika aturan konstitusi mempengaruhi kewenangan daerah. Hubungan antara otonomi daerah dengan pluralisme sistem hukum, misalnya penerapan hukum syariah di provinsi Aceh, juga akan dibahas di si…

Judiciary independence is observed in every stage in discovery of law process and manifested in the freedom of judges to determine the actual concrete event. Legal discrepancy between this principle and other norms in procedural laws may exist even though these norms and principles are not mutually exclusive. Penerapan asas kebebasan hakim dilakukan dalam setiap tahap kegiatan penemuan hukum dan diwujudkan dengan kebebasan hakim untuk menetapkan peristiwa konkrit yang benar-benar terjadi. Dalam penerapan asas ini terdapat antinomi dengan asas hukum acara lainnya, tetapi semua asas itu dapat be…

Following the abolishment of all controlling measures except repressive control, decentralisation triggers fundamental changes in local government administration. Tight control may obstruct regions’ autonomy and hamper central-regional relation. Proportional control is indispensable for balancing out local governments’ freedom. All monitoring measures outside Act 32/2004 are unwarranted without improvement of legal instruments at central government.Dengan menghapuskan semua bentuk pengawasan kecuali pengawasan represif, desentralisasi menciptakan perubahan fundamental dalam penyeleng…

Subjective requirements of detention in Criminal Procedure Code Bill are not different from those currently in force. Lack of detailed and measurable requirements renders commissioner judges ineffective to solve detention problems. Absence of supervision and law enforcer’s moral degradation in single-judge hearings with final decision may incur abuse of power.Persyaratan subyektif penahanan dalam RUU KUHAP masih sama dengan KUHAP. Keberadaan hakim komisaris tidak efektif menyelesaikan permasalahan penahanan karena persyaratan subyektif penahanan yang belum rinci dan terukur. Degradasi mor…

The law is an effective tool to protect people from committing certain conducts, for instance illegal drugs trade and narcotic abuse. The prevalent drugs distribution among teens is influenced by internal and external factors, not to mention teen unstable behavior that is still easily intervened by the surrounding environment.Hukum merupakan alat yang efektif untuk melindungi manusia dari tindakan yang membahayakan diri mereka sendiri, seperti misalnya peredaran gelap dan penyalahgunaan narkotika. Peredaran narkotika di kalangan remaja dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Secara psi…

Programmable logic controller (PLC) is a microprocessor used to automate industry processes such as controlling a factory's engine. As a candidate in electrical engineering degree must be able to assemble and arrange PLC control program so that later can compete in industrial world. Therefore PLC is one of the compulsory courses that must be pursued. But in learning PLC encountered obstacles that students feel less interested in learning that they need to understand the language of logic, and require them to assemble the series of automation with inadequate equipment, so we think Simulation le…

This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between classroom management and student achievement in the Building Engineering Education Department, The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Manado, and look for obstacles or obstacles that inhibit the success of student learning while looking for efforts to overcome these problems. This research method is correlational research. The results of a simple linear regression analysis of the variables of classroom management and student achievement in the Building Egineering Education Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universit…