The fast developments in information and communication technology have rapidly shaped and created enormous changes in the way people live and use libraries. The generation who grow in this era is called net generation. Academic libraries, where the majority of the users are the netgeneration, have started to implement the concept of hybrid library as a response of the technological advances. The trend of digital collections usage is getting increase, on the other hand, the number of library visitor is getting lower significantly. The condition make librarians afraid of being abandoned by its u…
Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plans are determined based of some analyzes that require data derived from direct examination, study models, x-rays and clinical photos. Currently the clinical photos both intra oral and extra oral are easily made. Unfortunately, not all clinicians are willing to make good documentation especially making photos, or making the inadequate ones. The purpose in this paper to reveal how to make good intra and extra-oral photos for orthodontic records as communication features between clinician and patients. Proper documentation is needed especially on orthodontic…
The area of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park as the Halimun Ecosystem Zone is a mountain zone in Jawa Barat which has a high bio diversity. The traditional or local community have managed its natural resources by oriented it toward their interests. The completeness of its area ecosystem is fully depended on the buffer zone community. This research is identifying the socio cultural literacy of buffer zone community towards preservation of the Gunung Halimun Salak National Park. The method used is qualitative approach which used the members of the community as informants. The result of the res…
The purpose of the study is to convey knowledge about the phenomenon of second-handdalam everyday life, at home, at work, at school, and in social environments residence. The method used is a critical analysis about human social activity. The results of the study showed that human knowledge is actually obtained through two (2) ways, namely, first, from his own experience; second, obtained from others. Both of these sources affect each other and compete with each other in the individual. The lack of stock in the individual ideas leads to learning from others to get to know the world. This pheno…
The existence of a school library is a must. Based on the National Education Standards, eachschool is required to have a library. In its management, the library must be managed byappropriate management personnel and competent in their fields. In line with thedevelopment of science and technology that continues to develop school libraries need to bemanaged and utilized for the benefit of education through an appropriate forum, namely theschool library. Descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Collecting datathrough observation, interviews and document analysis. Subjects in this …
The purpose of this study was to determine the information culture in usage of digital libraries on students at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Udayana University and to describe information culture patternson in usage digital library to support academic activities. This research is a descriptive study with qualitative approach. Methods of data collection is done by conducting interviews and literatures studies. The object of this research is the students of the Faculty of Social and Political Science Udayana University. This study gives an overview of the information culture in usage…
Penelitian ini bertujuan, yang pertama untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penggunaan bahan kimia terhadap parameter pH air, yang kedua untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penggunaan bahan kimia terhadap parameter kekeruhan air. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pengamatan uji jartest, dosis bahan kimia maksimum yang dipakai pada variasi kedua dosis V (tawas 55 mg/L, kapur 40 mg/L, kaporit 50 mg/L) menunjukkan kualitas terbaik dengan pH 6,83 dan kekeruhan 0,9 NTU, sedangkan dosis bahan kimia minimum yang dipakai pada variasi ketiga dosis V (tawas 45 mg/L, kapur 30 mg/L, kaporit 50 mg/L) menunju…
Complaint of musculoskeletal was being trend of disease which connected with occupation around the world in developing countries and industrial countries. One of occupation who has activities MSDs complaint is CV. Balikpapan Diesel with cleaning up fuel injection pump with bond of facilities and duration of cleaning up is more than 2 hours each days. Based on calculation work posture risk level respondens with REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) method, major responden on middle level as much as 70% who need check up and dangerous position change. And complaint level Musculoskeletal Diso…
Salah satu bentuk peranan manusia adalah aktivitas pemindahan material secara manual (Manual Material Handling). Aktivitas membungkuk dan memutar didalam tempat kerja saat melakukan Manual Material Handling seharusnya dikurangi atau bahkan jika memungkinkan aktivitas ini sebaiknya dihilangkan karena sikap ini rawan yang dapat menimbulkan gangguan pada sistem musculoskeletal. Keluhan muskuloskeletal adalah keluhan pada bagian-bagian otot skeletal yang dirasakan oleh seseorang mulai dari keluhan ringan sampai sangat sakit. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian mixed methods. Jumlah…
Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja yang disebut SMK3 sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 50 Tahun 2012 tentang Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja merupakan bagian dari sistem manajemen organisasi secara keseluruhan yang meliputi struktur organisasi, perencanaan, tanggung jawab, pelaksanaan, penerapan, pencapaian, pengkajian dan pemeliharaan kebijakan K3 dalam rangka pengendalian risiko yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kerja untuk menciptakan tempat kerja yang …
Zona Selamat Sekolah (ZoSS) adalah lokasi/wilayah di ruas jalan tertentu yang merupakan zona kecepatan berbasis waktu untuk mengatur kecepatan kendaraan di lingkungan sekolah. Zona Selamat Sekolah (ZoSS) didesain untuk keperluan perlambatan kecepatan kendaraan yang melintasi diarea yang telah ditentukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat efektivitas penerapan program Zona Selamat Sekolah (ZoSS) yang sudah diterapkan di Kota Balikpapan saat ini. Metode yang digunakan mengacu pada Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Darat, Nomor : SK 3236/AJ 403/DRJD/2006 Tentang Uji Coba P…
Mata adalah indera penglihatan pada manusia yang mempunyai reseptor untuk menangkap rangsang cahaya dan warna. Indera penglihatan sangat vital jika dibandingkan dengan indera yang lainnya. Oleh karena itu kesehatan mata merupakan hal yang menjadi salah satu perhatian bagi setiap orang. Keluhan Kelelahan mata merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan di Indonesia khususnya kesehatan mata yang prevalensinya pada usia sekolah masih cukup tinggi. Di Indonesia saat ini masih tampak kurangnya perhatian di beberapa daerah menge…
Sumber air dalam sistem penyediaan air merupakan satu komponen yang mutlak harus ada, karena tanpa sumber air sistem penyediaan air tidak akan berfungsi. PDAM Kota Balikpapan memiliki 9 Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA) aktif beroperasi meliputi IPA Batu Ampar 500 L/det, IPA Mini Manggar 20 L/det, IPA Kampung Damai 440 L/det, IPA Gunung Sari 110 L/det, IPA Teritip 50 L/det, IPA Prapatan 50 L/det, IPA Gunung Tembak 10 L/det, IPA ZAMP Korpri 10 L/det, IPA Kampung Baru 50 L/det, dengan total pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih Kota Balikpapan tahun 2018 sebesar 1.190 L/det. Dari perhitungan Master Plant …
Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisa efektivitas pelatihan yang di selenggarakan oleh PT. Bumi Liputan Pusaka. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah CIPP (Context, Input, Proces, Product), merupakan penilitian kualitatif deskriptif atau observatif. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan gambaran tingkat efektivitas penyerapan materi pelatihan Sea Survival, dimana indikator efektivitas dapat dilihat melalui empat komponen, 1). komponen konteks yang berisi data diri, 2). komponen input yang terbagi atas komponen internal dan pretest, 3). komponen proses yang berisi evaluasi dari pelatih dan…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Induksi Keselamatan dengan Metode Konvensional di PT Bhumi Phala Perkasa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, observasi dan dokumentasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Karyawan Baru dan Siswa magang/Pkl PT Bhumi Phala Perkasa 30 orang. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh dengan mengambil keseluruhan responden yaitu 30 orang. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan model evaluasi Kirkpatrick (Level 1-3) hanya sampai pada level 3, sedangkan level 4 untuk mengetahui dampak perubahan perilaku pekerja terhada…
Contractor Safety Management system (CSMS) adalah system control terhadap aspek pengelolaan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja bagi kontraktor yang bekerja di seluruh daerah operasi kontraktor kontrak kerjasama (KKKS). Hal ini dilakukan karena kontraktor sebagai mitra kerja perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi mempunyai tingkatan risiko pekerjaan yang dibedakan menjadi 3 tingkatan, yaitu Risiko rendah, risiko menengah, dan risiko tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan CSMS di PT. Jamin Jaya Abadi dan mengetahui hasil prakualifikasi serta penilaian lapangan untuk mengidenti…
The background of this research is the use of internet or web commercial on micro business at Boyolali district to sell their products. That is why it needs to be studied. Usually people who use web commercial become more creative on business diversification and can penetrate not only local market but also international market. The purpose of this research is to design web commersial for micro business and analyse calculate the selling transaction. Analytical calculations using paired samples test are used to measure the effect of web commercial. The researchâs result is positive increasi…
The development of internet technology ensures the availabilities of information anywhere and anytime. Internet users can access the required information via the internet very easy, that is no exception for students. However, if the availability of the information is not managed properly can cause some problems which can arise includeaccessing sites that are not related to education materials (such as porn sites, online gaming sites, etc.). Whereas sites like it usually requires a large bandwidth and are often infiltrated with warm or trojan. Also, often if the students want to …
The website has now become a power in modern times. Website becomes a tool of media information that are easy to execute and understood by the community. NPC isless published information among the general public from background of the problem is the website is designed to facilitate local and inter-local communities see and followNPC news quickly and easily.One of the problems media information becomes weakness NPC in the field of website that can not be handled by the NPC, the website can impress all NPC employees working conditions. This final project aims to build a we…
Nursing Science Sahid University of Surakarta is under the Faculty of Health Sciences. The information about the major is still manual and not effective. ccording to the improvement of information technology based on internet, website is the right solution to convey information fast and eficiently. The purpose of this research is to develop Nursing Science Sahid University of Surakarta website in order to simplify the information management and delivery to the students and the society. The methods which are used to collect the data a…