This article discusses rejuvenation of Islamic da'wah paradigm in the fourth industrial revolution era, by critically examining the process of social change in society. The era developes technology, while bringing positive and negative effects to society. The public will inevitably face the impact of Industry 4.0, in the form of political, cultural, economic, and ideological aggression. This will further marginalize and disqualify the traditional structures of established communities. Likewise the development of technology as intended also becomes a challenge to the da'wah movement, both concr…
Manusia merupakan makhluk monodualis. Makna dari monodualis ialah selain sebagai makhluk individu, manusia juga sebagai makhluk sosial. Makhluk individu merupakan makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT yang terdiri dari 2 unsur, yaitu unsur jasmani (badan) dan unsur rohani (jiwa). Setiap jasmani mengalami pertumbuhan, jiwa manusia juga mengalami perkembangan. Akan tetapi seiring perkembangan zaman, manusia mulai fokus hanya pada pemenuhan kebutuhan jasmani daripada kebahagiaan yang sesungguhnya. Manusia mulai menilai segala sesuatu dari segi fisik daripada kekayaan jiwa. Sementara hak dan kebutuhan jiwa me…
Serangkaian invasi Mongol benar-benar telah menimbulkan kehancuran bagi peradaban Muslim. Invasi Mongol tersebut dilanjutkan dengan pembentukan sebuah konfederasi masyarakat Asia Tengah di bawah kepemimpinan Jenghis Khan. Sesuai dengan garis ketentuan Tuhan yang harus diyakini, Mongol telah berjuang untuk menaklukkan beberapa wilayah yang ternama dan merampas Asia Timur, Timur Tengah dan beberapa wilayah gurun Eropa Timur di bawah pemerintahan mereka. Jatuhnya kota Baghdad pada tahun 1258 M ke tangan bangsa Mongol bukan saja mengakhiri Khilafah Abbasiyah di sana, tetapi juga merupakan awal dar…
Islamophobia written by Karen Armstrong, John L. Esposito, Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid, et al (published by Mizan in 2018) explains how Islamophobia still afflicts some groups, including Westerners (Americans and Europeans). The causes are the materialization of the phenomenon of terrorism, ISIS, and wahabism which are considered as radical. Such representations are established by the mass media. The definition of Islam in the Western media is closely related to the distortion of meaning, sentiment and stigma. Though, some write objective defense for Islam.
The Makarya community is one of the youth communities that shelters the needs of unemployed youth. During this time, the Makarya Community has joined hands with Lakpesdam NU Lumajang to carry out unemployment handling programs. This study aims to find out how guidance is used in overcoming unemployment. This study uses qualitative methods with a Case Study approach. The study shows that Career Guidance based on religious services by Lakpesdam NU and the Makarya Community in dealing with unemployed youth, that is, inviting unemployed youth by guiding them to understand and evaluate themse…
Latar belakang masalah dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pelanggaran tata tertib yang dilakukan oleh siswa di sekolah Madrasah Aliyah Darunnajah lumajang, di sisi lain, layanan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah di percayakan kepada guru BK untuk membantu dan membimbing siswa untuk lebih baik lagi dan mencegah siswa melakukan pelanggaran lagi. Penelitian ini difokuskan terhadap penerapan layanan konseling pada siswa yang melanggar tata tertib sekolah. Sedangkan tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Penerapan Layanan Konseling Pada Siswa Yang Melanggar Tat…
Sebagai agama universal, Islam sejatinya tidak pernah berbenturan dengan kemajuan zaman. Umat Islam, karenanyam dituntut untuk mampu mengaktualisasikan ajaran-ajaran yang ada di dalamnya serta meremajakan metode penyampaiannya agar dapat kebenaran klaim universalitas tersebut. salah satu fenomena terkini yang muncul dalam konteks peremajaan metode penyampaian ajaran-ajaran Islam adalah model dakwah elektronik atau biasa dikenal dengan e-dakwah. Makalah ini menyajikan tinjauan kritis tentang fenomena anyar tersebut dari berbagai aspeknya dan mengajukan kesimpulan bahwa suatu usaha peremajaan me…
The emergence of new media era allows the spread of positive contents (inspiring and useful subject) and negative contents (hate speech and hoaxes) through cyberspace. Islamic Boarding Schools (Pondok Pesantren) which have large mass of santri (students) have a strategic position to repress the dissemination of mentioned negative content. The applied method is optimizing social media as a channel for spreading positive content with the spirit of rahmatanlil ?alamin. Key Words: New Media, Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren), the Spirit of Rahmatanlil ?Alamin
Tulisan ini mencoba mengulas muatan dimensi teologis dalam dakwah dan sudut pandang paradigmatik. Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi munculnya kegelisahan akademik terkait pelaksanaan dakwah yang dihadapkan pada problematika yang semakin kompleks. Tampilan dakwah yang ada dewasa ini terlihat kering dari nilai-nilai profetik yang semestinya, sehingga dakwah seringkali muncul secara kontraproduktif dengan hasil yang diidealkannya. Selanjutnya dalam rangka memberi pemahaman yang radikal dan komprehensip pembahasan diawali dengan mengeksplorasi sejauh mungkin teori tentang teologi dan dakwah dari berbag…
Human Labor is a decisive factor because humans, which are one of the production aspects, have a role in establishing development. Human Resources are the main assets in all activities within the community. The right training and education such as outbound training will improve the quality of human resources.
This qualitative research aimed at describing the efforts of the head of Learning Center to improve the tutors’ professionalism particularly in the Learning Centers for Equivalency. The research conducted in West Lombok and Sumbawa from February through April 2008. As a multicase study, the research found that the heads of Learning Centers have done all efforts to develop and build tutors’ professionalism, such as through intensive observation, lectures, in-service and pre-service trainings.
Some of the teachers’ competencies required in early childhood education are the competencies in pedagogy and andragogy. These competencies deal with teachers’ skill in understanding children’s development, preparing lesson plan, and using the right method and materials suitable to the children’s characteristics. This research was conducted to discover how the teachers using pedagogy competency in language and mathematics in early childhood education. The result of this research was based on parents’ evaluation and observation on their chi…
The purpose of this research was to describe the competence of educators in early childhood education institutions in South East Sulawesi. Data were collected using interview guides and document study to be analysed qualitatively. This research concludes the need to improve the educators’ competences and provides some recommendations to do.
Community Learning Center (CLC) is a strategic place for various community learning activities that focus on potency empowerment to mobilize development in education, social, economy, and culture including HIV AIDS prevention. Unfortunately, a few CLCs carry out the prevention education of HIV AIDS. This article provides a guide for educational and non-educational personnels in CLC/PKBM to carry out the integration of HIV AIDS prevention education either into CLC’s activities or subject matters within courses and youth programs. They are expected to be able to improv…
Considering the importance of lifelong education, this study aimed at obtaining the quality of lifelong education program in Indonesia. The study employed policy research method exploring the information from various sources. The findings of the study concluded that although the lifelong education program is not explicity stated in the education acts, its existance is undeniable conceptually and empirically.
The success of a Learning Activity Center much depends on the tutors’ competence and creativity. This articles discusses some variables influencing the tutors’ performance and puts forward a number of suggestions to improve the tutors’ performance.
Non-formal Education (NFE) is still facing insufficient number and quality of tutors and thiese become serious obstacles in implementing NFE programs. Meanwhile a continous quality improvement of various NFE activities is required to meet the society’s needs. This article discusses the necessities of developing master tutors based on philosophical, legal, and empirical studies.
Human resource scorecard is a tool to record human resource performance in a card system, by focusing on long and short term and using financial and non financial indicators. There are four perspectives in this approach, which are learning and growth, internal business process, customer and finance. Human resource scorecard is not only a tactic measurement but a strategic management to manage long term strategies. This articles discusses how human resource scorecard can be implemented in the formal and nonformal organization comprehensively to increase human resource&n…
Instructional strategy is one of important factors to achieve instructional objectives. This article discusses both strengthening of Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers in implementing instructional strategy through story telling method and some consideration upon the selection of appropriate story telling for ECE. It is one of the effective methods improving children’s competencies in many aspects. It could also improve the teachers’ knowledge and stimulate their creativity in developing learning method.
The role of educator in non-formal education is essential to succeed the non-formal education programs. This article discusses some theoretical knowledge about learning and teaching to improve the educator’s competence. The writer believes that the educators in non-formal education will be able to improve their performance by implementing the theories discussed in this article.