AbstractThis research aims to know the extent to which the marketing strategy that the company has done well out of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Through a SWOT analysis, PT Asuransi Jiwa Taspen (Taspen Life) can find out marketing strategies that companies can apply to compete with other insurance companies. Based on descriptive research, the finding reveals that internal and external factors have a very strong influence on PT Asuransi Jiwa Taspen. With the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats encountered at PT Asuransi Jiwa Taspen, company management need…
AbstractThe implementation of Pilkades in 2018 was carried out in as many as 172 villages (77.47%) of 222 villages / kelurahan in Pemalang Regency was the first e-voting in Indonesia and could be implemented well. Pilkades as a fundamental political activity for villagers as a form of autonomy native to the Indonesian village, namely the community chooses its leaders directly, publicly, freely and confidentially.The implementation of e-voting Pilkades in Pemalang District has provided learning that the use of information technology can improve the performance of Pilkades implementation. The us…
Abstract The idea of democracy dates back to ancient Greece in the 4th century BC, the City State implemented a Democracy system that involved the community in making political decisions, where the area of the city was actually small and the population was entitled to vote for approximately 300 thousand people. Montesquieu set up a system that can guarantee the political rights of the people (trias politica), which is a system of separation of powers within the state into legislative, executive and judicial powers, each held by a different person.Democracy as a system has been used as an alte…
AbstractThe Semarang City Government has regional innovations that can be examples of good practice in the framework of integrated poverty reduction implemented between regional apparatuses in collaboration with the business community and community participation. Innovation programs include two approaches, namely: (1) reducing the burden of living costs of the poor and (2) programs that directly target poverty.Implementation of poverty alleviation programs with a legal umbrella, namely: Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2016 concerning Poverty Reduction and (2) Regional Regulation Number 11 of …
AbstractIndoneisa is a democratic country that elect people?s representative through elections. This condition is used by entrepreneurs to obtain public positions even though they have to pay high costs. Their goal is to make business profits with rent-seeking behaviour. Basically, rent-seeking behaviour has occurred since The Old Order to Reform regim. Based on literature review, the practice of rent-seeking in Indonesia mostly found in the food sector which is detrimental to society.Keywords: Democratization, Renr-Seeking Behaviour
AbstractDemocracy sometimes reflection of the culture of a nation, and the behavior of theirs citizens shows the culture and values applied to the State, whether badly the democratic system of a State usually affects the political system within government. In reality many systems in a country's are being abused by its citizens as well as government officials, of the various democratic systems of interest is where democracy frees its citizens from choosing human rights, freedom of expression, religious freedom. Unfortunately, there are deviation of democratic systems in various countries is sti…
ABSTRACTIt is interesting to describe the protection and development of intangible culture heritage of the people of Semarang City. The wealth of intangible cultural works in the study of the preservation and development of traditional culinary and attached to the daily life of the community consists of food, drinks and cakes or bread, namely: (1) lumpia (rolls), (2) wedang tahu, (3) mie kopyok (noodles), (4) bandeng presto, (5) tahu gimbal (tofu), (6) wingko babat, (7) bustaman goat curry and (8) Ganjel Rel Bread.The promotion of intangible cultural heritage in the era of autonomy refers to g…
ABSTRACTThe concept of Whole of Government (WoG) as a new perspective on implementing and understanding coordination between sector. Meanwhile the principles of collaboration, togetherness, unity in serving the demands of the community (public services) can be completed in a short time. The diversity of Indonesia in the context of ethnicity, religion, values and beliefs becomes a treasure of diversity that has two sides of a coin that are different from each other. Likewise also in the body of government, diversity also colors sectors that are relatively different from one another. Differences…
ABSTRACTForm of bureaucratic behavior that deviates from ethical values, rules, and statutory provisions and norms that apply in public service policies. Some bureaucratic pathologies that can be found include abuse of authority and responsibility, blurring of problems, indications of corruption, collusion and nepotism, fear of changing policies, innovation and risk, and low credibility. With regard to performance with poor public services can be due to Disjunction of Bureaucracy, so it is not able to realize good quality service. In addition, mall administration is unable to complete the clas…
ABSTRACTThe Republic of Indonesia is a democratic country, all practices of implementing state power must be based on the will of the people. The success of a country in holding elections that are direct, general, free and confidential will be a measure of the value of the success of the implementation of democracy, the voice of the people in a democratic country is a very valuable value because the people determine the government itself. In this study, researchers formulated how the strategy of applying political education as an effort to increase public participation in realizing a democrati…
Triploid watermelon seeds are produced from the crossing between watermelon diploid as males and tetraploid watermelons as females. The success of triploid seed formation is influenced by the success of pollination determined by pollen viability which is characterized by the period of anthesis and peptic receptivity by the time of pollination. This experiment was conducted in Jember on 2018. The Factorial Randomized Block Design, 3x3 with three replications, was concucted to determine the effect of male anthesis period and pollination time on the success rate of seedless watermelon seed fo…
Terung merupakan salah satu jenis sayuran yang digemari oleh masyarakat karena rasanya yang enak dan mengandung gizi yang cukup tinggi. Pertumbuhan dan produksi terung selain dipengaruhi oleh varietas, keadaan iklim dan cara budidaya, juga dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan hara di dalam tanah. Unsur hara dapat diperoleh dari pupuk organik, seperti bokashi batang pisang. Pemanfaatan batang pisang sebagai bahan baku pembuatan bokashi dapat mengurangi limbah hasil pertanian sekaligus mengurangi penggunaan pupuk kimia oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk …
Cultivation of cauliflower with bio-slurry and phosphorus fertilizer was done as an effort to improve soil fertility to increase growth and yield of cauliflower. The study was conducted to determine the effect of bio-slurry with phosphorus fertilizer on growth and yield of lowland cauliflower. The experiment was carried out at Agrotechnopark of Jember University screenhouse from February to May 2018. The research method used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with split plot enviromental design on 3 levels of bio-slurry factor and 4 levels phosphorus factor was repeated 3 times. The first factor …
The cultivation of carambola produced some waste that can be used as organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is useful to improve soil conditions and enrich the nutrient content contained therein so that it is easily absorbed by cultivated plants such as pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.). The optimum pakcoy production is supported by good land management in order to meet the availability of nutrients needed by the addition of inorganic fertilizers and starfruit organic fertilizer. The study was conducted at Attaqie Farm, Tuban in November 2018 to May 2019. The experimental design used was randomized co…
One group of rhizobacteria that has been widely studied as a biological controlling agent is Bacillus spp. Through the mechanism of induction of resistance and antibiosis, these bacteria are able to suppress the growth of plant pathogens. Its ability to quickly colonize plant roots and broad adaptability to the environment causes Bacillus to spread in nature, especially in the rhizosphere. This study aims to determine the presence of Bacillus in several rhizosphere weeds and their ability to inhibit plant pathogen growth in vitro. This study consisted of two stages, namely, (1) sampling activi…
Pemangkasan pucuk merupakan upaya penyeimbangan pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif pada tanaman Indeterminate seperti tanaman mentimun. Penyeimbangan pertumbuhan tanaman berperan dalam efisiensi aliran fotosintat tanaman. Usaha perbaikan kualitas produksi benih mentimun dilakukan dengan melakukan efisiensi aliran fotosintat dan peningkatan unsur hara esensial yang terlibat dalam proses pengisian biji. Unsur hara kalium memiliki peranan yang penting dalam proses pengisian biji tanaman mentimun. Percobaan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemangkasan pucuk dan dosis pupuk kalium terhadap …
Rendahnya keragaman genetik dan produktivitas tanaman sorgum menjadi permasalahan dalam pengembangan tanaman sorgum. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan pendekatan bioteknologi terutama untuk mendapatkan tanaman transgenik. Pendekatan bioteknologi didukung oleh bahan tanam yang baik dengan menggunakan teknik kultur jaringan untuk mendapatkan kalus tanaman sorgum. Perbanyakan kalus dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kultur jaringan dengan menambahkan konsentrasi zat pengatur tumbuh 2,4-D. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember. Penelitian …
Golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata L.) is one of the main pests that attack young paddy plants. Golden snail pest attack on paddy plants has the potential to reduce yields and even crop failure. Kipahit plants (T. diversifolia) have the potential as bio molluscides because they contain toxic compounds against golden snails. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of bio molluscicide concentration of kipahit leaf extract (T.diversifolia) on mortality of golden snails at two phases of age and damage intensity of paddy plants. The. The research was conducted in December 2017 until …
Sistem agribisnis yang terdiri dari beberapa subsektor dimana setiap subsektor memiliki peran dalam kegiatan agribisnis kopi arabika. Perbaikan dan peningkatan sistem agribisnis kopi arabika merupakan hal yang penting bagi pelaku agribisnis kopi arabika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem agribisnis kopi arabika. Metode penentuan daerah penelitian ini dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive method). Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dan analitik. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis pendapatan, analisis nilai tambah metode hayami, d…
Soybean is an important commodity after rice and corn. The attack of plant pest organisms in cultivation decreased soybean productivity. Anthracnose is a disease that can reduce soybean production to 95%. The use of excessive synthetic chemical fungicides causes resistance to plant disturbing organisms and leaves chemical residues. The solution to overcome this problem is pay attention using types of fungicide active ingredients and span application time. This study aims to determine the effect of several types of fungicides and span application time on the development of anthracnose and yield…