Teknologi komputer dapat digunakan dalam berbagai bidang, salah satunya pada bidang sistem informasi, sistem informasi merupakan kombinasi dari teknologi informasi dan aktivitas manusia untuk mendukung operasi dan manajemen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun sebuah sistem informasi yang berhubungan dengan system berbasis komputer, sehingga proses yang dilakukan dapat berlangsung dengan lebih cepat dan efisien serta dapat meminimalkan kesalahan yang mungkin terjadi. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data meliputi studi literatur, wawancara (intervi…

Congestion in Tangerang has become a daily sight. Many steps have been taken by the government to overcome congestion. However, congestion still happens. Therefore road users must find their own way to solve the problem. One effective way is to find the shortest alternative route that can be traversed by using Dijkstra Algorithm. The use of Dijkstra's Algorithm can provide a solution because Dijkstra's algorithm gives the output of the fastest and shortest path from the origin to the destination.

Penilaian pelayanan TPU di Wilayah Jakarta Utara sesuai tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih (good and clean governance) dan harus memperhatikan kualitas tanggung jawab, fasilitas, pelayanan dan kesederhanaan prosedur. Metode Analitical Hierarchy Process (AHP) adalah sebuah kerangka untuk mengambil keputusan dengan efektif atas persoalan yang kompleks dengan menyederhanakan dan mempercepat proses pengambilan keputusan dengan memecahkan persoalan tersebut kedalam bagian-bagiannya, menata bagian atau variabel ini dalam suatu susunan hierarki, member nilai numerik pada pertimbangan subje…

Laptop is a basic need for people, either for education or for business activities. However, choosing the right laptop according to customer needs, specifications of the laptop and the right price is not easy.One way to help the prospective buyer in order to determine a laptop that will be purchased in accordance with the requirements is the decision support system. Decision support system designed to support all stages of decision making ranging from identifying the problem, selecting the relevant data and determine the approach used in the decision making process to evaluate the alternatives…

EDM wire is one of the non-conventional machinings that is currently widely used in the manufacturing industry because it can process workpieces with hard material and also produces excellent dimensional accuracy. This research was carried out with variable current, voltage and wire speed processes. While the response variable is the material removal rate and cutting width (kerf), this study aims to determine the effect of each factor on each response as well as on the combined response and to find the right combination of parameters to produce optimal response values. The results of the study…

Since 2006 Indonesia has become the world's largest producer of Crude Palm Oil. Also, palm oil is a strategic commodity both as food (cooking oil). The need for self-cooking oil every day is increasing, causing businessmen who plunge not only to have significant capital but many from SMEs and MSMEs who start a cooking industry in the home industry. In the home industry for cooking oil packaging, the manual method is still used, which is to drain oil from the reservoir to the package through a pipe that is given a tap to open and close. This study studied PLC-based cooking oil filling machines …

The stability of an airplane is influenced by aerodynamic characteristics, one of which is the lift coefficient (C). The value C is the ratio between the lift force (L) and the dynamic pressure (q). The value of C is determined based on the design of the airfoil shape and the use of the type of flap. The increase in C from the previous study using the simulation method obtained 20.4% with the addition of a flap. This study aims to simulate folds by adding vane (double slotted flap). The methodology in the study uses a simulation of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD). The research results of air…

Charging-discharging research was conducted on Redox Flow battery (RFB) using Pb as cathode,  PbO as anode, and H2SO4 solution as electrolyte. The research was done by using static and dynamic methode. The experimental shows that RFB was succesfully created and show secondary battery characteristic (charge and discharge graph). According to the charge-discharge characteristic for 5 cycles RFB, shows that the RFB capacity is 1800 mAh when RFB on the static mode while RFB in dynamic mode, the capacity is 2900 mAh.  Based on the graph, it was found that the energy efficiency of RFB in t…

Types of waste issued by industries and communities are organic and non-organic. Non-organic waste can not decompose naturally but it needs human effort to process it by recycling, one of which is plastic waste. The method is the identification and formulation of problems in landfills / TPS and scavengers, then determined the purpose of the study. By literature study and field study can be concluded that the concept of a suitable problem solving is the method of Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Implementation of QFD in this study to determine the scavengers desire in improving the economic l…

Ship maneuverability is the ability of the ship to rotate and change direction in all conditions of the water when the rudder (steering) turns to form a certain angle; there is a change in pressure, speed and direction of fluid flow, this causes changes in the course of the ship. Corals that produce the rudder of the vessel to crack or break because of the impact of the rock at that time the rudder needs a repair. Repair on the rudder of the ship is usually carried out on the leaves and sticks of steering, one of the repairs processes is by welding, but if the rudder undergoes a reparation pro…

Provision crane is one type of crane used for loading and unloading on ships. Material provision cranes used in this study are structural steel with a cross-section of hollow pipes. This study aims to analyze the strength and equilibrium of the structure of provision cranes. The research methodology used is the analysis of finite element analysis with Ansys 16.2 software. The results of the structural analysis show that the maximum deflection occurs at the end of the boom arm, namely aks max = 0.93843 mm; σymaks maximum yield stress = 36,233 MPa; the maximum yield strain εymaks = 0.027632%. …

Flight performance is determined by the lift coefficient (CL) and drag coefficient (CD). CL and CD values are influenced by the geometric shapes of aircraft wings. Air flow through the side of the aircraft causes wingtip vortices. Wingtip vortices add induced drag to the arms of the aircraft, creating reduced aircraft aerodynamic performance. Induced drag is a drag that results from the whirlwind of air flow due to differences in pressure on the surface of an aircraft wing. Previous studies obtained data that the use of winglets on sides with 45 o bending angle can increase the CL / CD ratio b…

Inventories of oil palm empty fruit bunches palm (EFBP) at oil palm factories are very abundant. This will be a problem if the handling is not serious. Utilization of EFBP fiber as a technical material is one effort that can be done in order to help reduce the problem of EFBP waste in palm oil mill. EFBP fibers as the substance of fibrous cement board aims to reduce to the weight of the material without lowering its strength. The method of making fibrous cement board by mixing EFBP fiber into dough with 12% marble powder ratio, 10% CaCO3 powder and EFBP fiber volume and portland cement are var…

Al-Si alloy is one of the alloys that are widely used in the industry because it has a good cast and good strength. To increase its mechanical strength Cu alloy can be added which can be covered. Al-10Si-Cu alloy is one of the alloys commonly used in industry, especially the automotive industry because it has excellent mechanical strength. This research is focused on looking at the effect of artificial aging on T6 heat treatment to increase the hardness of Al-10Si-3Cu alloy results from casting. Dilution behavior was carried out at a temperature of 520 oC for 2 hours then quenched in water and…

The increasing frequency of flood events is an indication of the failure of watershed management. Natural resource utilization activities in the Solo watershed tend to be intensive from upstream to downstream, cause a decrease in the carrying capacity of the watershed. To restore the carrying capacity of the watershed, efforts are needed to monitor and evaluate watersheds. The initial stage that needs to be done is to ensure the accuracy of the flood-prone areas by determining priority areas. The purpose of the study is to determine the flood-prone areas in the Solo watershed based on the leve…

Two rural communities using fuel wood energy in mountainous and coastal areas of Java island in Indonesia have been surveyed to know their household characteristics and the related potential indoor air pollution issues. By random sampling, we characterized fuel wood users only. The fuel wood use was mainly due to economic reason since some of the users were categorized as low-income families. Communities in the mountainous area were exposed to higher risk of indoor air pollution than those in coastal area due to their house characteristics and behavior during cooking. Both communities, however…

ABSTRAKFenomena iklim mempengaruhi kenyamanan fisiologis di daerah pemukiman. Analisa tingkat kenyamanan di DKI Jakarta dilakukan menggunakan THI (Temperature Humidity Index). Berdasarkan data iklim periode 1985 – 2012 stasiun Kemayoran, Tanjung Priok, Halim, Cengkareng dan Pondok Betung, hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata prosentase tingkat kenyamanan harian dengan kategori tidak nyaman sebesar 22,1 % (81 hari per tahun), sebagian nyaman 71 % (259 hari per tahun) dan nyaman 7,1% (26 hari per tahun). Tingkat kenyamanan menunjukkan semakin ke tengah kota semakin besar prosentase tida…

Keberhasilan pembangunan pertanian menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan terutama sumberdaya lahan. Produksi bawang merah rata-rata menurun setiap tahunnya, dikawatirkan akibat penggunaan bahan agrokimia seperti pestisida yang cenderung berlebihan baik konsentrasi maupun dosisnya, sehingga terjadi akumulasi logam-logam berat seperti Pb pada tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui: (i) pengaruh residu pestisida terutama logam berat Pb pada lahan pertanian bawang merah, (ii) tingkat pencemaran tanah akibat logam berat Pb, (iii) kandungan residu logam berat Pb dalam tanah. Metode pene…

Pengembangan Taman Nasional sebagai kawasan ekowisata adalah salah satu altenatif untuk mengurangi degradasi kawasan konservasi di masa yang akan datang. Kawasan Laiwangi Wanggameti adalah salah satu kawasan hutan di Taman Nasiobnal Matalawa di Kabupaten Sumba Timur NTT mempunyai potensi sumberdaya alam yang layak untuk dikembangankan sebagai kawasan ekowisata. Penelitiian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis potensi supply dan demand ekowisata kawasan Laiwangi Wanggameti; (2) menganalisis keinginan membayar pengunjung (WTP) potensial lokal; (3) merumuskan strategi pengem…

Tambrauw merupakan kabupaten di Papua Barat yang menempatkan kebijakan konservasi sebagai domain pembangunan daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang strategi bagi pembentukan Tambrauw sebagai Kabupaten Konservasi. Penelitian berlangsung sejak bulan oktober-November 2017, menggunakan pendekatan SWOT untuk analisis kekuatan dan kelemahan (faktor Internal) dan peluang dan ancaman (faktor eksternal).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tambrauw layak sebagai Kabupaten Konservasi, dimana posisinya berada pada kwadran I. Artinya bahwa terdapat kekuatan dan peluang sebagai faktor kunci pembentu…