Until today, the development of synthetic unit hydrograph model is still based on morphometry characteristic of watershed or combine with other parameters. According to Sri Harto (1985), There are at least four main characteristic morphometry of watershed which highly influenced to the hydrograph and can be easily quantified namely watershed area (A), main river length (L), main river slope (S) and form factor (FB). This research aim is to analyze and verify these four factors and it?s effect to the three of hydrograph parameters i.e. peak time (TP), peak flow (QP) and base time (TB). This res…
Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) is a type of credit was given by Bank for segmen business Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKMK). Along with the high interest of the community in applying for credit to the Bank, it raises its own problems, namely determining the feasibility of customers. Determining this feasibility is important considering that KUR is one of the Government's programs in empowering the UMKMK industry sector, so that the risk of non-performing loans is expected to be minimized. The method used in this study is the Pairwise Comparisons and Scoring, based on the consideration that…
Regarding the use of hydrogen in fuel cell for mobile or stationary applications, metal hydrides can offer a high hydrogen volume capacity and a safe alternative compared with liquid storage or with compressed gas. Among the metal hydrides, magnesium is considered as one of potential hydrogen storage materials because of its high capacity (7.6 wt%), lightweight and low cost. However, high work temperature would slow down kinetics reaction and harden activation process limit practical application of Mg-based hydrides as well. Recently, the high energy ball milling was successfully introduced to…
This paper will review atomic-like phenomena in a semiconductor quantum dot which their size, shape and interactions can be precisely controlled through the use of nanofabrication technology. It has been shown that by confining electrons in three dimensions inside semiconductors, quantum dots can show many of the phenomena observed in atoms and nuclei and so called artificial atom. Because of its controlable system, it is possible to explore the correlation effects in regimes that cannot otherwise be accessed in other physical systems. For simplicity, this work will focus on a circular-shape s…
Ability of Representation is the process of applying ideas that are poured in symbols to show an understanding of mathematical concepts. The ability of elementary school representation is still low. The investigative approach of quantum strategy allows students to be actively involved because students construct and rediscover the reflected concept. The investigative approach of quantum strategy has a good effect on the ability of mathematical representation of class V students on flat matter. This is evidenced by the study using quasi-experimental methods with pretest-postets control group des…
Background of this research is because score the students is not satisfying. In the proces of learning, the teacher is not involve the students on active proces of learning. Based on this condition, Learning Cycle model of learning is applied to be resolve this problem. This is because in Learning Cycle model of learning is centered in the student and make learning to be means. Form this reseach is classroom action research which is done in 3 cycles. Obtaine data in plan a cycle I reach 83,3%, cycle II 93,3%, cycle III 100% so reach the target. In the implementation cycle I reach 85%, cycle II…
After the observation on 5th grader SDN Darangdan Kecamatan Sumedang Selatan Kabupaten Sumedang, researchers found a problem in student learning outcomes in subjects Social Science material Diversity Tribe Nations and Culture in Indonesia. The low learning outcomes of students are influenced by less optimal performance of teachers and student activities. Therefore it is necessary to solve the problem through the application of model jigsaw by magic circle. This research is a classroom action research (PTK). Target achievement of learning outcomes is 93.33% of the total number of students as ma…
Research in class V SDN Sukahati background on the lack of understanding of students on the material, and the implementation of less learning to arouse students interest to learn. Efforts to fix the problem by applying the Discovery learning model. The problem is corrected through Classroom Action Research (PTK) with research design model Kemmis and Taggart. Instruments used include teacher performance observation sheets, student activities, student learning outcomes, interview guides, and field notes. This study was completed in three cycles. The data obtained in the planning cycle 84%, 92.2%…
This study was conducted to determine the increase in mathematical problem solving ability of students with mathematics learning using the Problem-Based Learning with TAPPS strategy on 5th grader comparative material. This research method using a quasi-experimental method by nonequivalent control group design. Samples were selected in the study were students of SDN Sukaraja II 5th grader. There are various instruments used in the study, such as tests the ability of mathematical problem solving, observation formats, and the format of student questionnaire responses. Research results with a sign…
This study aims to improve studentâs ability in concluding the contents of the story. Based on the result of research that has been done in class V A SDN Cirayun show that student still have difficulty in summing up the story content. These problems occur because the management of the class is not optimal, and the use of learning methods that are less varied. The overcome these problems, the researcher determines the action by applying the Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review (SQ3R) method with the rainbow post game. In cycle I, the result of teacher performance planning reached 83,3%, …
Vocal learning implementation should create learning process actively, creatively utilizing existing learning resources. Supported competencies teachers who are esperts in their field to study vocal. The condition of the school shows have used method to increaselearning solfegio vocals. Therefore the research needs to be done to get to know the process of learning the vocals. Objective to describe the process of use of methods of learning to solfegio vocals. A descriptive qualitative research methods with steps planning, implementation, observation, data processing and reflection, with the sub…
Keterampilan berpikir kritis sangat penting untuk menentukan keputusan dalam memecahkan masalah. Untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa, digunakan model PBL pada materi daur air. Metode penelitian yang dipakai yaitu metode eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest control group design. Populasi penelitian yaitu siswa kelas V di SD berkategori unggul berdasarkan rata-rata nilai UN IPA di Kec. Sumedang Selatan, serta sampel penelitian yaitu SDN Pasanggrahan II sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan SDN Pasanggrahan III sebagai kelompok kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari instr…
This study has a purpose to compare students understanding and motivation. The research uses quasi experimental research method with Nonequivalent Control Group Design design. The sample used is the students of grade IV Tenjolaya 1 Elementary School. After the research is known from the significant level α = 0.05, 1) Picture and Picture method is considered not better than the conventional method in improving students understanding and motivation with P-value (Sig 1 -tailed) of 0.068, 2) Picture and Picture method better improve students learning motivation than conventional method with P-v…
Based on the results of field observations made about the material to arrange paragraphs, teachers are still doing the learning that is still conventional and the teacher still dominates the learning with lecture method, so that students look bored and the students focus on learning at the beginning of learning alone, in addition learning becomes less meaningful, The students also do not understand the learning materials presented by the teacher because learning is only transfer of knowledge only. To overcome this is done classroom action research (PTK) using Spiral model of Kemmis and Taggart…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan keefektifan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS dan tipe Jigsaw ditinjau dari prestasi belajar matematika dan karakter siswa; (2) mendeskripsikan, perbandingan keefektifan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS dengan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw ditinjau dari prestasi belajar matematika dan karakter siswa pada materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung. Penelitian merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan menggunakan dua kelompok eksperimen. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Banjarnegara yang terdiri atas delapan kelas, sedangk…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan membandingkan keefektifan pendekatan problem posing dan pendekatan konvensional ditinjau dari prestasi belajar, kemampuan koneksi matematis, dan disposisi matematis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu. Populasi mencakup seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Tempel Sleman yang terdiri atas 6 kelas. Kelas VIII A dan VIII D terpilih secara acak sebagai sampel. Kelas VIII D sebagai kelas eksperimen diberikan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan problem posing. Kelas VIII A sebagai kelas kontrol diberikan pembelajaran konvensional. Teknik pengum…
Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika berbasis saintifik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan prestasi belajar siswa kelas X di SMA semester 2. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development). Penelitian ini mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 3D (Define, Design, Develop) yang dikembangkan oleh Borg dan Gall. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 136 siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengkonversi total skor aktual yang diperoleh m…
The rapid increase and availability of mathematics software, either for classroom or individual learning activities, presents a challenge for teachers. It has been argued that many products are limited in quality. Some of the more commonly used software products have been criticized for poor content, activities which fail to address some learning issues, poor graphics presentation, inadequate documentation, and other technical problems. The challenge for schools is to ensure that the educational software used in classrooms is appropriate and effective in supporting intended outcomes and goals.…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis penemuan terbimbing untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan motivasi belajar matematika pada bangun ruang di SMP. Perangkat yang dikembangkan meliputi silabus, 3 RPP, 8 handout, 8 LKS, 1 perangkat tes ketercapain pada bangun ruang sisi datar; serta  silabus, 3 RPP, 2 handout, 4 LKS, 1 perangkat tes ketercapaian kompetensi pada bangun ruang sisi lengkung. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (research &development) dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4D yaitu define, design, development, dan …
Logistic regression can be mapped equivalent to artificial neural network (ANN) without hidden layer with logistic as activation function, hence logistic regression is subset of ANN. The result study on binary and poly-chotomous response data show that parameter estimation values of ANN and logistic regression are similar. In comparison with ANN, logistic regression has standard procedure for estimation and testing parameter.Keyword : logistic regression, generalized linear model, artificial neural network, activation function, hidden layer