This study aims to: 1) find out whether the Problem Based Learning approach can improve problem solving skills in students of class X PM 1 at SMK Sangkuriang 1 Cimahi. 2) knowing whether the Problem Based Learning approach can improve student learning outcomes. The class chosen in the study was the class X PM 1 of SMK Sangkuriang 1 Cimahi. The class has low achievement and the learning response is slow. The method used is Classroom action Research through 4 phases of planning, action, observation, reflection. Data retrieval uses problem solving ability tests and student activity sheets. The re…

This study aims to analyze the effect of applying the reciprocal teaching approach in an effort to improve students' critical thinking skills in the XI-IOP B class of SMK 1 Cimahi in the matrix material. This research is a type of classroom action research consisting of 2 (two) cycles based on the mathematics teacher's syllabus in class XI-IOP B. Each cycle is based on the objectives to be achieved in learning. The cycle in this study includes the following procedures: (1) Planning; (2) Acting; (3) Observation and evaluation; (4) Reflection. Based on the results of research conducted on class …

The purpose of this study is to improve the activities and student learning outcomes through the Jigsaw learning model. This type of research is Class Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this study were teachers and eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Batujajar in the first semester which amounted to 34 students. The method of data collection is done through interviews, observation, tests and documentation. Data analysis techniques use methods that include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate an increase in activity and …

This study aims to analyze students' mathematical connection ability in solving the system problems of linear variables two variables and learning motivation of students of class X-OTKP 1 Computer Vocational School AKP Cianjur. The subject of this study of 21 students. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques are done by giving a test of mathematical connection ability and learning motivation questionnaire, then,  data is processed and analyzed through three stages, namely checking the results of student answers, presenting student test data …

This study aims to find out about creative thinking skills and mathematical problem solving and the confidence of junior high school students using a contextual approach. This research is descriptive study qualitative questions research. This research was held in one of the junior high schools in the west Bandung regency, the subject of this study was the  class VIII B students of the Satap Lembang junior high school in Cililin. Data analysis is done by data reduction techniques, data presentation and conclusion drawing mathematical creative thinking ability is an ability in wich student …

Mathematical reflective thinking ability is a process of thinking someone in understanding, identifying, analyzing problems based on relevant information and determining solutions to solve these problems. The importance of reflective marriage is to help students develop high-level thinking skills through their encouragement to: 1) connect new knowledge to their previous understanding. 2) thinking in abstract and concrete terminology. 3) apply specific strategies for new tasks. 4) understand their own thinking processes and learn on their own. The research method used is descriptive qualitative…

This study aims to determine the effect of the contextual approach to students' mathematical reasoning abilities in one junior high school in the city of Bandung. The method of this research is qualitative descriptive. The subjects in this study were class VIII students in one junior high school in Bandung as many as 32 students. This study uses Classroom Action Research (PTK) with data collection techniques carried out, namely test instruments mathematical reasoning abilities as many as 5 items. The results of learning research using a contextual approach by performing pretest and posttest te…

The movement of the sun, the earth, and the moon on their each orbites have caused a natural fenomenon called an eclipse. Rasulullah SAW taught his followers to take a pray when this situation comes. Many 'ulamas have a different opinions in one or two case  order to do the eclipse prayer, for example when the eclipse couldn't be seen because it hindered by clouds or if it's cloudy. One of the ulama's opinion which will be reviewed is the opinion of Ibnu Hajar al-Haitami. The aim of this research is to find out the fiqh of eclipse prayer in the study of Islamic Law, later Haitami's opinion co…

The Observatory is a scientific institution in Islamic civilization that has a strategic function and position in people's lives. In addition to the means of accurate time and location of worship, the observatory also functions as a science education institution that integrates faith, Islam, science, and empiric. In the context of Islamic civilization, the observatory is a miniature advance of a civilization (nation).

The observatory is an institution that studies the celestial bodies and is an important legacy of Islamic civilization. In the early development, the observatory focused more on the study of celestial bodies. But in the modern era, observatory institutions have functions and strategic positions in social and intellectual life in the community. Among them the observatory has educational values or aspects. Among the values and functions of education in observatory institutions are: (1) as a means of accusing the times and positions of worship of Muslims (especially prayer and fasting), (2) as a …

Gerhana matahari dan gerhana bulan merupakan  peristiwa astronomis yang sudah menjadi peristiwa edukasi religius bagi masyarakat muslim Indonesia, hal ini bisa dilihat pada peristiwa gerhana matahari total 9 Maret 2016 dan gerhana matahari cincin 26 Desember 2019, dimana semua wilayah di Indonesia melakukan pengamatan dan salat gerhana secara berjamaah. Kemudahan dalam mendapatkan informasi peristiwa gerhana mengakibatkan mudahnya mobilisasi masyarakat untuk ikut terlibat dalam setiap peristiwa gerhana. Kemudahan informasi ini membuat masyarakat awam merasakan seolah-olah gerhana sudah sering…

Penelitian ini membahas tentang awal waktu salat Zuhur. Tidak seperti penentuan awal bulan kamariah, penentuan awal waktu salat selama ini dianggap cukup dengan menggunakan hisab. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya praktek antara penentuan awal waktu salat yang didasarkan pada fenomena siklus posisi Matahari terhadap bumi atau implikasi cahaya Matahari terhadap benda-benda di permukaan bumi dengan kriteria awal waktu salat yang berbasis hisab. Peneliti membatasi penelitian ini pada akurasi awal waktu Zuhur karena hasil hisab awal waktu Zuhur menjadi kunci untuk hisab waktu salat lainnya. Penelitian…

Malay archipelago is considered as a major Islamic development which includes the Malay archipelago stretching from Sumatra in the west to Sulawesi in the east. Arab traders with the help of the monsoon wind picked up many stops to trade and develop Islam at the same time. Thus Falak is a fardhu kifayah who needs to be taught to strengthen the obligatory practices of 'obligatory' in Islam such as performing prayers, facing the Qiblah, fasting and performing zakat. Arab traders also married local women and settled mostly kept in the Malay region while the next generation of pervasive importance…

AbstractThis article aims at explaining the ideological political contestation in determining the beginning and end of the qamariah month in Indonesia by using a religious commodification approach. Religious issues that drawn in ideological interest have led to group fanaticism which makes religion as part of commodification in the construct of pragmatic interests. Two paradigms of Hisab and Rukyat become a symbol of differences in determining the beginning and end of the qamariah month in Indonesia. The ideological and political interpretation was born from this debate. In its history, the id…

A graph is a representation of a state that can be defined as an ordered set consisting of vertices and arcs. A graph can be formed based on the representation of the relationship of objects by declaring objects as vertices and relationships between objects as arcs. If the celestial body is connected with certain rules, then the celestial body can be formed a graph.The relationship of celestial bodies to each other in this paper is determined by the difference in the level of light (Mv) read magnitude. Difference Mv this paper i.e: , ,  dan .The purpose of this research is to form a new graph…

Penanggalan Istirhamiah merupakan sistem penanggalan berbasis Matahari (Solar System) yang sama dengan penanggalan Masehi. Penanggalan Istirhamiah ini sangat melekat di hati jamaah Majelis Istirhami. Perbedaan Penanggalan Istirhamiah dengan Penanggalan Masehi bukan hanya mengganti kata Masehi dengan Istirhamiah, tetapi juga awal tahunnya. Penanggalan Istirhamiah dimulai pada tahun 1998, tahun di mana mulai disusunnya selawat Istirham. Begitu pula nama-nama bulan pada penanggalan Istirhamiah juga berbeda dengan bulan-bulan dalam penanggalan Masehi. Penanggalan ini masih eksis sampai sekarang ka…

Determination of the beginning of the lunar month conducted by the government to realize the benefit of Muslims. The law has stipulated that issues of good quality are necessary and justified by the interference of ulil amri, the government. This was done in order to create public benefit. The government in setting the beginning of the month is not because of authority but authoritative. This means that the authority is that the government is only based on the authority of power while authoritative is based on shar'i arguments.

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) hubungan pola asuh otoriter dengan perilaku agresif siswa kelas V se-kecamatan Moyudan tahun ajaran 2015/2016, 2) hubungan intensitas penggunaan media massa dengan perilaku agresif siswa kelas V se-kecamatan Moyudan tahun ajaran 2015/2016, 3) hubungan secara bersama-sama antara pola asuh otoriter dan intensitas penggunaan media massa dengan perilaku agresif siswa kelas V se-kecamatan Moyudan tahun ajaran 2015/2016.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Se-Kecamatan Moyudan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Juni 2016. Penelitian ini adalah peneliti…

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) hubungan pola asuh otoriter dengan perilaku agresif siswa kelas V se-kecamatan Moyudan tahun ajaran 2015/2016, 2) hubungan intensitas penggunaan media massa dengan perilaku agresif siswa kelas V se-kecamatan Moyudan tahun ajaran 2015/2016, 3) hubungan secara bersama-sama antara pola asuh otoriter dan intensitas penggunaan media massa dengan perilaku agresif siswa kelas V se-kecamatan Moyudan tahun ajaran 2015/2016.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Se-Kecamatan Moyudan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Juni 2016. Penelitian ini adalah peneliti…

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1)mengembangkan media kartu pintar pada pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa, 2) mengetahui kualitas isi serta tampilan pada media kartu pintar, 3) mengetahui respon siswa terhadap media kartu pintar, dan 4) mengetahui peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Mangir Lor Pajangan Bantul melalui media kartu pintar pada materi krama alus.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Negeri Mangir Lor Pajangan Bantul. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D) dengan jumlah sampel seluruhnya 23 siswa. Pengembangan produk med…