UD. BTECH Indonesia is a company which worked in the marketing service scope/division of computer accesories. The recording of goods income and otcome still uses manual system especially in the warehouse division, because it is only the author to check the goods stock. The purpose of this research is to analyze the system which has been exixting and to develop the consigned information in UD. BTECH. This system tries to connecting the company with the suppliers and consumers. The software development model uses waterfall model, whereas for the data model uses structured model, Entity Relation …

Pain is a state of body discomfort. To cure diseases, people usually go to the doctor, but now if the disease is mild it can be treated with self-medication. Therefore, Self-medication (Swamedikasi) recommendation system needs to be built specially to lessen and solve the mild disease problem, in this case, is digestion. The recommendation generated using an expert system with Dempster Shafer method. The application?s output will display the possibility of mild disease in digestion system that suffered by user based on the existing symptoms. The application also shows the possibility of sympto…

PGRI University of Yogyakarta is an educational institution that uses the internet as one of the supporting facilities and infrastructures to manage and organize the data and information used by the student to find references about the lecture. PGRI University Yogyakarta has three buildings on the main campus building A building B and C buildings, where each building using wireless LAN as a means for students to use the internet network, the weakness of the wireless LAN network where poor internet network in the wireless LAN network. Thus the researchers wanted to analyze the Quality of Servic…

Pharmacy information systems that exist today, many of them are designed and built just to manage a single specific pharmacy. In terms of ordering medications, the pharmacies most still use the manual method, such as send a letter of reservation or make a reservation by phone. The database is built as a back-end of the pharmacy information system, also use the software most diverse database. Currently, from the customer side, to obtain the presence information of a drug product, customers need to go to every pharmacy one by one to find the product you are looking for drugs. This, of course, wi…

This paper describes our research on implementing a scanner and parsers for Z specifications. Rather to code them from scratch, we use tools that have specialities on creating such tasks. These tools generate several Java files which can be integrated with a main program in Java. Our research could produce a scanner and parser for Z specifications. These tools could benefit Z specifications to be studied further.

RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul have been using information technology to improve health care in their area. One of the uses of information technology is in medical record information system. The existence of medical record information system will help to manage all medical record data. But with applying information system its data need to be secured, while there still less knowledge and understanding about medical record information system security. Therefore, it?s needed to have an audit using the standard of ISO 27001 to get a convenient security service for a medical record information. The au…

Indonesia has a disparity in internet access caused by differences in regional factors, especially in geographically difficult areas to reach. The disparity in internet access is narrowed by the existence of programs through USO funds. However, the researchers found that the equalization program for internet access using USO funds had not been effective, especially in the education sector. This paper aims to provide an evaluation of USO-funded programs. This paper uses qualitative descriptive methods with review literature data collection techniques accompanied by qualitative critical analysis…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dan aktifitas belajar siswa kelas VII E di SMP Negeri 3 Batang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas dengan dua kali siklus tindakan. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII E SMP Negeri 3 Batang sebanyak 40 siswa terdiri atas 19 siswa putra dan 21 siswa putri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  hasil belajar siswa pada akhir siklus mengalami peningkatan 95%, sedangkan aktifitas belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan hingga 94%. Dengan demikian dapa…

Instrumen penilaian yang digunakan di sekolah SMA Negeri 1 Krangkeng belum berorientasi pada keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Hakikat dari biologi, tujuan pendidikan nasional dan perkembangan jaman menuntut keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis instrumen penilaian di sekolah, mengembangkan instrumen penilaian untuk mengukur keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi, dan menguji efektivitas serta kepraktisan instrumen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and development. Prosedur pengembangan produk melalui tahap penelitian pendahuluan dan p…

The lecturing process is the ones of the education aspects to be evaluate, behind input and output aspects, at the university. The lecturing process must be planning, implementing, and evaluating. Evaluator of the lecturing process usually to be done by lectures. Evaluation subject are university students. Lectures rarely to evaluate their performs and competencies. In order to increase the university quality, the perform and competencies lectures, activity, interest, and motivation students were evaluated. Evaluation of the perform and competencies lectures by students is a university policy.…

Artikel ini merupakan ringkasan temuan penelitian tindakan pada kelas Prosa yang diampu penulis. Studi ini melibatkan 25 orang mahasiswa, 15 perempuan dan 10 laki-laki, dan ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam memahami dan menganalisis karya sasrta melalui pengguanaan komik. Merujuk pada model Penelitian Tindakan tiga siklus, studi ini menemukan bahwa penggunaan komik secara signifikan mampu meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa sebagaimana ditunjukkan fakta-fakta berikut; (1) pada tahap pretes hanya terdapat 4 (16%) mahasiswa yang mampu secara mudah memahami dan menganalisis karya s…

Play is a joyful activity and an inherent need for children so that children maylearn many skills in pleasure without any pressure. Trough play, children will be wellprepared for their environment and be ready on their next educational levels.Children’s intelligence is not only determined by a single score based on anintelligence test which measures the verbal, linguistic, and logical mathematicalcompetence. Children also have an intelligence which is called multiple intelligences.People have more or less 8 intelligences, which are verbal linguistic, logicmathematic, visual spatial, kin…

To teach science is basically to teach about everything in the universe. Sincetheir early age children could actually be introduced to the nature, and theirengagement in or observation of any kind of natural process may help them to enrichtheir experience and sense of science. In this sense, therefore, the use of naturalresources is important as it will also allow them to do some experiments, to furtherexplore and investigate their natural surrounding. These ability and skills areundoubtedly of a great usefulness for and in their future. Within the currentKindergarten Curriculum, science teach…

Compared to other literary works, drama is the most unique one. It is based on thedefinition that drama is made to be performed. For the reader, these images of actioncome to life when we interact with the combination of dialogues and stage directionswe call a script. The printed page does not make drama itself. The activating ingredientis our living response to what we read.And the two most important resources we haveas readers are our powers of imagination and empathy. Drama analysis as one of thesubjects learned in a university has become a class that is tiresome and timeconsuming.Students …

Kompetensi yang ingin dicapai dari mata kuliah manajemen katering adalah agar mahasiswa memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang konsep manajemen katering serta terampil mengelola usaha katering. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1). Untuk mengetahui apakah metode mengajar lesson study dapat meningkatkan pemahaman materi kuliah manajemen katering? 2). Untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah aktivitas mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan manajemen katering dengan menggunakan metode mengajar lesson study. Metode penelitiannya adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dengan dua siklus, mengikuti prosedur:…

The aims of this investigation were a) to make a simple lerning model aboutoverlay with Arc View program in order to find a new geospatial information, b) toincrease lerning activity on Geography Information System (SIG) subject, throughCTL-based approach. The subject of this research is 35 students of 6th semester atGeography Education Program of Social Faculty of Semarang State University(UNNES). The location of this observation is in the Geography Information SystemLaboratory of Social studies of UNNES has bee done too field research outside thelaboratory. This is an action research, consib…

This experimental research was aimed to find out: 1) the different effect between the exercise method of sit heel raises the feet on the block compared to on  floor towards the result of the tuck style long jump, 2) the different effect between long leg and short leg towards the result of tuck style long jump, 3) the interaction between the exercise method of sit heel raises and the length of leg toward the result of tuck style long jump. This is an experimental research. The result of the research hypothesis test was analyzed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) two ways with significance deg…

Introduction: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is the most head and neck malignancy worldwide that is capable of performing distant metastasis and potentially to relapse. Indonesia prevalence of cancer estimate 1.4% or approximately 347.792 population and the highest found in D.I Yogyakarta, whereas Riau province counted 0.7% or around 4.301 population. This concludes the nasopharyngeal carcinoma stand as the 4th of the most malignancy in Indonesia after the mamae carcinoma, cervix carcinoma, and skin tumor. Objective: The purpose of this study is to asses the characteristic of NPC patient in Arifin A…

Introduction: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) commonly misdiagnosed in early stage, because of it?s multiple nonspesific sign and symptoms also because of the difficult anatomic site. Especially if there is a comorbid in the area around the nasopharynx, most likely will end up with missdiagnosis. So the mortality rate are still high due to advanced stage incidence. Case report: Reported a 58 years male with history of recurrent nasal bleeding since 6 months ago accompanied by hearing problem and also ear fullnes since 11 months ago. There also a severe headache since 4 months ago and a left nec…

Introduction:Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) ranks - fourth among all cancers in Indonesia. Objective:This study aimed to determine the levels of SOD in patients with NPC. Material and methods : This was a cross sectional study of analytic observational, using consecutive sampling, with 45 patients with NPC and 15 controls. Results: Average of SOD enzyme levels were higher in the NPC patient group (± 1877.87224 1137.119495) compared with the control group (± 441.42120 320.355669) (p <0.05). SOD enzyme levels were higher in advanced stage ± 2060.67363 1179.147923 compared with early stag…