ABSTRACT - At SMK Darma Nusantara, all school examinations have been carried out online, except exam UAS and UTS. The process is done by distributing test questions that have been printed on paper leaflets, then answered with a joint within 1 hour. With a system like this test often have constraints, such as the habit of cheating, the slow process of making problems, errors in assessing the results of the exam, the latest test results report generation. Wastage of paper and ink costs in the manufacturing problems and multiplication problems is also one of the problems. Solutions to address the…
Abstract - Economic growth will affect the lifestyle changes of people who want to get something quickly, easily, and practically. A change in lifestyle will also impact many franchise businesses that are established. Franchise business that has stood starting from the type of franchise pharmacies, minimarkets, restaurants, and also education. Determining the location of a franchise business especially in the city of Semarang, there are various factors that must be considered in terms of choosing a location for a business location. Some factors to consider in establishing a franchise need to c…
ABSTRACT : Along with the development in the field of technology is increasingly rapid, especially website-based technology, making a lot of emerging web-based programs that began to shift the old ways of human activities in doing. In the field of health began many who use the website as a means of providers of information, advertising, or promotion. Caritas Clinic Bogor still does not have a web-based information system that can be used as a means of providing information for patients or doctors who need information on the development of patient treatment that can be accessed for 24 hours or …
Abstract - The cattle business is not new in the community, especially in Indonesia, many farmers choose cattle as livestock. Cattle are promising a good market opportunity because the demand for beef is always high coupled with a season that demands a greater supply of cattle such as during the feast, especially the Eid al-Adha holiday. Caring for cows is certainly a risk. One risk that is often faced is a disease attack. Some types of diseases can affect pets. Though cattle health is very important in the process of raising or producing cattle. Cows that are healthy and have an ideal weight …
Abstract – The library is now very important for schools, agencies and other parties, using the library information system, the process of borrowing, returning, registering visitors as well as managing books can be well monitored by officers. Cloud computing system is a style of computing where computing resources are easy to obtain and access, easy to use, inexpensive, and can be run directly. This is in line with the needs of schools, agencies and other parties, who do not want to spend a lot of money but the system can run well as needed. The design method uses Unified Modeling Langu…
Abstrak – Di era globalisasi penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berkembang sangat pesat di berbagai bidang. Penerapan teknologi juga dapat diterapkan khususnya di bidang pendidikan untuk memberikan solusi dalam memecahkan permasalahan yang sering terjadi. SMK Harapan 1 Jakarta merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang berperan penting untuk memberikan pendidikan dalam jenjang menengah atas. Dalam pelaksanaanya ada beberapa kendala terutama dalam sistem pembayaran sekolah yang merupakan bagian penting dalam menjalankan operasional sekolah. Beberapa permasalahan dimulai dari kesa…
Abstract Business competition between coffee shops in Tangerang is getting stronger as the number of coffee shops in Tangerang increases. So, to survive in this competition, coffee shops are required to have their own characteristics and provide unique services to make it more memorable and enjoyable. In the design of the desktop program ordering Mororgana coffee shop using the waterfall method which consists of analysis, design, coding and testing and entity relationship diagrams in designing databases. The results of this study are allowing customers to view and order menus independently. Cu…
Ruang kelas merupakan salah satu ruangan yang harus diperhatikan dimana ruang tersebut digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Salah satu hal yang dapat mengganggu proses belajar mengajar adalah kenaikan suhu didalam ruang kelas yang memungkinkan berkurangnya konsentrasi pada mahasiswa maupun dosen. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, biasanya pihak sekolah melengkapi ruang kelas dengan sistem pendingin ruangan baik itu menggunakan AC ataupun kipas angin. Kebanyakan sistem pendingin yang menggunakan kipas angin masih dioperasikan secara konvensional menggunakan tombol pada kipas angin atau…
Angklung is an art tool made of bamboo originating from West Java. Although angklung has been known worldwide, even UNESCO (United Nations of Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations) has designated the instrument as part of Indonesian original art, but unfortunately this traditional musical instrument is almost extinct. On the other hand, technological developments help and make it easier for humans to do anything. One form of technological development is robots. Therefore, this article will discuss about the design of the angklung robot control system. The design consists of two p…
Sistem cadangan/backup catudaya mutlak diperlukan pada perangkat elektronika yang memerlukan energi listrik yang tidak terhenti. Cadangan catudaya digunakan untuk menggantikan sumber utama PLN. Pada penerapannya diperlukan sebuah perangkat pendukung berupa Automatic Transfer switch (ATS) untuk melakukan pensaklaran dari sumber utama ke cadangan catu daya atau sebaliknya. Pada paper ini, dibahas realisasi perangkat ATS berbasis mikrokontroler yang bekerja berdasarkan pembacaan arus dan tegangan. Sistem ini juga dilengkapi dengan komunikasi berbasis LAN untuk mengirim data monitoring. Setelah di…
Bagi orang-orang yang sibuk setiap harinya, menggunakan jasa binatu memberikan keuntungan bagi kehidupan mereka. Namun, salah satu kerugian menggunakan jasa ini adalah terjadinya kehilangan atau tertukarnya pakaian kita dengan pakaian orang lain. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena penyedia layanan binatu tidak menggunakan sistem atau alat yang dapat mengidentifikasi kepemilikan pakaian tersebut secara otomatis.Untuk mengatasi kelemahan tersebut diperlukan sistem identifikasi pakaian dengan meng…
Rendahnya performansi jaringan disebabkan karena jumlah pengguna yang terus meningkat. Penurunan performansi jaringan sering terjadi karena beberapa faktor, diantaranya blank spot yaitu suatu daerah yang tidak mendapatkan sinyal, ketidaktepatan planning, dan perangkat yang bermasalah. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penanganan block call dan drop call pada jaringan UMTS. Untuk mengetahui kondisi jaringan UMTS menggunakan metode drive test. Software yang digunakan dalam mengukur parameter radio jaringan UMTS adalah software TEMS 9.0.3 Data Collectio…
Salah satu kriptografi yang masih tangguh menurut National Insitute of Standard and Technology (NIST) yakni Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). AES bekerja secara block cipher menyebabkan diperlukan waktu pemrosesan cukup tinggi. Terlebih, data yang akan diproses pada zaman sekarang membutuhkan space memory yang besar. Sehingga data yang akan diproses juga membutuhkan tambahan waktu. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan suatu penambahan modifikasi terhadap metode kriptografi dengan memasangkan metode Chaotic Function pada saat memproses pembangkitan kunci yang dihasilkan agar terjadi penurunan kebutuhan…
Almost every vehicle will need maintenance such as oil change, tire change, water radiator, brake, engine parts and much more. However, sometimes vehicle owners are less concerned with the condition of the vehicle and often ignore the treatment. This can be bad, it can even lead to an accident. Therefore, the monitoring system is designed to monitor the level of radiator water in vehicle tanks. The ultrasonic sensor will measure the water level of the radiator in the r eservoir tank. If the water level of the radiator in the tank is low then the pump will automatically recharge the radiator wa…
Sistem wireless sensor network ini dibangun untuk mendeteksi kebakaran berupa api dan asap. Sistem mendeteksi api dan asap menggunakan sensor api dan asap yang dihubungkan ke mikrokontroler Arduino UNO. Hasil pendeteksian kemudian dikirimkan melalui SMS (Short Message Service) sebagai notifikasi ke dua user yaitu user 1 (pemadam kebakaran) dan user 2 (tim investigasi kebakaran). User 1 (pemadam kebakaran) menerima notifikasi berupa alarm kebakaran. User 2 (tim investigasi kebakaran) menerima notifikasi berupa posisi awal terjadinya kebakaran. Dari hasil penelitian didapat keberhasilan penerima…
21 cm adalah salah satu garis emisi penting didalam astronomi radio. Garis ini umumnya digunakan untuk mempelajari karakteristik galaksi-galaksi. Artikel ini mempresentasikan sebuah antena dipol berbentuk V untuk sistem telekop radio 21 cm, yang berkorespondensi dengan frekuensi pengamatan 1420MHz. Designnya telah diimplementasikan dan diukur. Hasil pengukuran memperlihatkan kesesuaian dengan simulasi, dengan eror frekuensi puncak sebesar 0,7%. SWR yang diperoleh juga cukup rendah, yaitu sekitar 1,14. Antena yang diajukan pada artikel ini berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai feed pada a…
Cirebon merupakan kota yang mempunyai potensi pariwisata yang banyak dikunjungi wisatawan. Cirebon sangat kental dengan budaya islam jawa dengan dibuktikan bahwa Cirebon mempunyai 3 Keraton yaitu keraton Kacirebonan, Keraton Kesepuhan dan Keraton kanoman. Budaya yang dimiliki Kota Cirebon ini memberikan daya tarik yang berbeda bagi para wisatawan untuk berkunjung ke Kota Cirebon. Bagi wisatawan yang baru mengenal wilayah Kota Cirebon dirasa sangat menyulitkan dengan mendapatkan informasi dan data mengenai lokasi-lokasi yang ingin dikunjungi. Pemandu wisata dapat menjadi solusi bagi para wisata…
The Role Of “Sehat†Farming Group on Distributing Subsidized Fertilizer Successfully In Nagori Dolok Marlawan, Simalungun District, North Sumatera Farming group has important role on rural development strategy. For supporting inclination of agriculture products, farming group act as distribution of subsidized fertilizer to farmers so that famers can manage their land properly. The role also can be done by Farming Group “Sehat†in Nagori Dolok Marlawan, Simalungun District, North Sumatera. The mechanism of subsidized fertilizer could be done the official government help …
The Impacts of the Solo - Kertosono Toll Road Construction on the Social Changes in the Farmers Community of Pisang Village, Patianrowo Sub-District of Nganjuk Regency Infrastructure development, especially the Solo-Kertosono Toll Road construction has impacted on the community, especially for farmers in Pisang Village. The construction of the toll road that stretches in the agricultural area also causes the disruption of irrigation facilities. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impacts of the Solo-Kertosono toll road construction on social change, analyzed by a three-dimensional a…
The relationship between vegetable farmers’ social network and the marketing mix of broccoli (The case of vegetable farmers supervised by Perusda Bali in Candikuning Village, Baturiti District, Tabanan) The challenges of capital, information, human resources cause farmers' products to be unable to meet market demand. Marketing of farmers' products in Perusda so far has only been to the supermarket Tiara Dewata. It can be said that the marketing network of these farmer groups is still limited. The purpose of this study was to determine the social network, marketing mix, and the relations…