Anak tuna grahita termasuk anak berkebutuhan khusus (special need) yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan istilah tuna mental, cacat mental atau retalisasi mental. Anak tuna grahita usia SD awal adalah anak kelas 1-3 SD yang memiliki kecerdasan di bawah kecerdasan anak normal, yang tidak memungkinkan untuk mengikuti pelajaran atau pendidikan di sekolah umum karena intelegensi di bawah rata-rata anak normal, sehingga perkembangan berfikirnya sangat lamban. Peran guru PAI dalam membantu kesulitan anak tuna grahita usia SD awal agar memperoleh bekal untuk hidup di tengah-tengah masyarakat secara normal, …

The development of thematic teaching book with subtheme energy utilization is one of the facilities to help students understand during learning process. By using teaching book, the purpose is to motivate and initiate the creativity of the students, and an effort to form their habit to work hard in order to gain knowledge, without teacher’s assistance. The teaching book to support the learning process with subtheme energy utilization is Islam-integration-based teaching book, in the form of teaching book for IV grader of elementary school.Product specification resulting from research and devel…

Based on needs analysis, teachers have not fully utilized technology-based media and teaching materials. The teacher also has not fully produced technology-based media and teaching materials. The purpose of this research is to produce practical e-module teaching materials in thematic learning. This research method uses ADDIE research and development model. The results of the study that e-modules were developed through stages of needs analysis, prototype design, prototype development, field testing, and product evaluation. The results of field trials related to practicality resulted in a score …

Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana penerapan Quantum Teaching pada pel ajaran PKN pada siswa kel as V MI Miftahul Falah Cipulir, (2) Bagaimana peningkatan prestasi belajar melalui metode Quantum Teaching pada pel ajaran PKN pada siswa kal as V MI Miftahul Fal ah r, (3) A pa sajakah hambatan yang dihadapi dalam penerapan Quantum Teaching pada pelajaran PKN pada siswa kelas V MI Miftahul Falah Cipulir. Penel itian ini adalah Penel itian Tindakan Kelas dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan wa…

The purpose of this study was to examine and describe the multiliteracy learning on the critical thinking skills of elementary school students on ecosystem material. The study was conducted in the sixth grade of elementary school and began with preliminary observations and discussions with the teacher to find out whether multiliteracy learning had already been implemented or not before. The design of learning carried out is multiliteracy learning by teachers in grade 6th elementary school. Data collection techniques were observation, tests, interviews, and observation sheets. Observations were…

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode penyekoran dan kecemasan tes terhadap ketidakwajaran sekor tes setelah mengontrol pengetahuan awal. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan desain treatment by level 2x2. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada MTs Negeri Pandeglang 1, Banten dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 80 orang siswa yang diambil dengan teknik pengambilan sampel multi stage random sampling. Pengujian hipotesis penelitian dengan menggunakan teknik Analisis Kovarian (ANAKOVA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setelah mengontrol pengetahuan awal: (1) indeks…

This article compares PQ4R Strategy, with the Cooperative Strategy Jigsaw, Against Educational Technology Learning Outcomes Studies Program of Islamic Education. The population in this study were all students. This study population is the fourth semester students who are 4 classes of Islamic education courses in Academic Year2014 -2015. The amount of each class of 30 students. Sampling was done by cluster random sampling technique. Results of the research analysis pointed-out that the use of learning strategies PQ4R its better results compared to learning by using Jigsaw learning strateg…

Intellectual development of children go hand in hand with language acquisition.Every child born has a potential innate capacity, including a linguocognitive talent. Talentsgreatly affects the quality of thingking and speaking. Institutions with the task of education isto develop the ability of the subject systematically and optimally. Especially from vulnerableages of kindergarten till junior high school the necessary arrangement wisely, because this is thelevel of education attained of the sensitivity or the golden age of cognitive development andlanguage acquisition. Linguocognitive assesmen…

Pemikiran Islam dalam lintasan sejarah secara, umum terbentuk melalui beberapa periodesasi yang dinamis, mulai dari periode makkah yang dibagi pada dua periode pengembangannya, periode madinah yang memberikan penguatan basis ibadah dan periode pemikiran Islam yang dibangun oleh para ulama-ulama Islam di abad pertengahan hingga abad modern. Tulisan ini mencoba mengurai mengenai pandangan hidup Islam dalam dimensi Visi hingga mengurai bagaimana repson Islam terhadap Globalisasi. Bagi Islam, apapun zamannya dan bagaimanapun situasi global dunia, ia adalah satu-satunya agama yang mampu beradaptasi…

This study aimed to yielding a professional ethics course modules; to determine the increase pedagogical competence of students in the character of self-reliance and perseverance. Based on the validation results of expert lecturers and through trial and error, found that subjects ethics module teaching profession-based model of Problem Based Learning (PBL) has good quality and suitable for use in lecture courses teaching profession ethics. There is an increased pedagogical competence of students in the character of the independence of the Teaching Profession Ethics Courses study programs in pr…

Human life cannot be separated from the need for education. Educations of people are social system that occurs in the form of educational interaction amid surroundings.   The needs of life on education, education management system required an effective, scalable and accountability. The effectiveness of management education requires principles, strategies, and approaches oriented to the achievement of the educational process as a system of quality and value to individual human development. Effective management education needs to be managed professionally, with a stand on the principles of man…

Globalization has been started. At all quarters of the world, societies become depend on each other in all aspects, such as culture, economic, and politic. Mainly at cultural aspects, the limit of cultural boundaries have gone. This era is a challange for education world. Therefore, this article focused on how moral values become concernt educational process, because it is one of education goals. To prepare human who hold moral values in the globalization era, exactly the educational institution can not exit alone, even though it still hold the main role. All societies, mainly family, must pre…

Every child has the potential for smart, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. The task of parents, teachers and society that will help children develop all its potential intelligence. In this context, spiritual intelligence (hereafter SQ)is expected to help the child understand the nature of life as a human being and actualize in life.

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to find out; Whether the application-based learningstrategies Concep Attainment (CA) and Numbered Head Together (NHT) can improvethe quality of the learning process PAI grade students of SMPN 20 Bengkulu city, whetherthe application-based learning strategies Concep Attainment (CA) and Numbered HeadTogether (NHT) may increase PAI learning outcomes Class VIII student of SMPN 20Bengkulu City. Research using this type of class room action research (PTK). The results ofthat study; The application of the model CA and NHT could improve the quality of thelearnin…

As a result of Western epistemology which privileges the role of humans in solving everything and at the same time opposes the spiritual dimension which later becomes the main source of the epistemological crisis which has implications for the crisis of knowledge, there is an attempt to find solutions by considering other epistemologies. Among Muslim thinkers offer that solution with Islamic epistemology. The idea or idea of Islamic epistemology aims to provide space for Muslims in particular, in order to get out of the shackles of understanding science based on Western epistemology need to …

The purpose of this research to describe some of the things that include strategic planning process to improve the quality of management through school programs, the implementation of the school program, school program evaluation process, the constraints and solving problems encountered in the implementation of quality improvement strategies through the management of the school program. This type of research is a case study using a qualitative approach. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded as follows. First, strategic planning activities to improve the quality of management t…

Pada modul IoT yang memerlukan enkripsi data tetapi tidak dilengkapi dengan hardware accelerator khusus untuk enkripsi, perlu menggantikan hardware tersebut dalam bentuk program. Akan tetapi penambahan program enkripsi diketahui dapat menimbulkan permasalahan pada modul IoT berbasis embedded system yang memiliki sumber daya terbatas. Dalam kajian ini dibahas algoritma enkripsi AES-128 yang diimplementasikan pada modul IoT Particle Photon yang belum memiliki hardware accelarator. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari penerapan AES-128 pada modul IoT. Hasil pengujian m…

Timbangan badan biasa tidak dapat membedakan antara massa lemak dan massa non lemak. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu alat pengukuran yang mampu membedakan massa lemak dan massa non lemak. Untuk mengetahui komposisi tubuh, digunakan metode Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) yang memiliki keunggulan yaitu murah, mudah, dan portable. Penggunaan frekuensi yang berbeda pada BIA memberi kelebihan pada kemampuan segmentasi. Untuk itu, pada penelitian ini, dilakukan rancang bangun BIA yang bekerja pada beberapa frekuensi berbeda, yaitu Multi Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (MFBIA). Si…

Beras merupakan makanan pokok bagi mayoritas penduduk Indonesia. Beragamnya kualitas beras di pasaran menuntut adanya pengawasan terhadap standar kualitas beras. Pengamatan terhadap kualitas beras secara visual rentan terhadap kesalahan dikarenakan subjektifitas setiap pengamat berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mendeteksi kualitas beras berbasis morfologi citra.. Sistem didesain dengan menggunakan dua metode klasifikasi yang berbeda, yaitu k-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) dan Support Vector Machine (SVM) untuk kemudian diperoleh sistem dengan metode terbaik. Hasil dari penelitian menunjuk…