Penelitian yang berjudul Penerapan Vonis Rehabilitasi Bagi Pecandu Narkotika dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Denpasar Nomer 304/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.Dps Tentang Tindak Pidana Narkotika, adalah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana penerapan vonis rehabilitasi bagi pecandu narkotika dan mengetahui apa saja yang menjadi dasar hukum dalam putusan Pengadilan Negeri Denpasar Nomor 304/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.Dps Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa penerapan pemidanaan berupa vonis rehabilitasi bertujuan untuk mendidik dan memperbaiki para pecandu narkotika dari ketergantungan narkotika. Selain itu…

Pencurian sepeda motor merupakan pencurian yang paling sering terjadi di Denpasar karena obyek pencurian yang mudah ditemukan. Pencurian sepeda motor yang sering terjadi di Denpasar tidak saja dilakukan oleh orang dewasa, tetapi juga dilakukan oleh anak dibawah umur. Pencurian sepeda motor yang dilakukan anak dibawah umur ini menimbulkan permasalahan mengenai faktor-faktor apa yang menyebabkan anak melakukan tindak pidana pencurian sepeda motor dan bagaimana upaya penanggulangannya, sehingga untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut sangat diperlukan suatu penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metod…

Praktek di persidangan kerapkali menghadapi berbagai kesulitan, antara lain dalam menghadirkan saksi, khususnya dalam kasus tindak pidana korupsi. Kendala tersebut mungkin diselesaikan melalui pemanfaatan teleconference. Namun demikian, pemanfaatan itu juga belum secara jelas dibenarkan oleh KUHAP. Karya ilmiah ini mengedepankan masalah tersebut dan menggunakan metode normatif dalam menganalisa masalah dengan dukungan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan berbagai literatur terkait. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan dari analisa masalah tersebut adalah bahwa keterangan saksi melalui media tel…

Pulau Bali merupakan bagian dari wilayah Indonesia yang terkena aksi terorisme terbesar yaitu bom Bali I dan II. Dibentuknya UU Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme tidak membuat teroris jera, serta belum menjamin perlindungan terhadap masyarakat. Hal ini dilihat dari aksi terorisme yang selalu ada tiap tahun. Pada tahun 2018 meningkatnya aksi terorisme dimana terjadi 7 aksi terorisme dibandingkan tahun 2017 terjadi 5 aksi terorisme. Sehingga dalam penelitian ini ingin mengetahui apa motif-motif yang mendasari dilakukan tindak pidana terorisme dan bagaimana upaya penanaggulangan tindak pidana…

ABSTRAK Hubungan dokter dan pasien berawal saat pasien datang ke dokter untuk meminta pertolongan mengenai permasalahan kesehatannya, sehingga dengan adanya hal tersebut sudah terdapat suatu kontrak atau perjanjian antara pasien dengan dokter yang disebut dengan Perjanjian atau Transaksi Terapeutik. Transaksi Terapeutik merupakan perjanjian yang dilakukan antara dokter dan pasien yang menghasilkan hak dan kewajiban yang harus ditaati oleh kedua belah pihak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap pasien sebagai konsumen pengguna jasa di …

Employment agreement between employer party and employee party is made byusing fixed agreement, so within the process of making agreement is not through precontractsteps as it is normally initiated with negotiation process between employee partyand employer party and also this agreement is made under hand. Although employmentagreement is made in term of fixed agreement and under hand, but this agreement keeps onthe effort to refer to regulation listed in Article 1320 Civil Act and Article 52 point 1 ofIndonesian Republic Regulation no. 13 of 2003 as it is the legal main condition for anagreeme…

Dispute resolution through arbitration is not a new option for the parties to resolve their dispute in international trade sphere, but the decision is very hard to be implemented. Through normative method, this paper aims to discuss how the arrangement of international arbitration in the positive law of Indonesia and why public policy can be used as an excuse to cancel the arbitration decision. Although international arbitration have been arranged clearly, but the judges still refuse to execute the verdict on the ground that it is contradicted to Indonesian public policy. It can be concluded, …

Fiscal decentralization gives authority to the head of region and regional parliament to manage the local budget. The outcomes of the research indicate that the Good Financial Governance principle has been subject to frequent study in its understanding as a new paradigm for local financial management. As it turns out in practice, however, it has certain weaknesses, particularly in view of the accountability and legitimacy aspects of its establishment. In fact, the local budget has become a vehicle for corruption by the state administration is in the center of power, local autonomy shift some c…

It has been over 72 years since Indonesia proclaimed her independence on 17 August 1945. However, the 350 years of the Dutch colonization is still impacting the lives of the Indonesian people. The difficulties faced by the Indonesian legal system as the government tries to accommodate adat (custom) and religion principles within the national law and the extent to which this legal mechanism affects the everyday life of the Indonesian people. In a nation where customs and religion are so preeminent, setting up an all-inclusive document meant to be the foundation of the state’s legal system …

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Agree-ment interesting to be understood in the perspective of hard law and soft law. TRIPs Agreement justified as hard or soft law by identifying the norms in the TRIPs agreement. Parameter obligation of TRIPs agreement visible implementation and enforcement of agreement norm with full compliance to fourth of the IPR Convention for the State parties is an indicator of unconditional obligation. Parameters precision TRIPS agreement showed formulation of general obligation setting up the implementation of treaty obligations is regulate…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan konsep ketaatan hukum dalam bingkai negara hukum (rechstaat) dan bagaimana implementasi dan implikasi prinsip kebebasan (individu) dalam negara hukum di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian normatif (doctrinal research) dengan mengggunakan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan Rule of Law diperlukan untuk membuat konsep negara hukum (Rechtstaat) menjadi lebih dinamis dan mampu menghadapi dinamika perubahan yang terjadi di masyarakat, serta membuat hukum lebih otonom dari intervens…

Realita banyaknya undang-undang produksi DPR dan Presiden yang dibatalkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi, terjadi sebagai akibat materi muatan undang-undang tersebut yang jamak mencermikan ketidakadilan dan ketidakpastian hukum. Tingginya angka judicial review menjadi sinyal kurang terakomodasinya kepentingan dan hak-hak warga negara dalam sebuah produk perundang-undangan. Tidak adanya keharmonisan pengaturan yang dilakukan DPR itulah yang memberi dampak pada jamaknya undang-undang yang digugat. Tulisan ini mencoba mendeskripsikan beberapa perdebatan antinomi yang mewarnai eksistensi perundang-undan…

This article aims to determine the applicable of Islamic rules in Sharia Banking of Jayapura. The study was conducted in Jayapura City, Papua, Indonesia with purposive sampling techniques which involving over 90 respondents from two Islamic banks, Bank Muamalah Indonesia (BMI) and Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM). The research also involved some knowledgeable informants to give rich related information. The data were analysed by using the frequency table with the descriptive analysis. Results of the research revealed that the actualization is still facing a wide range of issues. Firstly, most of the…

Numerous and consecutive aircraft accidents combined with a consistent failure to meet international safety standards in Indonesia, namely from the International Civil Aviation Organization and the European Aviation Safety Agency have proven a nightmare for the country’s aviation safety reputation. There is an urgent need for bureaucracy reform, harmonization of legislation, and especially ensuring legal enforcement, to bring Indonesian aviation safety back to world standards. The Indonesian Aviation Law of 2009 was enacted to reform the situation in Indonesia. The law has become the grou…

Nowadays, corruption is still the most and biggest problem facing by Indonesian, due to its impacts on the nation. It caused huge loss to the state finance and even to the democratic life in this country. Various efforts have been resorted to fight corruption, but the results are unfruitful. Until recently, Indonesia is still the third most corrupt country in Asia according to the survey of Transparency International Indonesia (TII) in 2015, with the Corruption Perceptions Index of 36 points. The fight in eradicating corruption cannot be separated from the effort to deter the criminals through…

Recent findings have indicated that both in-country trafficking (trafficking of individuals from rural areas to relatively affluent towns and cities) and external trafficking (trafficking of individuals from a given country to foreign countries) are prevalent in Ethiopia. In 2012, the government acceded to the Protocol to Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (The UN Trafficking Protocol, here after). With a view to giving effect to the requirements of this instrument, the gover…

The amendment of 1945 Constitution is deemed to have many weaknesses and shortcomings, especially related to the regulate institutional relationship between state institutions. There are some problem related to the obscurity of position of state institutions, the overlapping of duties, functions and authority which lead to the unrealized of checks and balances and the vulnerable for abuse of power. The direction of the arrangement of relationship between state institutions should be: First, to strengthen the implementation and purification of presidential system; Second, to clear up the positi…

This study aims to answer the questions that have been formulated, namely: (1) the types of mistakes made by the subject in solving the set questions; (2) the cause of an error made by the subject in working on set questions. Classifying the types of errors according to Newman, namely reading errors, misunderstanding, transformation errors, process skill errors and errors writing the final answer. This study uses descriptive qualitative. The subject of this study was seventh grade students of Al-Mubarokah MTs. Subject collection using purposive sampling technique. Data was taken using the desc…

This study aims to analyze and examine in depth the effects of mathematical disposition on learning based learning on vocational students in Cimahi City CLASS X. The method in this study uses a correlation method with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were SMK Pusdikhubad Cimahi students and the samples were students of class X TSM B with a total of 34 students. In this study to find out the disposition of students towards mathematics, can it be done with confidence, responsibility, diligence and willingness of students to find other ways to solve the mathematical problems …

This research is a classroom action research. The aim is to examine the influence of the constructivism approach on the ability of mathematical research in junior high school students. This research was conducted on students of class VII-D at SMP Negeri 5 Cimahi in the odd semester of the 2018/2019 academic year with 34 students. The instrument used was a test of mathematical reasoning ability. The procedure of this study consists of: (1) Planning; (2) Implementation of Actions; (3) Observation and Evaluation; and (4) Reflection. The results of the study on the pretest value on average were 23…