Rokok merupakan benda yang memiliki berbagai macam sumber penyakit apabila kita mengisapnya secara langsung atau menghirup asapnya. Di dalam sebatang rokok terdapat lebih dari 4000 bahan kimia, yang 200 di antaranya berbahaya bagi manusia, dan 40 di antaranya merupakan penyebab kanker. Merokok dapat mengakibatkan perubahan fungsi, struktur jaringan, dan saluran pernapasan pada paru-paru. Sistem pakar adalah sebuah sistem yang menggunakan pengetahuan manusia di mana pengetahuan tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah komputer dan kemudian digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang biasanya …
Developments in science and technology today have a wide impact on the level of human reliance on the information, tools and systems that can help facilitate human to solve problems in the work. This causes a human life can not be separated from the problems that are increasingly complex and require a higher knowledge to be able to handle it.Application design analasis cervical cancer is based on the analysis of the data of the results of the examination of the patient, the design of which will be made include: the design of disease data, causing the data design, the design of the data analysi…
Pemeliharaan dan pengamanan file merupakan unsur terpenting dalam pengolahan data, mengingat semua informasi disimpan dalam file. Banyak gangguan yang mengancam keberadaan file, untuk mengantisipasi ancaman tersebut perlu dilakukan pemeliharaan dan pengamanan file dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi kerusakan atau penyimpangan data yang disebabkan oleh berbagai macam gangguan tersebut. Pemeliharaan dan pengamanan data dapat diatur pada saat perancangan suatu system, sehingga akan lebih memudahkan administrator untuk melakukan pengamanan dan pemeliharaan data. Salah satu metoda pengamanan file adala…
Sistem kearsipan memegang peranan penting bagi jalannya suatu organisasi yaitu sebagai sumber informasi dan sebagai pusat ingatan organisasi yang dapat bermanfaat untuk bahan penilaian, pengambilan keputusan, atau penyusunan program pengembangan dari organisasi yang bersangkutan. Penyelenggaraan kearsipan secara baik dan benar, selain merupakan aset suatu organisasi, juga berguna sebagai bahan pengambilan keputusan organisasi pemerintah maupun swasta, karena dengan arsip/dokumen yang teratur dan benar pengambilan keputusan dapat dilakukan cepat dan tepat. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui …
Kecamatan Singajaya merupakan sentra produksi ternak,terutama domba,di PT Bareca duta Karsa Singajaya yang berpotensi untuk menjadi sumber pendapatan melalui pengolahan kotoran ternak menjadi pupuk Organik. Menurut Setyorini etal.(2006) pupuk organik dari kotoran ternak merupakan bahan pembenah tanah yang paling baik dibandingkan bahan pembenah lainnya karena menyediakan unsur hara secara lambat dalam jumlah terbatas dan memperbaiki kesuburan dan kesehatan lahan. Hasil penelitian Baharudin (2006) bahwa pemberian pupuk bokasi dari kotoran kambing + EM4 + Jerami + Dedak memberikan prospek ya…
addition, these motifs have a diversity that can not be separated from the background history and culture of Indonesia .Any element of tradition and customs often make motifs have meaning philosophy. As with the nut on the stem motif Minangkabau songket parable meaning noble human nature , which is straight and honest nature .Design and manufacture of fabrics that have a motif requires a process of very difficult if done using traditional weaving machine tools and manuals . In addition to requiring specific skills in using the manual loom , loom manuals were difficult to obtain.In the computer…
Pada saat ini teknologi dan sistem informasi mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, manusia semakin dituntut kreatif untuk membuat peralatan yang memanfaatkan teknologi untuk meringankan kehidupannya. Tongkat adalah alat bantu tunanetra yang praktis dan murah kegunaan tongkat penting sekali yaitu agar tunanetra dapat berjalan mandiri, tanpa selalu minta tolong kepada orang lain (Zabel, 1982). Umumnya tongkat tunanetra dibagi menjadi 2 macam, yaitu tongkat panjang dan tongkat lipat. Tongkat panjang adalah sebuah tongkat yang dibuat sesuai standar persya…
Sarong is one of the main equipment to pray. But nowadays, sarong still has traditional form that makes children get difficulties in using sarong. Besides, the sarong motif is monotonous and canât catch childrenâs interest in praying. So, we create a unique, exclusive, and interesting sarong creation for children in form of sarong instant 2 in 1 to improve the childrenâs motivation in praying. Instant means easy to be used and 2 in 1 means the two-side of sarong can be used. The other advantages are combination of two colors can catch the childrenâs interest in praying, aff…
Many young people in Indonesia are infected with virus "troubled". If this problem is not resolved, there will be a decrease in quality of life. Teenagers need a positive medium to devote all its problems such as a diary, so they can write whatever perceived and experienced. Diary "flatus" intended to reduce the frustrations of the youth by guiding them to find alternative solutions for the problem, increasing the interest of writing, and help improve the living spirit with motivational words. Until now we have sold 57 pieces of flatus, it proves that the product is in high demand.
Cardboard is one commodity paper required by almost all people. Modern life now cannot be separated from the paper that most of the wood raw material harvested from the forest trees. So it is conceivable, if the use of paper filled only by the original fiber it will have a direct impact on environmental sustainability. However, a lot of boxes just end up in the trash. On the other hand furniture industries development in Indonesia cannot be separated from the timber material. The development resulted in an ever increasing need for growing including furniture anyway. Thus, there is an opportuni…
Kerupuk (crackers) is a familiar food in indonesia because many people liked it. The fact, some products of kerupuk have a dangerous subtances for human body. So, there is an idea to make kerupuk called Kerupuk R&B (fRuit and vegetaBle). The purpose of this program is hygienic kerupuk with modern processed. Preparing session of production must be conducted in begining and this processed until Kerupuk R&B has been packed. Results from this program are Kerupuk R&B with collards, guavas, spinachs, and carrot taste. The originality of this product is have natural colours and health edu…
Malnutrition caused by lack of food supplies, lack of good environmental quality, and lack of public knowledge about nutrition. The prevalence of malnutrition status in adolescents aged 16-18 years is quite high based on data obtained from Riskesdas in 2010. The prevalence of short adolescents with percentage figures as much as 31.2 % and the prevalence of skinny teenager with a percentage figure of 8.9 %. While the prevalence of very lean by IMT according to the characteristics of the respondents, especially in South Kalimantan was ranked 2nd after the top of the 33 provinces of West Kalimant…
Educational robotics are expected to create the nations next personal creative, innovative and productive person. To begin the application of robotics education, ARCS Electronics comes as a facilitator of learning robotics media providers. Products that we offered are packaged in modular so that easier to understand and allow users to conduct the development and modification against basic forms of the robot. We choose to launch several products of line follower robot. To reach a wider range of customers, we not only provide manufacturing services robot at high school and university levels, but…
MUMI DANSA is one of the many alternatives of creative art that is able to give educative introduction about the culture of Nusantara. The goal of the project and the products is to have innovative point of view that could be given out into products design, the aim is also to provide fields of jobs, and educative points of view that could give knowledge and introduction about uniqueness of Nusantara. The project is done with 4 methods, which are promotion and publication, marketing, production, and methods for research and design development. The MUMI DANSA products which are t-shirts …
At this time, people prefer to use motor bikes compared with other transportation modes. Because they think a motorcycle is much more economical and efficient. However this has an impact on our health. Too often exposed to high winds without adequate protected jacket will easily make the body become unfit. Proposed student creativity program contains an attempt to reduce these risks, by making herbal scented warmers vest therapy. This aims to protect the body from wind with the help of herbal ingredients and heating elements. In addition, this vest can also be used for medical therapy.Keyword …
Banjar Plates is a very well known Banjarmasin communities in Southern Borneo region but not yet have a sale value. Based on facts, oyster mushroom contains some nutritions for our health. But, in culinary industry oyster mushroom is really few. Actually, oyster mushroom is just made for soup or additional ingridients for beverage and this thing make oyster mushroom has less value for society. In this part, we made a new kind of food from oyster mushroom that is delicious, interesting, and innovative plate and also has more usage for society. Mushroom plate has 2 main flavours, chilly and …
Smoking issue has become a major problem which need to adressed seriously by the Government, especially in Indonesia because smoking have killed millions of Indonesia children each years. The increase of smoking prevalence occurred in the age group15-24 years, from17.3% (2007) to 18.6% or increase almost 10 % in 3 years. The increase also occurred in the productive age group, that 25-34 years from 29.0% (2007) to 31.1% (2010). From these data it can be seen that most of teenagers are smoking. Adolescence is a period where a person wants to look fashionable. T-shirt is one of fashion trend whic…
Incest is one of the criminal perpetration which regulated in article 294paragraph (1) of the Indonesian Criminal Code. However, this regulation still limited tothe requirement that the incestuous relationship is done with his biological childrenwho are not old enough. Whereas, incest itself contains a broad sense, so that on theIndonesian Criminal Code Bill, criminalizing incest to be one attention through theestablishment of new regulations on this matter. Such changes certainly would inflict ofchange also in determining of criminal responsibility against the offender.
Pidana denda merupakan jenis sanksi pidana yang lebih efektif dan lebih penting sebagai alternatif dari pidana pencabutan kemerdekaan. Namun dipihak lain, khususnya dalam praktek peradilan di Indonesia, pidana denda merupakan jenis pidana pokok yang paling jarang dijatuhkan oleh para hakim. Pidana denda sebagai salah satu jenis pidana pokok di Indonesia sampai saat ini memang masih dirasakan mempunyai banyak kelemahan dalam pelaksanaannya. Permasalahan yang hendak dibahas yaitu Bagaimanakah sistem perumusan ancaman pidana denda? Dan bagaimanakah kebijakan legislatif pengaturan alternatif pidan…
Anak sebagai salah satu aset pembangunan nasional patut dipertimbangkan dandiperhitungkan dari segi kualitas dan masa depannya. Tanpa kualitas yang handal danmasa depan yang jelas bagi anak, pembangunan nasional akan sulit dilaksanakan dannasib bangsa akan sulit dibayangkan. Permasalahan anak merupakan hal yang menarikkarena perilaku anak yang buruk mengancam setiap generasi muda suatu bangsa.Perbuatan melanggar hukum yang dilakukan oleh anak disebabkan oleh berbagai faktordiantaranya dampak negatif pergaulan, pesatnya perkembangan jaman, serta berubahnyagaya hidup masyarakat. Anak yang berhad…