The development of modern human lifestyle at this time gives rise to a variety of impacts. One of its effects is the increasing individuality which causes lack of direct social interaction. In a smaller scale this thing happens among students of Petra Christian University in Surabaya. A public facility that can accommodate and stimulate social interaction activities on campus is needed, the facilities of public seating. Designed with knock down system, this facility is dynamic in accordance with the activities of social interaction among students on campus. It is expected by designing this pub…

Cardboard is a material that is used to make packagings with limited lifetime in the distribution process of a product to the consumer. Cardboard is made by recycling waste paper to an innovative product which increases the value of it. The design of flexible exhibition stand is an innovation that uses cardboard material in order to make the assembly of the exhibition stand easier for the exhibitor, and the process is done only in a short time. Knock-down construction method is used by folding and interlocking. The design consists of space-forming, space-filling, and exhibition decorative elem…

Apart from a routine and systematic lectures in an university, it turns out that various students activities are a supportive activities of the main activities, which is the lectures itself. This activity is a spontaneous activity in a short period of time but done as routines in an everyday life, both by an individual or groups (social) such as; relaxing sit/resting while waiting for the lectures time, chatting with friends, eating and drinking, and so on. This design aim to create an area (space) that can facilitate those activities specifically and optimally. The designer desires to utilize…

This public transportation waiting facility is designed in order to accommodate Surabaya city’s need of functional public transportation anticipation place, provided for any kind of citizens. The main facilities featured in this design are the shelter from weather, comfortable yet unabusable seats, supports for the disabled, and interesting decorative arts. The concept used in this design is “Livability”, referring to a good environment for a community to live in. There are certain principles emphasized to achieve that concept, such as “comfortable”, “vibrant 

Bali provides many places called the "Wedding Chapel" with different concept in each of its wedding chapel, there are two chapels which have interesting shape and concepts those are The Diamond Chapel dan the Chapel Rituals. They are the objects of the research. The research aims to discover the embodiment of the interior design and the idea of The Diamond Chapel and The Ritual Chapel. This research is qualitative. Data obtained through field observation study, interviews, literature study, as well as documentation is directly analyzed descriptively. The subject matter of the research is focus…

The interior design of Librarica (Cafe & Bar) serves as an interior medium that combines a cafe, lounge, and bar with a library and provides a variety of books. This café & bar with library concept is made as a place to relax and to gather with each other while reading books and eating great foods, which capable of attracting a greater public interest especially from young generation to read books and re-visit the cafe. Considering the huge number of people who come to a cafe to eat, relax, and communicate with their friends, this library cafe would be a very suitable choice for peo…

Indonesia as an archipelagic state owns a group of large and small islands that have the potential to become tourist attractions spots, including one of them is Bali Island. Viewing from this perspective, the interior design of this resort has become a supporting medium for the development of tourist attractions in Bali, especially in Nusa Dua. This project was implemented in response to the high interest of domestic and foreign tourist, which makes Bali a major tourist spot with its own appeal, which is the beauty of its beach and sea. This resort will eventually provoke the interest from dom…

Helping to client who suffer because of calamity victim  need the different specific paradigm of the public service shapes apllied in conventional approach. Service shape have character as social-psychology, stressing to urgency of socius environment and social system in helping to return psychological condition of post calamity client. The excellent  of this  approach not only in preventive effort, promotive, rehabilitative and liberative., but also based to three ideas as: holistic human, integrated approach, humn caring and encountering nature.

The implementation of any method of dakwah has to consider its relevance with public needs. Hence, a good implementation of a method of dakwah would be based on a preceding identification of the basic problems among the target community (mad’u). The dynamics of the processes of dakwah in Cigugur show that irrelevant approaches (radical ways to protect and save Islam from any foreign influences that would otherwise contaminate true Islam) tangibly resulted in undesired effects. This has led to an alternate method of dakwah (dialogical method), currently underway in Cigugur, seen to be able…

The involvement of women role in legislative institution can be said so minim. This condition caused by several factors: (1) culture of national politics communication nuance patrimonial, (2) domestics roles as regulating of family in home, care, parenting and education to child and moral fortress. As a effort to improve women role in politics needed strategy steps done by women them selves throught counter of political communication and strategy tergetted by political party as: prepare generation from women and to be meanstream to women in society

Da’wah is a changing process that orient to change a condition / society life situation to aim condition of its life the better. This mean that Da’i. constitute agent of social change that gets to build condition/ society life situation goodly and welfare. In consequence, in aplicate, da’wah processes ought to use theory and functional da’wah approach. Its mean, theory and also da’wah approach utilized is relevant with charge of society life reality that stipulates with charge of  the lives need. To it Alquran was laid a lot of practical bases dual with da’wah …

This study aimed to determine the relationship between motivation of Ramadan fasting and morality in 120 students of the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Bandung. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between motivational variables of Ramadan fasting with the teens morality so it can be said that the higher motivation of Ramadan fasting, the higher the adolescent morality, and conversely, the lower the motivation of Ramadan fasting, the lower the their morality. Effective contribution given Ramadan fasting motivation variable related to their morality is ar…

Secularistic model that framed modern democratization can be a truthfully historical Islamic state model. Islamic indication of modern democratization such as emancipation and nationalism so its existence indemnity bond, and so syura mechanism that constitutes essential of democracy’s relative in line with Islamic state principle. Muhammad Syahrur argues the assumption that refuse secularistics model is taken by moslem society. Because according to Syahrur terminology in reality natural political process happening on seculars circle at the end will come up with political ideal goal that i…

This paper departed from Muthahhari’s statement that human nature in Islam is paradoxical creatures. In itself there are good qualities and have a tendency to go towards the truths and sacred entities, and the nature of evil as well. All of this is the potential of the human being and should establish itself to become a more perfect self. In view Muthahhari, man as the vicegerent of Allah on earth and as the preaching subjects in which have the nature of God confess, free reliable. Humans as subjects of da’wah initiated the tendency towards good and evil, with their capacity that is …

The concept of poverty reduction, as a religious doctrine (kâdal fakru an yakûna kufron), that has become a main agenda of da’wah, is not easy to implement so long as the mental attitude of poor people does not allow them to change. In line with this, the main strategy of a da’I has to be that of changing such mental attitude. Mc.Clelland, a development psychologist, provides an operational framework of strategy trough his concept the so-called N-Ach (Need for Achievement). Based on his theory, people would be progressive and prosperous only when they have N-Ach. Man with N-Ach…

In fact, Islam have many concepts about leadership. Minimally, there are three concepts of leadership which ever aplicated in Muslim world, each of it has variaties characteristic such khilafah, imamah and imarah. Khilafah naturally is more teologis and sosiologis. As teology ,  because it has the strong relation with destination of human creating as chalifath in world, and sosiologis because in practice, election of leader process is be done by humanbeing. Imamah pure teologis as in syarat pemimpin harus ma’shum. Sementara itu imarah pure sosiologis because not based to teologis princ…

Ilmu dan hidayah merupakan dua pilar yang perlu berjalan seiring sebagai perangkat yang dibutuhkan manusia agar mampu menjalani kehidupannya penuh dengan keseimbangan dan keharmonisan. Ilmu tanpa hidayah tidak menjadikan solusi atas munculnya permasalahan hidup, melainkan hanya akan mengakibatkan munculnya masalah–masalah baru. Paradigma ilmu ke depan penting memperhatikan pasangan ilmu yaitu hidayah dalam konteks ini diberi nama Manhaj CoHQ(Core Human Question). Manhaj ini memiliki karakter: komprehensif, esensial, solutif, berkeseimbangan, abstrak, kualitatif, murah secara financial; na…

The aims of the research is to develop teaching materials in the form of student work sheets (SWS) on haloalkana  problem based learning and to reveal its validity and practicalities. The type of this research is Research and Development with 4-D development models which consists of  define, design, develop, and disseminate. This research is limited to develop stage. The research instrument used a questionnaire validity and practicality. The questionnaire of validity is filled by lecture and teacher. The questionnaire of practicality is filled by students in SMAN 1 Ranah Pesisir. Dat…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar konstribusi kekuatan otot perut dan kelentukan pinggang secara bersama-sama terhadap kemampuan tendangan lurus Atlet Pencak Silat SMI Komwil Kota Padang Unit/tempat Polresta Padang. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian korelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah Atlet Pencak Silat SMI Komwil Kota Padang unit/tempat Polresta Padang yang berjumlah 30 orang (23 orang putra dan 7 orang putri). Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik porposive sampling atlet putera saja yang berjumlah 20 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengu…

Suatu Graf Jahangir J(n,m) untuk n ≥ 2, m  ≥ 2 adalah suatu graf  dengan (nm  + 1) titik yaitu graf yang  terdiri dari  satu Cycle  (Cnm ) dengan menambahkan satu titik yang bertetangga ke m titik dari  Cnm yang  berjarak n satu sama  lain di Cnm . Suatu graf dikatakan rainbow connected, jika setiap lintasan yang  menghubungkan dua  titik u, v di G memuat rainbow u-v path  dan  suatu graf dikatakan strong rainbow connected, yang jika  terdapat suatu lintasan dengan panjang d(u, v) yang  menghubungkan dua  titik…