Pengaturan hukum perang di laut tidak mengalami perkembangan yang berarti sejak Konvensi Den Haag tahun 1907. Dengan adanya berbagai perkembangan yang ada memaksa masyarakat internasional untuk membuat berbagai penyesuaian berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan perang di laut. Perkembangan paling penting adalah dengan disahkannya UNCLOS 1982 di Montego Bay, Jamaika, yang berisi ketentuan tentang hak dan kewajiban Negara di laut. UNCLOS 1982 berlaku efektif pada tahun 1994. Semua ketentuan yang ada dalam UNCLOS 1982 berlaku pada masa damai, dan tidak ada satu ketentuanpun yang mengatur tentang penggunaan…
Sejak terpisahnya institusi Polri dengan TNI, banyak pembaharuan telah dilakukan, antara lain membuat konsep pendekatan baru terhadap masyarakat dalam melaksanakan tugas penga-yoman dan pembinaan terhadap masyarakat. Dengan program POLMAS diharapkan akan tercipta sistem situasi keamanan dan ketertiban yang kondusif, karena masyarakat akan menyadari bahwa ketertiban dan keamanan itu tidak mungkin tercipta tanpa kerjasama yang sinergis antara Polri dengan masyarakat. Dalam program ini diharapkan akan tercipta keikutsertaan masyarakat dalam menanggulangi setiap ancaman, gangguan, hambatan, baik b…
Perempuan mempunyai kedudukan mewaris dari harta bersama, menurut Hukum Adat Sasak, karena dalam perkawinan mempunyai andil besar dalam mengumpulkan harta bersama dengan suami, mulai dari mencari, memutuskan membeli barang, mengelola, dan pengalihan barang yang sudah dibeli Yang berhak menerima warisan dari harta bawaan suami, istri, atau harta bersama sebagian besar menjawab anak. Domain hukum adat, yaitu; Pertama, tempat (desa), waktu (kala), dan keadaan (patra), yang mempengaruhi pembagian warisan. Kedua, Laki-laki yang memperoleh bagian warisan yang besar, kurang memahami arti âbagian…
Self Assesment System yang dianut Indonesia telah menempatkan SPM dan SPT dalam posisi yang vital. Apabila dikemudian hari diketahui SPM atau SPT mengandung cacat hukum, maka persoalan yang muncul berkaitan dengan siapa yang bertanggungjawab dan tanggung jawab hukum apa yang dapat dikenakan. Hubungan hukum antara wajib pajak dengan kuasanya melalui Surat Kuasa pada prinsipnya hanya melahirkan hak dan tanggung jawab secara keperdataan. Tanggung jawab pemegang kuasa akan berdimensi apabila cacat hukum pada SPM dan SPT itu dilakukan secara sengaja dan menimbulkan kerugian bagi negara.
Aborsi adalah masalah klasik dalam dunia kesehatan yang selalu menimbulkan perdebatan sepanjang zaman. Dari segi istilah aborsi berarti pengakhiran kehamilan sebelum janin itu dapat tumbuh diluar tubuh ibunya. Aborsi dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu aborsi spontan dan aborsi buatan. Aborsi buatan dibagi lagi berdasarkan alasannya, yaitu aborsi kriminalis dan aborsi medisinalis. Selama ini aborsi pada kasus korban pemerkosaan dianggap sebagai tindak kejahatan. Namun dengan berlakunya UU No. 36 Thn. 2009 tentang Kesehatan, aborsi bagi korban pemerkosaan telah dilegalisasi. Kembali masalah ini menjadi…
Kegiatan ekonomi yang penting berpikir untuk mendukung pembangunan. Bagi mereka sistem perizinan tujuan adalah salah satu masalah membuat penghalang untuk mempromosikan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada Kegiatan Ekonomi Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah. Berdasarkan masalah ini artikel ini akan membahas dan menemukan cara terbaik untuk memecahkan hubungan antara sistem lisensi dan kegiatan ekonomi. Relasi ini untuk melindungi lingkungan dengan lisensi di sisi lain dan untuk mempromosikan pertumbuhan ekonomi untuk bisnis kecil.Economic activities are an important think to support development. For those pu…
Euthanasia merupakan upaya untuk mengakhiri hidup seseorang ketika mengalami sakit yang tidak dapat disembuhkan, guna mengakhiri penderitaannya. Di Indonesia, euthanasia tidak dapat dilakukan dan merupakan perbuatan yang ilegal. Baik dalam hukum positif maupun dalam kode etik kedokteran diatur bahwa melakukan euthanasia tidaklah diperbolehkan. Bila dikaji dalam perspektif Hukum Islam, diatur bahwa euthanasia aktif adalah perbuatan yang diharamkan dan diancam oleh Allah SWT dengan hukuman neraka bagi yang melakukannya.Euthanasia is an attempt to end someone life when he/she has an uncurable ill…
Biography texts constitute an important material in Indonesian language. Studying biography texts also means studying linguistic aspects, in particular sentence structures. The problem of this research is the low abilities of students in understanding linguistic aspects of biography texts. This research aims to increase student abilities in understanding the linguistic aspects of biography texts through a monopoly game. The research procedure utilized in this research was a classroom action research. Research results showed that the abilities of students to understand linguistic aspects of bio…
Organizational change is a phenomenon that must be faced and carried out by every individual to achieve organizational goals. Organizational change is required by every organization to maintain its existence amid competition and as a tool to achieve organizational goals. In addition, organizational change aims to improve the performance to be better. This study aims to create changes in school organization by analyzing the factors that influence better organizational change. This study was qualitative research which analyzes literature reviews related to organizational change. Considering the …
Nowadays, religious pluralism (pluralistic multiculturalism) in Indonesia is proliferating. Universitas Paramadina is allegedly a university where Nur Cholis Madjid (Cak Nur) fosters religious pluralism ideology through the curriculum of pluralistic multiculturalism-based philosophy and religious studies programs. This is proven normatively through the curriculum policies in the Philosophy and Religious Studies Programs based on the Decree of the Paramadina Rector Number SKEP-006a/Rek/UPM/I/2008. Those curriculum policies contained the Lecture Program Unit (Syllabus) and the Outline of Teachin…
The behavior of the young generation to be willing to carry out tax education through the tax volunteer program is classified as a useful activity in increasing tax compliance. The theory of planned behavior is one pattern that can be used to identify factors that influence a behavior, in this case is the behavior of conducting tax education through a tax volunteer program. The purpose of this study is to find empirical evidence about the influence of attitudinal factors, subjective norms, perceptions of controlling behavior and intention of the younger generation in this case students towards…
Skills lab is a program in the Standar Kompetensi Dokter Gigi Indonesia (SKGI) that has to be carried out by dentistry students. One of them is the Prosthodontics skills lab. A constructive feedback is expected to be provided by the instructor to the students in the skills lab. This research was aimed to evaluate students’ perception about the constructive feedback given by the instructor during the Prosthodontics skills lab in the Dentistry Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya. This study used mixed methods combining the quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative data showed th…
An effective learning method is very important for the success of a learning goal, especially for the success of learning that involves the village community. The village communities have very diverse abilities and knowledge, in general an activity is carried out in accordance with daily habits, so it is not easily changed. However, the villagers already have a lot of experience, especially related to their daily livelihoods. The characteristics of such objects require an effective learning innovation in order to increase the knowledge they do not yet have. An effective learning method is a fo…
The article deals with the problems of training qualified personnel in the direction of “Plant Protectionâ€. World Skills movement serves as a convergent training technology in accordance with international standards. The author justifies the introduction into the World Skills competencies movement “Agronomist. Plant Protection†and “Entrepreneurship in the environmental fieldâ€.
This article attempts to highlight the enormous challenges faced a teacher. The actuality of the article is that it focuses on the attention of art in the education and cases of implementation of the projects of decree. We are not exaggerating to say that this scientifically-based article aims to highlight the President's initiatives and efforts. At the same time, the focus on the attention to the teacher and his spare ways were justified
The paper aims to define the solution to the problem of developing entrepreneurial skills among students. Based on the experience of developing and shaping entrepreneurial skills and professional competencies in the Tomsk region, it is proposed to organize educational activities in two areas: the actual educational (introduction of academic disciplines) and extracurricular (participation in competitions and programs of entrepreneurial projects).
This study was aimed at investigating the need of alumni on the pedagogical knowledge and skills in their job as teachers and how sufficient the pedagogical courses offered at ELEP are in meeting the need of the alumni to do their job as teachers. To reach the objective of the study, survey method with cross-sectional design was employed. A set of questionnaire adapted from Tanriverdi & Apak (2013) study pertinent to pedagogical courses was distributed to alumni who are working as teachers. Responses from the questionnaires were analyzed to reveal the need of the alumni on the pedagogical …
The building of each religion has a different style of building form and every religion has a different. After doing some research, questionnaire and interview also studied the literature about places of worship of religious Buddhist and Khong Hu Chu, author finds there is an interesting difference in some house of worship, one of which is the place of the religion of Buddha and the Khong Hu Chu. So the issue is interesting to review. To review them, the author uses qualitative deskriptif research methods, where this method is to differentiate between an object and another object. So it can be…
Surabaya is the second biggest city in Indonesia. With itâs majority society on productive age, Surabaya has been declared as the City of Literacy since June 2014 by the city government. The realization of this City of Literacy has become a commitment part of Tri Risma Harini as the Major of Surabaya, not only to focus on infrastructure development, but also to focus on the human development index. The raising of this Literacy cityâs program has been marked by the establishment of 400 Taman Baca Masyarakat (TBM) in each sub-district with 15 minutes daily reading which has become a ro…
A conducive study area is a need of students, especially in Petra Christian University. But often the given facility by the university is still cannot fulfill the need of their students. The facility that is needed for a study area is study pod. Study pod is a private space that can be used by university students and staffs to do their academic activities in the public area. These activities include learning, discussion, and browsing. The study pod design is made under the questionnaire survey and site observation, the selected location analysis, concept design alternates, designing and making…