Perkembangan dunia internet sekarang ini sangat pesat, karena semakin banyak perusahaan swasta, instansi pemerintahan dan istitusi pendidikan membutuhkan layanan informasi yang sangat cepat.. Sistem penjualan banyak dilakukan secara online, sehingga mempermudah pelanggan. Dalam penelitian ini akan membuat Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang Furniture berbasis Web pada PT. Vinotindo Graha Sarana. Saat ini masih menggunakan sistem penjualan secara manual, sehingga pelanggan kurang mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dan cepat. Karena pelanggan harus datang ke PT. Vinotindo Graha Sarana untuk mendapa…
ASIA Group adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pertambangan laut yang merupakan mitra PT. Timah (Persero) Tbk. Saat ini sistem yang berjalan masih terdapat kekurangan seperti pencarian data, pencatatan data, dan pembuatan laporan yang cukup lama. Hal ini dapat memperlambat karyawan dalam pendataan inventory sparepart. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sebuah sistem inventory berbasis web yang dibutuhkan perusahaan sehingga mampu meningkatkan kinerja karyawan ASIA Group dalam pengelolaan data sparepart kapal. Dalam menganalisa dan merancang sistem ini menggunakan model waterfall yan…
-- Keberhasilan alumni di dunia kerja atau industri menjadi salah satu tolak ukur keberhasilan perguruan tinggi dalam mendidik dan menghasilkan lulusannya. Untuk mengetahui keberhasilan para alumni maka dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat menarik data dari perusahaan tempat alumni bekerja dan dari alumni itu sendiri. Cara konvensional dengan membagikan kuisioner berbasis kertas dan/ atau mengunjungi perusahaan dirasa kurang efektif karena membutuhkan waktu dan biaya yang banyak. Kemajuan teknologi memberikan suatu jalan atau cara yang lebih mudah dan murah namun membutuhkan pengetahuan di bidan…
Abstrak―Pembelajaran merupakan strategi dan sekaligus sebagai solusi bagi suatu organisasi/perusahaan maupun individu untuk beradaptasi dan mengambil tindakan yang efektif untuk menciptakan keunggulan daya saing. Perusahaan perlu meningkatkan kinerja karyawannya agar berprestasi dan sukses dalam pencapaian tujuan strategis organisasi. PT Bank BCA menyadari bahwa pengembangan dan pelatihan adalah upaya untuk menciptakan SDM yang berkuaitas. Maka, e-learning adalah salah satu metode pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam pengembangan dan pelatihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah…
Praktek Dokter Roy Jhanna Ginting merupakan badan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang kesehatan termasuk juga dalam bidang penjualan dan pembelian obat. Praktek Dokter Roy Jhanna Ginting ini didirikan oleh dr. Roy Jhanna Ginting bersama dengan istrinya dr. Grace Ulina Hutabarat dan berdiri sejak tahun 2010. Penjualan dan pembelian tunai merupakan salah satu kegiatan penting dalam setiap perusahan, terutama yang bergerak dibidang perdagangan. Transaksi penjualan dan pembelian yang ada pada Praktek Dokter Roy Jhanna Ginting dimulai dari proses pesanan barang oleh pelanggan, pros…
Increase of Functional Position and the rank of lecturer is something that must be done by the lecturers. Because it is a performance parameter of the lecturer. Periods and rules for the increase of functional jabtan and lecturer rank have been arranged in Permenpan and RB No. 17 Year 2013 JO No 46 Year 2013. For that need the existence of management and service from Higher Education to monitor its lecturers to be in a timely manner to perform functional positions and lecturer rank. In support of the above, it is necessary that the supporting technology capable of assisting the service in the …
Current organizational behavior studies emphasize the importance of the human aspect. Therefore, leadership as a study of organizational behavior needs to focus on human aspects. The servant leadership (SL) popularized by Greenleaf in 1970 was in line with the idea. SL is explicitly defined as leadership that focuses on serving the needs of subordinates (human aspects). SL is believed to affect subordinate positive behavior which is indicated by organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). However, in the effect of SL on OCB, there is still debate over whether both of them have a direct or indir…
Bernard M. Bass (1990), John P. Kotter (1988), and Joseph C. Rost (1993) defined leadership in different meanings. Among the three definitions, Rost?s definition can be as a practical application as well as providing guiding principles for lecturers? leadership development. Leadership is not a person and it is different from management. Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes. Four essential elements that must be present if leadership exists are: (1) the relationship is based on influence, (2) leaders and fo…
The studies revealed that organizational change could create employee?s psychological uncertainty. However, this study argues that the quality of leader-member exchange enables to control the impact of the psychological uncertainty during the change toward employee?s attitude. This study represents job satisfaction and turnover intention as proxy of employee?s attitude for that matter. Based on social exchange theory, quality relationship of leader and employees affects on the relationship of psychological uncertainty and employee?s job satisfaction and turnover intention. This study selected …
Some ethical violations that occur in both business organizations and the government in turn highlight the important role of leadership in managing ethical accountability. Ethical leadership arises as a result of various ethical violations and demands for leaders to be able to manage ethical accountability. This study explains the mechanism of influence of ethical leadership behavior on voice behavior in private sector organizations in Indonesia. This study attempts to look at the role of organizational identification as a mediator on the influence of ethical leadership on voice behavior and i…
This study begins with the question of whether Western leadership theory is universal and where is Asia's contribution to this theory of leadership. Studies show that the theory of Asian leadership is local and influenced by the cultural influences of Asian local communities. Harmony and stability are the essences of Asian local culture. The leadership process is voluntary, collectivity, and is in a traditional or informal social structure. The effectiveness of traditional leadership is more concerned with aspects of guarding and achieving an atmosphere of harmony and stability. Furthermore, W…
Although numerous styles have been utilized to study leadership focusing on task, role, work, managerial, spiritual and ethical, however there is no agreement on the ethnic style. The debate over this issue as related to the study of ethical leadership transforms into ethnic, especially natural roles of Indonesian?s leaders. In this paper two major approaches phenomenology and ethnography are examined to gaining the theory and the latter is presented the natural roles of ethnic leaders. This study proofs that (1) the concept of ethnic leadership is the ability to spread the belief, value, cult…
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of spiritual leadership model on work engagement through the meaning/calling and membership. This study is a quantitative research using primary data collected through a questionnaire survey. Testing was conducted to 106 employees from the Islamic Hospital in Yogyakarta. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with path analysis was used to test the impact and to determine the model that best describes the relationship of the model. The results show that spiritual leadership with values, attitudes, and behaviors of leaders has a signific…
This research departs from the actualization of the kiai's leadership role in santri character education in Islamic boarding schools, which consists of the role of goal rationality, spirituality, and interpretation of the vision of education in Islamic boarding schools. This research aims to describe the role of the kiai in forming the character of santri in the Asy-Syifa Islamic boarding school. This research used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. data collection with interviews, observation and documentation studies, also data analysis and valid data testing. the results …
Millennials are currently taking over the global workforce. While practitioners and scholars have recognized their different work values from previous generations, research on this topic is still scarce. Furthermore, the current leadership theories have tended to focus mainly on the characteristics of leaders without adequately examining the leadership styles that work best for the millennials. Using a literature review from the top tier leadership journals, this paper aims to provide a more comprehensive framework to provide new directions for the development of leadership theory by underst…
The aim of this study was to obtain empirical evidence and clarity about the influence of the phenomenon of personality, motivation to career success, either partially or simultaneously based on self-leadership theory. In addition, to determine whether there is differences in personality, motivation to career success between men and women. The unit of analysis is a lecturer in the area of Cirebon region. The total samples are 120 people. The method used is descriptive and verification method. To test the model and hypotheses used regression analysis. The results showed that personality and mot…
ABSTRACT Language is a system of utterance sound symbols used to communicate among the user community. A good language develops based on a system which a set rules obeyed by the users. The term interference was used first by Weinrich (1953) to explain the system changing of a language related to the contiguity of its language with the elements used by bilingual speaker (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:120) Interference means the existence of the deviation or inter language effect. The effect is in the form of the simplest which taking one of the language elements in the relation with other language (…
ABSTRAKTION Diese Untersuchung hat den Titel ?Der Imperativsatz im Deutschen und Manadonesich: eine kontrastive Analyse?. Die Probleme dieser Untersuchung sind: Welche Bildung des Imperativsatzes im Deutschen und Manadonesisch gibt und was der Unterschied und die Gleichheit zwischen Imperativsatz im Deutschen und Manadonesisch ist. Zur Analyse des Imperativsatzes im Deutschen und Manadonesisch benutzt die Schreiberin die Theorien von Dreyer, Hilke und Schmitt, Richard, Drosdowsky und Moeliono. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist die Bildung des Imperativsatzes im Deutschen und Manadonesis…
Deixis forms in English and Banggai language are very important in every communication to avoid misunderstanding between speaker and hearer. These forms can be found in human conversation. This study is an attempt to identify, classify, analyze, and contrast the deixis in English and Banggai language. The research questions must be answered are : What are the kinds of deixis in English and Banggai language and what are the similarities and differences in both of the languages. To solve those problems, the writer uses the concepts of Lavinson and Lado. In terms of collecting data, the Englis…
ABSTRACT Language is one of the most important and characteristic forms of human behavior. In communication, people not only utter sentences but also transfer into behavior and this is called speech act. According to Searle, illocutionary act is divied into five categories, which are :assertives, directives, commisives, expressives, and declaratives.The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the function of illocutionary acts in the novel ?The Guardian? by Nicholas Sparks. The collected data have been identified to the utterances hich contain illocutionary ac…