Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak etanol daun melinjo terhadap berat telur ayam. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan. Data dianalisis dengan Analisis Varian dan Uji Lanjut DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) pada tingkat signifikan 0,05, serta analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa F hitung> F Tabel, dapat dikatakan bahwa ekstrak daun Melinjo berpengaruh nyata terhadap berat dan umur simpan telur ayam. Merendam telur menggunakan ekstrak daun melinjo yang pali…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh motivasi belajar dan kemandirian belajar yang dimiliki siswa terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada pelajaran IPA. Jika memang ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan maka seberapa kuat pengaruh motivasi belajar dan kemandirian belajar yang dimiliki siswa terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada pelajaran IPA tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey dengan analisis korelasi dan regresi. Data tentang motivasi belajar dan kemandirian belajar siswa diperoleh melalui angket yang disusun oleh peneliti, yaitu yang men…
Kadar nitrat yang berlebih pada suatu ekosistem perairan menjadi salah satu masalah dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil budidaya ikan lele. Oleh karenanya, proses reduksi nitrat dalam sedimen kolam ikan lele sangat penting. Bakteri denitrifikan diisolasi dari sedimen kolam ikan lele dengan menggunakan medium selektif. Untuk keperluan ini, Central Composite Design (CCD) dipakai untuk merancang penelitiannya. Bakteri denitrifikasi yang terdapat pada sedimen kolam ikan lele diisolasi dengan menggunakan medium selektif. Untuk keperluan penelitian, bakteri ini diaktivasi dengan cara mengkulturnya kembal…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains siswa pada konsep Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan melalui Model Pembelajaran Guided Inquiri kelas XII IPA-3 Semester Ganjil SMAN 1 Malingping Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 dan mengetahui respon siswa dalam penerapan model Pembelajaran Guide Inquiry pada konsep Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Kelas XII IPA-3 Semester Ganjil Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 sebagai refleksi pembelajaran. Pada siklus I rata-rata ketercapaian aspek KPS (Keterampilan Proses Sains) secara kesel…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan ruang terbuka hijau terhadap motivasi dan keterampilan berpikir kritis pada Sub Konsep Tingkat Keanekaragaman Hayati dikelas X SMA Negeri 7 Kota Tangerang Selatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X IPA 4 SMA Negeri 7 Kota Tangerang Selatan yang berjumlah 45 orang. Teknik pengambilan sempel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi motivasi, angket respon motivasi dan soal essay posttest. B…
Bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) merupakan komoditas sayuran yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi dan telah dibudidayakan di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Salah satu provinsi yang menjadi sentra budidaya adalah Nusa Tenggara Barat. Bawang merah memiliki beberapa varietas unggulan salah satunya varietas Super Philip. Produksi bawang merah varietas super philip yang dibudidayakan di Desa Montong Tangi, Kabupaten Lombok Timur sering mengalami penurunan terutama pada tahap pasca panen ketika disimpan di gudang penyimpanan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujua…
This study assessed biology studentsâ and science teachersâ views on the nature of science (NOS). Aspects of NOS included science definition, empiric, experiment, experiment in scientific knowledge development, tentative, scientific theories and laws, subjective (theory-laden), social and culture embededness, creative and imaginative. Participants were 34 undergraduate preservice biology teachers at seventh semester and 23 science teachers enrolled in the training. An open-ended questionaire of NOS (VNOS-C) adapt from Lederman, et al., (2002) coupled with some individuals interviews …
ABSTRACTThis study was designed to determine the effect aqueous extract of Lannea coromandelica leaf at concentrations of erythrocytes and leukocytes in peking duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisted of 3 experimental treatments, each consisted of 8 ducks i.e., P0 (control), P1 (given aqueous extract of Lannea coromandelica leaf as much as 780 mg / mL / day / kg body weight), P2 (given aqueous extract of Lannea coromandelica leaf as much as 1560 mg / mL / day / kg body weight). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). T…
East Java Province is one of the top provinces in Indonesia that send migrant workers, including women migrant workers. That condition makes this province has many aspects related with the issues of women migrant worker. Empowerment of the migrant worker, including for women,is important since it contributes directly to the welfare of the workers. However, there are somedrawbacks, such as institutional construction, to address the empowerment of migrant workers in general and particularly, woman migrant workers.Another problem is about the arrangement concept that applied in the empowe…
The mechanism of transparency and accountability of village financial management is currently more regulated within technical implementation regulations that are vertical. It is seen from the regulation that require accountability for village financial management to be addressed to local and central government. However, in practice the vertical accountability approach is considered ineffective. The multilayered arrangements and tight controls through the supervision of many supra-village actors are in fact only powerful in curbing and dictating the village, rather than establishing them. In co…
The traditional concept of police has created an image that police has not seen community as major partner in policing. Therefore, community policing approach is formulated. Community policing tries to control crime using preventive approach, which proactively done by good partnership between the police and the community. It does not depend on modern technology, machines and knowledge based anymore. The concept of community policing has shown that networking between humans is a source to control crime. Community policing as a philosophy, actually has already implemented in everyday life becaus…
This article aims to discuss the extent to which social and cultural dimensions have been taken into account in the whole process of negotiations and agreements regarding the mitigation the impacts of and adaptation to climate change. Almost 18 years have passed since the establishment of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1995, and 18 annual Conference of Parties (COP) have been held since then to set up agreements on the mitigation of climate change, but long and heated debates had taken place as to how to implement the agreements. It has been widely argued that social and c…
This paper aims to explain the local wisdom related to ecology of Belitung people. It has existed from generations to generations. There three forms of local wisdom related to ecology, namely dukun kampung, kelekak, and hutan larangan. Although they have that local wisdom, the forest area in Belitung remains damage. It indicates that the local wisdom has not been implemented into their life, particularly in relation to the environment where they live. However, the reality in the forest is not similar to the mangrove plants. Although the local wisdom does not orient to the sea, the mangrove pla…
Patron-Client relation in a fishing communities is a kind of work relationship among capital owners, fishing gear and fishermen that is herrited and institutionalized. It was demonstrated by resistances to institutional innovation in small scale fishermen societies. The research was a case study of Bandar Lampung fishermen who used mini purse seine. Purposive sampling technique was used with pengambek, juragan and pandega as respondents. Qualitative method was used as data analysies. The result of the study showed that two patterns of patron-clinet relationship indicated in this research, thos…
Tinjauan Buku Judul : The World Until Yesterday Editor : Jared Daimond Penerjemah : Damaring Tyas Wulandari Palar Penerbit : KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia), Jakarta Tahun : 2015 Tebal : 614 halaman
Perkembangan sistem komunikasi yang masif, khususnya internet menjadi bagian terpenting dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan termasuk ekonomi maupun politik. Di pihak lain perkembangan teknologi baru, termasuk televisi digital, juga menawarkan perubahan besar di bidang komunikasi massa. Istilah media konvergen kemudian digunakan dalam arti bergabungnya layanan yang dahulu terpisah, termasuk internet, televisi, kabel dan telepon. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya media konvergen adalah persoalan teknik, karena lebih banyak isi media dimasukkan dalam format digital dalam bentuk bit. Namun kemajuan tekno…
Tulisan ini menyajikan nilai-nilai pendidikan agama dalam cerita rakyat daerah Mentawai, yakni mengenai Sikerei sebuah mitos yang dianggap menjadi salah satu ikon dari suku Mentawai. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan folklore (folk: kebudayaan dan masyarakat; lore: cerita), maka kajian ini menyajikan terlebih dahulu deskripsi tentang kebudayaan Mentawai dan cerita rakyatnya sebagai latar belakang, lalu menganalisis cerita yang menjadi fokus pembahasan dengan tetap menghubungkannya dengan latar belakang kebudayaannya. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai Pendidikan agama yang terkandung di dala…
A mesophile bacteria isolated from intestinal systems of local-soil termite, produced an extracellular β-endoxylanase upon growth on xylan. Optimum production of the enzyme was found in media containing oatspelt xylan at 37oC after sixth hours. The activities of its β-endoxylanase on oat-spelt xylan was investigated. It had an optimum pH and temperature, 5.0 and 40o C, respectively. However, pH stability occurred between 5.08.0. The enzyme was stable at 40o C for four hours and possessed a half life of four hours. β-endoxylanase had an apparent molecular mass of 45.000 to 66.200 Dalto…
In this article, two methods are proposed to give the interval estimation for quantile on two parameters exponential distribution under multiply type II censoring. The interval estimation for quantile can be constructed the estimated parameters. Those researchers have use approximate maximum likelihood estimator to construct interval estimation for two parameters exponential distribution under multiply type II censoring. All of these method need an assumption that sample is exponentially distributed. We will use another method, known as the bootstrap percentile. This method gives shorter inter…