PT.Yuda Arif Prestasi Tupperware adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi serta memasarkan produk plastik berkualitas untuk keperluan rumah tangga. PT. Yuda Arif Prestasi Tupperware mempunyai Icons : untuk membantu pengguna dalam memaksimalkan penggunaan produk Tupperware sesuai fungsi, kapasitas, dan keistimewaannya. PT.Yuda Arif Prestasi Tupperware juga mempunyai Visi, dan mengutamakan penjulan produk, Selain itu barang barang Tupperware kualitas bagus dijamin puas untuk dimiliki, karna bahanya dari plastik,tahan lama, dan aman bagi kesehatan. Produk Tupperware sangat unik dan penuh warna warni, k…

Physical Education and Recreation Study Program is one of Study Programs of Education Stream of Faculty of Teacher and Education of Palangka Raya University. During this time, learning and teaching activity in Physical Education and Recreation Study Program (PJKR) happens with one condition in which there is a meeting between students and lecturer in a class. If the meeting does not happen this means the learning and teaching activity will be interrupted or delayed. To solve the problem of delayed learning and teaching activity, it is needed a certain facility which is available to maximize th…

The Government Science Department is under the auspices of the University of Palangka Raya Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), requiring facilities / media to manage academic data and information in the form of websites.The methods used in making the website are: data collection, consultation and design design methods using UML-Based Web Engineering (UWE). The website was developed using PHP, Xampp, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Notepad ++, Adobe Photoshop, and MYSQL.Website testing uses blackbox testing to test system functionality and browser testing for testing web pages using intern…

Informatics Engineering of Palangka Raya University have an organization that called Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika (HMTI). Problems that are often encountered in a set one of them is in taking the best choice for candidates for core management and membership in each new management period. Another obstacle faced is in making decisions not using methods that can handle these problems with many criteria. The number of considerations certainly has the hope of obtaining good human resources for the set, it's just that sometimes it becomes a difficulty for the old management to take the best…

Student attendance is one of the factors that need to be controlled by the School to maintain Indonesian resources. Therefore a school needs a system that can be used, for handles the students attendance data and distributes it to the parents. This necessity can be facilitated by building an online attendance system for the students. The online attendance system uses QR Code and Broadcast Short Message Service (SMS). The online attendance system used Waterfall methodology phases  as the system development  phases. Afterward  the system performance is evaluated using the black-bo…

Transport service or usually called travel1 is an inter-city transportation that many people use in Palangkaraya to travel among the cities. However, many people do not know the location of transport services in Palangkaraya and the informations obtained is still limited. Thus a system that provides computerized geographic information is needed. This study discusses the mapping of locations of transport services, location search, location data filters and the determination of the shortest path using the Dijkstra algorithm. For system development, it will apply the waterfall method. It is expec…

The Institute for Research and Community Service University of Palangkaraya (IRCSUPR) manages research activities, community services and controls the administration ofnecessary resources. Therefore, an application is requiredto record a lot of data from theproposal to the final report of research and community servicethat ultimately is expected tobe a control and evaluation on the performance of all parties involved.The methodology used in the development of this application there are several stagesranging from problem identification, needs analysis, design (which includes architecturedesign,…

The available Bahasa Dayak Ngaju dictionary only in hardcopy form and only consisted of the list of words andthe meaning of them. The dictionary didn?t provide the synonym of the word we are looking for. If we want toknow the paraphrase of one particular word, we have to do it manually by searching it on all of the list of wordsin the dictionary. Therefore, this research proposed to develope a Dayak Ngaju dictionary that provide wordsynonym search. We use Term Frequency (TF) - Invers Document Frequency (IDF) algorithm that will helpsynonym searching by comparing the term emergence in the meani…

Ketika menulis sesuatu (karya), pembelajar terlibat dalam kegiatan menghasilkan genre. Akan tetapi, menulis genre dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa asing merupakan keterampilan berbahasa yang sangat sukar bagi pembelajar Indonesia untuk mencapainya. Keterampilan menulis dikembangkan secara bersahaja ketika anak memasuki sistem pendidikan formal, yang berbeda dengan keterampilan berbicara yang dapat diperoleh anak secara alamiah. Dengan demikian, kesukaran menulis yang dialami oleh pembelajar SD di Sumatra Utara diasumsikan diakibatkan oleh pengaruh konteks sosial persekolahan, masyarakat atau…

Cultural studies and languages is Antropolinguistics study. Toba Batak language will change if the ecological support having changed anyway. Language Batak Toba area of research is in three sub-districts, Samosir, Laguboti, Porsea in Toba Samosir. The problem is, how the extinction of medicinal plants caused lexical sosial¬-cultural changes, the benefits of medicinal plants, community efforts to conserve medicinal plants in Toba Batak society? The goal is to describe the medicinal plants due to socio-cultural changes, the benefits of medicinal plants, medicinal plant conservation in Toba Bata…

Bahasa Indonesia berasal dari bahasa Melayu dialek Djohor-Riau. (Abdul Rahman, 1985). DaIam Kongres Bahasa Indonesia II di Medan tahun 1954 telah dirumuskan bahwa asal bahasa Indonesia ialah bahasa Melayu. Dengan kata lain, dasarnya ialah bahasa Melayu yang disesuaikan dengan pertumbuhannya dalam masyarakat. Tetapi dalam perkembangannya kemudian, bahasa Indonesia selalu menerima unsur serapan dari mana saja untuk perubahan dan kemajuannya. Ternyata unsur serapan yang masuk bukan saja dari bahasa serumpun tetapi juga dari bahasa asing sebagai upaya penyesuaian pada keadaan dan situasi masyaraka…

The priority of the country's language becomes a reflection that the city upholds Indonesian language. This does not rule out the possibility of the Pontianak city government. This paper tries to explain the phenomenon of language in public spaces along the Pontianak city protocol. The aim is to describe the use of language and find out the level of language control in Pontianak city public spaces. This research method uses a combination of quantitative methods and qualitative methods. Quantitative method is used as a method of processing the number of population and corpus of data to determin…

Sampul Dalam Bagian Belakang

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi proses afiks derivatif dan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis derivasi pada lirik lagu-lagu Ed Sheraan dalam album Divide. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Data diambil dari lirik lagu Ed Sheeran album Divide. Teori yang digunakan adalah proses afiks derivatif dan jenis-jenis derivasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat 20 lirik yang mengandung afiks derivatif. Dari 20 data tersebut terdapat 3 jenis prefiks dan 6 sufiks. Sementara itu, terdapat dua jenis derivasi yaitu derivasi fungsi dan transposisi. Derivasi…

The less endangered language used by speakers of the overall too little, with a shift of functions which are gradually replaced by other languages. Language shift that occurred in the community in the field led to the extinction towards the Malay language. There are two indicators as facts and data that revealed a language shift to this, the pressure of the weight of the larger language isIndonesian, and early loss of speakers of children. On the other hand, the Malay language speakers (ethnic Malay) did not object when the community in North Sumatra has moved into Indonesian. This, given the …

The issues raised in this research is the role of literacy in the ability to speak class VIII SMP Budi Agung Medan academic year 2013/2014. While the purpose of this study was to determine a clear picture of the role of literacy in the ability to speak in class VIII SMP Budi Agung Medan 2013/2014 school year. This research is a descriptive study, research subjects were all students of class VIII SMP Budi Agung Medan academic year 2013/2014. The sample in this study were all students of class VIII A SMP Budi Agung Medan totaling 37 students. Data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative. Based…

Abstrak:Simalungun memiliki potensi untuk mengembangkan kebahasaan dan kesastraannya. Di antaranya, melalui tradisi lisan umpasa. Di kalangan masyarakat Simalungun, umpasa sering digunakan di dalam keluarga yang mematuhi adat istiadat setempat. Seni tradisi lisan yang mirip pantun dalam tradisi Melayu ini, memiliki nilai sosial yang tinggi. KATA KUNCI : umpasa, tradisi lisan, sastra

This research was conducted to identify non-specific bacteria found in the cervical mucus of dairy cattle in the follicular and luteal phase. Twenty cervical mucus samples were collected from ten cows during their follicular phase and ten cows during their luteal phase. Sampling was carried out with the help of an artificial insemination gun and a plastic sheath, which were protected by a sheath cover. After insertion into cervix, the tip of the plastic sheath was cut and put into a tube prefilled with phosphate buffered saline. All samples were cultured in Blood Agar media and isolated in Eos…

The technology of laserpuncture in livestock is an acupuncture technique using Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) that is fired at acupuncture points as biological receptors that are related to organs that can provide stimulatory effects. This research was conducted in the laboratory of Airlangga University for 30 days using a sample of 18 cambell ducks divided into 3 treatments and laser shot with 3 days interval. Treatment 0 as control, treatment 1 got laser treatment dose 0,2 joule and treatment 2 got laser treatment dose 0,5 joule. On the final result of the eg…