Leptospirosis is an acute infectious disease that can infect humans and animalscaused by leptospira bacteria and classified as zoonotic pathogens. Outbreaks ofthe disease within a few years has been attacking people in Bantul. In the period2009 to March 2013 there have been 394 cases, based on these facts it isnecessary to mapping disease susceptibility regions to leptospirosis in order todetermine priority areas of treatment and prevention. Spatial pattern analysis ofspread of the disease leptospirosis is done by using a method Nearest NeighborDistance Average. Modelling the ecological mappin…
In this study, there are two types of environments under study , the natural environment and social environment.The purpose of this study was determine the level of education in the village housewife Klaling Jekulo District ofKudus Regency, the behavior of the housewife in the maintenance of environmental hygiene in the village Klaling,determine the relationship between the mothers level of education and household behavior in the maintenance ofenvironmental hygiene with a total population 2,539 people. The sampling technique using Random Sampling.The attitude of the housewife in the maintenanc…
Rancaekek Area, West Java, known as rice granary for years. But, since thetextile industry growing, rice productions are continued to decrease. It waspredicted as the impact of pollutant migration into the farmland. Nowadays,farmland in this area was tend to gone. The potential spread of pollutants can be observed through the direction of groundwater movement. Mass movement ofground water can be seen through the groundwater flow model. This study willprovide an overview of potential spread of pollutants, because it will follow thegroundwater flow. The model is built through data processed with…
The the residential building, the existence of cemetery land is a requirement that must be met, but the existence ofcemetery land often not available to occupants of the residential. The existence of cemetery land should be optimal soas to boost the usefulness of cemetery land. To determine the level of optimization of the existing cemetery land in aresidential area in Boyolali Regency then conducted research with the aim to determine whether the residential sidewas optimal in supplying cemetery land and to know the work done of occupants of the residential related to the limitedof cemetery la…
Nowadays, Reliability-centered Maintenance (RCM) has become the solution to determine the type of maintenance tasks and inspections needs to be performed to the assets in achieving effective and efficient maintenance. However, implementing RCM is not enough to achieve optimization of maintenance planning. The evaluation, as one of the important point should be done to prove the benefits of RCM and to continuously improve the maintenance planning. In this study, the effects of RCM implementation in the industry application were evaluated, as a step for continuous improvement in RCM application.…
Mine drainage was problem in mining aktivity at activ periode and mine closure. And will be enviroment issue from mine drainage is water quality, what is Pontentially Acid Forming or Non Acid Forming. For to know water quality will be forming, as the firts step is understanding about stone geochemical characteristic. Stone of behavior can be knew base on geochemical characteristic by step testing are static test with testing sulfure total, pH paste, pH NAG, ABA methode and verification with kinetic test by Free Draining Column Leach Test with physic and chemical testing, also mineralogy testin…
ABSTRACT Construction hauling road at the swampy area is very difficult due to weak materials and soft material for the basement. The problem can be determinate with approaching density of material during to reach optimum compaction. To determination optimum compaction can be use wet and dry density method and optimum water content. Laboratory testing at the laboratory is conducted on 95% of compaction include moisture content (ASTM D 2216-80), Specific Gravity (ASTM D 854-23), Attenberg Limit (ASTM D 422-63), Liquid Limit (ASTM D 427), compaction (ASTM D 1557). Field testing is required to co…
ABSTRACT Availability of cropland is the reason why they do not want to plant crops, especially vegetables such as eggplant, cabbage, chilli, as academics eager to implement and introduce hydroponic plants so that the need for hygienic vegetables that can be realized. Along with the question, it is necessary to increase public participation for the introduction in fulfilling the need for vegetables dilahan own more hygienic through Research Lecturer Beginners "Controlling Time Watering On Plant Hidroponik Using IC 555" and utilizes cans or buckets former as cropping media so that it can implem…
This study is about the industry that produces wooden doors for export needs. The problems is the occurrence of defects in the production process and non value-added process. Type of defect commonly found on the wooden door is the assembly, gluing and coloring. This study aims to improve the quality of doors produced by reducing the number of defect products and reduce waste in the production floor. Lean Six Sigma is used to focus on reducing lead time and failure in the production process. Result shows that the main cause of defect products is low skill operators and machine during operation …
Risk is often associated with volatility or deviation of investment return, investor required measure of risk to managing risk. Value at Risk (VAR) is a risk measurement techniques and considered the standard method of measuring risk. In portfolio, VaR is defined as the estimated of maximum loss will be experienced by a portfolio at a spesific time period with a certain confidence level. There are three main methods to calculate the VaR i.e. variance-covariance , historical simulation and monte carlo simulation method. Capital market are not perfected liquid, but VaR model is usually asumsed t…
Microalgae is one of the raw material for biodiesel. Recently, microalgae oil is developed as an alternative fuels to substitute fossil fuels. Lipid was extracted from microalgae and then it was used to produce biodiesel. In this study, the development extraction process is the main issues to investigate the optimum condition. In this research, to get the maximum yield of lipid from microalgae the extraction used an autoclave with high pressure. The microalgae used has water content of 5%, 50%, and 80%. Extraction of 20 gram dried microalgae using 200 mL of methanol as a solvent was carried ou…
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of molecular weight of chitosan towards the solubility of chitosan succinate in water. The chitosan succinate was synthesized by succinilation method. In the synthesis, chitosan with different molecular weight, low molecular weight (LMW), medium molecular weight (MMW), high molecular weight (HMW) were reacted with succinate anhydride (1:10) for 24 hours. The infrared spectra of chitosan succinate, showed by wavenumber shift, indicating that there has been interaction between chitosan and succinate anhydride. Based on results of analysis of …
Most of information on the Internet is transmitted through unstructured information via websites. Information in the web pages usually contains main content, advertisement, navigation and other additional information. The amount of information makes it difficult to obtain the core information, value and relevant knowledge inthe form of structured information, like databases. Information extraction is a process to converting unstructured information into structured information. Applying information extraction method using ontology called Ontology-Based Information Extraction (OBIE) aims to prov…
Medical Technology is growing by the growth of the era. The detection of illness which is suffered by human can be detected earlier by doing observation of the symptom that emerge from the sufferer. The observation of the symptom can be done to the human organs which are probably changing because of illness, for example: the retina of eye. The changing of the structure can be seen is the blood vessel which becomes bigger or the disorder of the blood vessel of the retina of eye. In order to detect the illness, initial stage is to perform segmentation of the blood vessel. This study is using 2D-…
Analisis regresi logistik ordinal merupakan salah satu metode statistik yang digunakan untuk mencari pengaruh antara variabel respon dengan satu atau lebih variabel prediktor. Pada penelitian ini analisis regresi logistik ordinal diterapkan untuk memodelkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi waktu kelulusan mahasiswa S1 di FMIPA Unpatti Ambon. Variabel yang digunakan adalah waktu kelulusan mahasiswa, jurusan dan jenis kelamin. Data diperoleh dari bagian akademik FMIPA. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi waktu kelulusan mahasiswa S1 FMIPA Unpatti Ambon yaitu fakto…
Kesejahteraan merupakan tujan utama pembangunan sebuah negara. Salah satu aspek penting yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kesejahteraan adalah kualitas fisik penduduk itu sendiri, dua diantaranya adalah angka kematian bayi dan status gizi buruk. Model regresi multivariat adalah model regresi dengan lebih dari satu variabel respon yang saling berkorelasi dan satu atau lebih variabel prediktor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi angka kematian bayi dan status gizi buruk di Provinsi Maluku dengan menggunakan regresi linier multiva…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan prestasi belajar dari masing-masing model pembelajaran, motivasi serta interaksinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Kwadungan yang diambil 2 kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen I dan kelas eksperimen II. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan teknik(purposive sampling). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket dan metode tes soal kognitif. Uji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan anava dua jalan dengan sel tak sama. Uji lanjut pasca anava menggunakan uji Scheffe. Kesimpulan dari ha…
Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada peramalan harga saham PT. Cowell Development Tbk. menggunakan data pada Januari 2013 sampai Desember 2016. Hasil analisis diperoleh model terbaik adalah model ARIMA(2,1,12). Hasil pengujian asumsi residual white noise menggunakan uji Ljung-Box menunjukkan bahwa model ARIMA(2,1,12) merupakan residual white noise. Hasil uji ARCH-LM menunjukkan data mengandung efek heteroskedastisitas atau unsur ARCH. Model yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah ARCH(1) dan GARCH(1,1). Nilai AIC dan BIC terkecil dari dua model ini adalah ARCH(1). Model ARIMA(2,1,12) dengan resid…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Make a Match dalam mempelajari materi sistem persamaan linier dua variabel di kelas VIII SMP. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 15 Ambon yang berjumlah 24 orang siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dan guru berperan sebagai pengajar dengan berlangsung dalam 2 siklus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes dan format observasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis kualitatif dan teknik analis…
Tenaga kerja merupakan salah satu aset utama dalam pembangunan nasional. Pendeta, pemuka agama Kristen Protestan, merupakan tenaga kerja sekaligus profesi yang memegang peranan penting dalam membina karakter umat Kristen untuk beriman dan bertaqwa, serta bermanfaat bagi bangsa dan negara. Gereja Protestan Maluku sebagai suatu denominasi dan organisasi gereja memiliki manajemen keuangan dalam membiayai dana pensiun para pendetanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan program dana pensiun para pendeta dalam organisasi Gereja Protestan Maluku menggunakan metode individual level premium, kem…