Development in the region can be seen with the development in the field of tourism because tourism is a mainstay sector that can be a source of revenue for the region, resulting from the existence of regional autonomy makes some regions in Indonesia are now beginning to optimize the government's performance in exploring the potential of tourism and one of them is Kabupaten Banyuwangi who managed to do development in tourism sector by exploiting local potency in banyuwangi city and tourism has changed the face of Banyuwangi as area which now become references of various government agencies in t…
ABSTRACT Nu and Muhammadiyah are two different religious organizations. The difference may come from the background of the establishment of organizational culture. Cultural differences lead to differences in the identity of the people in the region, a difference identities are inevitable that sometimes obscures the social interaction of residents. Social interaction residents can rebuilt residents through openness, tolerance and awareness among fellow citizens, that Interaction is a requirement which can not be avoided people as social beings Keywords: Social Interaction, Identity and Integ…
ABSTRAK Penelitian pemetaan konflik sosial bertujuan untuk memetakan masalah konflik sosial di Kota Tangerang yang meliputi: isu konflik, tempat kejadian, waktu kejadian dan pelaku/aktor/para pihak, serta penyebab konflik, kronologis/kejadian, dampak yang ditimbulkan, serta proses penyelesaian konflik. Kota Tangerang merupakan wilayah yang penduduknya sangat heterogen memiliki potensi konflik yang cukup besar terkait dengan adanya perbedaan sistem nilai, perbedaan kultur, perbedaan kepentingan. Konflik sosial potensial dan memiliki intensitas sosial yang relatif tinggi di Kota Tangerang a…
Good governance is a conception of a clean, democratic, and effectivegovernment administration, and in it governs a synergistic and constructiverelationship between government, private business and the public. The use ofinformation technology that can improve the relationship between government andother parties. E-Government is an effort to develop electronic (electronic)governance in order to improve the quality of public services effectively and efficiently, new services, increased citizen participation and an enhancement to…
The foundation of the principle of Good Governance in the village government is the ideal that all parties want to achieve. In practice, realizing good governance at the village level still has many challenges, one of which is related to the participation of people whose levels are still low, so that serious efforts are needed to create good governance. This paper will explain the level of village community participation in every activity and program carried out by the village government that leads to good government. The research method used in the study was descriptive qualitative. The form …
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang peran aparat pemerintah kelurahan Sunter Jaya kecamatan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, dalam meningkatkan administrasi kependudukan. Tugas pokok dan fungsi aparat pemerintah menjadi sorotan masyarakat karena mereka berhak mendapatkan pelayanan yang baik, sedangkan aparat berkewajiban menyelenggarakan pelayanan secara prima, dengan prinsip – prinsip pelayanan yang sederhana, cepat, tepat, tertib, murah, transparan dan tidak diskriminatif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, …
This study about the impact of the post of head of village (lurah) auction to service at the Communities in Jakarta. Auction office of head of village (lurah) and other structural hierarchy, led by the Jakarta administration. The birth of this policy is to maximize the public service to the community in general. This is because the issue of community dissatisfaction with basic services. This makes the bureaucratic system in terms of public services is stagnant at this basic services. Moreover, the reform of the bureaucracy and far Agenda collusive behavior, corruption and nepotism which has no…
Abstraction This paper description about withdrawal of childs labor to school or training center. One of the important stages in the cycle of public policy is policy implementation. Implementation is often considered just an implementation of what has been decided by decision makers, as if the stage is less influential. But in reality, the implementation stage is so important because a policy will not mean anything if it can not be implemented properly. Exploitation of child labor is not just about wages, but about long working hours, the risk of accidents, health problems, and become the obje…
Many developing countries have their significant income from agricultural or basic industries. Thereafter, many problems in ergonomics started to occur. Researches and activities about ergonomics have arisen since the early of 1960. At the beginning, environmental ergonomics and work physiology were the most selected topics. In India, ergonomics researches began with work physiology, workplace study, design equipment or product, and the manual material handling in agriculture. In China, ergonomics began with information display, signal form in control chamber, and display for instrument. Then,…
This Research was aimed to give a suggestion how to improve production process’s quality in PT. Biru Laut Nusantara. Realizing that fish processing needs a lot of precision because of food quality and safety problem, this research will show the cause of the defect and how to solve the problem. This research focused on identifying the types and factors which causing defective products and getting the solution in maintaining and improving the quality of production process by using HACCP Approaching and Six Sigma. Some of the quality tools that used in this research are Check Sheet, Pareto…
Samples of Cor-Ten steels have been subjected to surface treatment, by coating Al and followed by nitridation. High-temperature corrosion tests were carried out using a Thermo Gravimetry Analysis / Magnetic Suspension Balance (TGA/MSB). The Nitridation process was performed at 550°C for 3, 5, 4, 7 and 20 hours under flowing N2 and NH3 gases. Corrosion tests were performed for 50 hours at 650°C. After the oxidation, sample were characterized using X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) to determine the crystal structure, and then using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to observe the microstructure …
The packaging function has evolved into a brand value creation tools to customers. "Ayam Goreng Basah" is a food product from catering service by Ibu Siti Sugiyanti that uses packing box and styrofoam without any graphic design on the packaging, which can be a communication tool to the customers. The purpose of this study is to apply the graphics design process of “Ayam Goreng Basah†package. This research was conducted by collecting information from customers through brainstorming. The brainstorming activities have made a creative idea concept "Inovasi Ayam Goreng Nusantara", whic…
This research was conducted on one of the giant manufacturers of musical instrument equipment that is inseparable from problems related to the effectiveness of the machine/equipment caused by the six big losses. The improper handling and maintenance of the machine can result in losses called the six big losses. The first stage in the effort to increase production efficiency in this company is to measure the effectiveness of laminating machine I using the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) method which is then followed by measuring the OEE six big losses to find out the amount…
Tulisan ini membahas tentang teknologi realitas maya (virtual reality) atau lingkungan maya (virtual environment) serta penggunaannya terutama dalam bidang pendidikan. Realitas maya menjadi teknologi yang berkembang pesat dan terjangkau dengan potensi luas dalam berbagai aplikasi termasuk pendidikan, kedokteran dan industri. Realitas maya memungkinkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan yang disimulasikan oleh komputer. Peneliti yang dikutip dalam tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa teknologi realitas dan lingkungan maya dapat diaplikasikan dalam pendidikan dengan memperhatikan 3 hal sebe…
Queuing problems in social life are common events encountered in everyday life. Waiting in front of the booth to get the service and this situation is a common occurrence. Along with the growth of the community's view of the Universitas Bunda Mulia, the queuing problem is an interesting problem for research.Object research of writer is located at Layanan Administrasi Mahasiswa (LAM) Universitas Bunda Mulia. The research objective is determine an effective service system, which should be applied at the Layanan Administrasi Mahasiswa (LAM) Universitas Bunda Mulia, so the services which provide b…
Light brick compressive strength produced by UD. XY has a very high variation because there is no standard composition of raw materials. This research is carried out to design an improvement or quality improvement for light brick products at UD. XY. Quality improvement is on increasing the compressive strength of light brick with optimal composition. Quality improvement is conducted using the experimental design of the Taguchi method to obtain an optimal composition combination. The orthogonal array notation used is L9(34) with material control factors in the form of water (A), cement (B), and…
Organizations make common mistakes when determining its goals, where they only focus on to be done actions. But forgotten the detailed work processes and work systems that can support the achievement of the goals. And when the goal is not achieved, organization make the same mistake again by doing corrective actions. Whereas if we talked about organization’s goals or visions, we should concern on the preventives. Organization business process plays an important role as the basis of all work processes and work systems within the organization itself. This research is discussing the busine…
Baliho is a thing or media of promotion which is very useful for giving information or activity that relates to public. Moreover, baliho is also to commerce the new product even it is used to the election like the president election, governor and regent to introduce themselves and recognize self to attract public attention. Interesting baliho should have been ease to be remembered by public so memory is very important to be considered in baliho design especially short term memory has the important function in remembering or memorizing. The purpose of this research is to know how much establish…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan kognitif siswa melalui penerapan teknik mind map pada konsep sistem pertahanan tubuh manusia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Muhammadiyah Kota Serang tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Sampel penelitian iniadalah kelas XI IPA. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes objektif berupa pilihan ganda untuk mengukur kemampuan kognitif siswa dan lembar observasi untuk menilai mind map yang dibuat oleh siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai r…
This research aimed to conduct an inventory in macrofungi and the utilization for food in Cikartawana hamlet, Inner Baduy, Banten. The method that was used in this research was the explorative method with descriptive analysis. The result of this research showed a total of 52 species of Macrofungi that belonged to 23 families have been identified and among those species about 12 species were edible and consumed by Inner Baduy people in Cikartawana hamlet. The macrofungi grew in the different type of substrate: soils, on decaying organic matter, wooden stumps and living tree trunk collected from…