Dentin hipersensitif merupakan masalah utama dalam bidang kedokteran gigi. Pada umumnya lebih dari 90% area hipersensitif adalah terbukanya dentin di daerah akar gigi, biasanya di permukaan bukal gigi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh efektivitas iontoforesis NaF 2% dan KCl terhadap nilai ambang nyeri dan kadar matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-8). Penelitian eksperimental dilakukan dengan cara mengukur nilai ambang nyeri gigi menggunakan vitalytester dan mengambil cairan gusi (GCF) menggunakan paper point sebelum dan sesudah iontoforesis pada gigi yang mengalami resesigusi…

This study aimed to determine the amino acid sequencehomology, functional domains, the model predictionof protein structure and characteristics of genesencoding anti WSSV in black tiger shrimp (Penaeusmonodon) originated from Indramayu District. Theresearch method was qualitative descriptive analysis bycomparing the results of PCR isolation of genes encodinganti WSSV with GenBank sequence data. The resultsshowed that the sequence gene encoding anti WSSV inblack tiger shrimp DNA originated Indramayu genesequences homologous with Penaeus monodon AV gene,complate cds (no. Accession DQ641258.1) an…

Malnutrisi pada bayi baru lahir penting untuk diketahui karena memiliki hubungan dengan peningkatan risiko mortalitas dan morbiditas pada masa neonatal, gangguan perkembangan pada masa anak-anak, dan penyakit kardiovaskular serta diabetes tipe 2 pada saat dewasa. Malnutrisi saat lahir merupakan kelanjutan malnutrisi yang dialami selama kehidupan intrauterin. Pemeriksaan antropometri berat badan menurut umur kehamilan dilakukan untuk mengetahui bayi yang memiliki risiko tinggi mengalami kesakitan dan kematian, namun pemeriksaan ini tidak dapat mengidentifikasi semua bayi yang mengalami malnutri…

Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pola pemupukantanaman rumput raja (Pennisetum purphoides) padabudidaya defoliasi ke empat. Percobaan faktorial 3 x 3dengan rancangan dasar dilakukan dengan pola AcakLengkap, meliputi faktor macam pupuk yakni kotoranayam, domba dan sapi potong serta faktor level ureayakni 100, 200 dan 300 kg/ha/defoliasi. Perlakuan diulangsebanyak 3 (tiga) kali. Peubah yang diamati adalah ukurantinggi tanaman, besarnya diameter batang dan banyaknyajumlah tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwatanaman rumput raja menampilkan aspek pertumbuhanyang baik pada pemupukan kom…

BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations are the most common high penetrant genes associated with an increased lifetime risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC). Although genetic testing is standard of care in Western developed countries, there are still variations in availability of genetic testing and risk assessment for HBOC in Asia. Depending on the countries, there are variations in the clinical strategies and cancer management. The Asian BRCA Consortium has grouped together 14 Asian countries and reviewed genetic counselling/testing uptake rates and clinical management options in these countrie…

AbstractAround 10-15% of breast cancers are associated hereditary and/or familial predisposition. By definition familial breast occurs in two or more first degree relatives within a nuclear pedigree (first or second degree relatives). Hereditary and familial cancer displays different characteristics in the pathological features, clinical course, response to treatment, and outcomes. Therefore, specific consultation and treatment need to be addressed to patients with hereditary or familial predisposition for example the need for rigorous surveillance and preventive treatment including options fo…

Various mortality prognostic scoring system are available for predicting mortality risk in PediatricIntensive Care Unit (PICU). The Pediatric Risk of Mortality III (PRISM III) scoring system is one ofthe main indicators used in the PICU. This study was conducted to evaluate the PRISM III asprognostic predictor in PICU. This was a cohort study involving 64 patients who admitted toPICU in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta and met inclusion and exclusion criteria. Theclinical state of patients were assessed and the PRISM III scores corresponding to the firs 24hours of hospitalization were…

LDL-C/HDL-C ratio (numeric) is a more significant predictor of the progression of IMT than LDL-C or HDL-C alone (2). The Objective is to check whether being dyslipidemic or metabolic syndrome shown by the ratio, affects the data of NIHSS results obtained to measure functional outcome. the data was analyzed using Pearson Chi-square with contingency table post-hoc analysis and Spearmann’s Correlation with additional simple-linear regression.Out of 189 subjects, only 156 data are complete and valid. 70 patients were dyslipidemic, 65 were non-dyslipidemic and the rest were unkno…

Sepsis is one of the fatal complications of burns. It is the most common cause of deathfrom burns. Burn sepsis usually occurs after a burn injury develops into infection. Thisstudy was conducted to determine correlation between age, burn area, inhalation trauma,enteral nutrition start time, escarotomy time, and albumin level of sepsis in patientswith 2nd or 3rd degree burn injury. This was a cross sectional study during May to June2012. The subjects in this study were 39 victims of mount Merapi eruption in 2010 whosuffered 2nd or 3rd degree of burns injury. The result showed the correlation be…

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is an isomer of linoleic acid that has been shown to havemany beneficial effects in prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension, cardiovasculardiseases and improve immune function. Although majority of CLA in the diet are derivedfrom dairy product such as milk, however, the content of CLA in milk is affected by cow’sdiet. The aim of this study was to investigate the beneficial effect of CLA supplementationin milk for improving lipid profile in high fat diet of rats. Twenty four male Sprague Dawleyrats aged 8 weeks were given high fat diet for 3 weeks to in…

Garlic (Allium sativum L) is a medicinal plant traditionally used to relieve pain. Garlic’s active constituents, allicin and triacremonone, have been proven to have antibacterial and antiinflammatory activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of garlic ethanolic extract gel in gingival wound healing process of rats. Thirty male Wistar rats aged 10 weeks with with body weight 200-250 g were subjected in this study. Rats were divided randomly into five groups with six rats in each group. Group I as negative control was given sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na CMC) base …

Obesity is characterized with excessive accumulation of the body fat which occurs whenthe energy intake exceeds the expenditure. It is routinely associated with insulin resistanceand hyperinsulinemia. Additionally, suppressing insulin level protects female mice fromweight gaining. Cinnamon [Cinnamomum burmannii (Ness) Bl. Cortex] suppresseshyperinsulinemia condition in the type 2 diabetic rat suggesting the possible beneficial itsrole in the obesity. We aimed to investigate the effect of Cinnamon extract in the normalobese subjects. In this preliminary cross-over clinical trial, 24 normal obes…

Patients surviving with a stroke have an increased risk for recurrent stroke. Clopidogrel iswidely used to prevent recurrent stroke. However, clopidogrel may cause gastrointestinalbleeding (GIB). Therefore, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is recommended to reduce theside effect of clopidogrel. Unfortunately, these both drugs are metabolized in the liverby the same enzyme i.e. cytochrome P4502C19 (CYP219) that may reduce the effectof clopidogrel. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of PPIs on the effectof clopidogrel in the prevention of recurrent stroke. It was a hospital-based c…

Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) is a common public health problem worldwide and a major cause of hearing impairment. It is also one of the neglected disease especially in developing countries. Cytokines are a group of glycoproteins that play a role in strengthening the immune and inflammatory reactions in various diseases, including inflammation of the middle ear. Some of the important inflammatory mediators found in middle ear fluids are Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) and Interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Cytokines are thought to play a role in the ongoing inflammatory regulation. …

Food security is the agricultural sector, which has a strategic role in the development of the regional economy. Kabupaten Rokan Hilir is the largest rice production to reach 50-55% in Riau. Badan Ketahanan Pangan to seek sustainable food security through programs that try stability of rice back. Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 Year 2012 on Food. Article 41 which reads "Food Diversification is an effort to increase the availability of Food are diverse and are based on potential local resources to meet Food consumption patterns are diverse, nutritionally balanced, safe a…

The election of Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau in 2013 first round in Kuantan Singingi pair Annas Maamun and Arsyad Juliandi Rachman gain sound that is 12 % of the votes of five pairs of candidates. And in the second round managed to improve his voice acquisition of 50,6 % of two pairs of candidats. This shows the success of the winning team seize voters, especially voters supporters of candidater for Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau who lost in the first round. Therefor, this study was conducted to determine the strategies used winning team pair Annas Maamun and Arsyad Juliandi Rach…

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the implementation of the Regulation on Budget Rural Village ( APBdes ) in the village of Kuala canal and explain the obstacles that prevent the implementation of village regulations on the implementation of the APBDes . Implementation of rural development programs through the village of financing by using the appropriate regulatory APBDes village where the village chief and his staff Kuala canal should invite the public to rural development programs, so that people know that the program will be conducted, but no socialization village chief and his s…

The organization is a container from a group of people who held a collaboration to achieve common goals. The success of organization can be realized if every individual in the organization have the performance against organization. In addition in an organization of the communication also has an important role. A better communication in the structure of can give rise to a sense of the solidarity and loyalty between employees with an organization / the institution concerned. The aim of this research is to find out how significant a strong relationship between internal communication with the empl…

This study was conducted to analyze how the dynamic formulation ofMSEs in the City Btam 2012-2013. Formulation of MSEs in Batam year 2012-2013 experiencing tough debate advance of Trade Unions APINDO premises. Theproblem in this research is how the dynamic formulation of MSEs in the CityBtam years 2012-2013?This study is a qualitative study, the data collection techniques in thisstudy is a descriptive analysis. This study uses the documentation (observation)and key informant interviews together as objects of information that aims toachieve the goal to get the information in this study. Data us…

In Kampar Regency is the producer of aquaculture products with thehighest ratings supported the existence of great potential in the development ofsuperior commodities especially aquaculture sector. Approximately 90 percent ofaquaculture production came from Riau Province Kampar it is not wrong if calledKampar is aquaculture Riau lives. Licensing fisheries management in KamparDistrict contained in Kampar District Regulation No. 28 of 2009 ConcerningLicensing Services And Business Recommendations and / or activity of theEnvironment Division. Kampar was umpteen of county and city in Riau Province…