This research aims to get known the tourist perception of Mbah Soero Mine Hole in Sawahlunto West Sumatera. The research was done by taking samples are 100 respondents decided by slovin. Data analysis technique used is quantitative desciptive method to analyze the problems. Time research from December 2014 to Januari 2015. Data collection techniques took by observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. Data measurement technique was using likert scale to know the length of intervals.Based on the research results,that the tourist perception of Mbah Soero Mine Hole in Sawahlunto West…

Autism is complex developmental disorder, associated with communication, social interaction and behavior. Children with autism in the development process requires special handling that is different from normal children in general. Therapy is a form of alternative in treating autism assisted by a special education program . it is intended to provide assistance as needed in order to run a good socialization process so that children can live independently.This research uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews and observation. The number of subject in…

The purpouse of this study to determine How Public Servise the Kecamatan Bangko Pusako Kabupaten Rokan Hilir 2011-2013 years.The method used is qualitative method of data descriptive assessment. Object of this study is the Kecamatan Bangko Pusako Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. The technique of collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation.By using key informants as a source of information which amounts to 38 people.Based on the research that has been to know how public servise the Kecamatan Bangko Pusako 2011-2013 years. Where us public servise the Kecamatan Bangko Pusako is not opt…

This research purposed to get know how performing arts development in The Karimun District of Karimun Regency Riau Island Province. How far potential and readiness from the government and the peoples to packing the perfoming arts to be a cultural tourism attraction that worthy presented for tourists. Because so far Karimun District is an area that active in performing arts events every years.This research used qualitative desciptive method to analyze the problems. The sample in this research are 11 samples by using snowball sampling. And then the technique to collected data in this research ar…


Advertising activity in practice should be conducted in full manner of social responsibility due  to  differentiated  of perception.  The appearance of advertisements expected to be executed  in line with ethics, and consumerism regulatory. Negative perceptions on advertising should be taken as control tools how to make advertisements could contribute in better  way to society The difference perceptions bridge wisdom of solution.

This study aims to learn about the performance and the co-modification of children in Idola Cilik singing contest program on RCTI through text analysis, to determine the background of its production and capitalism whichchanges the value of effectiveness into exchange rate on RCTI’s “Idola Cilik” program through social cognition analysis, and to find out the interpretation of the Chairman of the National Commission on Child Protection and communication experts on “Idola Cilikl” singing contest program through social context.This study uses qualitative research methods t…

The number of companies that manufacture and market products isotonic beverage, making competition between companies has become very tight. Of each company is trying to introduce a product. One is the product being advertised Fatigon Hydro + through the medium of television with a fairly high frequency of exposure on several TV stations. The aim is that the higher the brand awareness of the product Fatigon Hydro + in the community.

Para pemuka komunikasi a.l.Katherine Miller (Texas A&M University), Stephen W.Littlejohn (Albuquerque, New Meexico), dan E.M.Griffin (Wheaton College) dalam buku aktual mereka (edisi 2002 dan 2003) dengan topik Communication Teory, dalam versi penyajian yang agak berbeda, menyatakan bahwa contextual  themes of communication theories hanyalah interpersonal relationships, group decision making, organizational networks, dan media (mass communication). Saya beranggapan bahwa one of the important theme of contextual communication in connection with modern society is missing. Interactive theme se…


One of the media used in advertising Dji Sam Soe Magnum Filter is television. Television is one of the media in advertising that uses color, sound, movement and music, or can be referred to as an audio-visual medium, so it can also be to determine the meaning of a lifestyle that is contained in the visualization TVC Dji Sam Soe Filter ver-sion Ferry Magnum. This study aims to determine the meaning of a lifestyle that is contained in the visualization TVC Dji Sam Soe Filter version Ferry Magnum. These include: To find out the myth that contained about lifestyle in TVC Dji Sam Soe Filter version…

Sa/ah satu perubahan gaya hidup yang terjadi di Amerika (dan juga sedang terjadi pada masyarakat kelas menengah atas di .Indonesia) diantaranya adalah kesadaran dan kepedulian akan kesehatan dan gizi (Teddy Prawita, 2002:   146-147).  Gaya hidup sehat ini misalnya diekspresikan dengan melakukan exercise  dan diet dengan lebih banyak  mengkomsumsi   buah-buahan,   sayuran  dan  biji-bijian. Fenomena ini kemudian dimanfaatkan produsen dengan meluncurkan produk minuman berserat dan dikomunikasikan sebagai produk untuk kesehatan, mulai dari melancarkan buang  ai…

A well known adage wants that in many social settings it is well to avoid discussing either politics, religion or philosophy presumably  such conversations generated more heat than light.Political analysis about crucial changes are currently taking place in the political and social-cultural Indonesian life.The challenges lie under the growing influence of globalism and was oriented toward the application of the models  in the open society.The text present a tecnigue for thinking logically and also based on conviction whether political inquiry and analysis rely on the use of the Indonesia…

WAYANG DAN KOMUNIKASI IDEOLOGISebuah Tinjauan Simbolik Komunikasi dan Ideologi – Politik

Abstract : This research has purpose to improve the ability of student in studyin mathematics by applying cooperative learning method calledNumbered Heads Together (NHT)in fourth grade SD Negeri 001 Teluk Pinang. NHT is a cooperative learningmethod, in which students are placed into groups of 4-5 people and each group are numbered 1-5. The research was conducted in April to May 2014. The subject of this research where the IV year students of SD Negeri 001 Teluk Pinang in academic year 2013/2014.The number of students was 33, they are 14 boy and 19 girls. Class data of this study is data about …

Abstract: This research is classroom action research. This research aims to increase the mathematics learning outcomes of students at class III SDN 142 Pekanbaru through the implentation of cooperative learning in the type Student Team Achiement Division (STAD). The subject of this research is 30 student at class III SD Negeri 142 Pekanbaru which consists of 16 boys and 14 girls with the heterogeneous ability level. This research consist of 2 cycles, of which each cycle in composed of stages, which is planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The instrument of data collection in t…

Abstract: The problem in this research is the result of social studies grade IV SDN 007 Pulau Lawas low. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of cooperative learning model Think Pair Share (TPS) on the results of social studies grade IV SDN 007 Pulau Lawas District of Bangkinang. This research is a class by using a quasi-experimental design with nonrandomized control group pretest-posttest design. This research was conducted in two classes, namely the control class (IVB) and the experimental class (IVA). Grade control using conventional learning model and th…

Abstract : This study was motivated by the low learning outcomes of students of SMP Negeri 1 East Kampar Kampar District in following civics lesson. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning model arisan card on learning outcomes in Civics class VII SMP Negeri 1 East Kampar Kampar District. The study population was all students of class VII SMP Negeri 1 East Kampar Kampar District which consists of eight classes with a number of 216 students. The study sample consisted of VII4 class with 27 students and class number VII5 the number of 27 students, thus total…

Abstract: Base of problem in this research is the value of the students still under KKM. It is unknown, because the teacher does not involve students in the learning process, the teacher does not use the media during the learning process to take place, many students who are less interested in the teaching-learning process because it is considered less interesting, and presence of dependent students to other students who are superior,It is necessary for the improvement of learning with immediate application of learning models. Direct instructional model is a learning process that is more center…

Abstract : his study was conducted due to low skills make game objects driven by a rope. From the preliminary data only 15 students are skilled of the number of students 38 students. The purpose of this research is to improve the skills of making objects game that is driven by a rope at the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 018 Senapelan. Based on the results of this research is that the activity of teachers in the first cycle of the first meeting obtained sufficient percentage of 50% category, the second meeting sisklus second with a percentage of 70.83% good category, the first meeting of th…