Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa dampak aktivitas bermain, status gizi, dan kebugaran jasmani sebagai variabel bebas bersama-sama terhadap prestasi belajar sebagai variabel terikat pada siswa putri kelas X SMAN 1 Sentani tahun ajaran 2012. Hasil pengolahan data dengan menggunakan analisi regresi ganda didapatkan hasil penelitian, X1, X2, dan X3 secara bersama-sama ada sumbangan, yaitu nilai sig sebesar 0,046 lebih kecil dari α5% sehingga H0 ditolak. Dengan persamaan regresinya dapat ditulis Ỹ=7,422 – 0,348X1 – 0,045X2 – 0,076X3 Kesimpulan bahwa variab…

Meningkatkan Ketrampilan tehnik dasar passing sepak bola melalui pengembangan model belajar permainan pada siswa putra kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D) untuk membuat sebuah produk model belajar permainan pada pembelajaran keterampilan teknik dasar passing sepakbola siswa putra kelas V Sekolah Dasar (SD). Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D) ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis apa yang jadi kebutuhan siswa dan menguji keefektifan produk yang telah dihasilkan pada saat proses belajar. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa putra kelas V SDN…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan melempar melalui metode bermain ditingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dengan cara mengimplementasikan metode bermain dalam pembelajaran dan meningkatkan keterampilan melempar. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kelas XI IPA.4 SMA Negeri 1 Jayapura semester genap tahun pelajaran 2012/2013 dengan jumlah peserta didik 53 orang (laki-laki 16 orang dan perempuan 37 orang). Terdiri dari 2 siklus, masing-masing siklus melalui tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Siklus pertama melatih peserta didik melakukan bagian-bagian teknik das…

One of model Micro Finance Institution (MFI) which in this one decade expand fast relative is Shariah MFI, the institutionthat more knowledgeable with Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT).Considering strategicvalue (BMT) and fact that assessment of performance of health BMT not yet done in this time, hence be conducted by this study/research at BMT Bina Umat Sejahtera (BUS) Lasem Rembang of Central Java. The aim of this study is know how the finance ratio influence performance of BMT BUS, that is factor of strength and its feebleness, also defining strategy needed in developing capacity of BMT BUS.Thi…

Product of red palm oil is a new product which is still not marketed yet insufficient quantity so that it is not recognized by many people. Because of that, it needs promotion about the benefit and quality for the consumer. The approach in this research is market or selling the product of red palm oil to the respondent through direct marketing (door to door), and at the same time do the analysis of consumer’s perception to the product of red palm oil. In general the aim of this research is to know consumer’s perception in getting decision of buying and strategy alternative which …

The objectives of the research are to analyze some factors considered by a small enterprises to access banking facility, to study the influence of the attitude toward the behavior of small and medium enterprises (SME’s) in Kredit Program Kemitraan BNI, to analyze the product image of Kredit Program Kemitraan BNI from the point of view of a customer and a businessman, to determine some market segmentation strategies for Kredit Program Kemitraan BNI. The result of research showed that the factor influenced businessman in making relationship with banking were as follows: time effectiveness…

Aloe vera has a compete nutrition which has function as natural antioxidant. The objectives of this study are (1) to know the business prospect in market aspect and raw material supply, (2) to evaluate financial feasibility, (3) to evaluate business management in the management aspect and production technology, (4) to average business development strategy of PT. Libe Bumi Abadi. The method of analysis used were (1) descriptive method which was used in collecting data of raw material, market prospect, financial statement, selling volume, income and cost, and strategic competitor; (2) feasibilit…

Children love to play and want to know about anything in their surrounding.  They need to grow and educational toys can facilitate them. The aim of this study was to improve quality performance of product attributes of Shofia Toys by analyzing its customer satisfaction. Data analysis methods that used in this study were: focus group discussion (FGD) to identify educational toy attributes; top two boxes index to measure customer satisfaction level; and gap analysis, penalty-reward analysis and diagonal analysis to analyze influential factors of customers satisfaction.  CHAID analysis was …

To overcome the problem of coastal community poverty, since 2001, the Directorate of Coastal Community Empowerment, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries developed the Coastal Community Economic Empowerment. The main activity of this program is to distribute the Productive Economic Fund (PEF) to the coastal community groups using the revolving fund scheme. Since the Bad Debt Ratio (BDR) was high, started 2004, the PEF has function as collateral to the Bukopin Bank under Swamitra Micro Finance scheme. The study was done in Bantul District, Yogyakarta to evaluate the performance of this insti…

Nutmeg oil is one of essential oil products of economically important nutmeg commodities. Many of nutmeg oil’s product were used for food’s industry, such as astringent, cosmetics, soap, and medicines. The objectives of this research, were to get a good quality nutmeg oil as raw material for nutmeg oil’s downstream industry, to analize the feasibility of the construction of the industry, and to formulate developing strategy of nutmeg oil’s downstream industry in Bogor Regency. The data were collected by experts use exponential comparisons method (MPE) to choose appr…

The District of Bogor has potency as a human resources for shoes industry. Ciomas district is one of the central of shoes industry in Bogor. With all the potencies, the shoes industry is potential to be developed as one of export commodities. However, in reality, it is hard to grow because of some constraints, such as marketing and financial factors. The aim this research is : (1) to identify shoes industry in Ciomas Sub district, (2) to identify internal and external factor, (3) to formulate industrial expansion strategy of shoes in Ciomas Sub district. Research was executed in some small sho…

Technology of corn noodle, both processed from 100% corn flour and substitution of  wheat flour (by corn flour), was developed by previous researchers but it has not been tested to be applied to the community. The objectives of this study were: (1) identify critical quality parameters and determine the shelf life of corn noodle; (2) to test the production process of dry- and wet-corn on a pilot plant scale and the small industry of wet noodles; and (3) to obtain the quantitative data of consumer acceptance from the wet noodle producers (small-medium enterprise or SMEs) and the consumers. Th…

Decorative Plant business is relative newly and in this time is to be developed. Development of decorative plant business in the future having bright enough prospect, because enthusiasm to this plant more increasing. Business decorative plant have opportunity to be developed and improved with intensification and extensification, now days start to be developed by rent of decorative plant in the hotels. From the other of decorative plant which exist in Indonesia, Adenium is most like decorative plant. Adenium is very popular among hobbies. This matter is caused uniqly and bright color. Activity …

The essence of regional autonomy in the state system in Indonesia is the authority given to local governments to regulate and manage their own affairs and interests of the community in accordance with the legislation in force. Abstrak Inti dari otonomi daerah dalam sistem negara di Indonesia adalah kewenangan yang diberikan kepada pemerintah daerah untuk mengatur dan mengelola urusan dan kepentingan masyarakat mereka sendiri sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Kata kunci: Otonomi dan Sistem Pemerintahan di Indonesia

Budget User (PA) can not be, mutatis mutandis, or immediately seated as suspect/defendant in a corruption case, because the error position, is an act contrary to the legality of the acts of officials which is based on authority, porsedur and substance. Budget User Officials act is an act of administrative and criminal use is ultimum Remedium. Legal responsibility for the Budget Authority granted to the Budget Users: a. The budget user accountability, whether as mandated by the law that was given to him as KPA, or stages in Presidential Decree No. 80 Year 2003 concerning Procurement of Governme…

Proof via electronic media in criminal trials, still based on the provisions contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, namely with reference to the theory of proof under the law negatively, but in practice there is still a criminal trial the pros and cons. However, in fact the truth of the witness examination teleconference remain equal value, with a witness who was not present at the trial because the witness has been sworn in. Keywords: Electronic Media in the criminal justice system. Abstrak Pembuktian melalui media elektronik dalam persidangan pidana, masih didasarkan pada ketentuan yan…

Implementation of judicial power in the realization of judicial impartiality rests on their independence and the independence of judiciary in performing the duties of his judicial is not affected by any power, as well as the responsibilities imposed on judges in carrying out the task of checking and deciding cases and functions of the Supreme Court under the supervision of the judiciary the impartiality in the administration of judicial power, manifested in the form of preventive supervision, in the form of signs norms enshrined in both the legislation and the code of ethics and code of conduc…

The power of government has the characteristics of an authoritarian system of government, namely the concentration of power (concentration of power), or the concentration of power granted by law and the constitution to the president, so that the authority to govern Indonesia characterized by autocratic powers. Indonesian system adheres to the constitutional presidential system of government, which means that the president accountable to the constitution and not to the people as befits a presidential system, so that in case of infringement; either the law or the constitution by the president on…

President term limitation is an effort to prevent a President who takes control of the nation for a long time because the President will make it possible to abuse power. Presidential term limitation is a crucial thing to be regulated because it will make the potential abuse of power, and the authoritarian government will grow in some countries. In every nation, we can see adopting a presidential system organize about Presidential term limitation to President's candidate. Seeing that there are several types adopted by various countries that adopt the Presidential system, then it will be studied…

This study aims to determine the legal position of tax-preferred creditors and labour preferred creditors in the bankruptcy process and to determine the factors that influence the occurrence of disputes between labour preference creditors and tax-preferred creditors in the bankruptcy process. The research method used is a method with the type of normative research using 2 (three) types of approaches, namely the statutory approach (statute approach) and the conceptual approach (conceptual approach). The results of this study are based on a conceptual approach and a statutory approach, the autho…