Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai model pendidikan multikultural pada Pesantren tradisional Nahdatul Ulama di Kota Tasikmalaya. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menjadi tawaran model pendidikan multikultural agar dapat diaplikasikan di komunitas masyarakat lainnya terutama dalam mencegah ancaman radikalisme. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, didapatkan hasil penelitian sebagai berikut; Pertama, Pola internalisasi tradisi di pondok pesantren sangat di pengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai Ahlussunah wal jamaah (ASWAJA), penerapan prinsip tawasut, tasammuh, taadul ditanamkan pada pendidikan baik di pe…

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis adverbial verba bahasa Rusia berdasarkan: 1) bentuk, 2) makna, 3) kategori modifikator, 4) posisi adverbia verba dan implikasi semantiknya, dan 5) bentuk pengungkapan maknanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode distribusional dengan teknik substitusi, intrusi, dan paraphrase. Data diambil dari tiga novel Rusia dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa bentuk adverbia verba adalah 1) perfektif: (a) aktif dan (b) refleksif, dan 2) imperfektif: (a) aktif dan (b) refleksif.…

At the time, the need of skilled humans as industrial resources is very high.Therefore, the government makes many policies to increase the quality of vocational schools which produce those skilled human resources, especially in building industry. Because of that, it is also important to improve the quality of the educational infrastructure, especially at building vocational schools. This research aimed to study theory and practical room conditions at a number of building vocational schools in Yogyakarta Special Province. Focuses of the study were room dimension, furniture lay…

This research study is determine the influence of the addition of bagasse fibers based on quality of plasterboard, which include: the absorption of water, the density of water, the ability of nailed, and flexural strength. This research was carried out in the Laboratory of building materials of YSU and Laboratory Of Structures GMU. The specimens for each composition consist of five pieces. The research method using experiment approach, the data then analyzed with compare the test result and SII.0016-72. The mix of bagasse fibers were 1sp:3kp:1st, 1sp:3kp:2st, 1sp:3kp:3st, 1sp:3kp:4st, and 1sp:…

ABSTRACTUsing Concrete-Filled Steel Tube (CSFT) as a column component provides many advantages over steel columns. Steel tube serve as reinforcement as well as formwork for concrete filler increases the strength column. The lack of experience and complexity of the beam-column connection system becomes an obstacle to use the CFST as a column. In addition, strength and stiffness of the connection system should be sufficient to endure the earthquake loads. in this research, continuous joint of beam-CFST and continuous joint of beam-column steel tube without concrete filler (BKS-K). Load cycle of …

This research aimed to determine weight-volume, compressive strength, and split tensile strength of concrete due to the use of plastic pellets (polypropylene) as a coarse aggregate and stone ash as a partial/a whole replacement sand needs to utilize plastic waste and stone ash which is a waste of stone-crushing machine. The test specimen was made of a mixture of cement, sand, coarse aggregate of plastic pellets and water. The design of concrete mix by Indonesian National Standard (SNI) with normal concrete compressive strength of 10 MPa was planned. Variations of the specimen lied on the mixtu…

ABSTRACT Shopping Mall is a popular shopping tourism now. Malioboro Mall is the only one Shopping Mall in Malioboro Area, a well-known tourist shopping street area for domestic and foreign tourist in Yogyakarta. This research aims to know the status and role of Malioboro Mall as shopping tourism object in Malioboro Area. The method in this research is inductive qualitative. The instruments for collecting the data are documents, questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire is given to the visitor of Malioboro Mall and Malioboro Area to know their perception of Malioboro Mall and Malioboro …

ABSTRACTKampong Karangkajen Yogyakarta is an old kampong that most nativeresidences are batik enterpreneur. Most of them still have close relationship,evenmore family relationship. So that there is a unique relationship among theresidences, especially in their informal relation.The aim of this research is to look for characteristic of informal gatheringspace at Kampong Karangkajen Yogyakarta, and to get determine factor of thecharacteristic, through typology study.This research uses rasionalistic-qualitative paradigm. Before analyzingthe data, the researcher studied several references, especia…

 ABSTRACTIn general, the design of the pile cap structure still uses conventional method assuming all regions experience linear strain. However, in reality the strain distribution in the cross section of the structure is not always linear so that a rational analysis method is needed with the assumption that is close to the actual condition using the strut and tie model method. This study aims to determine the behavior of crack pattern in the pile cap designed using the strut and tie model method (SNI 2847:2013 Appendix A) compared to conventional methods (SNI 2847:2013 Article 15). The spec…

ABSTRACTIn this year, landslide disaster such as embankment slide, bankslide, or buried of soil (trash) often occurs. All of them begin with asimple problem, that is infiltration of rain water (or other) into soil causingthe decrease of shear strength, finally passed the limit of landslide safetyfactor F, so landslide occurs. The research tries to know the behavior ofclayey-mud soil with several ratio of clay content and several watercontent ratio to find out how much clay content and water content (w)may induce soil collapse.This experiment research was conducted in the soil laboratoryUNY usi…

ABSTRAK Studi kasus adalah studi empiris yang menyelidiki fenomena kontemporer dalam konteks kehidupan nyata. Awalnya metode penelitian studi kasus sering digunakan pada bidang ilmu sosial. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, metode studi kasus mulai digunakan pada bidang lain. Metode penelitian studi kasus adalah strategi yang tepat untuk digunakan dalam penelitian yang menggunakan pertanyaan penelitian utama “bagaimana” atau “mengapa”, diperlukan sedikit waktu untuk mengontrol peristiwa yang dipelajari, dan fokus penelitian adalah fenomena kontempor…

Dam is a structure which is the main function is to dammed up theflow ofthe river so that it gets the sum ofa specific volume ofthe water. The dam can be builtfrom concrete, stone, sand,. clay or combinations between them. As it function to resist the water flow ofthe river, the dam must be controlledfrom its displacement or turning over came fromthe water pressure. On the clay-typed dam, the safety value is also determinedfrom the water "rembesan ". As its affected to the stability of the dam, "rembesan" can caused the leak ofthe water to the dam and then become ruin. To antici…

Low student learning outcomes associated with many factors. The relationship between numerical skills, confidence, and parents' attention is possibly related to learning outcomes. This research aims to determine the presence or absence of positive and significance the relationship between numerical skills, confidence, and parent's attention with Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Students Class X SMA Muhammdiyah 7 Yogyakarta in even semester in the academic year of 2016/2017. The population in this research was the students of X SMA Muhammdiyah 7 Yogyakarta in 2016/2017, consisting of class  …

Education has an important role in improving the quality of learning by implementing efforts to improve it, and it is by this research which is based on learning student learning outcomes by using Course Review Hooray (CRH) learning and make a matching model in class X Students of State Senior High School (SMA Negeri) 1 Sanden, Bantul academic year 2017/2018. This type of research uses comparative research. The population consists of all class X Science Mathematic (MIPA) as many as 112 students are divided into four classes. Sampling was done by a simple random sampling technique and obtained …

A conventional learning model that is still used in the mathematics learning process at school causing less active students in the class because they are just sitting, listening, and make a note when the teacher explains the lesson. This is experimental research aimed at finding out the cooperative learning model's effectiveness between type TGT (Teams Games Tournament) and NHT (Numbered Heads Together). This research population consists of 4 classes from seventh-grade students in State Junior High School 1 Turi Sleman (SMPN 1 Turi Sleman) in 2017/2018. This research uses a purposive sampling …

Teaching materials to help students understand the concept of social arithmetic and attract the attention of students is still lacking and does not motivate students in the learning process becomes a problem to do the research. Math module is one alternative teaching materials that can be used in the learning process. This research aims to develop a social arithmetic module using a problem solving approach students of class VII and assess the feasibility of the product being developed. The development of research in the Research and Development (R & D). Subjects were e…

Learning outcomes are influenced by many factors. Parent's attention, activeness learning, and independent learning are some of the factors that were related to the learning outcomes. This study aims to determine whether there is a positive and significant relationship between parent's attentions, activeness learning and independent learning with the learning outcomes of the eighth-grade students in the first semester of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta academic year 2016/2017. The population in this study were all eighth-grade students of the first semester of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta acade…

This research background is active less of VIII grade SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Kalasan Sleman on the semester academic year 2016/2017 in the learning mathematics. This research aims to increase students' activeness in the learning of mathematics using cooperative learning model type Team assisted individualization (TAI) class VIII Junior High School (SMP) Muhammadiyah 2 Kalasan, Sleman semester academic even year 2016/2017. This research is a class act. The setting used is a class VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Kalasan, district Sleman totaling 28 students. The study was conducted in two cycles of the firs…

Mathematics students are learning outcomes associated with many factors. Learning style, independence learning, and parents’ attention are some of the factors allegedly related to learning outcomes. The researches are intended to know about is there any positive correlation and significance or not between learning style, independence learning, parents’ attention and mathematics learning outcomes of grade X Visual Communication Design students of State Vocational High School 5 Yogyakarta (SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta) in the even semester of the academic year of 2016/2017.  The popu…

Some students regard mathematics as a subject matter. Independence, concentration, liveliness, and student self-confidence are still low. The use of existing teaching materials less facilitate students in the process of learning mathematics. This study aims to develop and test Student Worksheet's feasibility (LKS) with a contextual approach on the linear equation system material of two variables for class VIII in Junior High School (SMP).  This research method uses Research and Development (R & D), covering the stage of preparation, implementation, testing, and revision. The data analys…