The research aims to determine the growth and production response of two varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) to the provision of various sources of nitrogen. This research was conducted in Lambar village, Tigapanah sub-district, Karo regency, Sumatera Utara Province with altitude of ± 1200 meters above sea level, which started on July to September 2017. This research used a factorial randomized block design with 2 factors namely varieties of lettuce (crop and lettuce) and sources of nitrogen (urea fertilizer, chicken manure and Liquid organic fertilizer of rabbit urine). The parameters…

The intensity of the shade and fertilizer are the two aspects of the environment that important for the growth of madeira vine plants. The purpose of the research was to know the growth response of madeira vine on different levels shade and application of fertilizer and Biochar. The research was conducted in the research field of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan about ± 32 m above the sea, on June to August 2017. This research used Split Plot Design with 2 factors, level of shade (0%; 25%; 50%; dan 75%) and application Fertilizer (without fertilizer; urea 1.6 g/plan…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian bahan humat dan pupuk P untuk meningkatkan ketersedian P di tanah ultisol. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 faktor perlakuan dan 2 ulangan. Faktor pertama bahan humat dengan 4 perlakuan (0, 400, 800, dan 1200 ppm) dan faktor kedua pupuk P terdiri dari 4 perlakuan (100%, 75%, 50%, dan 0% rekomendasi). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pemberian bahan humat meningkatkan pH, P-tersedia, dan menurunkan Al-dd dengan dosis terbaik 800 ppm bahan humat dan pemberian pupuk P meningkatkan pH, P-tersedia, bobot kering akar dan tajuk, P-daun da…

Pemanfaatan limbah rumen sapi sebagai pupuk organik cair diharapkan dapat membantu masyarakat dalam bercocok tanam khususnya hijauan pakan ternak. Kandungan pupuk organik cair fermentasi rumen sapi memiliki kandungan organik yang cukup baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Bandar Klipah pasar 10, Kecamatan Tembung, Kabupaten Deli Serdang pada bulan     Juni - November 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan menggunakan pupuk organik cair fermentasi rumen sapi (ml/plot) yang terdiri dari P0 : kontrol (tanpa pupuk cair), …

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data tingkat salinitas dan penyebaran pada lahan sawah tadah hujan melalui kegiatan survey di Desa Durian, Kecamatan Pantai Labu, Kabupaten Deli Serdang serta di Laboratorium Sistem Informasi Geografis dan Laboratorium Kimia dan Kesuburan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara. Dilaksanakan pada bulan September sampai dengan Oktober 2017. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Survei Grid Bebas dengan tingkat kerapatan 1 sampel tiap 25 ha. Parameter pengamatan Salinitas tanah (Electrical Conductivity),    Na-dd (Spektro Flamefotomete…

Rice Black Bug (Scotionophara coarctata) is one of important rice pests that attack all growth stages of rice. This research was aimed to the most determine resistance of some varieties of black bug (S. coarctata). This research was aimed to determine resistance of several rice varieties against rice black bug (S. coarctata). This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Pest and in the Screen House Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara in Medan, from August to December 2017. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) factorial with four replications. The first factor wa…

Synergy of Customary Law and Regional Regulation in Controlling the Impact of Tourism on the Besakih Agung Temple in Karangasem Regency can be seen with the issuance of the Bali Governor Regulation No. 51 of 2016 concerning Management of the Besakih Agung Temple and Pararem Besakih Indigenous Village with number 38 / DAB / IX / 2017, which regulates the existence of Operational Management (MO) Managing the Agung Besakih Temple Area for tourism control over the Agung Besakih Temple in Karangasem Regency

Duties and Functions of Central Government and Development (TP4D) and Regional Guards, Safeguards Teams (TP4D) based on the objectives of the issuance of the AttorneyGeneral?s Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number: INS-001 / A / JA / 10/2015 namely development acceleration and strategic development programs national through assistance and escort of TP4D Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia. The rise of misuse of village funds by the Village Head after the coming of Law 6 of 2014 concerning Villages due to the large financial management of village funds so that preventive mea…

The purpose of a marriage according to the view of Hinduism is to get suputra children who can save their ancestors from hell, so in a Hindu family it is expected to be born to a son who is suputra namely a virtuous, knowledgeable, and wise child. Thus, planning to build a spiritual and spiritual family can be realized. To realize a prosperous family, each family member has an obligation, among others, to protect his children. Parents must protect their children from all the distress that will happen to them …

Setiap warga Negara berhak untuk mendapatkan keadilan. Hal tersebut tercantum tidak hanya dalam sila kedua Pancasila namun juga tercantum secarajelas dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia. Keadilan tersebutberlaku untuk semua gender dan jenis kelamin, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan. Hukum Indonesia berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-undang Dasar, telah menetapkan beberapa undang-undang untuk melindungi kaum perempuan dari diskriminasi yang cenderung menjadikan perempuan sebagai korban. Undangundang yang diatur untuk melindungi hak perempuan antara lain Undang-undang tentang HAM, U…

Nusa Penida is an island which located on southeast of Bali and separated by the Badung Strait. By a variety of tourist pulling magnets to come to Nusa Penida, it also gives effect to the occurrence of crime. The purposes of the research are to develop the science of law, especially in the field of criminal law and to know and study the type and frequency of crime in Nusa Penida Tourism Area so that it can be constructed effective countermeasures formulation. The method used in the achievement of research objectives, methods of approach Juridical Empirical, namely legal research by way of exis…

caused by several factors, both heredity and even social factors. From these factors cause future impacts on the couple themselves and even on children born. Based on the background above, the problem discussed in this study is the impact on children in Marriage to Gelahang in Pakraman village, Tanggahan Peken, Sulahan Village, Susut District, Bangli Regency. Data collection in this research uses observation, interview and literature study techniques. The research location was set in the village of Pakraman Tanggahan Peken, Sulahan Village, Susut District, Bangli Regency. The Occurrence of Mar…

Lands play an important role in our life. It becomes part of people?s life because lands are used to be the graveyards where the dead bodies are buried. The graveyard is also called as the ?final resting place.? As the role is very significant, especially in the life of customary village members in Bali, lands are often disputed among the members of one and other customary villages. The dispute becomes the object of many cases that ruins harmonious situation of native people in Bali. Take for example, the dispute that takes place in Banjar Adat Ambengan and Banjar Adat Semana Ubud District, Gi…

In recent years, religious court tries to break the gap by means of roving or mobile court. Mobile court is  applied to fill  up  sense  of justice  and  right  among citizen who  do  not  have adequate knowledge about procedural law and live away from city center where court usually runs. This research is attempted to dig into the practices of mobile court and compare it with other principles of procedural laws in Indonesia civil code.This research is used juridical-normative method that emphasizes investigation int…

Any person or entity that wishes to carry out a particular activity which may cause harm, harm, and disruption shall equip themselves with a Disturbance License or Hinder Ordonnantie. The granting of the Nuisance License in general is the authority of the bupati or mayor. In carrying out Nuisance Licenses, the Regional Government may impose a levy called the Distribution License License. The existence of this levy is considered very useful for the Region because it provides a substantial income for the local treasury. However, in early 2017, the Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo revoked t…

The purpose of this paper is to see the extent to which the Election Law is able to address gender equality in politics and democracy and how Balinese women apply this provision as an opportunity to advance and align themselves in the political field by looking at the results of the elections in Bali. So based on that research method used is normative research that refers to the provisions of applicable regulations and is supported by sources of literature and supporting data.It is known that the Election Law requires a 30% quota requirement for women's representation in the electoral process …

Accounting manipulation that occurred in recent years makes accounting experts to focus on internal control issues. The experts agree that internal control is an important issue through a substance that can be given by the internal control. Internal control can be effective if supported by the proportion of independent commissioners and audit committee composition are adequate. Based on that idea, the researchers interested in conducting research that aims to find out: the influence of the proportion of independent commissioners and audit committee composition of the internal control eithersim…

This study determines the relationship between the impairment decision, as well as its magnitude, and two earnings management motivations, namely increasing management compensation, and meeting debt requirements. The computation of value in use in the impairment loss is subject to management’s estimate of future cash flows and choice of discount rate, which tolerates earnings management. Certain indicators and financial ratios were used to depict the effect of the two motives on impairment. In addition to this, the effect of firm size on impairment was also analyzed. The data were obtaine…

The primary objective of this study is to investigate whether there is market reaction to the timeliness of financial report submission. Market reaction is surrogated by the impact the firms no to submit financial report on timelines on the quality of earnings information/ERC (hypothesis 1). Secondary objectives of this study is to investigate whether there is impact degree of persistence, growth, and predictability on the quality of earnings information/ERC (hypothesis 2). The second secondary objectives of this study is to investigate whether there is impact degree of risk (β) on the qual…

We hope that District Autonomy implementation does not move the Corruption, Collusion & Nepotism (KKN) from central government to the central of district. If it is happened, it will make the only part of center district people wealth. To avoid this matter, the district government must manage it financial efectively. One of the district financial management object is district expenditure using the budget mechanism. There are many method in budgeting system. They are line item budgeting and Performance one. Recently, Indonesian characteristic budgeting system is like the  line item budget…