Learning with discussion among friends in one table has been less effective. This condition makes the lowness of learning mathematics outcome. This research aims to determine whether there are differences outcome or not between using cooperative learning Pair Check (PC) type and using cooperative learning Think Pair Share (TPS) and comparing the effectiveness of cooperative learning Pair Check type and  Think Pair Share to the learning mathematics outcomes in class VII in second semester SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Gamping 2015/2016. The population in this research there are three class. Sampling ta…

Indonesia pada tahun 1990- 2025 akan mempunyai kenaikan jumlah lanjut usia sebesar 414%, suatu angka paling tinggi diseluruh dunia. Usia lanjut membawa konsekuensi meningkatnya berbagai penyakit kardiovaskuler, salah satunya adalah hipertensi yang sering disebut the silent killer. Data tekanan darah di bulan November- Desember 2011 diperoleh bahwa sekitar 60% dari 115 lansia di Unit Rehabilitasi SosialPucanggading Semarang menderita hipertensi. Kombinasi dari terapi musik dan senam lansia merupakan salah satu penanganan non farmakologi untuk hipertensi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengeta…

Pelaksanaan self-care assisstance menjadi pelayanan yang merupakan inti dari pelayanan yang diberikan panti wreda bagi lansia. Self-care assisstance adalah pendampingan maupun pemenuhan kebutuhankeseharian bagi lansia, sayangnya pelayanan perawatan lansia ini di Indonesia belum dapat dioptimalkan sesuai kebutuhan spesifik tiap lansia, serta belum dapat terdokumentasi dengan baik. Jumlah pemberipelayanan perawatan yang jauh lebih sedikit bila dibandingkan dengan lansia yang ada di panti wreda merupakan salah satu penyebabnya. Kedua hal tersebut saling terkait dan menjadi faktor dalam sulitnyapr…

Adolescents experience emotional and physical changes along their growth and development. Furthermore adolescents need information in order to adapt to these changes. As a result of the lack of information about everything that happens allows teens to fall into things that harm themselves, other people, and their families. The results of a preliminary survey on sexual behavior in Cepogo Village, Jepara indicates that 26.6% of adolescents knowledgeable good, 26.6% of adolescents were knowledgeable, and 46.6% are less knowledgeable. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adoles…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan perilaku lansia dalam pengendalian hipertensi di Wilayah Kecamatan Koja Jakarta Utara. Metode penelitian menggunakan cross sectional, dengan jumlah sampel 99 responden. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik multi stage random  sampling. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah lansia dengan usia 60 tahun ke atas, didiagnosis hipertensi TD ≥ 140/90 mmHg, lansia tinggal bersama keluarga, berkomunikasi verbal dengan baik, bersedia menjadi responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hu…

Masa pensiun merupakan suatu fase kehidupan yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian dari pekerja atau karyawan yang sedang menghadapinya. Berbagai perubahan akan terjadi dalam kehidupan pekerja setelahtiba masa pensiun dan jika tidak disikapi dengan bijaksana dapat mendatangkan kecemasan. Dukungan sosial dari orang-orang yang bermakna dapat membantu individu mengatasi krisis kehidupan termasuk masalah kecemasan menghadapi pensiun. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif non eksperimental cross sectional yang bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan sosial dan tingkat kecemasanmenghadapi masa pen…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran hubungan kekuatan keluarga dengan perilaku seksual berisiko pada remaja di Desa Tridaya Sakti Kecamatan Tambun Selatan Kabupaaten Bekasi.Penelitian dilakukan dari 10 Mei sampai dengan 10 Juni 2011. Desain penelitian Descriptive correlation secara cross sectional. Responden berjumlah 106 remaja. Tehnik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling.Hasil penelitian menunjukan hubungan kekuatan keluarga dengan perilakun seksual berisiko. Hasil study ini menunjukan ada hubungan umur, jenis kelamin dan kekuatan keluarga dengan perilaku seksual berisiko di…

Eksudat  luka kronis terdiri atas enzym-enzym yang berpotensi menghambat proses penyembuhan, memperluas luka dan menimbulkan nyeri. Fokus perawatan luka modern pada luka kronis adalah kemampuan perawatan pada manajemen eksudat (pus) secara efisien. Pembalut wanita herbal diproduksi dengan bio teknologi, yang dapat berfungsi sebagi antiseptik. Sehingga pembalut ini merupakan salah satu bentuk terapi non farmakologi untuk mengobati infeksi bakteri tersebut Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui gambaran tentang penggunaan pembalut herbal sebagai absorbend pada perawatan luka penderita diabetes m…

Angka kejadian depresi pada lansia selalu mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Penderita depresi yang telah terdata di Panti wreda Harapan Ibu, Semarang  sebagian besar adalah lansia dengan usia ≥ 60 tahun. Pengendalian dan penatalaksanaan  depresi khususnya pada lansia memerlukan perawatan secara terus-menerus dan berkelanjutan agar tidak terjadi bunuh diri karena perasaan bersalah, gagal dan kecewa yang dialami sebagai dampak depresi. Intervensi musik gamelan adalah salah satu alternatif terapi pada lansia dengan depresi yang sangat mudah untuk dilakukan dan tanpa efek samping a…

Nutritional status of children underfive are describes the state of balanced health as a result of consuming food that can be seen from the childs weight. Dietary pattern can be influence to the nutritional status of children. This research aimed to understanding the description of dietary pattern from mother’s child, nutritional status of children underfive and relation of dietary pattern and nutritional status of children underfive by bamboo craftmen mother in Kebonsari Village Borobudur District Magelang Regency. This research design was description corelatif non-eksperimental with cro…

Hipertensi atau yang sering disebut tekanan darah tinggi adalah tekanan darah peristen dimana tekanansistoliknya diatas 140 mmHg dan tekanan diastoliknya diatas 90 mmHg. Seledri (Apium graveolens L)merupakan salah satu dari jenis terapi herbal untuk menangani penyakit hipertensi. seledri memilikikandungan apigenin yang sangat bermanfaat untuk mencegah penyempitan pembuluh darah dan tekanandarah tinggi. Selain itu, seledri juga mengandung flavonoid, vitamin C, apiin, kalsium, dan magnesiumyang dapat membantu menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan experiment onegrouppre-post…

The law protection towards plant breeder upon plant hybird product aims to shove the spirit and creativity in plant breeder field, with the result that the society needs of high yielding variety can be fulfilled. IPR related to the right of goods which its proprietary can be shifted. IPR as the incorporeal moving things which immaterially or intangible refers that this right of goods gives pleasure or can be a guarantee, either in a pawning regulates in Civil Law book or fiduciary regulates in Law Number 42 Year 1999 concerning Fiduciary Security. According to Law Number 29 Year 2000 concernin…

Protection of marks is relied on first to file principle, which means that mark protection will only be given by registration. The marks registration can be done through both national and international registration. The Madrid Protocol is an international marks registration within Madrid System, which is one of several international marks registration systems in the world. Indonesia now is still studying the benefits and detriments that would be reached if it joined in the Madrid Protocol. The research found that, first; the Madrid Protocol has both advantages and disadvan­tages. Second; In…

The disseminator and participant of deviant’s sects can be accused as an “apostate” or “murtad”. They have committed “hudud crime” or “jarimah hudud” and can be punished by death sentence or subsidiary sanction. Nevertheless, the sanctions cannot be implemented because Indonesia is not Islamic state. There is no law enforcement towards the participant of deviant sects. But, they are only requested to be mass repented. The argumentation is that the participants of deviant’s sects are only a victim, so the process of law enforcement must be adjus…

Research on “an analysis on Indonesia’s Environmental Tax Planning as an instrument of Environmental Preservation” is a normative research which has objectives to know the concept of environmental tax which is offered by Indonesian Government and to obtain a clear description whether it is a better concept or not which can be used to decrease environmental degradation. Data in this research were obtained through field research and library research. The field research was carried out by using interview guidance, whereas the library research was done by documentary study by way of…

The research about the existence legal aid institute in give to public service in Gorontalo regency is normative legal research. Guarantee to protection of human right for every people is absolute required in a state claiming to rule of law. The of legal aid institute is not only functioning assists or holds a brief for weak small people faces a law process especially jurisdiction process, but the legal aid institute to become pioneer and master mind various modernity is including law of recondition. Be hinge give service of legal aid to public lacked, the legal aid institute to have ambition …

In principle every legal subject has legal competence, although not all legal subjects have capacity to act. Capacity to act is ability to do legal acts which have perfect legal conse­quences. In the districts of Sleman Regency there also persons who are categorized as unable to do legal acts, because they are not adult persons or having such conditions that they are unable to do legal acts which have perfect legal consequences by themselves. This research was focused on the implementation of civil rights and obligations of those who are legally unable in the district of Sleman Regency. The…

A total of 1,151 secular judges were hired 2002-2009 from 138 law schools. Approximately 70% of Indonesia’s secular judges were recruited 2002-09 from 19 law schools. Beyond law faculty quality, a bias toward “geographic diversity” is also evident. Comments are also made on changing educational demographics of religious judges and further research goals.Sepanjang 2002-2009, 1.151 orang hakim non-pengadilan agama direkrut dari 138 fakultas hukum di Indonesia dengan hampir 70% berasal dari 19 fakultas hukum. Tulisan ini menemukan bahwa kualitas fakultas hukum dan sebaran wilayah g…

PP 20/2006 on Irrigation opens opportunity for farmers to determine the type of their agricultural business. However, diversification of agriculture gives rise to conflict of interests in the utilisation of irrigational water resources. Inadequate regulation, supervision, and control of water resources would result to conflicts, particularly in Minggir District, Sleman Regency. Berlakunya PP No. 20 Tahun 2006 tentang Irigasi memberi peluang kepada petani dalam menetukan jenis usaha pertanian. Diversifikasi pertanian berdampak pada terjadinya konflik kepentingan dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya…

The absence of Public Mining Area and continued use of mercury is responsible for the illegal gold mining and water pollution in Kahayan river. Efforts must be made to avoid and overcome environmental impact by strengthening coordination in central and regional level; empowering local community; and imposing sanction as law enforcement method. Belum adanya Wilayah Pertambangan Rakyat serta penggunaan merkuri mendorong terjadinya penambangan emas tanpa izin dan pencemaran air di Sungai Kahayan. Untuk mencegah dan menanggulangi pencemaran ini diperlukan koordinasi di tingkat pusat dan daerah;…