This paper discusses the simulation of the Fuzzy-PID hybrid algorithm as a method for controlling the speed of a DC motor compared to the usual PID method. Comparisons were also made to the membership functions used in the fuzzy logic fuzzification process. Membership functions that are used are triangular, trapezoidal, and gaussian shaped function with each having 3, 5, and 7 as the number of membership to be compared. The performance of this control is compared by looking at the results of the step unit responses and the ability in tracking signals. The simulation results show that the Fuzzy…
The Ar flow rate effect on the electrical and optical properties of the sputtered Al-doped ZnO thins films were investigated. It was shown that a strong X-ray peak from (002) and (004) planes is dominant, suggesting that most grains have c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface. The (002)-ZnO and (004)-ZnO peaks were measured at 2q = 34.120, and 71.850, respectively. It was also found that the growth rate of the Al-doped ZnO thin films increases when the sputtering power is increased. The transmittance of these film are strongly dependent on the sputtering power with the maximum transmitt…
Single electron transistor (SET) has high potential for the development of quantum computing technologies in order to provide low power consumption electronics. For that purpose, many studies have been conducted to develop SET using dopants as quantum dots (QD). The working principle of SET basically is a single electron tunneling one by one through tunnel junction based on the coulomb blockade effect. This research will simulate various configurations of triple quantum dots single electron transistors (TQD-SET) using SIMON 2.0 with an experimental approach of MOSFET with dopants QD. The confi…
The corona pandemic has caused global problems, including Indonesia. One way to reduce the spread of the coronavirus is to wash your hands frequently with soap or hand sanitizer. Many types of hand sanitizers were developed to support efforts to prevent the spread of the corona. For this reason, this paper proposes two types of Contactless Hans Sanitizer (CHS) prototypes. Function tests and user satisfaction tests were carried out to determine the performance of the CHS. The test results show that type A CHS which only works fully electrically is more reliable than type B which works with elec…
This research focus on preserved nutrition on lettuce plants, as well as automation of other parameters that affect plant growth in NFT type hydroponic systems such as temperature, water acidity (pH), water level and light intensity. The automation of this hydroponic system includes the provision of nutrients according to the needs of plants by utilizing EC sensors, keeping the temperature of the water in accordance with plant specifications as well as water levels that are maintained.Â
The development of Outcome Based Education (OBE) Information System is done as a solution to academic problems related to the achievement of graduate learning for students. In addition, the OBE system is a form of effort to improve academic quality in order to be able to monitor and measure the development of student learning outcomes in a college study program. The Outcome Based Education system includes all grades processing based on Course Learning Outcomes which is related to Graduates Learning Outcomes so that the outcomes of each student can be measured. This information system is develo…
The limitation of the operational area of the PWM signal generator provided by the microprocessor or chip, give the opportunity to develop flip flop technology that has been widely used in digital technology as a latch, counter, register, memory and so on, will be able to be developed into a PWM driver. Flip flop technology has developed and is able to reach a very wide operational area regarding voltage and frequency variations. So in this research flip flop technology was developed as a PWM signal driver and the results were better, involving the ability to vary voltage from 6 to 60 Volt…
Electric vehicles is in rapid development. The energy commonly used as a driving force for electric vehicles comes from batteries. The development of electric vehicle technology is currently concentrated on efforts to charge the battery used by utilizing the power wasted when braking electrically. The gearbox and final drive are installed as a mechanical transmission system for electric vehicles to increase the torque of the BLDC motor as the main driving force of the vehicle. The regenerative process occurs when the Kelly-KBL motor controller electric braking feature is activated. For this re…
Our  religious  orientation  today  is still  dominated  by the  bias of the normative discourse of women’s interests. Especially regarding  gender relations.  We  actually  realize  that  many religious  law,  personal law such  families,  religious  practices, and including  also the  social and political  leadership  over the legitimacy  of religious  especially  for women,  is based  on  the assumption  of patriarchy  and sexism.  The system  is bas…
THE FUTURE OF THE PESANTREN (BOARDING SCHOOLS) FOLLOWINGTHEENACTMENTOFNATIONALEDUCATION ACT  NO.  20/2003 AND  GOVERNMENT   REGULATION NO. 55/2007 ON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION.  The reformation movement  in  Indonesia,  including in  education  sphere,  is reinforced  by  the  principles  of  democracy, decentralization, justice,  and  human  rights.  In  the  national  education system, the  reform  is done to  eliminate  discrimination, both …
Makalah ini berupaya untuk memaparkan sejarah dua organisasi Islam di Jawa Barat; Persis (Persatuan Islam) dan PUI (Persatuan Umat Islam), dan dampaknya terhadap konstruksi sosial, terutama dalam hal pendidikan Islam. Keduanya telah memainkan peran penting dalam aktivitas sosial, terutama dalam konteks da'wah Islam dan pendidikan. Signifikansi dari karya ini terletak pada temuannya bahwa sebuah pergeseran telah muncul baik di bidang praktik maupun konsep doktrinal dalam wacana Islam di Jawa Barat, sejak kemunculan Persis dan PUI. Artikel ini membangun sebuah opini bahwa kemunculan keduanya tel…
Even though  experiencing  much discrimination  in this country,  the existence of local religion such as mysticism stream steadily grows and even still attracts many followers. Truth claim that is frequently voiced by formal religions such as Islam, Catholic, Christian, Buddha, Hindu and Confucius is not frightening to adherents of  local religion, even less converting to another belief. Interestingly, the adherents’ belief  of formal religion whether aware or not often has mixed with the belief  of local religion
Salah satu sarjana muslim yang turut berpartisipasi dalam khazanah tafsir al-Qur’an masa kini adalah Muhammad ‘Ali alSabuni.Salah satu karya monumentalnya di bidang tafsir adalahS}afwat al-Tafa si r. Diakui oleh al-Sabuni sendiri, bahwa ia menulistafsir tersebut dalam rangka memberikan pemahaman kepada umatdi tengah-tengah kesibukan mereka yang kesulitan untukmembuka berjilid-jilid tafsir yang ditulis ulama sebelumnya. Di dalamnya, ia merangkum beberapa intisari kitab-kitab tafsir terdahulu dan memadatkannya dalam suatu kitab tafsir. Namun, dalam posisinya sebagai seorang tokoh ya…
Bangunan epistemologi dan metodologi dalam kalam klasik cenderung bersifat skriptualis dan anatomistik, yang tidak mengindahkan kehidupan nyata. Hal ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri dalam menjawab berbagai tantangan keilmuan yang kian modern. Sedangkan pembahasan kalam kontemporer tidak selalu sama dengan wacana yang ditelurkan kalam klasik namun harus ada penambahan, perluasan objek kajian, progresifitas berpikir, inovasi, rekonstruksi, dialogisasi, integrasi yang semuanya menunjukkan akan pentingnya pergeseran paradigma yang lebih membumi dan dapat menyesuaikan dengan disiplin keilmuan profa…
Politics, coming back to its original meaning which might be defined  as influencing  other  people  and which is involves  the making  of  a common  decision  for  people,  then,  life  is  never politics-free.  When we are thinking, we are contributing  in the political life, how to influence or how to be influenced, how to make a decision in life or how to follow a decision. Politics contain of many dimensions,  one might  think politics  in a negative  or positive way depending on which dimensions he stick the …
Family counseling in the perspective of Islamic law, is a process of providing assistance to individuals/groups in afamily, provided by a counselor (someone who helps), to the the counselee (people assisted) to be aware of his/her existence as a creature of God, with his/her position as a family member. It is important in order to be in harmony with the provisions and wills God, to achieve the happiness in this world and in the hereafter. A family which is formed by someone, is essentially an attempt to obtain happiness and wellbeing. It formed to channel the sexual appetite (biological), to c…
Religion descends on the will of God, but understanding and trying to realize religion is up to the object of religion itself, namely human beings. It was at this point that the science of religion was born, which was entirely human and dependent on the mastery of human knowledge. Religion is sacred, holy and perfect, but understanding religion is human, imperfect and worldly. The constant is religion itself (al-diin nafsuh), while the knowledge or understanding of religion (al-ma'rifah al-diniyyah) is temporal and will change. Context is often overlooked by a system of understanding that is b…
Penelitian ini merupakan kajian analisis isi dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan konstruksi ajaran budaya penghayat kepercayaan ilmu sejati dalam relasinya dengan nilai keislaman. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen dan wawancara untuk memperoleh teks transkrip konfirmasi ajaran yang keduanya dianalisis dengan metode analisis isi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa substansi teoritik ajaran budaya Perguruan Ilmu Sejati adalah mengenai moral atau adat istiadat baik yang secara istilah merupakan terjemahan dari ajaran Tasawuf/Akhlak dalam …
Daftar Isi
Disease that is a very serious health problem today is hypertension.Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke. The family was instrumental in determining how the necessary care for sick family member. This study aims to identify the role of the family in the prevention of stroke in patients with hypertension.Researchers used descriptive study. The sample consisted of 41 respondents using purposive sampling technique.Statistical identification using frequency distribution. The results showed the family in identifying problems both hypertension and stroke mostly (70, 7%), family in deciding…