Berdasarkan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya diketahui aktifitas fisik dapat mencegah terjadinya osteoporosis.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aktifitas fisikterhadap resiko kejadian osteoporosis pada kelompok usia 40-70 tahun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen terdiri dari 120 responden dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok yang aktif melakukan aktifitas fisik intensitas tinggi dan kelompok yang aktif melakukan aktifitas fisik intensitas rendah. Pengukuran aktifitas fisik menggunakan kuesioner short International Physical Activity (IPAQ), Analisis data…

Pendahuluan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil latihan beban system set dan system super set terhadap keterampilan smes dalam permainan bulutangkis. Dalam penelitian ini juga memperhatikan pengaruh tingkat koordinasi mata tangan yang terdiri dari koordinasi mata tangan tinggi dan koordinasi mata tangan rendah. Metode: Metode penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain factorial 2 X 2. Hasil: (1)Secara keseluruhan kelompok latihan sistem super set ( y = 109 dan s= 17,15) lebih baik secara nyata dibanding dengan latihan sistem set ( y =91 dan s =17,11). (2)Kelo…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi berprestasi dan kemampuan gerak dengan hasil belajar keterampilan teknik dasar hoki.Mahasiswa yang mengikuti Matakuliah Hoki di TPB – ITB.Responden penelitian adalah 40 orang mahasiswa TPB – ITB dari berbagai jurusan. Teknik pengambilan sample dilakukan dengan cara acak sederhana.Instrumen penelitian berupa motivasi berprestasi dengan membuat angket (32 buah item) pertanyaan. Kemampuan gerak dengan tes motor ability, dan tes keterampilan teknik dasar hoki.Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi dan korelasi seder…

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak yang diberikan oleh zumba dan belly dance terhadap VO2max, Indeks Massa Tubuh, dan Persentase Lemak Tubuh. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah member aktif S Fitness Center Bandung, dengan total sampel 14 orang yang terbagi menjadi dua kelompok, 7 orang untuk kelompok zumba dan 7 orang untuk kelompok belly dance. Desain penelitian menggunakan One Group Prestest-Postest Design. Satu kelompok menggunakan eksperimen latihan zumba dan satu kelompok lain menggunakan eksperimen latihan belly dance. Penelitian dilakukan selama 12 minggu, deng…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh latihan kelincahan di tiga media tempat (permukaan keras, pasir, dan air) pada atlet putra UKM Bolabasket Universtias Binadarma. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan Three Group Pretest-Posttests Design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah atlet putra UKM Bolabasket Universtias Binadarma yang berjumlah 30 atlet. Sampel penelitian ini 30 atlet yang diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Instrumen mengukur kelincahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Illinois Agility Run Test . Teknik analisis data yang digunakan…

Permasalahan yang dihadapi pada penelitian ini adalah masih rendahnya keterampilan gerak dasar anak di Kota Padang Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil penelitian tahun 2017 yang menyebutkan bahwa 32,26% murid taman kanak-kanak di Padang Utara mendapat skor keterampilan gerak dasar di bawah rata-rata. permasalahan ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain minimnya model pembelajaran gerak dasar murid, rendahnya aktivitas bermain anak, dan minimnya sarana prasarana pengembangan gerak di sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan gerak dasar anak melalui peningkatan …

Futsal sangat diminati oleh berbagai kalangan di zaman ini. Banyak orang memainkan olahraga ini untuk prestasi maupun rekreasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisiologi diantaranya denyut jantung, kadar asam laktat, pengeluaran energi, dan jumlah langkah para pemain futsal profesional dalam dua pertandingan berturut-turut. Sebanyak 8 pemain futsal profesional yang berasal dari salah satu klub futsal di Indonesia (22,50±0,25 tahun, 61,90±1,66 kg, 171±6,14 cm, 13,81±2,92 % lemak) dengan rata-rata pengalaman bermain 3 tahun, berpartisipasi dalam penelitian. Para pemai…

Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh tingkat kebugaran terhadap prestasi belajar pada mahasiswa Tahap Persiapan Bersama Institut Teknologi Bandung. Metode: Sebanyak 616 (laki-laki 402 orang, perempuan 214 orang) mahasiswa mengikuti kuliah olahraga seminggu sekali selama satu semester. Tes kebugaran menggunakan tes lari 2400 meter. Kebugaran dinilai dari tes kapasitas aerobic yang dikembangkan oleh Physical Readiness Test (PRT) US Navy, dikelompokkan kedalam tingkat kebugaran “sangat kurang”, “kurang”, “normal”, “baik”, “sangat baik”, dan “istime…

The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand the experiences of six secondary pre-service teachers that completed a semester long internship with a supervising mentor at a virtual school in the Southeastern United States. The secondary pre-service teachers in this study voluntarily chose a placement in the virtual school over a traditional classroom placement for completion of their initial licensure field experience. This study sought to examine why secondary pre-service teachers chose a virtual internship and what their experiences were like as online instructors. A total of …

The Purpose of this study is to determine the effects of managerial style, teacher burnout and demographics on teacher commitment. In accordance with this aim, a quantitative casual research design was implemented. Data of the research were gathered from 280 primary school teacher, by a questionnaire including managerial style, teacher burnout, teacher commitment and teacher demographics forms. For each research questions, Hierarchical Linear Regression analysis was carried out. According to the findings, task oriented behaviors of principal, emotional exhaustion level of the teacher, self-ina…

We are living in a world that is changing rapidly and becoming more globalized. Especially the changes in the areas of science, technology and economy are becoming effective in the areas like education and health that are closely related to human life. We are experiencing a quick process named "globalization" that changes economic, social and political structures of the world and that no one can predict the outcome. These changes create new opportunities while opening new challenging areas. In order for countries to compete with each other, they need to be creative in all areas and they also n…

The present study investigates pre-service teachers' experience about playing technology games and their opinions about using contemporary technology to play games as an instructional tool. The participants are 272 pre-service teachers from a university in Middle Anatolia. The present study used mixed methods. The data was collected through an online survey that was created by the authors. The survey contains demographic questions about the participants` gender, major, whether they play technology games or not, and questions about which technology games they play, their opinions about using te…

Technology integration in education is one of the most popular topics in the last decades. Many countries have invested millions of dollars to equip classrooms with technological devices. As well as developed countries, Turkey has conducted several projects to provide technological devices and educational materials to classrooms. Technology has the potential to increase the quality of learning and teaching process. However, having technological devices in classroom alone will not cause the increase of the quality of education. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine teachers' attitudes t…

Social studies teachers instruct their students through a variety of instructional pedagogies. Social science education researchers have called for K-12 teachers to transition away from a traditional lecture format and move towards a format that encourages critical thinking. Classroom debates of controversial issues are a common method by which teachers engage students in higher-order thinking. This research study utilizes the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 12th grade civics assessment (n = 9,800) to identify instructional techniques that improve studentâ€â…

American political science has a checkered history. In the first decade of the twentieth century the discipline of political science was in its nascent stage. Political science professors of that period espoused a worldview that may be called Traditionalism. Traditionalist paradigm was informed by Hegelian philosophy and its main thrust was the study of the state. Traditionalism promoted teaching about the structure and function of government on college campuses and in public schools packaging it as citizenship education. However, political scientists of the mid-1920s and early 1930s found Tra…

In the early years of Social Studies education, great attention was given to "Social Studies Laboratories" and a teaching and learning pedagogy called "The Laboratory Method" This study examines historical documents about the development of the social studies laboratory. The researchers examined certain periodicals published in the US such as Education, The Historical Outlook and The History Teacher's Magazine along with the non-experimental historical research methodology. In an age of inquiry-based projects and "hands-on" approaches to the learning of Social Studies, a brief historical overv…

This exploratory study surveyed how undergraduate students and higher education instructors at two small faith-based universities in Southern California used mobile devices in and outside of the class for academic purposes. The researcher cross-referenced the results from the two groups to make correlations. The results of this study showed that nearly all instructor participants had multiple devices and almost half of the student participants had two or more devices as well. Those devices are being used in and outside of formal class for academics in very basic and emerging way that are just …

As we live in the epoch of popular culture, it is very important to understand it and study its dimensions as well as their influences upon society. Technology is a very salient manifestation of popular culture that has brought substantial changes to the world. Thus, we have to be aware of the effects and the potential effects that technology may have upon us. One type of technology is Facebook which is the most popular social network website in terms of the number of members and visitors. As a virtual society, Facebook is growing more and more popular day by day. In this article, Facebook, as…

ABSTRAK : Perilaku Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) adalah suatu bentuk perilaku negatif, karena perilaku tersebut di pandang tidak sesuai dengan norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. Kelompok rentan terjangkitnya fenomena ini adalah dikalangan remaja. Oleh karena itu penting mengetahui persepsi remaja terhadap perilaku LGBT. Mengingat pentingnya masalah tersebut maka peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti tentang gambaran persepsi remaja terhadap perilaku LGBT. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran persepsi remaja terhadap perilaku Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender …

Penyakit filariasis yang ditularkan oleh vektor nyamuk Culex sp merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan di Kabupaten Bandung. Upaya pencegahan perlu dilakukan salah satunya dengan melakukan pengendalian larva nyamuk Culex sp dengan menggunakan larvasida nabati seperti ekstrak biji karika (Carica pubescens). Kandungan kimia pada biji karika terdiri dari saponin, alkaloid, dan terpenoid yang berefek sitotoksik terhadap larva nyamuk Culex sp. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai konsentrasi ekstrak biji karika (Carica pubescens) terhadap kematian larva nyamuk Culex sp. Jenis…