ABSTRAK HRM adalah organisasi di kompas, itu melibatkan semua personil manajerial, itu menganggap orang sebagai aset paling penting dari organisasi dan berusaha untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan, kebutuhan karyawan dan kesejahteraan sosial Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan, motivasi dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan di Bank Sulutgo KCP Likupang. 30 pelanggan dari PT.Bank Sulutgo KCP Likupang disurvei sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gaya kepemimpinan dan motivasi memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap …
ABSTRACT This study aims to find out the significance influence between Culture, Social, Personal, and Psychological on Customer Buying Decision of All New Jazz and All New Yaris in Manado city. The method of this research is purposive analysis and the data is obtained from questionnaire that distribute to the consumer All New Jazz and All New Yaris. The analysis method Independent Sample T-Test All New Jazz and All New Yaris in Manado. Based on the research that has been conducted, the result showed that Culture, Social, Personal, and Psychological. Thereâs no significant differences i…
ABSTRAK Otonomi Khusus atau Pemerintah khusus di Papua diberikan oleh Pemerintah Pusat berdasarkan Undang-Undang Otonomi Khusus No.21 Tahun 2001.Undang-Undang ini diberikan dengan maksud agar ada perhatian khusus dari Pemerintah Pusat terhadap semua sektor pembangunan di tanah Papua. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebagaimana penggunaan dana Otonomi Khusus pada Pemerintah Kota Sorong di Provinsi Papua Barat. Metode penelitian peneliti menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif suatu analisis yang mengumpulkan, menyusun, mengelola, dan menganalisis data angka, agar dapat m…
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  seberapa besar pengaruh Investasi Swasta, Pengeluaran Pemerintah terhadap Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara mulai dari bulan Juni sampai dengan Agustus 2015 Penelitian ini mengolah data sekunder dengan rentang waktu 2004 sampai dengan 2013, berupa data time series fokus utama dalam dari data ini meliputi belanja dan pengeluaran pemerintah, investasi swasta yang berkaitan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Model yang…
ABSTRACT Real estate agent business field becomes a trend nowadays. Real estate agent helped customers to buy or sell a house. Psychological factors has an influence in real estate agent busniess, customers mostly asked the opinion from others about the real estate agent in case they do not want to choose a wrong real estate agent. This research aims to analyze the influence of psychological factors on customers purchase intention in using real estate agent in Manado. This research used a multiple linear regression analysis with the sample is 75 respondentds that were obtained from adult citiz…
ABSTRACT Smartphone has been quite a phenomenon especially in Manado city when finding people own more than one is easy. There are so many company involves in Smartphone market one of them is Samsung a Korean company who has been selling many Smartphone despite of a raging battle of competitions, this has become a questions for many people. Marketing is needed for the process of buying and selling a product or service, marketing as a liaison to the process or it can be regarded as a market that meet the seller and the buyer in the transaction processing. In this study takes several variables; …
ABSTRACT Employees are the big asset of organization. Employee Performance has big effect to organizaional performance. The role of agencies that includes all activities undertaken are always aiming to achieve maximum results with available resources, requiring the role of human resources that exist in the institution concerned. Human resources have a very big role because human activities in these institutions so as to make the company has the ability to achieve its objectives. Agencies also need to provide guidance as well as serious attention and sincerely to humans, so there is a balance…
ABSTRAK Â Untuk mencapai tujuan pembangunan ekonomi daerah, kebijakan utama yang perlu dilakukan adalah mengusahakan semaksimal mungkin agar prioritas pembangunan daerah sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki oleh daerah. Hal ini terkait dengan potensi pembangunan yang dimiliki setiap daerah sangat bervariasi, maka setiap daerah harus menentukan sektor ekonomi yang dominan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan sektor basis, sektor non basis, dan potensi perekonomian wilayah Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu analisis Location Quotient…
GPS (Global Positioning System) is the popular system for navigation which assistance 32 satellites orbiting the earth. Currently, tracking positions using the Global Positioning System (GPS) is one of the best positioning tracking methods. However, GPS has a lot o f noise, so filters are needed to handle with noise on GPS. In this research, the simulation is done to extract data from GPS sensors using RLS algorithm. From the results o f identification and simulation, it can be concluded that the algorithm works well and need to analyze the advantages and disadvantages to be implemented on the…
Structuring and technical planning for the development of a watershed requires analysis of hydrological characteristics. This study aimed to analyze the hydrology characteristics of Gajahwong river to be formulated technical effort Gajahwong watershed development. Stages of analysis using secondary data from the Balai PSDA DIY Province, such as watershed maps, daily rain, rain hourly, daily discharge, discharge offlood and flood event records from 2001 to 2013. Analysis of peak flow /flood hydrograph using frequency analysis methods and Collins unit hydrograph methods. While the low-flow analy…
Technology makes it easy to get various information. Various sources can be easily accessed. The speed of providing up-to-date information on social media has become one of the necessities of late. Indirectly assist the dissemination of various information in Indonesia. Technological updates make no geographical barrier, norms, ethical boundaries, less visible. The various facilities offered will have a higher value if the truth of the information can be accounted for. On the other hand as a human being still has inherent human rights, as well as citizens. Therefore, in accessing, utilizing an…
Longitudinal floor beam structure is a rod that serves to support the weight of the passenger seat, the passenger load and luggage on airplanes. Bending load received by the structure continuously during flight operations cause damage (cracks). The presence of cracks in the structure of the repair needs to be done to ensure the safety of the aircraft during operation. Structure Repair Manual (SRM) is a guide issued by the manufacturer of the aircraft maintenance company to do the repair. In SRM was not stated clearly that the repair is safe. To determine the level of safety o f longitudinal fl…
The increasing of the vehicles flow on Yogya-Solo street causing congestion at some points in the Klaten district. The main cause of the congestion is the number of traffic violations which lead to the accidents. Bendogantungan, south Klaten, is one of the most congested point in this district. This study is aimed to determine the causes and the effects of traffic light violations and to examine the difference o f traffic light violations based on the point of violations in the intersection of bendogantungan, Yogya-Solo street. The results show that the practical mind-set of Klaten community i…
Three-dimensional applications has evolved penetrated in almost all areas of work, especially in the field of multimedia and other virtual media. Offeature films, television, print design to production games. LightWave 3D is a software that can model an object once animate. This research model a 3D object using LightWave Modeler then analyzed the results of modeling using graphic editors in LightWave Layout. To connect between LightWave Modeler and LightWave Layout used LightWave Hub. Analysis using the graphic editor can make a better model for the selection of each layer more detail.
This research aims to investigate the effects of angle of attack, Reynold numbers and winglet structure on the performance of Cessna 172 Skyhawk aircraft with winglets variation design. Winglets improve efficiency by diffusing the shed wingtip vortex, which reducing the drag due to lift and improving the wingâs lift over drag ratio. In this research, the specimens are the duplicated of Cesnna 172 Skyhawk wing with 1:40 ratio made of balsa wood. There are three different winglet designs that are compared with the one without winglet. The experiments are conducted in an open wind tunnel to …
Gong Waning is a traditional musical instrument o f Sikka community o f East Nusa Tenggara which is played by beating. In its development, not many young people who can play this instrument. Therefore it is very necessary to design and create an animated model o f the introduction of traditional Gong Waning musical instruments using 3Ds.Max and on sound using unity software. The output o f visualization o f traditional musical instrument Gong Waning in the form o f animation and sound display so hopefully can be more easily in studying and using musical instrument Gong Waning.
Production facility have a significant influence on production process. CV. Jokudo Kamsa got a problem on water filling on rotary drum, it takes 120 minutes on tanning process. It causes the facility is not enough for this process. So, we need to build pipe installation to reduce material handling time, especially on water fillingâs time. Feasibility study on pipe installation based on Benefit Cost Analysis Methode. We applied NPV, Payback Period and Return On Investment. Based on data tabulation we found Rp. 84,787,387,75 on NPV, 74,87 percent on ROI and 5.23 months on PP. And the most i…
Konsumsi energi yang berasal dari bahan bakar fosil yang semakin tinggi dan ketersediannya di alam yang terbatas sehingga jumlahnya makin lama semakin berkurang, memaksa orang untuk mencari alternatif sumber energi lain. Energi angin menjadi salah satu energi alternatif yang penting dan diperhitungkan sejak adanya krisis energi dan isu lingkungan (polusi udara) akibat penggunaan bahan bakar fosil. Energi angin dimanfaatkan dengan cara mengubah gerakan angin menjadi energi listrik dengan turbin angin (wind turbine). Banyak turbin angin dengan skala besar yang telah dibuat atau dikembangkan di b…
Emesis Gravidarum terjadi pada 60-80% primigravida dan 40-60% multigravida. Aromaterapi lemon merupakan salah satu cara nonfarmakologis untuk mengurangi emesis gravidarum. 50% ibu hamil trimester pertama di PMB Wanti Mardiwati Amd.Keb.,S.Kp Kota Cimahi mengalami emesis gravidarum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh pemberian aromaterapi lemon terhadap emesis gravidarum. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen.dengan the one group pretest post test. Sample diambil secara total sampling dari ibu hamil yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yaitu sejuml…
Konsekuensi dari ketidakpuasan pasien adalah menurunnya kunjungan. Berdasarkan data dari Rumah Sakit Ummi Bogor, telah terjadi penurunan kunjungan pasien pada akhir tahun 2017. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan, jenis kelamin, usia, budaya, technical, interpersonal dan tangible terhadap kepuasan pasien rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Ummi Bogor Tahun 2018. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif analitik&…