The extended-spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL) producer bacteria until now were mostly identified in hospital environment. The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of ESBL-producing gut flora and distribution of ESBL encoding genes between hospitalized patient in Tropical Wards of Dr. Soetomo Hospital and patient from a primary health centre (PHC) as community environment in Surabaya. Thiry rectal swab samples from hospital of Dr. Soetomo patients and from PHC (60 samples in total) were collected for this study. Samples were screened in MacConkey agar supplemented with 2 mg/L of cefotaxim…

Insomnia is an arising common health problem in Malaysia. There are many factors contributed to insomnia in young adults but very few are known. Increasing usage of social media may be one of the contributing factors to insomnia along its association with the sociodemographic factors. The objective of this study was to measure the prevalence of insomnia and to study its association with usage of social media and sociodemographic factors among university students. A cross-sectional based questionnaire was conducted among 445 students aged 18-30 years old in a private university in Selangor from…

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a global health concern. One of the factors causing hospital infection is related to the ability of MRSA bacteria to form biofilms. Polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA), encoded by ica gene, have an important role in S. aureus intracellular accumulation and aggregation. The aims of this study was to analyze the relationship between icaA, icaD genes and biofilm production in MRSA carrier and clinical isolate in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya. This study was an observational study using cross sectional approach. The sample was 47 MRSA is…

Antibiotic is a type of medication that helps in fighting bacterial infection. Treating bacterial infections in clinical setting become more complicated and costly due to drug resistance. This study was conducted to determine the antibacterial potential of Psidium guajava Linn leaf extracts against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. P. guajava Linn leaf was obtained from Research Orchards at University Putra Malaysia (UPM). Leaves were extracted using three types of extracts; hot, cold and methanol extract. Freeze dried was used in this study and temperature was set at -104°C for 24 …

Blood type in saliva can be examined through bitemarks on an object left at the crime scene in a crime case as a screening test of suspected perpetrators. Saliva deposited at the bite contains glycoproteins which can carry blood type ABH antigens expressed in the salivary glands and excreted in saliva. Salivary examination is influenced by various external factors that damage saliva, one of which is the duration of exposure to room temperature in a certain period of time. This study aimed to determine differences in protein levels and blood group agglutination titers in (Pyrus bretschneideri) …

Valproate is the most common drug to use in bipolar disorder in Indonesia and the only mood stabilizer drug in national formulary. Combination of valproate and fluoxetine are the most used combination in bipolar disorder therapy in Bhayangkara Hospital, Kediri. However, this combination has been controversial because of its risk of triggering mania or hipomania episode in 12 months. The aim of this study was to analyze mood change symptoms with YMRS and MADRS scale after treatment of valproate and fluoxetine combination in continuation phase treatment of bipolar disorder. This cross-sectional,…

Overweight and obesity incidence continues to increase and becomes a global problem in recent decades. One of the pathophysiology is a low energy output, therefore energy homeostasis shifts positively. Exercise is considered as an effective method to increase energy output. Irisin is one of myokine type that is secreted to the bloodstream while exercising and causes changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue. In adipose cells, irisin will stimulate the browning process in White Adipose Tissue to increase thermogenesis and lipolysis.

Cytotoxic chemotherapy suppresses the hematopoietic system, and the most serious hematologic toxicity is neutropenia. This can decrease a risk of infection that causes delays in treatment and reduction of dose intensity, which reduces therapeutic outcome. Filgrastim is used to increase neutrophils level whose therapeutic effect is unknown. The effectiveness of filgrastim is based on the ANC level pre- and post-therapy. This study aimed to analyze the use of filgrastim on ANC level changes in acute leukemia children with neutropenia, and to analyze the patient that achieve ANC level’s targete…

Sebagai bagian dari dual banking system, eksistensi perbankan syariah saat ini terus menunjukkan perkembangan positif. Walaupun market share baru sebesar lima persen, namun pertumbuhan setiap tahun yang mencapai 40 persen merupakan sinyal yang membanggakan untuk tetap dipertahankan. Identifikasi faktor pendorong kemajuan bank syariah bersumber dari internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal berupa kelangkapan regulasi. Ada dua regulasi yang signifikan mendorong akselerasi pertumbuhan perbankan syariah di tanah air, yaitu UU No. 21/2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah dan UU Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN…

Abstract. Analysis on Effect of Changes in Macroeconomic Variables Return against Sharia Stock at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. 2011-2013. Macroeconomic variables used in this study is the exchange rate, interest rates and inflation. These variables tried measurable macroeconomic impact on the level of sharia stock returns from PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. during 2011-2013. The data of exchange rate, inflation, and interest rates obtained from the site of Bank Indonesia (BI), and the data of sharia stock returns PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia from the site of Indonesia Stock Exchange …

Indonesia sebagai negara muslim terbesar di dunia merupakan pasar yang sangat potensial untuk pengembangan industri keuangan syari’ahal. Pasar modal yang merupakan bagian dari industri keuangan syari’ah, mempunyai peran yang cukup penting untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar industri keuangan syari’ah Indonesia. Meskipun perkembangannya relatif baru dibanding dengan perbankan syari’ah, tetapi seiring dengan pertumbuhan yang signifikan di industri pasar modal Indonesia, maka diharapkan pasar modal syari’ah Indonesia akan mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat. Masalah ya…

Abstract. Spiritual Based Human Resources Management Paradigm to Corporation. Management comes into the world as a basic necessity on the individual relationship in the society. Every activity always have main aim to be reached in the present and future. Crystallization of management thinking begins on a certain time to develop and expand experiences renewal. The existence of the company becomes main source of people’s live. The potential of the Muslim community into company resources (employee) can be utilized to increase the employee’s performance religious. But, the reality st…

Abstrak. Pengaruh Promosi, Kepercayaan dan Kesadaran Merek Terhadap Keputusan Nasabah Menggunakan Produk Tabungan Haji (Mabrur) Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP. Sawangan Kota Depok. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh promosi, kepercayaan dan kesadaran merek terhadap keputusan nasabah menggunakan produk tabungan haji (mabrur) studi kasus Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP. Sawangan Kota Depok. Penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dengan 100 responden yaitu nasabah yang menggunakan produk tabungan haji (mabrur). Data yang diolah dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi lin…

Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Banten telah mendirikan Perusahaan Penjamin Kredit Daerah (Jamkrida) Banten melalui Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Nomor 3 Tahun 2013 tanggal 11 September 2013. Pada saat yang sama, DPRD Banten telah mengesahkan Perda Nomor 4 Tahun 2013 tentang penyertaan modal daerah kepada PT Jamkrida, tertanggal 27 September 2013, yaitu sebesar Rp. 25 miliar di APBD tahun 2014.Pemegang saham direncanakan dari Pemerintah Provinsi Banten dan Koperasi KORPRI Banten sebanyak 51 persen, dan sisanya 49 persen akan ditawarkan kepada pemerintah kabupaten/kota di Banten, WNI perorangan dan pihak…

Abstract. Paradigm of Economic Development; Perspective of Islamic Economics Analysis. The capitalist economic system has failed because the rich exploiting the poor and a socialist economic system justifies the poor seize property of the rich. This problem becomes an important issue for the Muslim economists. Paradigm both the liberal system is exploitative, unfair and treats people not as people. Not pay attention to moral values and akhlaqs, a dichotomy between religion and economics, make man a slave of development and not development for human. This paper is a reflection phenomenon of dam…

Kemiskinan merupakan masalah klasik yang mesti dicari penyebab dan penanggulangannya. Diantara penyebabnya ada beberapa faktor yaitu faktor individual, faktor keluarga, faktor sub-budaya (subcultural), faktor agensi, dan faktor struktural dan berdampak pada pengangguran, kriminalitas, kesehatan, putus sekolah dan buruknya generasi penerus. Sedangkan cara menanggulanginya yang dilakukan pemerintah dengan berbagai cara, yaitu dengan program PNPM Mandiri dengan pemenuhan atas sandang dan pangan, penyediaan perumahan layak huni, jaminan kesehatan dan pendidikan

Abstract. Digitalization of Islamic Economics. Digitizing sharia economy can be expanded in various economic aspects of both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Now, the role of digital is very unusual, almost all economies using information and communication technologies or digitalisation, both in packaging products or in marketing the product, making it easier and quicker distribution of information used to make economic growth more quickly and there is no limit to the support digital technology and information technology. Information technology has penetrated keindividu (personal) can suppor…

Ekonomi Islam terbangun dari dasar hukum Naqli dan Aqli. Dalil Naqli adalah dalil yang di ambil dari  Al-qur’an atau hadits Nabi Muhammad SAW. Dalil Naqli bisa diartikan juga seperti tanda bukti atau petunjuk dari teks ayat Al-Qur'an, yang tertera dalam mushaf al-Qur’an atau Hadis mutawatir, yang tertera didalam kitab-kitab hadis, lalu diambil dan disalin dari tulisan yang telah baku. Dalil tersebut kebenarannya merupakan kebenaran yang haqiqi/mutlak. Sedang dalil Aqli adalah dalil yang bisa di nalar oleh akal. Dalil aqli bisa diartikan juga seperti petunjuk dan pertimbanga…

ABSTRACT This paper aims to reveal the meaning of the style of the National Online Shopping Day advertising language or abbreviated as HARBOLNAS in 2016 online version of the mental illness with, textual analysis techniques from the ad text using the study of textual and contextual cohesion. The approach utilizes the concept of language style that focuses on grammatical aspects, words or groups of words that become references, substitutions, and ellipsis. It is seen that, the advertisement uses aspects of grammatical aspects in terms of references, substitutions, and ellipsis in …

ABSTRACT The teacher is a person who is very close to students at school. The teacher teaches a variety of things, from basic lessons to ways of communicating and good attitudes to socializing to his students. In the process of forming kindergarten growth and development, it takes a balance between teaching at school and at home. In this case the role of parents immediately becomes a major factor in the success of teachers and parents in educating children. One way is to equate how to teach at school with at home. Various kinds of activities and rules that are carried out at school should also…