The purposes of this research to analyze and explain the influence of customer relations strategies in the PT. Panin Bank branch A. Yani Sidoarjo towards customer loyalty micro savings Panin. This research used quantitative research with survey research methods. Meanwhile, the subject of this study is micro panin savings customers as many as 100 customers were selected using purposive sampling technique. Partial test (t test) showed that strategy of customer campaign dependent as independent variables which are marketing campaign,customer campaign and service quality that is affected towards d…

Form of communication that thrives on social media, users or citizens of social media termed as netizen were not wise enough in using their language style so that it causes the ethical problems of communication. The problem of communication ethics that began in cyberspace continues to be legal issues and many disputing parties choose to solve the problems of communication ethics violations into the legal issues in the realm of justice. Social media as new media is also called as the fifth pillar of democracy as deemed able to perform the functions of the mainstream media and even correct the e…

The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe brand equity of Batik Bangkalan and analyze public reception of Madura batik, as well as to analyze and describe the influence of brand equity Batik Bangkalan - Madura towards public reception in Madura. This type of research was quantitative with an explanatory approach. The population in this research was society of Bangkalan Madura. Samples were taken from consumers who visit the center of batik gallery in Bangkalan - Madura amount 100 respondents. The sampling technique used accidental sampling. Technique of analyzing data used multiple…

The purpose of this study described consumer receptions of the fashion product brand image Sophie Martin Paris. This qualitative research used interview data collection techniques to fashion product consumer Sophie Martin Paris. Location in this study at Business Center (BC) Khusnul Khotimah Ngoro Mojokerto Sub-district. The results of this study indicated that consumer reception of fashion products Sophie Martin Paris showed a positive thing. Consumers provided a brand image or a good brand image of the products were distributed by Sophie Martin Paris company. That way audiences would trust a…

Science is essentially neutral. The neutrality of science depends on man. Ontologically and axiologically, it is man who determines and gives judgments about good and bad. Einstein says that science without religion is blind, and religion without knowledge is paralyzed. For that, in the axiological side, science must make a more useful contribution to human life. This paper explain how axiology as one of the main pillars of philosophy reveals issues of value, ethics, morals, and aesthetics.

The purpose of this research to expose the communication process skinhead community in Sidoarjo. This group decision making was to achieve destination and develop a community of Sidoarjo to be skinhead better in solidarity between members. This research used descriptive research method and the type of research was qualitative in-depth interview with data analysis process through three phases namely data reduction, the presentation of the data, the withdrawal of the conclusion. The results of this study indicated that members of the community who always did the Sidoarjo skinhead activities with…

This study aims to find out the news macrostructural discourse analysis of Ahok in 2017 Jakarta’s election by using critical discourse analysis. This research applies the theory and method of Norman Fairclough critical discourse analysis in macrostructural dimension. This study is a qualitative research through the literature study on the media about Ahok in the Jakarta elections  in  2017. From these results it can be concluded that the macrostructural analysis can be seen that the various media collected, it can be found that related to the upcoming elections in 2017 Jakarta’…

Tanah Toraja tribe community who came to nickel mining in Maniang Island are from five regions in Tanah Toraja areas such as Mamasa, Baruppu, Buakayu, Makale, and Mengkendek, who eventually settled in Pomalaa, Kolaka district and interact with the local population Tolaki Mekongga. Interaction between migrant communities (Tator Tribe) and local the key of all social life that occurs in communities (Tolaki Tribe) of mining area, Pomalaa. The purpose of this study is to determine the interaction of Tanah Toraja people in Tolaki Mekongga society and to know the local culture support in the welcomi…

Desentralisasi dan otonomi yang Iebih besar kepada daerah-daarah, diperkirakan akan semakin memperkuat fungsi dan peranan kota-kota menengah dan kecil, termasuk dalarn proses migrasi. Dari hasil penetitian di Kabupalen Tasikmafaya disimpulkan bahwa kota—kata menengah cukup berarti sebagai tujuan migrasi yang berasal dari dalam kabupaten. Disamping itu juga terdapat petunjuk bahwa kota-kara tersebut sudah berfungsi dengan baik sebagai ruang kehidupan. Hal ini nampaknya mempengaruhi orang untuk bermigrasi keluar, lebih jauh lagi investasi untuk memperluas kesempatan ekonomi yang lebih besar…

The tradition of establishing spatial arrangement in order to leading the future of human settlement in Indonesia has been decided. Many cities and regencies realize the need ø develop ones in order to direct their settlement. With the introduction of good governance and its principles as a concept to fight against monocratic decision making, leads toward realizing that applying good governance principles that help posit and reshape the spatial attangement and planning in Indonesia. This articles describes conceptually efforts towards linking spatial arrangement and good governance

At  the  end  of  the  Second  Long -Term  Development  Plan  (2020),  the  percentage  of  urban population  in  Indonesia  will  be  greater  than  rural  population.  This  phenomenon  will  put tremendous  pressure  on  the  provision  of  physical  infrastructure  to  the population. Physical infrastructure is strongly related to Civil Engineering. Entering the 21st century and beyond, the  development  of  civil  engineering  will  be  greatly  influence  by  Material  Science  and Computer Science.The increase of infrastrucure development in…

Kondisi ruas jalan Cadas Pangeran yang panjangnya sekitar dua kilometer saat ini, telah mengalami penurunan kondisi jalan sebesar 20%. Ditengarai bahwa pemicunya adalah hujan deras dan keadaan tebing yang labil, selain itu diketahui ada kelebihan tonase sekitar 90%, sehingga dapat mengancam infrastruktur jalan. Untuk menyelamatkan Cadas Pangeran tersebut, salah satu tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah melarang kendaraandengan tonase di atas 8 ton melintasi Cadas Pangeran. Hal ini mengakibatkan pengalihan arus lalulintas ke beberapa jalur alternatif, dan berdampak pada biaya operasio…


This paper discusses the relationship between tourism and tourist’s impression on its environment. It argues that tourists are willing to have and observe a comprehensive tourism activities in which more Contact & understanding on local people and possible participation in their daily lives is preferable than merely visit and see the tourist object. Decision makers could consider this approach in developing any local tourism activities.

The import substitution strategy and continuous efforts to promote foreign investment, capital and advanced technology tends to concentrate the industrial investment in the core of region. Although varied in degree and in a broad sense. the strategy of growth-pole theory is an inevitable approach in regional planning for many developing countries facing the challenge of global economic. The serious consequences of this approach is the ever widening regional disparities and polarization of capital, industries and conglomeration in one or few elite group. Evaluation and re-examination of this st…

Berdasarkan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM) Kota Palembang Tahun 2004-2008, persoalan ketenagakerjaan merupakan bagian dari rencana pembangunan. Jika fenomena tingkat pengangguran ini tidak diatasi maka akan timbul permasalahan sosial ekonomi. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi upaya dalam mengatasi masalah pengangguran untuk mendukung pembangunan di Kota Palembang. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah system dynamics. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak hanya komponen permintaan akhir sebagai determinan tingkat pengangguran melainkan juga tingkat teknologi proses produksi dan tingkat m…

Abstract. Indonesia has experienced seven developmental phases of the social system (ideology), i.e. (1) the old phase of Javanese villages  (809 AD); (2) the kingdom era (1044-1886); (3) the colonial Dutch East Indies (1853 AD); (4) the Japanese occupation (1942-1945); (5) the settling period from 1945 to 1965; (6) the New Order (1965-1998); and (7) The Reform Era. This ideology affects the development system, which in turn affect the relationship between government and people, such as on the position, rights, and roles of the people in influencing and determining the direction, content an…

The study is an application of  Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method as an approach to assess technological changes and efficiency changes of regional and city industrial manufacture production. The CCR model, BCC model and efficiency scale index will be discussed to measure these changes.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kecenderungan penggunaan merek kartu seluler prabayar GSM dikalangan mahasiswa. Kartu yang diamati (AS, SIMPATI, TRI, IM3, MENTARI dan XL). Data yang digunakan berupa data primer dengan jumlah sampel diambil 87 mahasiswa. Data disederhanakan dengan analisis biplot. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kartu IM3 mempunyai keunggulan pada bonus yang diberikan menarik dan voucher isi ulang yang murah. MENTARI unggul pada tarif SMS yang murah dan TRI unggul pada undian yang banyak. Kartu AS dan SIMPATI cenderung unggul pada biaya percakapan dan SMS yang murah.…

Evaluasi potensi bencana gempa bumi membutuhkan data daerah sumber gempa yaitu daerah batas lempeng dan patahan-patahan aktif intra-lempengnya.Hambatan utama dalam evaluasi bahaya gempa yang bersumber di darat adalah keterbatasan data dari patahan aktif sebagai sumber gempa.Patahan Manado merupakan salah satu patahan di Sulawesi Utara, patahan ini menurut peta geologi melalui Kota Manado. Keberadaan patahan memerlukan identifikasi lebih lanjut menggunakan survei geofisika bawah permukaan. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi sifat Patahan Manado.Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Singki…