Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan akan mengalami peningkatan pesat pada usia dini. Status gizi merupakan salah satu tujuan yang akan dicapai  dalam target Sustanable Development Goals (SDGs). Untuk mencapai tumbuh kembang yang baik diperlukan nutrisi yang adekuat. Makanan yang kurang baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas akan mnyebabkan gizi kurang. Keadaan gizi kurang dapat menyebabkan gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, khusus pada perkembangan dapat mengakibatkan perubahan struktur dan fungsi otak. Mendiskripsikan karakteristik dan status gizi pada siswa di Taman Kanak-Kanak kelas A Tarbiyat…

Latar Belakang: Kontrasepsi hormonal merupakan salah satu metode kontrasepsi yang paling efektif dan reversibel untuk mencegah terjadinya konsepsi. Hormon estrogen dan progesteron memberikan umpan balik, terhadap kelenjar hipofisis melalui hipotalamus sehingga terjadi hambatan terhadap perkembangan folikel dan proses ovulasi. Perubahan tekanan darah tinggi dapat terjadi pada 5% pemakaian kontrasepsi hormonal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan penggunaan jenis kontrasepsi hormonal suntik dengan tekanan darah. Subjek dan Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik kor…

Penyebab AKB di Kabupaten Semarang tahun 2016 bila dilihat dari umur kematian bayi, kasus kematian terbanayk pada usia 7 hari (77 bayi), usia 8-28 hari (31 bayi), dan usia 29 hari ? 11 bulan (43 kasus). Dengan penyebab terbesar AKB adalah BBLR (44 kasus), asfiksia (29 kasus), dan sisanya (78 kasus) karena infeksi, kelainan kongenital, aspirasi, tetanus, dan lain-lain. Berbagai upaya yang telah dilakukan untuk menekan Angka Kematian Bayi antara lain dengan pemberian makanan tambahan pada ibu hamil, pemberian informasi tentang perawatan BBL (Profil Kesehatan Kabupaten Semarang, 2016). Akan tetap…

AbstrakLatar Belakang: Komplikasi akibat penyakit degeratif merupakan salah satu penyebab penurunan aktifitas pada masyarakat, khususnya lansia, selain merupakan salah satu penyebab mortalitas. Ketika kemampuan manusia dalam melakukan aktifitas individu terganggu, maka pemenuhan kebutuhan personal akan tergantung kepada bantuan orang lain.Subjek dan Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Agustus sampai September 2018 dengan mengumpulkan data hasil pemeriksaan Tekanan darah, gula dara sewaktu, kolesterol dan asam urat lansia peserta di  Posbindu PTM FKD Kemuning yang ada di desa Candirejo…

AbstrakMasalah  kesehatan yang terjadi pada remaja berkaitan dengan perilaku yang berisiko, yaitu merokok, minum minuman beralkohol, penyalahgunaan narkoba, dan melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah. Melalui generasi berencana pula remaja akan diberikan informasi tentang pentingnya kesehatan reproduksi, keterampilan dan kecakapan hidup, pelayanan konseling dan rujukan KRR untuk mewujudkan Tegar Remaja dalam rangka tercapainya keluarga kecil bahagia sejahtera. Penelitian dimulai Mengukur Pre test  memberikan Kuesioner Pengetahuan Genre diberikan pendidikan Kesehatan  tentang Genre dan Setelah …

Latar Belakang :Anak terkadang lebih rentan sakit, sehingga tidak jarang harus dirawat dirumah sakit. Hospitalisasi merupakan suatu keadaan krisis pada anak, saat anak sakit dan dirawat dirumah sakit. Hospitalisasi terjadi karena anak berusaha untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan asing dan baru yaitu rumah sakit sehingga kondisi tersebut menjadi stressor  baik terhadap anak maupun keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi bermain dalam menurunkan kecemasan sebagai dampak hospitalisasi.Subyek dan Metode:Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasy eksperiment  dengan desain one …

Lansia adalah seseorang yang telah mencapai usia lebih dari 60 tahun, Pada masa lansia akan mengalami kemunduran fisik dan mental yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan gairah seksual. Dalam  melakukan hubungan seksual tersebut ada yang memiliki dorongan seksual tinggi, ada yang memiliki dorongan seksualrendah, semuanya tergantung dari minat untuk melakukan hubungan seksual dengan pasangannya. Berdasarkan studi awal tehadap 10 pasangan lansia yang bertempat tinggal di RW IV Kelurahan Sekaran, 2 pasangan lansia menyatakan sudah tidak melakukan hubungan seksual dengan pasangannya, 8 pasangan masih me…

Keluhan dan kesulitan saat menyusui sering muncul terutama pada ibu yang mempunyai pengalaman pertama menjadi seorang ibu. Mulai dari ASI tidak keluar dengan lancar, puting payudara luka, hingga bayi rewel karena belum bisa menyusui dengan benar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui adanya hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu nifas tentang cara menyusui yang benar dengan praktik menyusui pada primipara di Puskesmas Brangsong II Kendal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah asosiatif dan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Populasinya adalah ibu nifas primipara 1-42 hari setelah melahirkan di Puskesmas …

This research aims to find out the relationship of cooperation between Indonesia and Taiwan in Morotai Development Project that is focused on the factors behind Indonesia in cooperation with Taiwan. Morotai island is the name of an island as well as a name of a new district in the province of North Maluku. Morotai island is a strategic region that has avariety of potential especially tourism and fisheries. In 2014 through government regulation, Morotai established as one of Special Economic Zone in Indonesia. The result indicate that the cooperation between Indonesia and Taiwan in Morotai Deve…

The purpose of this research is to know the factors of then student on elementory school in Bukit Raya village, Singingi Hilir sub - District Kuantan Singingi District. Method of the research is using Descriptive kuantitative with the total of the population is 110 of studente and 110 of parents, but the total 25 of sample is only student and 25 of parents by using sampling random. The collection of the data research is gotten by using observation, method, interview and documentation and technique of analzing is Descriptive quantitative. Based on the research, there are four factors to effect …

This research was conducted at PT. Tunggal Yunus Estate Kampar district. This study aimed to determine the effect of incentives on employee morale in the production of PT. Tunggal Yunus Estate Kampar district. Incentives as an independent variable ( X ) and morale as the dependent variable (Y) . This study took a number of respondents as many as 63 people . Data obtained through questionnaires were then tested further processed through a statistical analysis as a simple linear regression analysis, t test, correlation analysis and determination with the help of SPSS .The results of this study i…

This study aims to determine the effect foreman supervision on employee productivity at PT. Tri Bakti Sarimas Estate Sei. Turmeric Kuantan Singingi. Supervision foreman as the independent variable (X). While employee productivity as the dependent variable (Y). This study was conducted on all employees of PT. Tri Bakti Sarimas Estate Sei. Turmeric Kuantan Singingi many as 73 people.Data obtained from questionnaires and subsequently processed to then be tested using statistical analysis as a simple linear regression analysis, t test, and correlation analysis and determination using SPSS 20.The r…

Along with economic growth and technological development, the business world was experiencing rapid growth with the emergence of companies that strive to create products and services to meet the needs and desires of consumers. Businesses initially have a large market share, as well as extensive marketing areas, are now required to work more efficiently and effectively and responsive anticipate that they will enter markets both at present and in the time to come. , To attract buyers, one attempts to do is to repair an effective marketing system. Effective marketing in the application not only h…

Tourism development one of the impact of Teritory Authonomy implementation since occured from January 1, 2001. Tourism is teritory potency that should be explore to increase the economic prosperity of society. The Construction and tourist development Lembah Harau did not experience significant changes and only whitin a certain time, so that facilities and public property looked like a poorly maintained. The problem from this research is how the development resort area of Akar Berayun Lembah Harau at Limapuluh Kota at West Sumatra and the factors that can be a barrier. This research aims to des…

Definition of KLA is a county / city having a child rights-based development system through integration commitment and resources of the government, society, and the business thoroughly planned and sustainable in the policies, programs and activities for the fulfillment of children's rights. In order to implement the KLA The district Siak Sri Indrapura well involve government agencies and local communities.This study uses qualitative methode. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. That is the subject of this research is 7 respondents who i…

This research describes the impact of limited protection 'size' policy of the Napoleon wrasse trade from Anambas to Hongkong in 2013. Limited protection 'size' policy on Napoleon wrasse is Indonesian effort to answer two circumstances. First, answer the problem of habitat and species of napoleon wrasse that are threatened with extinction as the impact of trade. That extinction was recorded by IUCN (insert Napoleon wrasse species in the red list of endagered status) and CITES (insert Napoleon wrasse species into the list of Appendix II). And secondly, try to make the best solution for fishermen…

This study describes about Indonesian Diplomacy for UNESCO Paten’s Saman Dance. It has already been fact to be forced by every nation and state. Nowadays, threat comes from internal and external. From internal, young generations see Saman Dance as an old culture which is too complicated to learn. Other reason is endangerment of the originality Saman Dance caused globalization. And from external, there are so many claims for Indonesian culture.This research shows how the diplomacy of Indonesia which involved many party including the public and other government agencies to get Saman Dance…

This research describes United States of America’s Cyber Security Strategy facing the cyber warfare threads from 2009 till 2014. The main goals are securing cyber vital infrastructures and digital informations of United States. Vital infrastructures are composed of public and private institutions in the sectors of agriculture, food, water, public health, emergency services, government, defense industrial base, information and telecommunications, energy, transportation, banking and finance, chemicals and hazardous materials, postal and shipping, internet network, and many others.The meth…

This study aimed to find out whether there is any effect of fix-up strategy on students’ reading comprehension at second semester English Study Program students in IAIN Curup. This study employed a quasi experimental research design. The  sample of this study was second semester English Study Program students in IAIN Curup. It consisted of 60 students. The instrument on this research was reading test which was aimed to measure students’ reading comprehension. The reading test consists of 30 multiple choice questions for pre-and post-test. The finding of this research showed that the t-cou…

Listening is one of fundamental skills in English. Unfortunately, most students are not able to achieve listening skill well. There are many factors that influence students? listening skill is low.  This research tried to solve the problem regarding the students' difficulities in achieving listening skills by using drama movies reviewing technique this study is a quasi experimental design. The object of this paper were 30 students' of students of general conversation Classes. The data were collected by using listening achievement test. The results showed that the students who were treated by …