The research aimed to assess genetic variations, estimated heritability and genetic gain in resin yield of P. merkusii. The study was conducted on a half-sib progeny test of 4-year-old P. merkusii resin yield plantation at compartment 37C RPH Lumbir BPKH Samudra KPH Banyumas Barat, using incompletely-block-row-column design by sub-line system (sub-line SSO Jember 1, SSO Sumedang 1, Sulawesi 1, Sulawesi 2 and Jatim 2). Variables measured were average of resin yield from two drillings on the right and left trunk using 10 mm drill bit at 50 cm height from the ground. Genetic variation for resin y…
Research for developing Acacia hybrid (Acacia mangium x Acacia auriculiformis) breeding strategy through establishing hybrid seed orchard (HSO) has been started by BBPPBPTH. Two hectares of HSO was established in Wonogiri, Central Java to produce the Acacia hybrid seed. The orchard was laid out using an alternating rows design among the two pure parent species with spacing of 1 m x 3 m: 1 m within the species and 3 m between the species. The purpose of this study is to evaluate flowering synchronization and seed production in first year flowering session of four years age mother trees in the H…
In-Vitro contamination of plant tissue cultures by bacteria is one of the most serious problem in plant micropropagation. Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) bacterial contamination in vitro may survive surface sterization of the explant because they are in interior tissue and some Bacterial spores can also survive the sterilization procedure even if they are un the tissue surface. Bacteria  secrete some sort of glycocalyx, an auter viscous covering of fibers extending from the Bacterium. This Study was conducted to examine the colony thickness and to observe the bacteria glycocalyx contaminant of…
Plants that have mycorrhizal symbiosis tend to be more resistant to the drought because external hyphae of mycorrhizal will expand the surface of water uptake and it can infiltrate into capillary pores so that water uptake for the host plant need will increase. This study aimed to know the response and adaptation mechanisms of mangium in facing drought stress, to investigate mycorrhizal roles in overcoming drought stress on mangium, and to select the origin of mangium seed source that is tolerant to drought stress. The study used mangium seedlings from four different seed sou…
Diospyros rumphii Bakh. is one of tropical commerciall wood species grouped in ebony. Ebony is the name of some species of commercial timber from genus of Diospyros (Ebenaceae). Seven species of them are commercial wood, which in the trade is known as ebony namely; D.celebica, D.rumphii, D.pilosanthera, D.lolin, D.ebenum, D.ferrea and D.macrophylla. Two of seven species ebony have the highest economic values namely; D.celebica and D.rumphii. Nowadays, the population D. rumphii in the nature are decreases due to over harvesting in the past. This study aims to determine genetic diversity of D. r…
The breeding program of Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cajuputi in Indonesia was started in 1994 by the Institute for Biotechnology and Forest Tree Improvement in cooperation with CSIRO-Australia. An assessment of progeny test of M. cajuputi at Paliyan at 23 months and at Sukun-Ponorogo at 36 months old were conducted to ascertain the patterns of genetic variation in growth and foliar oil  and to estimate genetic parameters in growth and foliar oil . Based on the evaluation, genetic variation on growth and oil yield were high. Genetic gain estimation for growt…
Flowering stimulation were investigated to accelerate deployment of E. occidentalis. It was found that extended daylength (16-h) in juvenile plants stimulate flowers of very limited individuals/family with less number of buds than normal inflorescences. Extended daylength (16-h) promote flowering of most families from 2 year-old E. occidentalis plants. In combination with paclobutrazol (1 mg. a.i/mm), number of buds were doubled. Under 16-h daylength, juvenil plants were taller up to 25 weeks than under natural light but shorter for family 96-LM that produced more flowers than others. There we…
Pinus radiata is the major softwood species planted in New Zealand and Australia. Endophyte fungi that have been extensively studied in conifers needles mainly based on fungal isolation and also rarely conducted in Pinus radiata. This study aimed to observe the optimum condition of P. radiata needles sample for direct extraction of fungal DNA and to identify the fungi associated with P. radiata needles in Plenty plantations by a direct PCR approach. Room temperature dried needles produced clear and consistent DNA amplification compare to fresh needles, and needles dried on drying room or dryin…
The purpose of this research to know "Is there a positive and significant influence learning strategy concept map-type spider on cognitive achievement of students in the Integrated IPS Subjects Class VIII SMP Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung Academic Year 2016/2017". Data were analyzed using Eta and test formula F, it can be concluded that there is a significant positive effect is significant at 0.66 and 46.31 of learning strategy map concept spider types on cognitive learning outcomes of students.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Apakah ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan strategi belajar pe…
The objective of this research was to know the action of K.H Ahmad Dahlan in built Muhammadiyah School at Yogyakarta in Year 1911-1922. The method of this research was historical and data collecting techiques of this reserach were literature and documentation techique. To analyze the data techique. The result of this research were 1. There in action of K.H Ahmad Dahlan in built the institution of Madrasah school. 2. K.H Ahmad Dahlan was changed the purpose of education which in the beginning did not in a written form became a writen form. 3. K.H Ahmad Dahlans curriculum name is ISMUBA that com…
The problem of the research was formulated as: what factors has caused the migration of Java colonists to Pringsewu region? How is the socio-economic condition of the Java colonists in Pringsewu in the year of 1925-1945? The purpose of this research was to find out the factors that trigger the migration of Java colonists to Pringsewu and also the socio-economic conditions of Java colonists in Pringsewu in the year of 1925-1945. The method used in this study was historical method. The results of the research showed that the migration of Java colonists has been triggered by two factors, namely t…
The purpose of the study was to investigate the positive influence of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model to students motivation in learning History subject. This study employed Posttest-Only Control design and required classes as the sample from all classes of the eleventh grade. Class XI IPS 4 as the experimental class and Class XIIPS 5 as the controlled class. Data collection techniques in this study was quantitative research used experimental method and data analysis technique used Theta correlation formula. The findings revealed that the Theta correlation value amounted to 0.50625 which me…
The purpose of the research is to find at the positive effect of learning model Group Investigation (GI) on student learning motivation for social study at the seventh grade SMP Negeri 1 Pulaupanggung Kabupaten Tanggamus in the Academic Year 2015/2016. The research method which used is true experimental with kind of postest only control group design. The data which had been collected using correlation formula theta (test with the result 0,40625 so that as a result can be shown that there is positive effect. Then for testing the significance was used testing square times (?2) with the result = …
The purpose of this research is to know about the aspects contained in nginang in Javanese women in the New Bandung Village Adiluwih District Pringsewu District. The method used in this research is the method of participatory observation with qualitative approach, while the data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis technique using data collection technique of interview, observation, bibliography, and documentation. The results of the research note that nginang in New Bandung Village was once a very popular activity among women in New Bandung Village, but as time went on increas…
The purpose of this research is to find out the process of Mabang Handak marriage of Morge Siwe indigenous community in Kayuangung, Ogan Komering Ilir regency. The method used in this research was descriptive method with observation and interviews as the data collection techniques. The data analysis was carried out using qualitative data analysis. The result of the research showed that the marriage of mabang handak is a very complete marriage process, which has been determined by the indigenous stakeholders and the series cannot be changed because the marriage of mabang handak is the fourth le…
The objective of this research was to find out the influence of Think Pair Share cooperative learning model towards students cognitive learning outcomes class XI SMA Negeri 1 Pagelaran. The method which used in this research was true experimental method with posttest only control group design.The data was collected with multipe choice questions. Then, the collected data was processed manually by using t-test formula with a result t-hitung = 2,42 t-tabel = 2,003. The result shows that there was influence of think pair share cooperative learning model towards cognitive learning outcomes.Tujuan p…
This study aims to find out what role sisitem Mohammad Hatta during 1948-1956 Parliamentary government. The method used in this research is the methode of data collection using techniques historis. The data collecting were done by using literature technique and documantation technique, and the data analysis were done by using analysis and qualitative. Based on the research role during the reign of Mohammad Hatta Mohammad Hatta 1948-1956 parliamentary became Prime Minister, chairmandelegation of the Round Table Conference (RTC) and The originator of the Indonesian People's Economy.Penelitian in…
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of positive and significant Powerpoint with Visual Basic Applications (VBA) as a medium of learning the history of the cognitive achievement of students in class XI IPS in SMA Negeri 1 Sidomulyo. The method used is the type of experimental research methods Posttest-Only Control Group Design. Based on the analysis of quantitative data using the formula Eta obtained yield was 0,53 so there is a significant positive effect, by calculating the average posttest with a test formula F obtained yield was 42,47 significant meaning, since F count F t…
Telah dilakukan penelitian menggunakan metode Self Potential (SP) di daerah Obyek Wisata Guci, khususnya di Pancuran 7 (tujuh) pada tanggal 20-25 Juli 2014. Metode SP ini merupakan metode yang pasif, karena pengukurannya dilakukan tanpa menginjeksikan arus listrik lewat permukaan tanah, perbedaan potensial alami tanah diukur melalui dua titik dipermukaan tanah. Pada metode SP ini menggunakan larutan CuSO yang dimasukkan kedalam porous pot dan didalamnya terpasang kawat tembaga untuk memunculkan nilai potensialnya menggunakan digital milivoltmeter. Selanjutnya pengukuran tersebut dilanjutkan ke…
Belum adanya database hasil skripsi dan tugas akhir pada jurusan Teknik Elektro UNNES yang baik berakibat memungkinkannya terjadi duplikasi atau penyalahgunaan hasil skripsi atau tugas akhir tahun yang lalu digunakan lagi untuk proposal skripsi atau tugas akhir pada tahun sekarang atau yang akan datang. Sehingga hal ini akan memberikan efek negatif pada perkembangan karya ilmiah/akademik di jurusan Teknik Elektro UNNES khususnya dan dunia akademik di Indonesia pada umumnya. Metode yang diterapkan pada pembuatan database ini adalah membuat prototype kemudian dilakukan proses mencoba dan meminta…