Hukuman mati bagi koruptor disinyalir dapat memberikan efek jera dan rasa keadilan bagi masyarakat. Sebab koruptor tidak hanya menghabiskan uang negara, namun secara pelan tapi pasti, sejatinya mereka juga sedang membunuh rakyat yang tidak berdosa. Secara konstitusional, UU No.31/1999 Jo. UU No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Tipikor, memang telah memasukkan hukuman mati sebagai salah satu opsi bentuk hukuman bagi koruptor. Namun secara praksis, sampai hari ini, belum satu koruptor pun yang diputus hukuman mati di negeri ini. Karena itu secara spesifik, tulisan ini akan membahas pandangan Al-Qur 
Salah satu tokoh yang paling banyak membahas dan mengkaji mashlahah mursalah adalah Imam Al-Ghazali (450-505 H). Ulama Ushuliyin Syafi’iyah pada periode sebelum Al-Ghazali tidak banyak membahasnya. Dengan demikian, tidak berlebihan jika dikatakan bahwa apa yang dibicarakan Al-Ghazali tentang maslahah mursalah tersebut belum pernah diungkap oleh para pendahulunya. Pembahasan maslahah mursalah diuraikan Al-Ghazali dalam keempat karyanya, yaitu al-Mankhûl, Asâs al-Qiyâs, Syifâ’ al-Ghalîl, dan al-Mustashfâ. Tulisan ini akan membahas pandangan Al-Ghazali secara menda…
Sodomi (liwâth) akhir-akhir ini semakin banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Homoseks ala kaum gay ini merupakan perbuatan asusila yang sangat terkutuk dan menunjukkan pelakunya seorang yang mengalami penyimpangan psikologis dan seksual. Pelaku sodomi akan mendapatkan balasan setimpal dari Allah Swt. Salah satu contoh yang digambarkan Al-Qur’an adalah perbuatan sodomi/homoseksual yang dilakukan umat Nabi Luth. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk menjelaskan hal ihwal sodomi dalam perspektif ulama fikih; mulai dari pengertian, faktor penyebab, hukum dan dampaknya.
Dalam praktek sehari-hari kredit dapat dipahami sebagai suatu pembayaran tagihan hutang atas suatu transaksi bisnis seperti jual-beli atau pinjam-meminjam yang dibayar secara angsuran dalam jangka waktu tertentu dengan tambahan bunga yang telah disepakati. Dengan pemahaman yang demikian penggunaan istilah kredit pun langsung disandarkan dengan objek utangnya sehingga muncul istilah seperti kredit sepeda motor, kredit rumah atau kredit modal usaha. Dari pemaknaan ini dapat diketahui bahwa di dalam praktek perkreditan juga terdapat aspek lain yang bekerja di dalamnya yakni aspek perjanjian yang …
Manusia sebagai makhluk hidup tidak akan bisa terlepas dari kegiatan-kegiatan yang berorientasi pada aspek pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari (ekonomi). Oleh karenanya, manusia dianjurkan berikhtiar sesuai dengan kadar potensinya dan diberikan kebebasan yang seluas-luasnya untuk mencari rizki yang halal dan diridhai Allah Swt dengan tidak melanggar rambu-rambu yang telah digariskan oleh ajaran Islam. Dalam dunia modern dewasa ini, kehidupan ekonomi tidak dapat terlepas dari keberadaan serta peran penting sektor jasa keuangan pada umumnya, dan perbankan pada khususnya. Tulisan ini akan memba…
Generasi muda dipandang sebagai penerus bangsa yang sangat potensial untuk merealisasikan cita-cita bangsa. Namun belakangan ini generasi muda bangsa ini mulai rusak akibat munculnya virus hedonisme, free sex, pergaulan bebas, pola hidup konsumtif, hura-hura, tawuran dan sebagainya. Jika ujung tombak bangsa ini sudah dirusak dan dilemahkan, maka kehancuran tidak akan terelakkan lagi. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk melihat proses kehancuran suatu bangsa yang diakibatkan oleh tingkah laku generasinya dari perspektif Al-Qur’an.
Islam mengarahkan agar umatnya melakukan kebaikan dengan cara yang baik dan halal dalam segala hal. Salah satunya ialah dalam ranah investasi. Dalam berinvestasi, ada prinsip-prinsip yang harus selalu diperhatikan dalam transaksinya, seperti ridha sama ridha, adil, saling menguntungkan, produk halal, dan tidak ada kecurangan. Untuk mengetahui lebih mendalam mengenai hal itu, tulisan ini akan menjelaskan tentang bagaimana aplikasi ekonomi dan investasi syariah, landasan, prinsip, bentuk, instrumen dan jenis-jenis investasi syariah.
Ta‘Ärudh (pertentangan) antara dalil-dalil, dalam tarjȋḥ yang bersifat umum, pada hakikatnya memberikan skala prioritas terhadap dalil-dalil yang ada. Di samping tarjȋḥ yang bersifat umum, juga ada pen-tarjȋḥ-an yang bersifat khusus, seperti ayat-ayat al-Qur’an dengan ayat al-Qur’an atau hadis mutawȃtir, antara hadis dengan hadis lain, antara qiyȃs dengan qiyȃs lainnya, atau antara mafhÈ—m-mafhÈ—m yang ada seperti mafhÈ—m ibȃrah/ ibȃrah naÅŸ didahulukan atas mafhÈ—m isyȃrah/ isyȃrah naÅŸ, dan seterusnya. Pad…
The Soripesa prospect area is located at Maria village, Wawo district, Bima region in the East Sumbawa Island, Indonesia. Lithology is dominantly composed of a lithic-crystal tuff of andesitic and dacitic composition and bedded limestone. The polymetallic epithermal quartz veins are hosted by andesitic volcaniclastic rocks. Within these veins, multiphases, colloform-crustiform, bedding to massive textures with pyrite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, azurite, and malachite are observed. Selected samples were analyzed by using ore microscopy and SEM-EDX. Ore minerals show replaceme…
mine design. Mine design is determined by the rock mass quality, which varies from one mine location to another, depending on the geological conditions. The research area is located in limestone quarry of Sale District, Rembang Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. In the study area, a cavity zone is exposed at the wall of quarry bench and occurs by a solution process. The cavity layer zone is a weak zone which has caused bench failures. The objective of this research is to evaluate the quality of the cavity limestone layer for a safe mine design using Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system. Final…
The Soripesa prospect area is located at Maria village, Wawo district, Bima region in the eastern part of Sumbawa Island, Indonesia. This area is a part of Cenozoic Calc-alkaline volcanic inner Banda- Sunda Arc. There are five main polymetallic epithermal quartz veins in the Soripesa prospect area, namely, Rini vein, Jambu air vein, Dollah vein,Merpati vein, and Arif vein. The dominant lithology is a lithic-crystal tuff of andesitic and dacitic composition and bedded limestone. Major oxides and trace elements were analyzed by using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) to identify the host rock geochemistr…
This research objective is to identify geochemical andmineralogical characteristics of Rare earth elements(REE) in the weathering products of Anggi Granite, which is located in Manokwari Regency, WestPapua, Indonesia. The research is conducted on 7samples of fresh rocks and 7 samples of weatheredrocks of Anggi Granite. The research analysis consists of petrography, XRD, XRF, and sequential extraction experiment, supported by secondary dataand references. Anggi Granite is S-type and peraluminous granite that contains zircon, monazite andapatite as a rare earth bearing minerals. Weathering produ…
Debris slides were recently found in the Pelangan area at Southern Mountain of Lombok Island, Indonesia. Pelangan is well known as the gold mineralization and hydrothermal alteration area. This study is aimed to identify the mineralogy and geochemistry of altered andesitic tuff that controlled slope instability and induced debris slides. For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare the field observation and laboratory analyses. Landslide inventory reveals that the Pelangan debris slides mostly occur in altered andesitic tuff. Based on the outcrop observations in the field, andesitic tuff found…
South Makassar Basin Depocenter (SMBD) is located in Southern Makassar Strait which has petroleum potential by the presence of oil and gas indications within the area based on Airborne Laser Fluorescence survey. However, detail studies within this area are not developed well. One of the studies which can be utilized for further discoveries of oil and gas field in SMBD is a study of depositional model using seismic facies method to maximize limited seismic and well data. Interpretation of depositional model in Eocene (syn-rift phase) was varied from alluvial plain and alluvial fan complex, cont…
The stability of rock slopes is controlled by several factors, such as the intact rock strength, discontinuity characteristics, groundwater condition, and slope geometry. Limit equilibrium (LE) analyses have been commonly used in geotechnical practice to evaluate the stability of rock slopes. A number of methods of LE analyses, ranging from simple to sophisticated methods, have been developed. This paper presents stability analyses of rock slopes at the Batu Hijau open mine in Sumbawa Barat using various methods of LE analyses. The LE analyses were conducted at three cross sections of the nort…
Indonesian government through the National Atomic Energy Agency has planned to build a nuclear power plant. One of the proposed sites is in West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province. The engineering geology of this area is, however, not fully understood and requires further investigations. Engineering geology investigations were carried out by assessing the rock mass quality and bearing capacity based on field observation and drilling data. The assessment was conducted using Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and Geological Strength Index (GSI) classification. The rock mass in the study ar…
Holocene eruptions of Merapi have produced both medium-K and high-K calc alkaline series which correspond to products older and younger than 1900 years respectively. The change has been attributed to increasing sediment input as the volcano matures. This study presents two Merapi samples which represent Ancient and Modern Merapi. The two samples are analyzed for subduction components including B, Ba, Sr, and Pb using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer and prompt gamma ray analysis (PGA). Our finding shows that Ancient Merapi sample from Plawangan Hill lava is close in affinities with you…
This study is aimed to identify the occurences, characterisatics and genetic type of gold mineralization, and to elucidate the preliminary gold potential in the study area. Research method includes field observation of prospect geology, hydrothermal alteration and ore mineralization. Laboratory analysis consists of petrography, ore microscopy and ore chemistry. Geologically, quartz ± gold veins were found in Rampi block prospect, which are mainly hosted by metamorphic and metasediment rocks. The quartz veins has structurally segmented with massive, brecciated and laminated textures. Orientati…
One technology to support production speed is electric motors with high performance, efficiency, dynamic speed and good speed responses. DC motors are one type of electric motor which is used in the industry. Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is the robust non-linear control. The basic theory regarding SMC is presented. The SMC design which is implemented is the speed control of the DC motor is analyzed. The controller is implemented in simulation using MATLAB / Simulink environment. The step response and signal tracking test unit are carried out. The results show that SMC has a better performance co…
Battery charging is an important issue when it is associated with battery life and cycle performance. The aim of this research is to design and promote fast battery chargers using fuzzy logic control techniques (FLC) for LiFePO4 batteries have been developed. The proposed charger is controlled by voltage and current to activate the PWM duty. The results show that the proposed battery charger has the potential to accelerate charging up to 37% at the rate when charging 2C. This means it is faster than the existing filling. The charger proposed by the FLC method is also capable of charging LiFePO…