The environmental crisis created by human activity in the modern era has threatened the existence of planet earth and the lives of various creatures in it. These problems are not adequately addressed by scientific technology and methods alone, but a strategy that can fundamentally and radically change the way people view and behave towards their environment. This study examines the principles of Islamic teachings and their implementation in local wisdom practices of the Sundanese people, as one of the strategies for the development of morals and the way of view of human beings towards nature a…
Setiap bahasa memiliki karakteristik tersendiri, termasuk kekhasan aturan bahasa di dalamnya. Maka dalam rangka menerjemahkan kalimat bahasa Arab ke dalam bahasa Indonesia memiliki aturan masing-masing yang berbeda. Ketika menerjemahkan kalimat bahasa Arab ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, selain menggunakan model dan teknik menerjemahkan, perlu juga tetap memperhatikan aturan rangkaian katanya dalam kalimat bahasa Arab yang berbeda dengan kalimat bahasa Indonesia. Selanjutnya kalimat hasil terjemahan terpaku pada aturan kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia. Meskipun aturan kalimat dalam bahasa Arab diabai…
This research discusses two chicklit to compare, Translation chicklit and Indonesian chicklit, The Debutante Divorcéé by Plum Sykes dan Test Pack by Ninit Yunita. Both of them have strength to find âbeautifulâ ideology. The different of âbeautifulâ ideology in both texts be influenced by popular culture of position and status as womanâs imagery. This research disscusses about Cixousan feminism. From this analysis found that âbeautifulâ ideology in both texts representated in different form of love.
Puisi adalah ruang ekspresi dalam bentuk bahasa bagi seorang penyair. Ruang ekspresi itu merupakan tahapan kreativitas atau proses penyair dalam menjalani perjalanan spiritualitas. Di sini puisi menjadi ruang religius penyair yang berpotensi pada tindak berpengalaman dalam keterhubungan dirinya dengan Tuhan. Pada dunia Islam istilah âketerhubunganâ dengan Tuhan ini sering disebut dengan tasawuf atau jalan kerohanian. Berdasarkan paparan tersebut pada tulisan ini membahas dimensi tasawuf dalam puisi Acep Zamzam Noor. Pada puisi Acep Zamzam Noor terdapat perkembangan dimensi tasawuf ya…
This study was aimed to analyze the types of clause, characteristics of speech act, as well as the implied intents in conversational implicature. This research used descriptive qualitative method by analyzing document and sources of the data were taken from English subtitle of one Bollywood movie entitled Talaash. From the data analysis the findings showed that the clause type of conversational implicature in one Bollywood movie entitled Talaash was dominated by declarative one and its characteristic of speech act was making a statement. On the other hand, the type of clause least found was ex…
This study interprets the âdancingâ as symbols of freedom expressed by a Dutch dancer, Mata Hari (alias Margaretha Geertruida Zelle) in Remy Syladoâs Namaku Mata Hari, a protagonist novel. The data in this study are sentences or paragraphs containing dancing as symbols of freedom. Those sentences or paragraphs were collected by conducting library research through reading carefully the novel Namaku Mata Hari, coding each part of the novel showing the dancing as a symbols of freedom and the role of her id, ego and super ego, classifying data into symbols proposed by Hayek…
Since 1995-1996 in Parean Girang Kandanghaur Indramayu there was accident the rejecting of the pig cattle relocation. That history actually from a wish investor to make it happen in Jakarta, but because there is no area therefore overwhelmed in West Java Governance to take in Bogor, Tanggerang, Lebak, Bekasi, and also Karawang will be taken for cattle of pig, but the regents of all countries to refuse it. Therefore a side of the governor Indramayu is welcome of making permission for the investor to open the cattle of pig relocation in their country. Therefore the cattle of pig is undertake…
Penelitian ini berawal dari phenomena pembelajaran Nahwu di Pesantren Ciloa Garut dan Pesantren Al-Ihsan Bandung. Dalam pembelajaran Nahwu Pesantren Ciloa menggunakan strategi konvensional.Sementara Pesantren Al-Ihsan menggunakan strategi kontesktual.Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana upaya guru dan santri meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran Nahwu di kedua pesantren ini. Kesulitan apa saja yang dihadapi oleh guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran Nahwu, dan bagaimana mengatasi kesulitan tersebut. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui upaya guru dan santri meningkatkan kualitas pemb…
Hand washing is a intervention which as not important by nurses, but it is a really important thing to prevent nosocomial infection in hospital. Supervision assumed with relationship with intervention by nurses for hand washing. The research applied correlation analytic design with cross sectional approach. The location of the research was Siloam Dhirga Surya Hospital Medan. The research population were 77 respondents, taken by using total sampling technique. Data analysis with univariate and bivariate methods and using chi-square test with significant level 95% (α = 0.05). The results …
Abstract : Prevent and infection control nurse is a professional and practitioner in hospital dan other health facility. Based on health ministry, every hospital must prevent transmission of infection. Nurse adherence is a intervention to separate medical garbage exactly. This research is quantitative correlational research aimed to analyze correlation supervision of infection prevention control nurse with adherence manage medical and non medical waste in Padang Lawas Hospital year 2018 with samples was 37 respondents. Result of research obtained that 28,6% or 18 respondents of supervisi…
Prison is a place where their environment can make stressfull for prisoners. The environment always make prisoners stress is uncontrolled prisoners behavior, undisipliner, make some fighting among prisoners, uncomfortable prison phisically, narrow room due to overcapacity. Knitting activities was assume can decrease stress level for woman prisoners. This research uses quantitative method with quasy experiment approach. This research was collected in women prisons class II-a Medan. Population of this research were 535 respondents and samples obtained 84 respondents divide two group with each gr…
The first aid is a form of temporary relief to the victim as quickly and accurately as possible before obtaining more competent medical help to prevent the victim from becoming more severe with the aim of sustaining life, reducing disability numbers and providing a sense of security and comfort to the victim. Based on a preliminary survey, students of Scout members at SMA Pencawan did not know about first aid because they had never received health education about first aid. The purpose of the study is, to determine the effect of first aid health education to the knowledge of students / scout m…
Nursing documentation that done is still incomplete, especially in evaluation notes and nurses notes. Incomplete patient file will have an impact on the quality of hospital services and legal ethical issues the purpose of this study is to obtain factors of documentation of the completeness of nursing care that done by staff nurse in the emergency room of Anutapura General Hospital Palu. This type of research is quantitative, with observational analytic cross sectional approached. Sampling numberwas total of population about 31 staff nurse. Data analysed by used chi-squer test with Fisher's Exa…
Schizophrenia is the main problem of mental disorder in the world. Most of patients that enter the psychiatric hospital suffer from schizophrenia (85% with schizophrenia). Violent act upon the schizophrenia patients is in line, the rate of nursing diagnose patients who suffer from violent act is the largest number on patient with mental disorder. There are various therapy activities of energy distribution group developed and researched; among them are with gymnastics medium. There are still few review studies on the effects of aerobics gymnastics and poco-poco gymnastics physical energy distri…
Hypertension is one of common health problems. People with hypertension must be able to control their blood pressure to avoid serious diseases such as stroke, heart failure, kidney failure and other chronic diseases. To avoid seious desease good knowledge is needed. Controlling Blood pressure is the key to success for all people with hypertension to prevent severe increase in blood pressure.This research uses descriptive correlation method. Population is all people hypertension in the working area of district ??Karangmulya. 57 Sample taken by the Non Probability Samplin…
Background Antenatal care is an important way to monitor and support and to detect health of pregnant women with normal mother normal pregnancy. The objective of this study to know the relationship of knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women against antenatal care visitin Klinik Abi Ummi DW Sarmadi Palembang. The Methods used in this research is survey analytic with the approach of ?cross sectional? and sample taken with technique consecutive sampling with 64 respondent. This data collect use kuisioner and bivariat analyse with chisquare test. The result there is be significant relationship b…
Diare merupakan penyebab utama kesakitan dan kematian pada anak di negara berkembang, dengan perkiraan 1,3 miliar episode dan 3,2 juta kematian setiap tahun pada balita. Diare adalah peningkatan volume, keenceran serta frekuensi lebih dari 3 kali sehari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan Faktor Pengetahuan Ibu tentang lingkungan sehat dan Diare, Sosial Ekonomi dengan kejadian diare pada balita usia 1-5 tahun di puskesmas pembina Palembang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu-ibu yang memiliki balita usia 1-5 tahun yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Pembina Palembang…
Diabetic mellitus is the disease signed by increasing of blood sugar level and could hot be cured instantly whereas need self care. Self care is individual planning action in controlling the disease to improve the health and life quality. The aims of this research to analys the corellation between self care and life quality of diabetic mellitus patient in Garuda Ward of Anutapura General Hospital Palu. This is quantitative research it used analyses design with cross sectional approaching. Data taken by using questionniare of summary of self care (SDSCA) and diabetic quality of life…
Gagasan pembangunan desa pasca otoritarian dipandang sebagai transformasi pembangunan desa, karena tidak lagi menempatkan desa sebagai objek pembangunan yang ditandai adanya tuntutan penyusunan instrumen pembangunan desa. Namun secara praktik, instrumen pembangunan tersebut ternyata tidak mengakomodasi perbaikan produktivitas pertanian dan peternakan di Kampung Pasir Angling Desa Suntenjaya Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Sebab, petani-peternak tidak memiliki kapasitas pengetahuan dengan daya dukung tatanan administratif untuk menghendaki arah perbaikan. Pada kenyataannya, mekanisme musyawarah dusun …
This article aims to see how’s dark skin people perceive the color of their skin either it’s beautiful or ugly. Up until now, being beautiful categorized as those with fair skin, including Indonesian. This is important to be seen because how you represent yourself related to your identity− who you are or how do you want to be seen. Either they are confident with their skin or not, it is their way of self representation which they got from identity negotiation. But, among dark skin people there always be people who confidently represents their identity against the beauty disco…